That's it finished

That's it finished......

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Other urls found in this thread:

Your character starts out sucking ass.
No bonus stats and wearing rags.
2 abilities. You're meant to struggle at this stage.

Please tell those replies are people chewing that guy out. Please.

WoW players are the worst. They are completely responsable for what WoW became.


Why is he lying? No enemy takes more than your mana bar to be killed.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he needed resists to hit that, even at level 1. Same with all the spirit casters.
The example that he should have used is Tauren Druid.
They literally can cast one wrath at level 1 before they go oom.



Friendly reminder that blizzard will listen to these people because they are the majority of the player base after all. So you can expect buffs and easy gameplay in a few weeks after release if not a 60lvl tokens

This. Fucking casuals.

It's been a while since I played wow but can't you replenish your full mana bar in about 3 mp5 ticks while in combat at level 1?

Mana only replenishes a few seconds after you stopped casting spells.

This is good news, the less nu-males and zoomers playing classic, the better

>the scaling is off at low levels
When has 1-10 ever been "balanced" in all 14 odd years of WoW? You'd have to start with all your abilities and a set of statted gear for it to be truly representative of how you're going to be for the next 50+ levels

You're supposed to use your wand to finish off mobs so your mana/5 starts ticking back up before continueing with the next mob

I can see how people who have been spoiled by the welfare culture of modern wow could be frustrated but for fucks sake, just level a little and gain some abilities.

But I like the way it sucks

>wands in the starting zone

I honestly can't believe blizzard were so desperate and out of ideas to even try this.

It's absolutely true. WoW doesn't hold up as a standalone game. Both old and new. Only mmo addicts still care for this game. For everyone else the novelty of playing with many people online has worn off almost a decade ago.

It's going to make them a lot of money short term selling a product they have already made and sold. Whether people will stick after the initial nostalgia rush I don't know.

>Blizzard will listen to people who don't accept garbage game design because of nostalgia
what an absolute dystopian scenario

He expects his lvl1 character to be powerful

>can melee mobs to death as a caster
That's a kind of powerful only level 1s get

Imagine playing a glass cannon character and expecting being able to kill level 1 enemies in less than a minute
the absolute nerve

>i pressed a button and trumpets didn't pop out of my ass alongside a full orchestra to serenade me for 3 hours straight, wtf baka crap game

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I leveled a mage in vanilla. It is tedious at first but aoe farming later on makes it worth it.

The issue is that there's very little progression for a lot of classes.
Warlocks for example will start out just spamming shadowbolt, and they will still be doing the exact same at lvl 60 in full raid gear.
If current WoW has anything that it does better than vanilla, it's character progression.

and thats the point. actually feeling your character getting stronger every level, every time you get an ability, a new item. progression, that doesnt exist anymore in retail

>Starting zone had wolves
Bullshit liar, first one isn't til level 10 for undead.

>get epic
>you can now spam fireball, but the casttime is 0.01 seconds shorter

youre a dumb faggot, neck yourself

the progression is in every 2 levels and the gear with stats that you find or progression with the friends you make... still if you are complete brainlet like every polygon journalist you will struggle and find the game retarded

>level 1
>didnt even have a full set of heirlooms
>couldnt summon my chauffeur mount
>mail didnt have 4 30 slot bags waiting for me
>not even able to transmog my robes to various level 60 alternatives
its too hard bros im going back to assmongolds stream to donate

Yeah exept in retail you get all your abilities save for a few cooldowns before you hit lvl30 and then you never get jack shit and play exactly the same untill bfa content where you might or might not have azerite gear that alters your rotation, more likely not since gear altering your rotation is too complex and elitist for blizzard so those azerite powers suck dick.

>Bullshit liar, first one isn't til level 10 for undead.

Have you never played wow user? , how can you even say something like this, there are level 1 wolfs in the area

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Added in patch

you best be joking nigger
everything in retail scales to your level so you consistently feel mediocre no matter where you are at the game. Not to mention you get more spells at level 10 in classic than 120 in retail. Blue gear is given out like candy while in classic even a single one is a noticible difference.

no one who was serious about playing classic is going to anymore, thanks to this shit

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>this is what classicfags call "hard"
this is just bad and unfun game design

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Why don't they have a like/dislike bar like youtube has? Even the overwatch forums have that.

Level with a friend if it's too hard for you.

he's right you know

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Don't you have retarded mana regen at first levels in vanilla?

I don't play wow anymore but I assume theirs some kind of retail/classic fanboy cope rift forming knowing how tragic the community can be.

I'm glad that blizzard has already shown they're not planning to cater to these people with that list of "common bug reports" they released.

He's not because during retail, you're not at risk of dying unless you do a ridicuously bad pull or are facing elites. You need to watch what you pull.

No, you do run out of mana if you spam spells mindlessly.

Don't play it then retard

They had displayed downvotes, until developer white knights became the most downvoted people on the forums. Then they magically removed it.

Yes, the person in ops post is being disingenuous.

He is right though, just because it takes longer does not mean that its harder.

Maybe I'm crazy but that sounds incredibly appealing.

post it

It's not a struggle, it's a chore. There's no meaningful choice. It's not like you have to manage mana or decide which spell to cast.

It's just so mind numbingly boring.

At level 1 hitting enemies with your staff is still viable. I had no problems leveling a priest in vanilla. In fact it was stupidly easy

>facing elites
Short of being a warlock with a blueberry, good luck with that. Life tap + Siphon Life + half an hour of time to waste.

It's called progression and having a party to help with quest which is what people miss about Classic WoW. Having everything handed to you from 1 to 60 isn't fun nor rewarding. It was all about the grind and community.

vanilla was bad and classic will be bad. it was only acceptable because of the mmo novelty for many people.

