>can't talk about him here
>can't talk about him in many other places
>YouTube apparently removing sub counts because of this shit too
What's the deal here? Who the fuck is this man to warrant such damage control?
>can't talk about him here
>can't talk about him in many other places
>YouTube apparently removing sub counts because of this shit too
What's the deal here? Who the fuck is this man to warrant such damage control?
Other urls found in this thread:
Try reddit if you want to discuss e celebs
he's friends with jannies
First point is because he is not vidya
Tranny get out, dilate, anyone who replies have sex incel!
hes a nintendo cuck just like jannies
He's a feminist, so the shit he did makes them look bad
he probably paid the jannies
He did nothing wrong.
You need to dig deeper into who actually controls the world. You'll find that ProJared surpasses most people in terms of global power, but he's still not the most powerful.
Damn near every niche game was reviewed by him. To the point where he seemed to be the only person reviewing the games on YouTube. Turns out, he's a scumbag. So now those game reviews are being called into question.
He's an ugly jew, but he has decent tastes.
Also, I called out his wife for being a manipulative liar day one and got flamed for it. Entire story leaks out and she's a manipulative bitch who's angry about losing her entire source of income.
>anyone who replies have sex incel!
Does that mean I get the sex?
Yes. Now bend over.
Not a jew though despite looking like one.
Jared's only real mistake was marrying a crazy cosplay thot.
he literally looks exactly the same as cosmo
Yeah, turns out she's fucking nuts.
Now it seems that everyone involved is dumb and terrible, her possibly most of all.
Every degenerate involved in the story belongs on a cross, and pic related should be hammering the nails.
Also fuck Jannies
ProJared's (now former) wife is a bitch who told him she wanted to destroy him just before she went public.
Basically he's an eceleb, he cheated on his wife, it got public, pic of his peenor and of himself nude l got leaked
>hes a nintendo cuck
>mainly plays Final Fantasy
ok, reatard
Jannies literally lop the cum out of his asshole after wearing that Sailor Moon costume.
>help make a game
>worked with Reggie
Seriously though how is he not vidya, but DSP threads are okay?
doesn't matter what you think about the cheating, the man sent his cock to minors, retard
This and that gay guy that everyone pretended to care about for a day set sub count loss records literally back to back. YouTube seeing this removed public sub counts because we can't have fun things anymore
But the jannies are total Sonyfags, they hate Nintendo
Yes, and?
>tries to fuck children.
>smol penor
>dresses like a secret tranny
KEK ok jared
Trannies love talking about e celebs
>JonTron wins in the end
Real talk how is an E-Celeb cancer thread any more cancerous than all the shitty Smash threads or Sony faggot threads
My understanding is that those people were people who "identified" as 16 and not actually underage. Like I said, everyone involved in this story is a degenerate who belongs on the cross
the classic base squeeze to make it look bigger nice
>>tries to fuck children.
Reminds me of this Yamimash faggot or whatever his name was
RIP Jacques
imagine getting fucked by a woman lmao
I'm always on the other end so I can't
How hard is this to figure out?
Threads about e-celebs involving the games they're discussing = acceptable
Threads about gossiping over e-celebs = not video games
Discussing this guy's divorce or Mike's penis is not video games no matter how much you try to say the extremely tenuous connection of "they talk about video games on YouTube" makes it on topic.
>fat ass
>not degenerate.
Create a Video Game Video General on /vg/ and call it /vgvg/
I thought Yea Forums allowed it. Also he's ugly so nothing of value was lost
Ironically enough there is a rule that says no fanboying around... yet Yea Forums is filled with that shit.
>can't control his female
>making up excuses instead of just calling her
lmfao dumb boy could have prevented it
YouTube hates that truth (AKA right wing and far right) people dominate despite all of their attempts to muffle the truth. Any other explanation is a smokescreen
Go to Yea Forums, also youtube is doing that shit because of some other gay drama
>implying that Mikes dick isn’t vidya
I don't want to talk about other people's mess.
I would just tell the guy to get a regular job and you to fuck off
>control his female
americans everyone
Go cry about it in your Smash thread faggot
Yea Forums mods are cancerous faggots and far leftists have been trying to infiltrate the administration of the site for years. Some people are just sheep and go along with their flimsy explanations.
>the man sent his cock to minors
Theres no proof of that whatsoever. Your falling for tranny propaganda, retard.
literally just talk to her and let her be heard and she's yours, why are euroshits so stupid?
>>can't control his female
Inshallah, brother
Die all of you fucking e-celeb worshippers.
Are you implying that 90% of women at the very least don't need to be treated like children?
Just forget about projared and move on to superior channels. Projared wasn't even good, he doesn't deserve your attention regardless of if he got his dick out or not.
People are fucking losers who would rather gossip monger than talk about actual shit. Who cares if he cheated, this shit happens all the time. Not my issue
that's not what I was talking about you stupid amerifat
just like 90% of men
you will now call me roastie or tranny probably
Awful taste the only thing that isn’t zoomer garbage bait is lgr.
alright calm the fuck down I'll take it to Yea Forums next time jesus christ
>Only watch a Jontron video a few months ago
>eh this is kinda funny
>Forget about it and then watch it again for some reason a few weeks ago
>Really like it.
I wish he'd done more videos though. Gamegrumps has fucking +6000 and Jontron only has 150.
Hey Sony faggot, the thread where you mouth breathers talk about sales and stock prices is down the hall
>Go cry about it in your Smash thread faggot
Right, Smash is not video games, ProJared's personal life is, and you call others "faggots."
>look up any of his new videos
>500.000 downvotes by dumb zoomers who got told to by muh epic feminists
>comment section filled with 'cheating' puns