FF XIV Shadowbringers

How can other jobs even compete?

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Other urls found in this thread:


By not being a boring rotation dps with an aggro stance stapled on.

>synced quietus
>synced bloodspiller
Pure kino

>Using shitty raise animation for summoning
Fucking why?
Are they that lazy?

Is this going to be like WoW? Introduce a badass DPS class, as a selling point for an expansion, then nerf it into the ground, less than a month later?


Is it normal to hate the locailzation in this game?

Because I do, a lot.

Mmos are so fucking gay. How can you guys torture yourselves playing this garbage?

>summons the clone and meter starts at 24 seconds
>but he only starts attacking after the long ass spawn animation and the meter is already at 17 seconds by the time the animation is over

>WoW players are going back home
>FFXIV players are getting back their best bro

btw the webm you are looking isn't even for a new job or a DPS. It's a Tank we got 2 expansions ago but reworked to be what it should have been.

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>ok now the timer is 17 seconds long and start when the shadow can attack

what does it change you moron

makes my autism not flare up, no point in starting the gauge or having tooltips say Fray comes and copies your weapon skills for 24 seconds if its actually only 17 seconds


>the meta will finally be kill in ShB
How do you feel about it, Yea Forums?

Attached: meme meta.png (899x775, 113K)

why should I resepct the content if my job gauge doesn't respect me

there will always be a meta

Yes, but it won't be the same as in the last four years.


And nobody will care about the meta, as always.

I doubt it, some groups will replace the brd with dancer to cater, but brd will still be better for everyone

so does the doppler just do whatever the fuck it wants

>level 70 count
>more summoners than scholars
how? i thought they removed the conjurer requirement for scholar. are there really people that never even did the SCH intro quest?



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Generals like this belong on

Why aren't you moderating the 5 WoW threads or the dozen Smash threads, shill?

Walk free.
Walk free.
Walk free.

Armchair moderators like you belong on the pyre, along with all your off topic threads.

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King's honor, my friend.

Can we talk about clues to class mechanics here?

The aoe attack he does in this clip is a combo off of unleash
Delirium now causes Bloodspiller to consume 0 Blood Gauge, most likely Quietus as well, Inner Release-esque
Blood Weapon now generates 10 blood per weaponskill landed
Sword stab(Edge of Darkness?) give Dark Arts esque buff state, and the new slash(Flood/Edge of Shadow?) extends it
Anything else?

But seriously though Nintendo Labo really isn't all that bad and they deserve props for trying something different

>job armour STILL looks like recycled garbage some intern designed during lunch break

fuck this game

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small indie dev company. didn't you see all that hard work they put into getting glasses work on two races that it should work on in the first place!

It's like that for other summons

SAM AF and pic related look pretty good. Too bad most of the other AF armors look like shit.

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It is. Normally I set multiplayer/online games to English so I have an easier time talking about it online but with XIV I have it set to my mother tongue (German) because it's just so much better than cringy Koji shit.

It's not "datamined" you goose, it's literally in the benchmark video.
2:13 WE FALL

based retard
someone posted a link with the datamined full songs from the benchmark yesterday

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When does the nda lift anyway?

29th I think

Morning of the 29th according to Mr Brappy

Are fates worth it at all? After im done with roulettes and beast tribes I wish there was something I could do as a DPS to keep grinding that isnt fucking heaven on high

Wait. The DK is a DPS class now? Or can just do a bit better DPS?

>You learn the emote “Ultima.”

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Do extremes and raids, people are still learning both and raids aren't even that punishing now with the echo bonus. Just pay attention to mechanics

LEL drk babbies BTFO

>mch lost pic related in exchange for a robot people associate with a zoomer game like overwatch
this job is dead to me now

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Gauss barrel was a disgusting attachment that ruined the aesthetics of every weapon you applied it to.

That was a prank idiot.

The hell are you talking about, SAM, PLD, MNK and DRG look legit fucking awesome

I hate zoomers as much as anyone else, but Gauss Barrel was an ugly piece of shit, the new big gun we have is a much cooler gadget. But I do hope faggots will stop making OW references every time MCH is brought up.

Statements like this require proof. From what I've seen of the MNK it looks 90% similar to every other piece.

do something bob xDDD

To be fair, it looks a lot worse because it's on a fucking Hrothgar. The way the top is cut it will look great on fem Highlanders

Will she finally get porn as a normal summon?

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Look at the imgur link, it looks like something a melee fighter would use, its leagues better than the shitty boots and feathers of the SB one, the gauntlets look badass too

>DRK is so edgy that it has to create an entirely new entity just to handle half of its edge


Yes. Are you new to XIV?

Yeah the animation timings weird but it does work like a DoT tick in that Fray does 7 attacks in that 24 sec duration. So he's not actually losing attack ticks so to speak.



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If they wanted to copy a mechanic from schmups for MCH then they should have used options instead. You could have up to 2 at a time and they'd copy and fire your weaponskills.