I'm on mobile, so I don't have it. It pops up a lot though so I'm sure someone will post it.

how long until streamers stop playing and the game crash and burn?

What a hot take.

>No, you do run out of mana if you spam spells mindlessly.
Wasn't in TBC thing? Im talking about 1-6.

he's correct

He's right. Vanilla was dogshit but I still had fun because it was the first huge MMORPG I played.

You don't need to pay attention to anything in retail. You can pull whatever you want whenever you want. There's no need to ever manage resources or be careful about what you pull. It's not the same thing at all.

That's on private servers.

>everything in retail scales to your level so you consistently feel mediocre no matter where you are at the game

No you feel overpowered at all times, a lot of classes just one shot every enemy it's really boring

>he's right you know
Try aoe pulling stuff in classic. By definition if you can kill more mobs at the same time it's easier. You regen health and mana faster, mobs are weaker, quests tell you where to go, you get gear faster and it's easier to get good gear which makes the game even easier because you blast through the already weak mobs even faster. Trying to sweep all of that under the carpet and reducing everything to a time investment to make his shabby argument barely stand is kinda scummy but it's expected from addicts who have tens of thousands of hours invested into their accounts.

I don't know how the inside of this guy's brain is like but what i do know is that some parts are either damaged or missing.

t. ex legion player with over 20k hours.

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Haven't played Wow since I was like 14 but I'm gonna play classic. Is rogue fun?

I like fighting games so I'm naturally steering towards the class with a "combo" system

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As we’ve discussed before, the nature of WoW Classic sometimes invokes different memories for different players, and this leads to certain misconceptions for some about what is or isn’t working as intended.
The following is a list of commonly-reported gameplay in WoW Classic that is not actually a bug, and is working as we expect it to:
Tauren’s hitboxes and their melee reach is slightly larger than other races.
Being critically struck while using /sit to sit does not cause abilities like Enrage, Blood Craze, and Reckoning to activate.
Using the “Automatic Quest Tracking” option does not auto-track newly accepted quests. (It instead will start to track an existing quest once progress towards an objective is started.)
Warrior health Regeneration is working at the expected rate.
Quests objectives and points of interests are not tracked on the map or minimap.
Completed quests are marked on the minimap with a dot. (and not a “?”)
Feared players and NPCs run fast.
Standing on top of other players while facing away allows spells and attacks to be used.
Creature respawn rates are much slower than in Battle for Azeroth.
NPCs which offer multiple quests may inconsistently display them as a dot or a “!” on the available quests list. They were inconsistent in 1.12, and we’ve reproduced the exact inconsistency they had back then.
Quests that are too low level for do not show up as a “!” in the game world.
Available quests do not display a “!” on the minimap.
On level up, the message: “Your skill in Protection increased to 15” was added in 1.12.1, and we’re intending to keep that.

>that guy that reports "bugs" because he thinks his memory is perfect
Please stop clogging up the bug reports, thanks.

Rogue is ridiculously fun.

Except he's cherry picking. It was harder in vanilla. There isn't a single one on one fight in retail that will ever put you anywhere close to losing or having to rethink your strategy. If you pull more than one mob it's usually okay. Even if you're using quest gear and no heirlooms.

In vanilla you had to actually think most things through. Pulling more than one mob was going to ruin your day because just one of them could push your shit in if you had subpar gear. And you probably did because gear was harder to acquire.

Stopping to eat is a sign the game was harder because food might as well not exist in retail, the mobs are that easy to deal with

At some point the mana regeneration was fixed at low levels, but right now, at least in a 1.12 private server, you run out of mana very easily. In example, an undead priest starts with 130 mana, Smite costs 20 and mana regeneration (after 5 seconds of not casting) is 14 mana / 3 seconds. Undead mage starts with 135 mana, fireball costs 30 mana (deals more damage than Smite though) and similar mana regeneration.

A level 8 human mage has around 500 mana, fireball 45 mana, frostbolt 35, fireblast 40. You do the math. There's a lot of drinking, staffing and wanding.

priest leveling was braindead and easy. Just wand and heal yourself. You're 89IQ if you think this is hard. there's plenty wrong with modern wow, and I really really miss TBC, I'd rather play vanilla than BFA, but I'd rather choose to not play

you misspelled overpowered

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>you can't play the way it wasn't supposed to be played so it's harder

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Now do the same vs 3 mobs at same time.

You could probably level naked in everything but current expansion content and it would be easier than most of the classic content

>doesn't challenge any of points brought up
>posts mspaint scribble
You do know live servers are going to get shut down one day and you will loose all that investment right? Better step back from the game now before you kill yourself when the servers inevitably go offline indefinitely.

>On level up, the message: “Your skill in Protection increased to 15” was added in 1.12.1, and we’re intending to keep that.
On each level up? i dont remember this

It's cool that they even kept in minor bugs though

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oh no!

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Can druid beat warrior?

Enchanting you zoomer bitch

Can you level against 3 mobs in retail? I liked classic because you feel more like a foot soldier in the Warcraft games not some insanely powerful hero. I hated when WoW kept making every player the chosen one

>die because you accidentally pulled a 2nd mob while your cooldowns aren't up
>cleave down several mobs at once without even trying
>lol it's the exact same you just have nostalgia goggles :)

>If current WoW has anything that it does better than vanilla, it's character progression.
I'm not dreaming, right? This is a real post someone made.

Imagine this retard playing Gothic and complaining he isn't killing everything in 2 hits.

Imagine being so blinded by nostalgic feelings when you were enjoying vanilla wow in your early teens or twenties that you think playing it now will give you those same feelings. This whole thing is gonna be such a shock to a lot of you nostalgia fags. I never played WoW so I get to just enjoy this shitshow from a neutral perspective with no nostalgia.

