Will Astolfo get his own vidya game now that they're in the fate game series on steam? Would you buy it?
Will Astolfo get his own vidya game now that they're in the fate game series on steam? Would you buy it?
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I just want to stroke Astolfo's cock, bros
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What a shitty reason to start an Astolfo thread. Just go to /cm/ like everyone else who has accepted traps are gay.
He is not as important to Fate as trapfags seem to believe. Only has one card in FGO despite being around for a longass time.
Daily reminder that Astolfo and Ferris both identify themselves as male and have nothing to do with mentally ill trannies
set this is as your background right now!
What kind of game would he be in?
You are supposed to write "her" so that a bunch of retarded memesters can smugly reply
to your post. Is this your first day here or why dont you know how to be a man of culture?
*pomf* Uwaahh, what are gonna do on the pavement, negro-kun?
i'm a huge homo and i still like chloe
Thank you for this high quality thread, OP.
>astolfos feet and thighs
it's understandable, none can resist her charms
If you're a tranny, in a wig and dress with fake tits don't start fighting people....
Who is worse, the vidya related trap poster or the off topic tranny hating obsessed spammer?
>Astolfo got in Extella Link
>still can't play as Jack in an action game
>vidya related
>b-b-but he has a video game
yeah so does Goku, but you don't see daily threads of "does anybody else want to fuck Goku bros??"
I don’t but they would still be vidya related.
>/pol/ instantly on defense when someone think the are annoying.
>they would still be vidya related.
they wouldn't
OP didn't even post the game he's from he just posted some fucking fanart
this is just a shitposting thread
>why won't you be nice and let me post off-topic shit in peace?
OP is clearly asking a vidya related question. Are we not allowed to post fanart?
OP is clearly just wanting a lewd astolfo thread
That's just your own interpretation.
Yea Forums was better when we had Lewd threads about video game characters.
No it's not!
I want to talk about future Fate games but unfortunately Yea Forums always makes the threads go off topic. It's rather annoying if I'm I'm being honest.
what could there possibly be to discuss about the vague question OP used as an excuse to have an ecchi dump?
you're not fooling anyone. You've posted this thread multiple times and it always just turns into a lewd image dump, because that's what you want
Just post some more Astolfo.
Astolfo is just too cute, that's why
Ok, now what?
>video game characters.
No. After dmc5, I need retarded Chinese cartoon trannies to do the same combat as that game. That or ninja gaiden
honestly wish they added raikou
she would be perfect for a hacking and slashing game like extella
now bend over
If you don't like "weird stuff" like traps, just go back to facebook.
Gears of war curbstomped that guy. Jesus
I like "weird stuff" like these cups
I just want to talk about Fate video games user. Nothing more!
Also sure. Which is your favourite Astolfo moment in the Extella game?
>actually bending over
what a fag
Don't make fun of me!
I know
Fuck off kike lover.
but you're gay if you like traps.
who cares I just wanna fuck 'em
I fucking hate trannies and people who tick innocent kids into taking pills that fuck their bodies up and end up making them kill themselves
i just wanna put my pee pee in astolfo's butt
You fucked it up.
fuck you I laughed harder then I should've.
>not bending over for Astolfo
What are you, gay?
What are the chances we get another action or fighting game of some kind?
I'd fucking love to play as Jack, Semiramis or Nightingale in one of those.
trapfags on Yea Forums call sue lightning and bailey jay "traps" even though they're trannines who take hormones and have fake tits. So even trapfags themselves think traps and trannies are the same thing
>Don't make fun of me!
too late
Why do so many white women have dicks?
Reminder the trannymods and jannies will leave this thread on life support.
Stop laughing! I just really like Astolfo, that's all...
I want to add Raikou to my life
cry moar bitchnigger lol, go back to /pol/ if you need your little safe space
nah you only like whats between his legs
I think Jack, Nursery Rhyme and the other lolis are probably just not going to be in video games for the time being, between Japan's dumb laws about kids in video games and America's current censorship wave. Just put some other popular servant instead, and call it a day.
i wish raikou was my mom
That's not true at all. I like everything about him.
ah yes, the typical white family: mother, cuckold and tranny child. Truly a race worth saving from the bbc of mass destruction.
>Japan's dumb laws about kids in video games
First I've heard about this. Aren't there loli characters in Neptunia?
Can Astolfo withstand this magnificent woman?
but mostly whats between his legs
There's nothing wrong with that!
>ywn punch him in the dick
Why even live?
I'm tired of people saying it's gay to want to fuck Astolfo. It's not at all.
I'd like to think it's not pervasive enough for them to avoid considering her for a game over there but who knows.
I'd honestly really like an Apocrypha fighting game. With Granblue Versus visuals would be awesome.
>fighting game with playable Mordred, Semiramis and Jack
Fucking please make it happen
yes it is. you know it's a dude with a dick and you like it anyways. You aren't being "tricked." That's gay
how big is "it"?
Not really.
Just because you fuck someone with a dick it doesn't make you gay.
Astolfo doesn't think he's a girl.
I want to play with astolfo's butt and feminine penis
bigger than yours
its really gay if you want him to fuck you though
it makes you gay or bi, you're definitely not straight. and if you're not straight then you're mentally ill
Ask Jeanne
>bigger than yours
That's not an achievement
Fucking dong-deliverer
Fuck off pedo gay shit
>some literal prison gay incel talking big
Lmfao you people are pathetic.
How big exactly?
fuck off nigger
>like two of the titty monsters, Semiramis and Nightingale
>they have basically no art together
Shame, especially since you'd think their theming of poison and medicine would be obvious.
I need to know the exact size of it.
>liking astolfo
You could have just said you were retarded user
post disc qt
Is there a more pathetic race?
enough that you'll choke on it
>not being a pedo
Only because it triggers you enough to post about it.
So are you fags gonna delete this thread like the cute and funny one just now?
God I just want him to be my bf.
Imagine liking a man playing dress up. Weebs are mentally ill.
Good, he's not mentally ill
I'm sexually attracted to cute things.
As long as its cute I want to fuck it.
Big Astolfo is so perfect.
Don't need to imagine. I want Astolfo inside me.
these threads should be a bannable offense
talk about video games you dipshits, or fuck off to or or or or even your trap roleplay sissy discord server of choice
you have so many options, fucking leave
the best
Based, inb4 seething redditors and tr*nnies LITERALLY SHAKING at this post
Bully me some more.
The tranny janny and tranny mod literally babysit this thread and delete posts here, but don't delete the thread. They leave it up artificially, like a comatose pensioner on life support. Even the moderation consists of incels who have become so addicted to porn they would fuck even men.
>He took the time to write this out
Truly unmatched
why is he so cute?
I hope not. What a shitty non-character.