That's been the case for years, now they're just letting you do it whenever you want


New armor sets here. Mnk and sam look good.

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I wish they wouldn't give MCH meme sets. Their sets are so bad as it is.

>DRG's Helmet and Waist piece have tails

Oh come on

Looks like shit, AF3 was the best MCH AF, too bad it was ruined by the choker.

>Woe betide the woman who stands with the weapon of light, for death will be her reward. Death for her, her kin, and all she holds dear.

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Take the Hrothpill.

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>sch looks like a sch again


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Somehow ASTs manage to reach perfection with their first set and every new set just manages to keep getting worse.

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Hopefully nin looks better on my femra than this disgusting bara

I want to see more video of Shadowbringer class shit where can I see them?

>All 3 Tanks have combos off of Total Eclipse, Overpower, and Unleash that give resources
>MNK and DRG have 3 hit AoE combos
>NIN has a combo off of Deathblossom
>all of them are FREE

Trash is going to get fucking destroyed in ShB holy shit.

No it's still a tank and probably does better DPS.

The only SCH AF that didn't look SCH was AF2.
AF4 is just a shitty re-do of AF1 with some AF3 parts thrown in.

Lalafell for Lalalife!
Hrothgar do look awesome though god damn

>$0.03 have been deposited in your account.



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AF3 had nothing SCH on it

>new DRG AoE
>hits like a noodle
I would rather get another single target skill or some utility stuff desu

This is my wife!

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no, hope you're ready for 2 more years of random ocs and that one brown cat fucking yshtola

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What's with the low amount of AST clears?

>no lyrics
I will miss the SB boss theme


MCH is the one that impressed me the most, DRK is a close second
I have also never played Overwatch so all the crying about it means nothing to me

Attached: MCH.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

I still can't get over how good this and the login screen music sound, kino is back on the menu.

I get Super Robot Wars vibes off the pilebunker robot

Hrothgar look pretty bad without moustaches desu

What happened to all the "customization"?

How is this not scholar?

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you re blind
the mustaches makes them look like creppy old men

Not a big fan of the vocals. Both HW and SB had better boss OSTs

Gimme leaks pls

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Post your buns

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I think it makes them look quite dapper, assuming your fangs aren't visible under them
otherwise you look like a factory standard barafag furry

Well it does also give 10 Blood like Sonic Thrust so that's nice. Blood starts at 30 secs now and only need 2 eyes to go into Life which is fantastic. Jump is way faster (don't know if it can be double weaved or not). We are getting a new single hit that may replace true thrust on the full thrust combo but we'll have to see what that's all about.

i think you're misremembering something someone else may have told you

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>otherwise you look like a factory standard barafag furry
and thats a bad thing?


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>You can only use it 12 times before going oom

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I tried to get into this game but it's very difficult. I made a Conj, threw rocks at monsters for like 10 hours, eventually got a new spell -- it was the same fucking thing. A rock.

The grinding in this game is insane.

That said, I'll give it another shot -- what is one of the suspected best classes for the end-game and what's the best way to get to end-game? Any suggestions or tips are welcome -- I'll give this an honest try.

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Same, but for DNC. The servers shitting the bed during SB early access gave me time to get RDM to 60 before they got fixed, and it's gonna go the same way for ShB

compared to dapper old lion man, yes

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Scholar can use bane to spread chain stratagem.

>Delirium is now just Dark IR
How much you wanna bet Requiescat does the same shit but with MP?

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Bane is dead tho

>Face 3 stache
>Not a pedostache

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>Person covered in mud
What did he mean by this?


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Nice try but you have to get up pretty early in the morning to ruse me.

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>what is one of the suspected best classes for the end-game
Nobody knows because the expansion coming out next month will change everything but currently all classes are viable.
>what's the best way to get to end-game?
Do the story.

What about the mp ticks back, only healers use piety now right?

>Scholar can use bane

But it does have lyrics are you deaf?

When do we get the actual full song from the trailer?

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It looks cool and all, but the Machinist is moving more and more away from the aesthetic I wanted out of a rifle/musket using job.

Corsair/Musketeer never ever.

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The floppy ears look so bad. They're completely stiff and I have no idea why they sweep away to the sides. It looks like you have plastic bird wings glued to the top of your head.

I'm not trying to bait you. I literally put a couple of weeks into this game and it was awful. I was just throwing rocks at enemies for so goddamn long that I grew bored and quit during my free trial.

I heard that the endgame is better though, and I'm willing to try again. I just don't know if there's like... a faster way there.

>retarded heterochromia and weird as fuck highlights
don't make any more characters


>spam we fall
yeah, nice lyrics kid

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unironically looks like a tranny

please respond


Yeah, it does look cheap as fuck.
I was thinking of coming back but these changes look like shit and all I see is recycled content. It's a shame, really.