>painstakingly fight through mobs using all resources at your disposal
>layering suddenly puts you into another instance, all mobs respawned all around you
gee what fun

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>lol it's the exact same you just have nostalgia goggles :)
no one ever said that, vanilla was trash

>I never played WoW
>in here talking shit
reevaluate your life nigger

100% yes unless you're actively trying not to fight back, anyone that can heal is near invincible leveling as mana means nothing in modern WoW and even warrs and rouges have heals now, plus you have so many skills or nuke cds

How can anyone play this trash game for fucking 15 years now?
Everytime I tried and played it I got bored before lvl 10

>layering suddenly puts you into another instance, all mobs respawned all around you
That's not how it's going to work unless you accept a party invite.

That'd be fine if the gameplay wasn't fucking boring. It's not even a struggle, the only reason you should really be dying most of the time is because you get bored and try to speed things up by not resting long enough or pulling more enemies than you can handle. WoW is not a difficult game. MMOs in general are not difficult games. The complaint is not that the game is too hard or that his character is too weak; the complaint is that leveling is fucking boring.

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I generally find just watching footage of people playing classic gives me the nostalgia hit without the time investment. Hearing some of the zone music and sound effects gives me feels like no other game in existence.

You can easily beat 5+ mobs in retail. Because class design is so fucked almost every spec has aoe grind, heal, damage mitigation and unending mana/energy. Classic unironically has better class fantasy.

>start playing again, first time since WotLK
>genuinely impossible to run out of mana and you can level up 10 times in the amount of time it used to take to level once
>all the classes are dubbed down to like 5 spells each
Like, I'm serious here, why do people play nu-wow? It's no longer an MMORPG, it's just CoD with cooldowns.

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World of Roguecraft Classic when?

Why would it do that? it's only done that on the beta when it was announced they would be testing it, or were you under the impression you just change layers randomly?

You're basically arguing for reduced time between action and reward. That's the sole point of contention between classicfags and livefags. Do you want instant gratification or delayed gratification. The science is clear on this point. Delayed gratification as a result of irregular rewards is better if you want a bigger dopamine rush upon task completion. This is why vanilla was crack with 6 million subs at the end of it while live has downwards of 1.7 million with 25% of subs being multi sub players.

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Level 60s can solo MC in retail.

You guys are retarded. its about the pace and immersion. get fucked zoomers

You answered your own question. Easy skinner boxes make money.

Questing warnigger corpses will feed the earth, while grinding druchads will inherit it.

He is right. Its terrible that Mana doesn't replenish in combat and several classes are useless/got useless talent trees.

Blizzard needs to fix this shit asap before launch.

>all the classes are dubbed down to like 5 spells each
While everything you say is true, I never really understood this point. Leveling in classic is an equally few amount of buttons to press, and for many classes the endgame PVE rotation is 2 buttoms (even one for mages prior to going fire)

I worked on private servers. We intentionally coded them with increased regen.

>retailfag spreading disinfo
Don't you have a mythic +10000 to farm?

>Do you want instant gratification or delayed gratification
I don't care about hitting some random mob in elwynn forest for 5 minutes
I want to have fun, which is impossible to achieve in classic because of how unbalanced and slow the game is

>I want to have fun
Wrong move there fella. You've just activated by "fun is subjective" trap card. Now i can just say that classic is more "fun" than live and we can agree to disagree. So long, toodles!

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Regen is not bugged on classic, now please stop clogging the reports so the devs can focus on actual bugs.

Thats sharding, on retail.
Layering only moves you if you accept the party invite of someone in another layer.

>Easy skinner boxes make money
>Vanilla had more subs than live currently does
>Cost of the game has gone down significantly if you account for inflation, WoW tokens, and no longer needing to purchase a copy of the game

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Then go play retail.

That was during Legion because of a max level appropriate weapon accidentally having no level requirement, may as well post that one time a lowbie prot paladin soloed a current content raid.


your spellbook in classic is 3 times bigger than on retail, and that's AFTER you take out the extra spell ranks

He said he wants to have fun though so he's probably better off just passing on WoW altogether.

So what bug is making these possible?

>and that's AFTER you take out the extra spell ranks

Is that true? Always felt like it was the case but haven't been able to confirm.

They are clearly still experimenting with it in the beta, where you suddenly change layers for no clear reason, either a layer crashed or a new one was formed. They better fix that shit for launch.

>wow tokens
People buy those with money
>current wow
It's a dying game and is dated at its core but has made more than its fair share of revenue for blizzard. WoW classic is the death rattle, one last wring of the wet towel.

There was a pally in Legion soloing previous raid tiers.

Think of it like this in vanilla each class has a toolbox.
They might prefer to use particular tools more often, but they have the entire toolbox in case of an obscure situation or they might decide to combine unusual tools for whatever reason.
In retail they have a hammer or screwdriver and it is physically impossible to use both at the same time.

Look at the differences between the mage spellbooks throughout the expansions, the pruning is extremely noticable with them due to the three seperate magic schools.

and yet you only use 2(two) spells to kill stuff

Of course, many of which you will never use to your benefit at any point in your classic experience, but you will have plenty of fud skills to dick around with

This.. I would understand if the game was somewhat demanding but it isnt. It is something that your mother could do without any prior experience when it comes to computer games yet people act like vanilla is really hard and all that.

Well considering how retail forces you to use only one third of your class, you can go and do the math.

That is more than likely the main point of the beta apart from advertisement, how do you expect them to test if layering works as intended if there's no people interacting with the server?

This is one of the reasons why I dislike retail. In classic, you could use all the mage spells you ever wanted(except for the ones locked behind talents).

damn that's twice as many as a mage, rogue looks thrilling

he's just some retard who thinks more useless on your bars means the game is more complex
>rogue in vanilla raids: sinister strike, eviscerate
>rogue in bfa raids: mutilate, garrote, rupture, envenom, toxic blade/exsanguinate, fan of knives

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>i can't imagine a situation that isn't standing still and hitting a raid boss
sasuga retailfag

Maybe at low levels where it doesn't really matter how much or little mana you have, since you will regen it all in a few seconds once it starts. Later on you absolutely do have to decide which ranks of what spell to use and when, or spend an eternity drinking after every single mob.

