Western mod

>western mod
>actual gameplay changes and respect of the original artstyle
>japanese mod
>just add anime girl skins lol
why are japanese modders like this?

Attached: 1651066846_preview_1.png (1286x749, 1.22M)

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Did you have two dads or something?

what the fuck have you done to this beautiful game

What the fuck kind of japanese have you been reading? This stinks of high chinkery

That's not japanese modders, though.
is what a japanese modder would do.
That's a mod made by weebs.

>Leiting games

forgot pic

Attached: jap mod.jpg (600x337, 66K)

>Slay the Spire with FGO girls

I'm glad they found a home that doesn't have shit gameplay. Also link to the mod plz.

Attached: 1389495237298.jpg (1000x1000, 71K)

>Creator Address: Quanzhou, Fujian, China
Seems about right for a chink mod, faggot OP.

Attached: 1558467807070.png (600x592, 293K)

Cute! Now I feel like playing this indie game I ignored since release.

Topple the Tower thread? June 6 Switch release lads.

Attached: Slay the Spire.jpg (1280x720, 291K)

I'm going to go out on a limb and say this is more than just a cosmetic reskin, and this class is OP as fuck

Anime makes everything better

Attached: 1556386601710.jpg (850x1250, 251K)

>just add anime girl skins lol


Attached: 20190504191141_1.jpg (1280x720, 290K)

here it is you fucking weeb


japanese mods are needed to make western games good
you cannot refute this

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Fucking retard

what am I even looking at?

Attached: 6e4e3025e5a066a00054728b2b3da4fd29a0aec9.png (1278x720, 765K)

just how many fucking mods are in here

The Yu-gi-oh mod is a clusterfuck but it definitely adds different shit.

Sexy little girls make everything better.

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>It's just Kiyohime

Thanks bud, it's better than nothing, but I really hoped they would have better girls like Shuten-Douji in there.

Attached: yeah.png (411x454, 18K)

Well, the art is the only thing I can really complain about Slay The Spire. It's a nice game but the visuals suck, I'm happy with any kind of improvement anime or not.

There's a Japanese mapset for Doom. It's actually pretty good.

kys lolicons, go shit up another thread

>western mod
>just add some weapon and armor skins lol
>japanese mod
>actual gameplay changes, slavery and rape mechanics, loli sex animations, ability to cut out and eat female uterus

Attached: 1401422536879.jpg (1920x1080, 522K)

>american mod
>just adds memes

Attached: egg.jpg (623x623, 37K)

Have sex, tranny.


Why surprised? Humanity has known for centuries that Japanese are not very good at innovating but are experts at refining. Entire trade wars have been fought over this. Where were you during the 80s?

Have Sex Inscel

Japanese modding scene is relatively small and new, they don't have as much of a big modding culture as we do. Hell, some japanese modders even won't let you download their mods unless you personally ask them to.

fuck the switch. i want it on android ffs

not enough people post videos of their skyrims

Vanilla slay the spire is by far the best way to play the game.

why mod it like this when wandering night already give you cunny and on high quality?

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Where's your fingerless glove meter?

Wrong Japanese mods for darkest dungeon are extremely shit
ShindoL mods are the exception

wait what? When? How? Link or pictures user?

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>Caring about whatever they mod in this monstruosity of a game
Because shamelessly ripping off japanese fighting games in a shitty artstyle is so much better, right?

Attached: The absolute state of Western RPGs.jpg (1920x1080, 1.02M)