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>I made a Conj
You shot yourself in the foot there. Conjurer is undoubtedly THE most boring class to start with. You're better off running a DPS Job as your first, or even a tank if you so choose.
>what's the best way to get to endgame
Story. The MSQ always comes first in FFXIV, everything else (endgame), comes after that is done and dusted.

Aoe pack Should long dead before that

this. Tanking is just getting dumber and dumber, why? It's not going to attract dps faggots. Stop ruining tanks for tank players. I had so much fun with DRK and WAR in HW. DRK was challenging to get right and WAR was amazingly satisfying when you played it well.

I like machinist because its actually looking more like a master of machinery, which is aesthetic as fuck
a musketeer/corsair would be cool, but it will likely never be a thing

That's what happens with healing intense fights. AST is only good for buffs they're far the worst healer when it comes to restoring hp.


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It should be dead, but you know it won't.

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29th is when NDA is lifted

Woot more fairy porn.

Perfect. I'm ready to raid.


Pretty bun. I do agree with the other retard anons about the heterochromia and highlights. They drop her points down.
Just no. Sorry user but this one is ugly as sin.
Ok bun but nothing special.
Same. Ok bun. Nothing great.

I die a little with every Game of Thrones reference in ARR and HW.

Maybe it's supposed to be WHM losing stone for that new light attack.


I was expecting something way better
this sounds weak for a dungeon boss

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BLM is soo cute.

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don't forget the epic windows 10 reference in the anima questline!

I absolutely hate it

Aren't the RDM job quests just one big GoT reference?

Like a Turkey in a dress.

Imagine being this cringe.

Playing monk is going to be a nightmare unless they change some of their positionals.

Tanking in Stormblood: Having tank stance on for 10 seconds a fight and using enmity combo once

Tanking in SHB: Having 'tank stance' on the entire fight and not using a specific combo once


how do i into WAR? newb here who is coming back after a looooong break

I haven't seen Game of Thrones so I must have missed these. How many are there?
Also should I?

Im pretty sure that will be story boss theme rather than dungeon boss theme

Did you get banned from /xivg/ why do you just populate these threads to post your character all the time

is the full shadowbringers theme out? the one is the first trailer


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Honestly Buns aren't that great.

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Stop being shit.

Go back to SAM brainlet

>summon a pet NPC
>as a tank

What is the point of this?

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So should I lvl MCH now or wait until the rework?

I am worried about something
Do we have any idea of who the expansion bad guy is?

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That set looked so good.
I don't mind the new set but it just looks boring compared to this one.

My retainer bun. Modeled off my best unit in FFTA, a vieran red mage. However, if the red mage hat doesnt show up on vieras she will be dumped on the side of the road so my original retainer can come back.

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Fuck you, I expelled that from memory already. I didn't need you to remind me

Positionals are literally a non-issue.
Now you'll be able to go even faster and keep your GL up when you can't hit anything, removing the one weakness monks had.

Not smol enough for you?

They're in a constant state of desperation for validation of the countless hours they've wasted doing this shit.

Light bad dark good

more dps then shirking it before a tank buster.

Simple is best.

Attached: Bunny-Test4.jpg (1920x1080, 428K)

That fucking RDM holy shit

What jobs will Roardads look best at? So far they look good in tank gear.

Yes not smoll enough, really like smoll grills.
Though i hate those fucking potatoes.

So are they actually going to do damage or are they just support sluts?


Thats literally how Miasma II and Holy/Gravity already are. Its just a more logical upfront Miasma II since you never let it tick down on trash.

they looked meh in xii, but hey

They do both, but it looks like a lot of setup for buffing.

Friendly reminder that the only ones using the "smol" meme are mad trannie that can't stand other peoples avatars being more feminine than them.

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We don't know. Just wait for the tooltips/NDA to lift before we start doomposting. That aside; anecdotally speaking I've got this weird feeling they're more buffer than DPS, but the damage they CAN output with be in huge short bursts and based on charges/gauge generated from their linked "partner" damage output.

>want to play dancer
>don’t know any competent dps players, only tanks and healers
Feels fucking bad

The DNC has chosen you as their dancing partner. Post yfw.

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It's pretty clear that they actually gave a shit about Hrothgar and only threw Viera in because they were forced to.

It's a girl

Apperently they are more of a buff class than a dps class though they can still do both.

Does make me wonder if you can switch partners mid fight and try and buff 2 players as one.

I can see MCH being badass.

I don't mean to start up something (I mained the job in Stormblood more or less) but is BRD done for now? As in DNC being a priority. I guess it'll be better as crit stats get buffed later in 5.x

Based, keep going every day

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DNC prolly wants to prioritize melees, then ranged physical. Its because they have some skills that trigger damage and heals around the partner, and they don't want to choose some caster across the room.

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BRD seems like its going to lose its meta spot, but thats not all confirmed yet. They're no longer providing party crit for keeping songs up, but they apparently get more personal crit and procs or something.