And then in TBC you had more spells. The again in WOTLK you had evenmore spells. Even in Cataclysm you had more spells even with some of them being locked behind specs. idk how it was after Cata but I find it hard to believe that they just removed half of the spells. Vanilla has little to none spells and many are just completely unusable for leveling due to their mana costs.

Open world monster needing many people to kill a single one is a shitty design tho, leave that shit to instanced/group content

and im not even talking about the micromanagement you have to do with buffs/debuffs

i've only played vanilla and from what i remember.

shoot magic at a thing.
use conjured water.
wait some seconds until mana.
repeat million times


Yeah its stupid for people to freak out about it happening, but it does happen and it better stop before launch.

even in pvp you use less spells, whats your point

>he thinks rogues use eviscerate in raids

Have you ever looked at a single fucking retail fight in a relevant difficulty?
Because there's basically never just standing and hitting.
And really what spells were removed that were used in any fucking circumstances.

>Curse of Elements
compared to 3 actually viable specs with completly different playstyles

>being unable to comprehend the idea of doing something that isn't raiding
The absolute state of retailfags, holy shit.

>idk how it was after Cata but I find it hard to believe that they just removed half of the spells.
Yes that is literally what they did.
Here's a forum post from 2016 concerning the pruning that happened in legion.
Bare in mind some things were already pruned a few expansions ago.

If you want immersion you shouldn't be playing an MMO.
here's your vanilla action bar bro
so complex

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Come on tell us what spells you used in open world enviroment that were removed.
Or are you meaning pvp

But it doesn't matter if you have more options when. 99.9% are actual shit and raiders still have the same it not worse min max autstim that's in WoW. Have you fucking see druid dps in vanilla. Its fucking shape into cat spam shree and bite till out f energy reshapeshift and repeat and you niggers act like that's way more skill worthy compared to mythic raids. Classic is a different game but its pve isn't even comparable to BfA. One trash mob has more shit to do then all of MC combined

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I look forward to you not playing it then

oh okay thats sad. I played Mage mostly and not having mage armours, wards or evocation (with heal glyph) seem like a horrible experience. But still why does everyone love vanilla so much? TBC is just better no? And wotlk is even better! minus the group finder? In vanilla many talents are also very very boring and the trees are very short.

WoW was incredibly immersive. I could easily play for 5 hour stretches without giving anything in the real world a second thought.

retailfags salty again classic is already massively popular and better during a fucking beta

is this satire? that fucking music combined with that """gameplay"""

>if you dont like it dont play it
but thats not what these threads are about at all. We are here to dissc- argue.

>>if you dont like it dont play it

>lol im a fire mage why would I ever cast frostbolt???
>lmao rend does shitty dps why would you ever use it
>wow seal of justice doesn't do anything against a raid boss, why even have it on your bars
>ummmm why do I need shield block if im not prot????

Thats the classic level 1 experience people want tho

>is this satire? that fucking music combined with that """gameplay"""
well this is "the best gameplay wow ever had" according to classicfags

lol wtf

what? but where are all the different spells and complexity that I've been told about?

So what's there to do after Naxx is on farm? Blizzard all ready said they aren't going to make new content but are open to TBC and WoTLK servers. Are we just going to repeat ourselves?

Stop bringing up what's considered the best designed class in vanilla if you want to be taken seriously. You absolute moron.

World PVP that's actual world pvp

>the absolute fucking seethe coming from retailfags
Yikes! I hope you guys don't start self-harming once classic becomes more popular than the main game like OSRS. It's just a game after all!

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if the streamers are still playing they might open a bc server

>there will soon be 40yo boomers resigning another 15 years to playing the same game over again


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world pvp has and always will be the end goal of vanilla

>One trash mob has more shit to do then all of MC combined
You're going to have to run me through that champ.
Also factor in the fire resist gear requirement for MC specifically, for the tanks at the very least.

he's not wrong

I mean it feels like a survival game, you have to manage resources and use your brain. Take smart pathing so you don't get fucking stuck.
It's definately harder and that retailfag is COPING bad.

this actually makes me sad, that someone would complain about this. This is how far gaming has fallen in every possible genre.

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Why is rotation complexity so important????

It's ironic that people got assblasted over Anthem's grindy nature, and yet WoWfags suck off Classic like there's no tomorrow.

Except current raids literally remove mechanics for the feral Druids and other melee because they bitch about it. Not to mention that all your mistakes are less punishing because you move around at absurd speeds and have multiple defensive cool downs so you literally cannot die

>butthurt about a game nobody has heard of being grindy

Retailcucks are seething

>The issue is that there's very little progression for a lot of classes.
This is the most retarded and bluepilled post I've ever seen regarding Classic WoW. Do you know why Classic WoW is so popular and wanted to return at all?

The more complex it is the longer it takes to get boring and it helps diverge good players from the shit ones.

>WoWfags suck off Classic
not all wowfags, some wowfags are still lucid


4 button rotations are good for an ASSFAGGOT, but not for a MMORPG. Blizzard understood that once, but forgotten about it when it switched to mass appeal.

yep 2 button is where it is at

Don't blame him, he's used to steamrolling 50 elite mobs on his level 110 starting character after a drawn-out introduction where he controls a vehicle with explosives alongside one of his faction's leaders.

I don't get the appeal of wanting to grind your ass off killing auto attacking dogs and collecting 10 Bear Asses that have a 10% drop rate per bear.

Thats why I liked Cata, the quests being changed added some variety to shake things up.

