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tauren druid for me bros

home bros, home

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furfags not welcome

It doesn't smell very fresh.

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Asmongold group 5....shard 3....layer 5. canadian server 4....horde...home.

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jesus christ what an ugly fucking vermin

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>be disgustingly ugly
>get rich
>models now want to fuck you
Is it really that simple?

>three months until I can be a Tauren prot warrior chad
I don't know if I can take it any longer

faggot streamers are the reason layering is a thing to begin with
stream kike should be segregated into their own realms

>Incels shocked at the concept that women tend to like successful men

gonna be a yikes from me

Why are you playing on Netherwing while waiting for home?

Blizzard killed Classic.
> Auto loot
> Cata water
> Foilage
> Modern cliƫnt
> 1.12 AV
> 1.12 itemization
> Nerfed Elites and bosses.
> Assmongoloid gets beta priveleges
> Assmongoloid gets stress test priveleges
> Streamerfags completey killing the hype by oversaturating the news with their shit
> Sharding
> Cross realm BGs
This isn't Vanilla! This is BfA with a Vanilla skin. Fuck Blizzard and FUCK STREAMERS

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*lip smacking*
this is kinda old

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Home exists, I'VE BEEN THERE

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Gold diggers have existed forever, user. And they'll keep existing. Asmongold is unironically a millionaire, it's not surprise he'll have hot girls looking after him.

You will probably consider me a hopeless romantic but you'll probably be happier with someone who likes you at a more basic level, though. I'm definitely not rich and would like to be but I don't think it can be all that satisfying to be with someone who's only with you for some ulterior motive. I've only had one GF and I can tell you that a nice girl can and will make you happy in ways that will surprise you

>I've only had one GF and I can tell you that a nice girl can and will make you happy in ways that will surprise you
wrong, it only dashed my hopes

umm yes

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Why isn't this shit off to /vg/ by now for fucks sake

why do white people do shit like this

That's a big owlbear.

Status is everything to women. They'd fuck a rotting corpse for a chance of fame.

>Be attractive and no status
>Women wants you
>Be unattractive and status
>Women wants you
>Be top middle tier attractive and top middle tier status
>Women wants you
There is many paths, bros.

>It's a Balance Druid ruins the dungeon experience episode

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I'm going to give you explanation of Assmongoloid.

He turned WoW from MMORPG to a dress up game where you collect aesthetic skins for gear and collect mounts.
He talks all the time about how WoW should be about RPG about being like back in the days Vanilla. Then proceed to make transmog "contests" and collect every mount possible. He is a pokemonGo player in a MMORPG game. He is a barbie doll dress up game player in a MMORPG.
And because of Classic Beta he constantly proves how shit he is in real PvP, battlegrounds and WPvP. He constantly proves how bad he is at managing/commanding people in raid groups for BG's and WPvP. You can see people calling him out on other streamers chats from the same faction. But hey, no one has anything to say because he has the biggest clout so he will always be put in a position of a leader even if he's doing dog shit job at it. Beta proved it, honestly I don't really believe he played Vanilla, I think he started playing WoW maybe in Wotlk and probably never did any PvP content. Simply grinding PvE is the best he can do and even at that he isn't the best, there's plenty other better PvE players or even streamers.
So it all comes to this feeling of "why". He's a hypocrite with no skill in PvP or PvE, he's simply bad at the game and no charisma. Just like he is carried in game by hundreds of streamsnippers with serious mental issues, he is carried by other streamers on his own stream. His main stick is actually be a laughing stock for his own stream so I guess there is this frustration in WoW community and smaller Twitch streamers. Frustration from how can someone so basic, so mediocre at the game have this much attention and financial success.
It is jealousy, justified jealousy.

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it's not about being rich, it's about being in the spotlight

I hate seeing this dumbfucking face every where I go. Fuck streamers. Seriously, it's watching someone watch a video of someone watching a video while the chat spams a bunch of nonsensical shit. Even this shithole makes more sense.

go to bed asmon

Classic will never capture the feeling of vanilla because of streaming and the cultural rise & acceptance of aspergers

>tfw tauren Druchad
>tfw comfy farming
>tfw handed free gear just for showing up
>tfw dabbing on folks in pvp
>tfw camping people in wpvp
>tfw 63% instant mount
>tfw spell batching