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Crit buff and Foe Requiem are gone. The new skills look boring. We had a good run but it's finally over for us BRDbros.

>blm finally gets a skirt
wtf yoshi

And neither ended up being worth it. Expect them both to be played less than Fem Roe

>big women aren't allowed to be feminine
I hate trannies so goddamn much.

They looked nice as monks in the trailer and benchmark, I could see them looking cool for GNB, MCH and DRG.

They're going slow in the trailer to show off the animations. When Yoshi was playing one he was able to dance much more quickly. The 4 step dance is on a 80 second cd and will take 2 gcds max.

These are alright

It's not targetable, think of it as a dot.

doesnt dancer only synergise with weaponskill dance partners?

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is drg staying meta even without piercing and nerfed litany?

Let's hope DNC or MCH is B or at least C tier jobs then.

So it'll basically be a 4 part mudra?

Can’t use benchmark because I play on ps4 How close can you get to making Shara?

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Nowadays I plop down my ley lines next to the boss anyway. It's much easier to avoid stuff like conal aoes.

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Leaning towards DNC or MCH not sure which though

I'm personally disappointed in Viera due to the limited options. Maybe they will improve in the future but they are just kind of eh. Other than that? Sexy.

Ever since ARR 2.0 ending we've known Hydaelyn is the final big bad.


Ninja is the only fun job in this game



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Disagree, but I can respect that opinion.

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I'm really happy that MCH and Dancer are looking so good while Bard is staying amazing.
Anyone who has tried to throw together a static will know that Ranged DPS are impossible to find.

It's all very much FF12 Viera

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DNC is boring. You have one combo with old MCH-style procs, 2 spenders and the dance. It's more simple to play than 4.0 RDM while at the same time you're gonna do least personal damage and have to hope your dance partner isn't garbage. MCH on the other hand got all the fun tools, got rid of shitty RNG and bad systems and seems to be going big dick. The choice is clear. DNC is the designated e-girl class.

DNC if you want to be the groups buff bitch. MCH if you want to do big dick dps with gadgets

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No. Your years as buff bitch are over. Now it's time to take a break in the shed with your bff BRD.

Hrothgrampas are pretty based. I'd be tempted to make one, but they can't wear wizard hats yet.

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proofs on the non weaponskill fan charge?

>special snowflake eyes and hair
Fuck off tranny

You can now reenter LotD 30secs after it ends, so nastrond all the way.

Pic related: my parse

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I don't get how they think static motionless ears are acceptable.

There was a tooltip that said it worked with spells too but I don't have it.

Does this game have a lot of active players? Also I'm picking this game up with my best friend, I'm going to be Gladiator and they want to be an Archer, is that okay?

And is it okay if we play as the tiny race? Lalafell?


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OK. Lets Dance.

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How do you know how DNC plays?
>DNC is the designated e-girl class.
I don't care about that I just want to play one of the new classes but I don't like tanking.

I'm so fucking sick of garbage circlets. I want a fucking fullhelm.

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it's good that I don't play drg then

Flashy forehead bun with a confident aura.

I'm actually already sick of Viera and was never going to change from Roe anyways.

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How do I change my class in the benchmark?

id do the big khoume right here right now if you have it

You can switch jobs later on.
Game is active yeah, you won't have trouble finding group for dungeons if you're a Gladiator.

Do not play lala.

Already have

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Nigga if you did actual content you would know NO ONE used tank stance ever. If they used it then your tank is bad. They're just trimming the fat

You cant
Go watch the liveletter vod where Yoshi is playing DNC and you'll see it.

Post EU data center party finder right now, I want to see how it looks like as i'm on NA

would anyone let my dumb bunny dance for them

max height and tiddie and ear sliders

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you can't

Gladiator is the most boring class to start with. Same with Lancer. Just letting you know now.

Yeah the game is pretty active as long as you don't play at sleeping hours or when everyone is at work/school.

You can pick any race you want it's up to you.

Which ultimate. UWU and ucob are way different. UWU is casual in comparison so show ucob numbers

I quit in the middle of HW. Should I come back now and level in Stormblood? Or will they change that somehow with Shadowbringers?

>big women aren't allowed to be feminine
no one's saying you can't try, it's just not gonna be convincing because sexual dimorphism is real

has anyone done the benchmark as a lala? curious how the scenes are done with them

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Depends on what job you want to use.

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Buns disagree, now go dilate.

I hope we will be able to fight in cut scene without cutting away now

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Up to you. Unless you're a NEET, you're unlikely to catch up to being SdB-ready even if you returned now

Thanks, now can anyone post a NA PF from either data center right now as I am not home right now to check

RDM and SCH look nice. Total shame for Paladin though. They got a buttcape this time instead of the real cape they got in Stormblood.

If you ever want to annoy screenshot posters, just save their images and repost them in every thread you can.