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That logic lead to retail where the only content to do is increasingly more difficult mythic shit that the majority of people are too shit at playing the rotation piano to do. Retail isn't mass appeal at all, shitters literally have nothing to do in that game, raid finder doesn't count because it's not even an mmo at that point.

>Try aoe pulling stuff in classic
Did this a lot in Vanilla as a Mage. Also kiting. Of course, once you have access to the right skills. Annoying to be eating and drinking all the time.

>If current WoW has anything that it does better than vanilla, it's character progression.
More like regression and dumbing down.

the combo system has nothing to do with fightning games...

And pressing 1 and sometimes 2 500 times while grinding boars is better?

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>That logic lead to retail where the only content to do is increasingly more difficult mythic shit
It may look like that, but that's wrong. What lead to treadmill-like content is Blizzard laziness and lack of imagination/innovation. It's an easy solution. It's like making a boss hit X% harder and have Y% more health and calling it a "hard mode".

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Apparently. Do you think having more UI elements is always better than having less? Same goes with spells and abilities

He may sound like someone without an attention span but this is genuinely the classic experience

yea and re-releasing 15 year old game is sure fucking innovating amiright

>people are actually defending a raid rotation consisting of one spell

A game that doesn't treat you like a child that needs to feel special is better, yes.

If people don't like that then they won't play that class, let the free market decide

I remember most if not all casters were shit at low levels, specially priests. Getting a green wand as early as you could was a godsend.

people like doing braindead things and getting imaginary points for that so yea vanilla might work out just fine. But does that mean that it is a good game or something? doubt.

the energy regen is slow as fuck, you'll be waiting for energy most of the time

I mean personally I like when an MMO wants me to learn how to play a fucking piano. Feed me buttons.

Ah yes, Mindless Grinding, the true adult's hobby.

This just shows how badly peoples attention span has detiorated in just over a decade.

You're barking under a wrong tree here. I hate the idea of classic and think it'll be dead in 3 months if not less. Blizzard should've never agreed to it. It's time and resources they could've spent tryinf to fix retail.
But then again releasing classic may have a purpose. Maybe the (momentary) popularity will show Blizzard that the older, less casual and single-player friendly design created a healthier community and sense of achievement in a game.
We'll see.

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What's that parody of MMOs called? Progress Quest? I can't help but be reminded of that.

Why are you so concerned that people like an old thing? Do you also yell about people enjoying OSRS more than RS3?

Are you currently subscribed to retail wow and feel threatened by classic?
>I mean personally I like when an MMO wants me to learn how to play a fucking piano
lmao, how about you just learn to play a fucking piano loser

All online games are mindless grinding at their core. I would prefer one that doesn't make your grind seem like a fruitless effort where the devs are literally jingling a set of keys in front of you while telling you how special you are for doing jack shit.

>It's time and resources they could've spent tryinf to fix retail.
What if it's beyond fixing? Classic is the forest fire that will allow new growth

i don't play WoW but it seems silly to me that people are complaining about vanilla not having what the normal game has, isn't that the whole point of it?

smoothbrains thing moar button=gooder gameplay. the most important part is an engaging rotation. mindlessly slapping all your buttons is boring, but having to think and plan ahead about which skill you are going to need in 10 seconds is better

a very shallow assessment

Classic was the best precisely because of this shit

Your character was barely stronger than the enemies they were killing - at low levels if you fought two at a time you'd be in a lot of trouble, probably dead - if you fought three at a time you were utterly fucked

The whole point of the game was that you were a small part of the WORLD OF WARCRAFT

It's why the further you progress, the more dangerous shit you're fighting - you start out dealing with kobolds and random thugs and low-tier demons and slowly progress to fighting scourge leftovers and eventually big dick demons; your character's progression feels real

It's why it's all the more satisfying when forty of you group up to kill a big bad - none of you are particularly special, but by working together you can take down massive threats

Meanwhile in retail every single paladin is the Highlord, every mage is the Archmage, every major character from Khadgar to Jaina to Sylvanas to Saurfang to Anduin knows your character by name (no matter which faction even) and yet you're replacing Ashbringer or Felo'melorn or Doomhammer with a green that a peasant gives you in your first quest in the new expansion

The game changed from an RPG where you were a part of the world into an Action-Adventure where You Are The Champion Of The Faction and Everything Revolves Around You and the game suffered massively for it

That's not even getting into shit like dungeon finder, LFR, and cross-realm shit

>unironcally being a seething retailfag
can't wait for the constant cope

>i-it's supposed to be boring! just turn off your brain bro!

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>fun is a feature

>he doesn't have dual monitors

I mean let's take the ghuun trash mob in underrot they have 3 different casts that need to he stopped one makes a man unkillable one heals to full and one gives a massive damage buff. And then when you pull them you have headhunters who root the ranged in place and puts out a stacking dot. Then they have a big lady who deals massive damage and will charge to players even rooting them doing massive damage you need to avoid. That's standard trash in BfA compared mc. Also fire reist isn't mechicans that's = to ilvl of course if you go into a place with weak gear you will get fucked

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WoW has always been casual shit, same goes for its babby fans every other MMO chad laughs at

Its almost as if there's a balance between Classic's dull ass progression that was literally designed to suck up monthly fees and Retail's instant gratification.

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Nigger one mythic mechs legit one shot through most non healer cooldowns play the fucking game

>Fuck yeah man I miss the days of AFK Grinding and having to get around the drudge of actually playing the game!

