Why do you buy cd keys from these fucking dodgy websites (which most likely fund terrorism...

Why do you buy cd keys from these fucking dodgy websites (which most likely fund terrorism, drug/human trafficking) instead of just pirating the fucking game?

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>he makes threads with recently saved images

Because I don't know how to go about pirating and at this point i'm too afraid to ask.

not an argument, retard shills

I just buy them from Valve™ the true patriotic American company with American values

because Yea Forums is 99% underage (retards), and the 1% adults are also retards

To play online duh. I pirate singleplayer games unless I genuinely wanna support the company (I pirated fron squeenix for example but bought Shenmue)

how stupid are you

because I want to play actual online multiplayer instead of scuffed shit with other piraters or hamachi lan shit

Drugs and prostitutes help communities diversify. I wanna give back a little.

seriously. When you buy games on steam that money at least goes to the devs. At the point where you spend money on a key reseller of questionable legality you might as well pirate and save the money.
Just the other month Deepsilver deactivated a bunch of metro exodus keys sold through grey market stores because they were stolen.

Enlighten me then, retard

literally just get any virtual drive dl game mount it and then install it and play

have sex and I’ll tell you

>which most likely fund terrorism, drug/human trafficking
But that's exactly what you're already doing.

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buying cd keys is the ultimate s.oy, you can’t commit to pirating so you still force yourself to spend money

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To play online, to play the latest version if no one updates the pirated version, for convenience, to get access to mods
Now fuck off you retarded inbred

Smart: Not giving your credit card information to Russian/Chinese hackers
Smarter: Owning the games you buy, and not pointing to a computer when your friends ask where your games are.

Wrong! He's keeping our borders safe from Middle Eastern terrorists...while giving guns to Middle Eastern terrorists.

can’t hear you over your dumb nigger words

this is a foreign shill

Then learn to read, you piratecuck

>(which most likely fund terrorism, drug/human trafficking)
You believe in unicorns too right?
Also: i like drugs, whores and dead french people.

two reasons
1. theyre retarded
2. multiplayer games

Because I want to see the world burn.

1. Nothing wrong with me.
2. Nothing wrong with me
3. Something's for to give.

Go to isthereanydeal, find a deal, get cheap game without cucking the developers, everyone wins.

Because I like drugs? duh. I don't need a nanny state to tell me what I'm allowed to do and what not, especially when its non-violent and just something I do recreationally.

It is not enough that I gain something, but someone must also suffer for my joy.

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pirating you say?
on consoles
sure if you want to get banned
check yourself before you wreck yourself

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>Buying games

I don't, because it's technically one step towards allowing some russian to contest your account. I only get my keys from legit shops like green man gaming.