You guys will start in different cities based on your classes and wont meet up until level 15. You might have a bit of trouble keeping aggro in low level dungeons. Gladiator doesn't have much damage at low levels and Archer has a lot of crit so if they aren't attacking the same target as you they can pretty easily steal threat. It wont be a problem once you get your tank stance at 30 though.

The way how I imagine this would be used is for the filler bosses that lead up to final boss of a dungeon. I’m probably wrong about this though.

Machinist was never meant to be a musket job. Their entire thing is about using MACHINES and a ton of MCH's new skills are lifted directly from FF6's Edgar.


>End Game is literally online 24/7 selling clears and is probably using a script to do so
>they haven't been banned yet

I really want corsair but it would likely be even less gun focused. Could easily see SE doing something like giving it a sword with a gun in its off hand and being primarily melee.

After all this though its likely not happening no matter how they would design it.

>all the white skin vierra colors are horrible
I just want a decent skin tone

Yeah okay

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Most likely less than both because it's 8AM California server time.

Unironically don't even care. Retards that buy clears deserve to get their money stolen. As long as it's below 3 offers at once I'm ok with it.

We have the same kind of cunts on Primal and they are still not banned

Should I move to EU server, been on my legacy na since 1.0

if you want to try out the new jobs while progressing you can get to stormblood content then take a break, then level through stormblood as gunbreaker or dancer all the way through shadowbringers, im just casually going through heavensward rn to get to level 60 then picking up dancer from there

I feel sick having seen this.

who said anything about buns? we all know 99% of them are faggots or hamplanets playing femroe


Not. The ear color is tied to hair color instead of skin color, so it's near impossible to make Tactics style Viera.

You don't move to EU unless you have a group of friends or contacts there. PF is with randoms has become even more hellish.


what anime is this?

Attached: 1558343997662.jpg (800x600, 36K)

I can't wait to be unable to progress the story for 2 days because the instance servers are going to be fucked

Attached: 1-2.png (1036x1072, 1.09M)

Why would you move to EU from NA? Your ping is worse and timezone differences are massive.

Attached: Aether.png (901x664, 293K)

Not gonna lie gonna miss the reload animation (but glad ammo is gone) and the less focus on gunplay but I'm cool with it since we get a bunch of heavy weapons

Attached: zorosanji.png (885x683, 813K)

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Attached: 1422253477697.gif (312x205, 1022K)

I really hope you guys aren't going to play this on a toaster

Attached: tfw fell for a meme cpu.png (2793x1519, 875K)

Jesus Christ how horrifying.

>tfw you want to move but you can't because you don't want to lose your house.

NIN players, what were the major NIN changes? I only recently hit 70 with the class but it seems fun. TCJ didn't cost ninki, did it? Do you think the water shuriken >teleport thing is replacing Shukuchi?

Attached: 1516919588250.png (595x700, 763K)

I know this isn't about the upcoming expansion, but
>Golems have little cat ears
Well I'll be damned.

Attached: ffxiv_25052019_180623_008.jpg (1920x1080, 768K)

It's Dancing Rune Weapon.

Attached: 1497914859129.gif (285x186, 364K)

I hate German static posts in the Light PF.
I'm NA and have to play on EU because lmao no east coast servers so I have like half the PF posts immediately locked out to me.
I managed to find a nice static but still, fuck this datacentre.

Attached: 1528070224437.gif (487x560, 898K)

When are we getting a mongolian throat singer job?

TCJ costs 80 ninki as of now
hyoton is being replaced by that water ninjutsu and the teleportation looks like a well timed shukuchi but I may be wrong

Oh big guy with the spinners on his toaster.

Why would you make it even worse for your ping?

I really hope that you're downsampling to 4k or have a 240hz monitor and not 60hz.

It's like, 95% Solus.
In the JP script he made it clearer he wasn't going to see Varis again because he was leaving the source. Also he's present on the main art poster so he's involved for sure.

Attached: Shadowbringers.jpg (1498x2048, 1.09M)

You just added them user, you can't trick m-
>go and checks
>it's true
Oh well.

Attached: 1478336585019.png (347x275, 80K)

Nigga just use shit like pingzapper.

my ping to eu is exactly the same as na and still play on na
use mudfish instead of playing with euros

Attached: bimbo.png (571x1075, 1.01M)

Speaking of water ninjutsu, what's the logic behind Suiton making you able to use Trick Attack?

>DRG af gear
What were they thinking?

Attached: burningEyes.png (637x671, 315K)

You splash the enemy with water so he can't see you while he wipes it out of his eyes

Water in the eyes makes it hard to see

>I'm NA and have to play on EU because lmao no east coast servers
I'm from Miami and my ping is worse connecting to EU than to NA. Especially if you use a VPN like mudfish, NA is like 86ms while EU is 110+

Attached: slider buns edits 05.13.Still004.jpg (1450x816, 64K)


Attached: hqdefault[1].jpg (480x360, 15K)

People still use 1920x1080?