You have no chance explaining this to vanillatards. They think that because shitty single mechanic old bosses kill in one hit, that means they are more hardcore. They don't understand the idea of attrition, accumulating mistakes and recovery. Granted, they will now say that "well duh it's more hardcore if you die if you make a misstake" but that's not really true when all you have to do to not make said mistake is not fall asleep.

im concerned because I do not understand how can anyone find this sort of gameplay compelling. And no last time I played was in early Cata. Call me funhater all you want but I find it unhealthy for people to take enjoyment on things where they have to put no effort in to. You are just wasting your time/life doing 2 button rotations on mobs and then drinking and moving to next one until your bar fills up again and again. Then you will go and do the same thing but for bigger mobs in the hopes of a dice roll to give you an item that makes your numbers go further up. Its so fucked up to me.

And neither you nor Blizzard have quite figured out what that would look like, so until then I'd prefer the tedium of classic over the mockery of retail.

>What if it's beyond fixing?
Kill it and start working on a new MMORPG with 2019 standards. Improve the graphics, physics, enviromental detail, world interactivity, open yourself options for better boss mechanics than "don't stand in shit".
But we both now that won't happen. As long as people play retail, they won't touch it.
My sub ended 2 months into BfA. I've switched to FFXIV and don't regret it.
I've spent 14 years playing WoW. I absolutely WOULD come back if they FIXED THE FUCKING GAME and gotten rid of microtransaction for a buy-2-play game with a sub.

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First it was, classic will never get released.
Then it was, private servers will fail, and we got nost.
Next it was, nobody will play and the hype/community will be dead. This has been proved wrong already.
Next it will be, classic will fail and die after 3 months.

At what point does the delusion and arrogance cease?

I don't think you know what that means
> I do not understand how can anyone find this sort of gameplay compelling
Then you're likely autistic
>with 2019 standards
God fucking hell no fuck that shit, name a good modern MMO. I'll wait


Also fire Bobby Kotick.

I stopped playing during TBC. Is that really not how things are anymore..?

yes they will because no one gives a shit about this and it will be removed a month after launch

Because it is easier to form a connection to something if you have to put some dedication into it. No, Classic isn't skillfull or engaging, it's still an MMO which is tough to make mechanically rewarding. But it is more emotionally rewarding.

How is it possible I still remember, vividly and fondly, getting Herod's raging berzerker helmet on my warrior dwarf even though it was over a decade ago now, while the majority of retail players can't even name their supposedly super-epic loot they got yesterday?


>it makes me upset when people like different video games than I do
Starts with an A.

>beat mythic boss
>beat any other content in the game for a chance at the same item level as the hardest content in the game

*sips* yep now that's a good reward structure!

If you took the good things from several 2015+ MMORPGs and stitched it together into one good game it could work. That's what WoW was back in 2004.

>using more than 5 fireballs to kill something in the starting zone

Anyone who believes this is a fucking idiot. 90% of Yea Forums are Amazon drones and their philosophies align with Asmongold. We're all rooting for the struggle and a new start to topple Blizzard. We fight for freedom and hardcore gamers and stuff..........

>several 2015+ MMORPGs and stitched it together into one good game it could work
>it could work
Okay go have fun with that MMORPG then, we'll be playing classic

the game is literally designed to waste your time and farm subs
why people like this dogshit is beyond me. it truly is pathetic.

Thank you for your feedback

>but I only played BFA for 2 months!
Again, you are a coping retailfag who is absolutely seething over the popularity of classic. "I'm not a retailfag because I don't like BFA" tells me everything.

>[any game] is literally designed to waste your time and farm profit

Classic will fail, the only people that refuse to see it are seething "going home" faggots like you
- delusional and illogical.

>Classic will fail
What's your definition of it failing?

Thank you for your feedback

Just how shit is retail nowadays?

I'm not a retailfag, because I don't play retail. Does your 80 IQ has trouble comprehending simple facts?

name one game that isn't a waste of time.

That'll happen if you try to take on a lv4 at lv1, or try a lv3 and get unlucky.
Your mana regen is pretty huge at that level though so you'll get more fireballs pretty fast, though.

People will gladly put up with grindy games if there's good rewards in the end. Anthem completely failed in that regard. You grind and grind and grind and get nothing of interest to show for it.

Cool Math Games

>classic will never happen!
>classic will never be popular!
>classic will die after 3 months! (you are here)
>classic will die after a year!
>classic will die after naxx!
Will the cope ever end?

>managing mana doesn't make a game harder
That's like saying that stamina management in dark soul doesn't make the game harder.

>We can't let you choose a reward in any relevant manner, so no pvp or any other kind of vendor and no meaningful crafting because that would fuck our entire gear progression. Here have a new go on your weekly slot machine you got a cloak from the last three weeks in a row, and it goes straight into the scrapper if it doesn't have a socket.

>he thinks that retailfag exclusively refers people who like BFA

Shit comparison because you don't need to manage stamina you can beat the while game without caring for it

lol these retailfags are seething, typical blizzdrones can't handle the idea that nu-blizz is dogshit.

That feel when you get banned for Stream Sniping, Stream Disruption, and interacting in bad faith.

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>classic will never happen!
I've never said it won't happen. I said it shouldn't happen. But trust Blizzard will make all the wrong choices.

Define "retailfag" then. And to reiterate: I hate modern WoW.

>I hate modern WoW.
You said you played the game for 14 years. Unless you don't consider shit like mop to be modern wow?

>"I want to play Classic!"
>Plays Classic
>"WTF is this shit?"

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>you lived long enough to see vanilla becoming a twitch fotm game

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the people making statement one are not the people making statement 3

First wand needs to have 75 in Enchanting skill (if I recall correctly).
There is NO WAY you can make it in a starting zone.

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Can a person not change his mind? Yes, I've played on and off every expansion since Vanilla. I've quit in BfA, because I hate what the game has become. I do not, however, see Classic WoW as a solution to anything. I see it as a trend, a gimmick, a smoke screen for BfA, to keep people's attention long enough for Blizzard to release another patch or expansion which will "fix everything".

