Flower Sun and Rain remaster today babyyyyy
Flower Sun and Rain remaster today babyyyyy
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(X) Doubt
You better fucking believe it
Oh boy.
I hope it's a remake rather than a remaster of the PS2 or DS versions of the game.
Will probably feature new graphics
Hopefully a proper version of the DS OP music. Really like that one.
Will play exactly the same
I hope not, it better be like the K7 remaster. FSR's look is fantastic.
how long until the thing?
Wouldn't take it any other way.
I see.
I also like the opening song and video.
The PS2 version?
I agree but new graphics could be cool too.
The DS version's graphics are kinda meh in my opinion.
Coming to Steam yeah?
You better be at least be sincerely believing this and not fucking with me user.
Where's this from? Google reverse reveals nothing.
I really hope they make a new translation to go with TSC and 25thWard instead of trying to hide the connections like the other one.
DS version is dulled down for obvious reasons, but the core graphical design is still pretty great.
I'm not fucking with you. I believed that they would make Moonlight Syndrome for the big reveal, but now I'm certain about FSR due to shirts being handed.
Grasshopper's twitter acc.
Fuark, thanks user.
If we get that DS OST not coming out of the shitty DS soundchip that'll be more than enough.
I wouldn't say no to a a redone OST ala 25th Ward by Yamaoka either though.
Except for the 2 OPs the DS music is the same as PS2
Well shit I come out looking like a casul then.
I only ever played the DS version.
Still the PS2 music is better since it wasn't downscaled
is the 25th ward remake OST 100% redone? i can't find the original OST anywhere
I can't find the original game or even a video of it.
It's probably lost media
I wonder if anyone has dump of the origimnal
shit user, thank you! it's really slick, but i'm honestly glad they remade it, it sounds too similar to the first one and I'm sure i would have end up hating it after >20h
Really hope so.
Suda announced that it was getting re-released for PC at the same time he announced the Killer7 re-release.
I really hope NISA releases it on consoles too.
NMH switch ports are honestly more likely considering that Suda’s panel is about Travis strikes again
I really hope we get a physical release with printed Losspas guide. Or at least high quality pdf I can print myself.
And print out t-shirts of FSR for no reason? If anything, the NMH ports (if they are happening at all, which I doubt) are gonna be in E3.
I hope they reduce the walking :)
i think the announcement will be at E3 with a brief teaser of NMH3
>i hope they reduce the walking
FSR intro is pure kino