144hz and yes I downsample

>heavens ward
>not heaven sward

Thanks bros, guess I won’t be buying Fantasia this time.

Yes, and Turn 8 is a Treant and Omega is a Toad.

There's no way that's a Shikuchi. There's way to much animation lock on any OGCD for it to come out that fast. I think it's like 0.7 seconds minimum of OGCDs now.

It's 120 ping NA and 125 ping EU. I mostly did it to play with a friend but even if I stopped playing with them it's not worth switching.

All of the gamer VPN stuff I've used have bumped it up to like 250 ping.

Ninjutsu in real life is making use of the four elements to befuddle your enemies.
Water jutsu, in which the ninja would conceal themselves in a shallow puddle breathing through a reed, allowed them to surprise and enemy by bursting out of the water as the target moves by unaware.
That's the trick.

>All the Scions barring Lyse and Papalymo

I was so much happier with the Ishgardians and the Domans.

I liked it in the trailer and the pics they've released, but it looks bad in the imgur in this thread.

Attached: 7523.png (563x651, 506K)

>lala models
fucking why

did you use mudfish and set it up correctly? what node did you connect to and did you enable fastconnect

I'll continue to do so as long as UI elements and textures are 1920x1080.
Thanks consoles.

How do I check my ping to NA/EU/JP?

Because anyone with taste plays them

The benchmark only has enough models necessary to play it. Those jobs/genders are the only ones in the benchmark wearing that gear.

I hope you're all being as edgy as possible as befitting a warrior of darkness

Attached: ffxiv_25052019_232840_191.jpg (1920x1080, 429K)

That makes sense, thanks.

People buy 4k meme monitors instead of higher refresh rate monitors?

Attached: 37853 .gif (400x260, 2.47M)

This is a much better traveling party than stormblood.

I'm gonna be an edgy lion DNC

ping the server

type ping or ping in command prompt in windows. 204 is NA and 195 is EU

ping the server ip addresses


This is your final boss for the expansion, say something nice about him!

Attached: FFXIV_Thancred_3.2.png (460x955, 413K)

While I'm explaining, katon is a fun one too, you literally walk up to someone with a mouth full of oil and an ember in your pocket, that's why you need to do the hand sign in front of your mouth.
They never see it coming.

Attached: it's time.png (375x474, 119K)

It's too bad that so many DPS friends are going to be unable to enjoy having a gunblade because of their 'tank anxiety', but I'll do my best to have enough fun for all of them :)

Post more chocolate bunnies

Attached: ChocolateBunny.png (577x797, 660K)

Attached: 1558791573727.jpg (1920x1080, 619K)

Attached: B5BE25AA-DC4C-4485-BA3B-B68876E684F8.jpg (1024x682, 58K)

No, post strawberry vanilla.


All these viera look disgusting. Feels good not getting btfo this expansion by buying into this crap and staying Highlander Female

What's the best aether server to go to now?

Why buy a 4k monitor when I can downsample?


wait was this mentioned in the LL

user, that’s a fucking stupid, incredibly far-fetched prediction, and you should feel bad for having made that post.

You have posted this same image 3 times today.

>It's 120 ping NA and 125 ping EU
have you tried mudfish

Attached: ping connecting to cali nodes from east coast.jpg (716x328, 55K)

It's looking like gunblade will be the easiest tank to play. It doesn't look like you can fuck up at all with it.

Stop posting this shit character. Everyone else continue


Attached: 0C0B19B4-B086-41CC-920A-8F015FC8FE51.jpg (700x670, 70K)

What sfw and nsfw should I get off my hrothgay?

Until somebody launches a 240hz that supports 4K that isn’t thousands of dollars

christ, at least make it a different one from the one(s) you've posted a quadrillion times.

Attached: amon thundercock.png (480x480, 427K)

Go ask /xivg/ you disgusting degenerate

post godlike theme

Playing MMOs is degenerate

I'm going to fuck his daughterfu.

Im a pure healer though sorry...

This is my chocolate highlander

Considering that screenshot is 2793x1519 that would be a no

Instrumental's ok, vocals are not great. If they wanted to go for the J-pop/J-rock angle they should've just stuck to Japanaese lyrics ala the 4 Lords

you were so close


I really hope that dnc dance partner thing dont have annoying range limits like drg tether

>This shitpost
user, white mages get Death this expansion

Not mine, but this is the best I've seen so far.

Attached: chocoviera.png (685x1171, 805K)

Hrothgar and Viera are just a con to sell fantasias. People will switch to them for the novelty, realize there's hardly any options, realize they can't wear the majority of headgear, and then fantasia back to their original race. Hardly anyone will stay as them for good.

oblivion is a shit theme. true kino is youtube.com/watch?v=hb0P9jHV8dQ

Attached: 1558643332350.png (218x209, 73K)

Should we both play the same class then? We wanted to play the trial to see how we enjoyed the game before dumping any money on it.