As long as people pay the sub, Blizzard wins.

>Improve the graphics, physics, enviromental detail,
No. WoW graphics are fine aside from armor models. Chink shit like FFXIV, Black Desert, and every other cookie cutter Asian MMO looks like pure trash and runs like it.

I didn't say "change the artstyle" not "make it more realistic". Don't you think WoW cartoony artstyle couldn't be improved without loosing personality? I think it could. Easily. Also say what you want about Korean garbage MMOs - graphics aren't their problem.

75 in enchanting costs 1 copper rod, 1 lesser essence and 75 strange dust. That's like 20 silver worth of materials.

>20 silver worth of materials
Yeah right...

Raids weren't as good as they are now in retail in terms of mechanics thats out of discussion, but the gameplay as a whole was much better and that matters.
Wow came a long way and it progressed with times before it died in WoD.
Vanilla - Wotlk — amazing
Cata - Panda — good
WoD - BFA - shit
I only hope they'll make TBC servers after Vanilla and we'll be able to transfer our characters there. And then keep progressing but change the game like delete lfg and don't delete abilities, also don't add flying.

Mage tower is harder than Naxx 40.

Yeah might be even less, that shit is worthless

>obsessing so much over streamers that you'll spend your time trying to interact with them in game

Do I need to have owned any of the expansions for WoW (or any copy of WoW at all) before paying $15 a month?

how many people will play classic then move to retail while waiting for phases? me and no one I know will do that, havent played since wrath if that matters. will retail players check out the first 6 levels of classic and decide it's slow & garbage and never play it again? probably most of them. if it's meant to be a smokescreen it won't be very good

It doesn't matter anyway. Classic is coming out and retail is bombing. Cry more, nigger.

Stop playing chines private servers, nigger.

I'm positive people will hit 60 and the use classic as a waiting room for retail to come up with new content. As long as you have fun that's fine. But that attitude won't fix WoW. It'll keep sinking until nobody gives a shit about new content anymore and they'll get bored will classic.

>It'll keep sinking until nobody gives a shit about new content anymore and they'll get bored will retail

That wasn't the point. We were talking about WoW 2. Stop and think for a second, seething classicfag.

wrong. progression in 2004 wow is better than in any other form of WoW. Level up, do a quest/dungeon or get a rare drop or a new recipe, get a new amazing piece of gear. Easily 400 hours of satisfying progression.

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legion was ok
there were major problems with it but the overall experience wasn't bad

>he plays video games and talks about video games on Yea Forums - Video Games

>implying retail is fixable

>WoW 2
Not happening anytime soon. They're still working on expansions. You and your retailfag buds would lose their minds if all of their progress ended.

>Not happening anytime soon. They're still working on expansions.
Stop fucking paying them then.

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As if anyone would pay anything for strange dust even in 2005. It's fucking worthless considering how even the wand lowbies want doesn't require it.

>slightly older zoomers arguing with slightly younger zoomers about their themepark carebear MMO being better at release

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How old are you friendo

>but the gameplay as a whole was much better
lmao imagine thinking this

I only ever played classic, I stuck around for and finished the first expansion but after that I quit for good. Bunch of these faggots got soft playing all the overbalanced garbage since then.


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ecelebs in order of pvp skill based on what i've seen

If I could cherry pick and mash together the following

>Late legion class design and combat
>Pandaria and onwards raid and encounter design

>Outdoor content
>Talent trees (I know I said it twice, but I'd love to unlock those talents on an actual tree)
>Dungeon design (outside of the encounters within them)
>Gear progression

I'd have my perfect MMO

>spamming shadow bolts during leveling
Fuck you retard you autistic nigger, warlocks level by applying dots and wanding mobs to death while their voidwalkers tank. Shadowbolt takes too much mana.
Fuck you negroid

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>not using the succubus just to stare at that ass

Old enough to remember WoW being the casual carebear MMO all the faggots jumped on. Themepark MMOs are shit for subhumans with addictive personality disorder.

inb4 muh WoW PvP

yeah that's modern WoW, only you left out the part where the mob gained 1% more HP as your Int went up by 1%

And what MMO do you currently play?

>posting a webm from the demo
Update your shitposts bro

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>"Look at all these streamers!"
I was laughing

What's this about loot trading? Is it trading soulbound items or what?

Wow is a boomer game for boomers only

>layer 7... home

None, because there hasn't been a good one in many years (Mortal Online and Darkfall either turned out shit or in any case died). The genre has been trash for years.

I'd play DDO if they brought it to the west though.

1) Classic is much worse than any other expansion.
2) You people only want it to get your childhood back. Not happening btw.

Blizzard got greedy and won't bother to hire enough gm's to deal with mismanaged raid loot, so they just slapped a trade timer on raid loots.

the only reason locks spam shadow bolt in raids is because the debuff limit stops them from DoTing. In dungeons and the open world they play completely differently

Why aren't you playing OSRS? It has a higher skillcap than you're probably familiar with


name 2 objectively good things about legion.
Spoiler: you cant.

Because Runescape is shit.

Why is it shit?
I want to play classic but how do I make sure I never come in contact with any str*amer or their cancerous fanbase?
I'm from eastern euro, will our servers be safe?

mythic plus
honor system

let's be honest, the gameplay is not the draw of classic. Shit fucking sucks ass compared to retail


no, there is no "base game". you just make account and sub

>>classic will die after naxx!
it will tho, there's nothing more to do after naxx

Combos are kinda fun but there's a TON of downtime where you don't have energy for anything

Because it is and I have no interest in putting 15 minutes writing a wall of text about it. The only reason people have fond memories of RS is because it was A) their first MMO or B) the only thing they could play on school/their parent's computer. Both UO and DAOC were vastly superior, and released before it or around the same time.

Nobody is saying vanilla was a skillful game, you dumb fucking child.