Chadglade awaits bros

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>tfw you're fully immersed in your character and then suddenly realize you're just trying to relive your nostalgia years with a bunch of other 25+ year old failed boomers

someone post THAT webm

that looks like a comfy machinima

>try to level
>have to battle 30 other groups farming the same mobs as you
>not every mob drops a quest item for some reason
>take 10 years to respawn
this game is literally designed to waste your time, why would people play a game that doesn't respect them in any way and treats them like a chinese worm?

today i will remind them

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>Be playing like the good old days
>Not using any addons for the true classic experience, but you're doing well just because of your knowledge of the game
>Decide to try out some good old battlegrounds. You weren't the best at PvP but you thought you were pretty decent
>End up being matched up against a streamer on the other team
>He is wearing BiS gear on every single slot that was fed to him by his horribly loyal crowd of subscribers, giving him 3x higher stats than you that you could never get alone
>He is completely shit at the game, but because of his higher stats he is able to kill you 9 times out of 10
>In the rare chance that you beat him just because he's that shitty, he will scream at you on stream how shitty you're playing and how your class is overpowered
>He will constantly trash talk about how much better he is than you, despite the only reason he is winning being spoon fed gear from thousands of people
>The only reason why he wins the battleground at all is because his entire team of less funded but also not as pathetically bad streamers hard carries him
>Battlegrounds are dead because it boils down to streamer vs streamer, and random players like you have no chance against horribly overgeared players who acquired all their gear through handouts.

It feels good to be European knowing I will be playing on high pop servers with not a single streamer in sight

Can't decide between playing with irl friends on us with high ping, or eu servers but without irl friends tho low ping

Go play with IRL friends man. How high is the ping? If its anything under 200 you should be fine

Stop posting retail WoW bro.

for you

>He talks all the time about how WoW should be about RPG about being like back in the days Vanilla. Then proceed to make transmog "contests" and collect every mount possible
Because there is literally nothing to do in retail WoW.

Worst part is he wants scarab lord, and you know he's gonna get it when the time comes

orc warrior and troll shaman for me bros. time is passing more slowly the closer we approach launch

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Will there be multiple servers for classic? Just avoid whatever server hes on. None of the other streamers are big enough to ruin a server.

Yes, however there's one thing you need to know

Asmongold's girlfriend makes more money than he does

It'll be under 200, maybe about 100ms? I play league(I know dont hate me) with them and get about 105 ms and I tried bfa the other day on my brothers account who also plays on US, and the ping was about the same.

>zoomies these days
In 2006 you could regularly expect a ping of 300ish and that was the norm. You'll be fine chief.

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>Worst part is he wants scarab lord, and you know he's gonna get it when the time comes
Can you imagine.... 3 hour queue to the server because there's 1000 his subscribers working hard to get him the scarab lord title and blizzard actually gifting him scarab mount during the event...

Or just play Horde and you're gucci.

Thanks my guy, much appreciated

I would but at this point Horde has become the
overplayed meme faction. Will probably have more kids than Alliance
t-thanks streamer culture

ded game

no actual children will be playing classic and the zoomers will all be following their streamers. Just avoid Soda and youre good

When I played, I usually stuck to troll, and I was thinking of running a priest as a first character. Am I gimping myself for going troll priest over undead? I'm trying to take most aspects under consideration, and undead racials/p. Racials seem a lot better for leveling and shadow dps. Plus it'd be neat to play through undead starting area. Anyone have an opinion for one over the other?

Do you want to your 'rotation' to be spamming frostbolt or shadowbolt?

lmao@these niqqas talking bout "rotation" and "bis" as if this dopey ass game ever took any skill

If you're going to sperg out over racials you'd be better off going Alliance. Or getting a fucking grip.

Same female Tauren warrior I've played since day one.

World of Warcraft was the laughing stock of MMOs upon release. It was obvious to seasoned players at the time that the game deliberately catered to children and casuals. Those children are now the underdeveloped, maladapted NEETs you see before you in these threads, clamoring for a community and challenge that never existed to begin with.

Why aren't dwarves a horde race?

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Oh boy. Going back to the days when WoW required skill. L-l-let's just ignore the fact that you can finish every vanilla 40 man with half the raid AFK, and most DPS rotations were one button wonders, okay?

holy based

Objectively the best race.

mage user, higher skill cap and no soulshard annoyiance

>higher skill cap
Spamming frostbolt takes some real braincells.

for pvp bro
in pve any class is easy..