Would you rather be a dancer or be the dancer's partner?

>Willingly deciding to make any character dark skin toned.
I still can't fanthom why anyone is attracted or would decide to make their characters the same color as feces/scat, dirt, disease.
Fun fact the higher your milentonen count the lower your IQ and the more aggressive you are

Attached: 3235423652.jpg (1080x1310, 372K)

Be gone you degenerate. Back to /terag/ or /xivg/.

holy fucking based

Attached: 1ctp0paje_1436214351558.jpg (299x200, 16K)

be warned the most people quit from the trial because it's slow and aimed for people that never played a MMO in their life before. if you guys are MMO veterans then you're going to get bored fast doing the braindead quests and casual early combat.

>willingly play a ddr buffcuck job
maybe if you are a chronic baseddrinker

Why would you buy and use a fantasia on something you can test out in the character creation first to decide if you like it? They fixed the headgear issue and are adding more in.

Shit bait or retard

Attached: 46C546A9-9240-438A-B16A-070195B7BFEE.jpg (492x343, 30K)

Rise > EE


Attached: 98.jpg (1920x1080, 242K)

That fumo has a lot of money.

Superior version incoming

The ice shurikens are actually a ranked up version of hyoton after using kassatsu. I also believed it to be a gap closer at first too but the teleport animation looked a lot like shukuchi, yet when I tried using shukuchi after a ninjutsu in game it didn't come out as smooth due to animation lock as stated.

The trial is a really poor indication of what the game's like by endgame where you'll be (eventually) spending most of your time. The trial is really just a sightseeing tour to experience a little story, and the visuals/music/locales/etc.

I'm downloading and reconfiguring it now. Will report the results.

Pick from these groups




As long as you're in the same set you're going to start together

So what would you recommend? I might as well take the free trial anyways since it's free for the first month.

You first

You don't need lots of customization options when you're the only one playing the race. Checkmate.

marauder and arcanist start in limsa
archer, lancer, and conjurer start in gridania
the rest start in ul'dah

so pick accordingly.

>small ears

How do you guys miss the god damn point so often

Titania sounds an awful lot like Twintania doesn't it. And the way the fight was in the benchmark or the vibes i got from it were pretty sad. And pixies are huge cunts and tricksters so... well.

Fairly sure the free trial is indefinite duration now. You're just capped to level 35 among other restrictions

but kassatsu doesn't change the animation of the ninjutsu it's used with

free trial is free forever, but has limitations like level 35 cap and chat/party restrictions. it's when you buy a realm reborn that its free for the first month. you won't be able to invite your friend if you play on the trial because they disabled that (due to bots exploiting it)

unix timestamp filename. just someone trying to make a tranny have a melty

Okay yeah, so we'll both just play until we hit level 35 and then if we don't like the game we can stop playing from then on.

If you buy the starter pack which is like five bucks or something you can get heaven sword for free right now, which is a pretty cheap entry and unlocks all content from 1 to 60.
Like, if you know you're going to spend even one day playing it I'd say that's a reasonable investment.

>WoL looks angrily at Titania's tower in the benchmark
Uh, guys?

Attached: 1539769558980.gif (600x600, 743K)

He used Kassatsu twice in a row so it might be Super Kassatsu that combines the jutsus somehow

>want to play AST but too stupid to understand it

Attached: 1546803176243.png (655x509, 28K)

CURRENT Kassatsu doesn't. New Kassatsu will be probably be different and they said it will have charges.

158 NA or 27 EU...

I like both parts of A12 too but I disagree youtube.com/watch?v=7YiBnxSIDhY

>give Balance, Arrow, or Spear to DPS
>redraw everything else
>heal the tank

How bad is sargantas?

Been trying out Command Missions, am I imagining things or am I getting more EXP than I normally would from these?

Give the broccoli card to the DPS

Attached: 1558731631641.webm (772x550, 2.97M)

Me but with Ninja. Also I played 12 hours of tera a day for years and killed my hands doing it. Need something with less APM but the desire to play it is always there.

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Moebius is so flipping cool

The starter edition, from what I can tell, costs $20 and doesn't come with Heavensward: na.finalfantasyxiv.com/product/

Well that really sucks. I don't want to spend $60 on a game that I might not enjoy. Should I just get the starter for $20?

It does now according to the leaks which were true. Take a look at katon in the job actions trailer too, it also got ranked up but the visual change is not as obvious if you don't check in game yourself.

Also according to the leaks or the live letter, I forgot which, kassatsu has 2 charges now.

spread ewer and spire, put arrow to cuckshed and use use spear or balance


So we can now create mini Dalamuds?

I remember all the stuff that happened from the Stormblood benchmark too, like fighting Yojimbo and Susanoo in Shisui.

>someone else who prefers Moebius over the other songs
Finally, everyone jerks off over any vocal themes in the game but real patricians know that the orchestrated stuff is where it's at.

Attached: 1437255811691-3.jpg (552x464, 42K)

Man Nael was such a better insane villain character than Zenos

moebius is the best song in the game and the only reason to use the arrhidaeus mount

On the actual store page it's $9.99, sorry, I thought it was $5 for some reason. Absolutely not $20 anymore.

Heavensward isn't included but there's a promotion currently where if you have the starter edition you can buy HS for $0.


eScape is better than both.

Regular eScape is average at best. The remake in the job trailer now, that's true kino right there.

*sips* goblins, now THOSE were real antagonists

When the fuck can I get that new version of eScape that was in the job trailer?

It is until the vocals kick in

>viera have huge overbites

worst race ever

you can get the starter edition for $15 from kinguin. you also get 3% off if you use the discount code: ALLKEYSHOP3

you get heavensward for free from square enix's store.

Play trial til ~15ish (You don't need to party up before that point so it won't affect you til then)
Get starter edition
Play til 50
If you're not bored out of your mind with pre-50 jobs get shedbringers and wait til it launches

buy the new album good goyim

>Assasinate can only be used during Hide/Suiton and inflicts heavy damage
>Shadow Fang only places a DoT now
>Both SF and AC combo off of Spinning Edge now
>Hakke Mujinsatsu combos off of Death Blossom and increases Huton by 10 secs
>62 Shukiho now gives 8 Ninki with Weaponskills instead of autos
>64 Enhanced Shukuchi
>66 Enhanced Mug
>Tenchijin no longer takes Ninki
>Meisui increases Ninki by 40
>Bunshin takes 80 Ninki and doubles 5 consecutive Weaponskills each giving double ninki (1 SF or AC combo and 1 AE combo)

Kassatsu Enhances Ninjutsu at different levels:
>58 Enhanced Fuma Shuriken
>60 Enhanced Raiton, Katon, Hyoton
>74 Enhanced Huton
>76 Enhanced Suiton
>78 Enhanced Doton

Attached: 1558550025231.png (630x374, 267K)

When you buy Soken's new album.

What remake? Its a new song with eternal wind mixed in.

Can I get it on vinyl?

Thanks, this helps a lot. Will there be a bundle for Stormblood + Shadowbringers later on? Or should I do what suggests?

>MNK with high sks and GL4
>And the DNC buffs me

Attached: 1505175566044.gif (500x281, 1.96M)

I don't get how it's a Lv.60 Class ability. I thought class skills stopped at 30?

Bluray only.

the DoH and DoL sets look fucking great, some of the best sets in the game.

They're rabbits to be fair

Yes, you get Heavensward+SB when Shadowbringers launches, so if you pre order ShB you will get it on 28th.

If you buy Shadowbringers it will include Stormblood, but only after Shadowbringers launches.

Every new expansion just packs in the old ones with it automatically. Only the base base and the newest expansion will ever exist as separate purchases

Overbites are fine but
>no chin

Attached: fas2.jpg (1003x450, 316K)

if you buy shadowbringers you get stormblood included for free. however, you can't redeem your stormblood until shadowbringers comes out july 2nd.

Weirdly AST is the only job I can play at a high level.
I'm kind of bored of it, so I've tried leveling BLM/SMN/NIN/etc. but I'm too much of a brainlet to play them while adjusting to mechanics. My 150ms ping doesn't help.

are you saying assassinate is just upgraded trick attack now

Is AST fun? I've been playing scholar and I just got to ishgard, I wanna try that or MCH.

Attached: 1543684706123.gif (540x960, 1.99M)

Shadowbringers comes with stormblood and heavensward

The important question
Do they breed like rabbits?

anyone notice that only boomers play this MMO and there's literally no zoomers unlike WoW?

Attached: 1284575215.jpg (600x600, 56K)

is trick unchanged though?

I also dig seiryu's theme youtube.com/watch?v=9mvFvcDNrp8

>NIN is just Yugiri's SB armor

Holy shit the music is good

Literal opposite my friend. I'm sick of twitch chat memes, I don't get any of them and you have no personality, fuck off.

how Bardlets are doing after the job action trailer?

Attached: 3bb1niv602031.jpg (800x480, 65K)

I was checking out my server's public facebook page and it was literally all boomers.

Attached: 601.jpg (938x477, 58K)

>Fucking Facebook
Of course they'd be mostly boomers.

What did that kid do to go to jail at such a young age?

>Server facebook pages
user, get out while you can.
The drama hell isn't worth it.

This one is superior.

Thanks anons. I'm getting the starter edition for $15, getting Heavensward for free, and then if I make it to the level cap, I'll pick up Shadowbringers since it'll probably take me a month (if not longer) to get there.

>playing anything other than male lala

Suffered to 70 with MCH so going to swap over since my main is useless now.


Attached: 1497745770817.png (282x218, 116K)

AST is the most fun healer but their actual healing is much weaker than SCH's so it will probably seem stressful until you get used to it.