Play on a pvp server

this is such a shit meme. the gameplay is what you're doing 99% of the time, if it was bad the game would be bad

Zoomers need to press buttons in complicated ways to feel superior.

What is it then? Exploring the world for the first time? Done. Experience a huge MMO for the first time? Done. Exploring the Warcraft universe for the first time? Done. Finding out new communities? The community will be formed from the people playing now, not then.

literally every nostbaby screaming how HARDCORE vanilla was

Ah so you've never played it. Copy that

keep seething retail retards, nobody will miss you

nah a lot of people are. So much of the "lmao retail is so braindead easy".

based sandbox grinding chad

>Nobody is saying vanilla was a skillful game

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Can't wait to see the nuclear levels of cope, mental gymnastics, and most of all delusion when classic curb stomps retail in popularity. These people will defend the current shit version of the game to the death, just so they can lick developer cum.

because it was addictive, time-consuming and there was hardly any instant gratification. You had to work for just about everything.

If you would use your head for more than a hat rack for more than 3 seconds you'd realize that. Sorry you're too fucking dumb to get how something that requires investment would be fun.

Oh I played it alright, just not much because it was a downgrade from things I was already playing. On the other hand you didn't play UO or DAOC, yet you expect me to argue with you about MMOs, when I'd just be wasting my time on a zoomer whose experience in MMOs began with RS in his school library (and later WoW).
Grinding the same dungeon over and over as fast as possible for that shitty drop is precisely what themepark MMOs are about.

For something that pretends to be a rpg, there is no value in having good gameplay if there is zero character progression, zero incentive to perform and whenever new content comes out everything before it becomes completely irrelevant. Classic gameplay might be from the dull side, but the game is better designed overall.

personally i don't like nu-wow, so i just don't play it or give a shit about it. retail players on the other hand loudly proclaim how shit classic is while obsessing about it constantly. why? if you dislike it, just ignore it. i guarantee that nu-wow won't go away, you'll still have your dopamine dispenser. and if classic is so bad it will never be a threat to retail. yet they just keep seething, in thread after thread.


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>and most of all delusion when classic curb stomps retail in popularity
it will be more popular until the new expansion and when streamers will go back to their fotm games

amount and variety of world content

but the game IS fucking boring in terms of gameplay
it doesnt start picking up until level 40 and even then thats becuase of pvp and EVEN THEN you can easily get frustrated because you will probably be raped by someone who played the game 10 times before.

but its been repeated so many times alrdy in here... WHAT WORK? You repeat one button. Maybe two. The only difference here is that it takes fuckign long. Its not about hard work or dedication no. It is about not having anything worthwhile in life so that you can willingly sacrifice your hours into some braindead number go up game.

Please point out where I said that time consuming means hard. Because I didn't. Time consuming IS NOT hard, it's an investment. Myself and tons of other players like the feeling of investment, which makes the game fun. You don't have an argument, you're just parroting contrarian things you've read on Yea Forums 10 minutes before this thread. Shut the fuck up.

I still play it now and enjoy it, guess I'm retarded

>On the other hand you didn't play UO or DAOC, yet you expect me to argue with you about MMOs
Ya got me, but I started OSRS in middle school

Because when nost was popular calssicfags were every-fucking-were. EvE threads, TESO threads, FF threads, eveng fucking singleplayer threads were filled with nostalrius bullshit.

Ooookay well you type like a retard so this is the only response you're going to get

>It is about not having anything worthwhile in life
you're whining on Yea Forums about other people wanting to play a video game

the irony

>It is about not having anything worthwhile in life so that you can willingly sacrifice your hours into some braindead number go up game.
This argument is always my favorite because it's made by someone who has so little going on in their life they can willingly sacrifice hours into yelling at other people for enjoying what they consider a braindead number go up game

As i've not played a private server and it's been years since i played vanilla, i'll use wowpedia as a counterpoint.
Skimming through the mobs in there seems to be roughly the same levels of complexity, although the focus is more on the dispel, management of debuff's and control of the mobs directly through CC rather than interrupting their casts or moving out of the way.

Female gnome warrior named cunnybunny or lolifeet

and because of that you spread it even further by crying them? makes total sense man

if anyone takes the name boogerbones I'm gonna be so fucking pissed

i remember killing a shaman named cunnybunny on retail
is that you

new zones and mythic+

Class questlines.
Legendary items changing your rotation and gameplay.


>Blizzard all ready said they aren't going to make new content
They said they were open to going OSRS-style new content.

imagine killing a random player and getting banned for like a week for twitch sniping because the person you just killed is a popular streamer, which will happen sooner or later.

>Realest post gets the most (You)s
Every time

And that's the only place it will happen, in your imagination
>'ll happen! believe me

wait will that person finds out thatt he gear you wear doesnt really give you any really good bonuses when it comes to damage. Unlike today. Where int, str, agi gives you flat damage increase.. In Classic.. You only got mana from int and some crit, no damage increase. Agility gave you crit and attack power. Str just gave you attack power. Because those are ment to increase your white damage, melee hits, not ability hits. But for spell casters.. You would need to have gear with Spell DAMAGE. It wasnt untill somewhere during tbc when they made it so that spell power and healing power were same.So that it doesnt punish casters who got healing gear drop instead of dps gear. Also. They are going to complain that most of your gold is spent just upgrading your abilities to a higher level. That uses more mana and does more damage. Think i read that people used lower rank spells just so they wouldnt spend all their mana. Imagin using rank 5 healing spell, instead of a rank 10 spell. Will blow peoples minds. Most important. People will complain how the tanks cant hold agro... Forgeting that there are only 2 tanks in the game. Warrior and Druids. Paladin tanks werent a thing during Classic. It was only a think during Wrath. I know. I played a paladin alt during late tbc.. You have no idea how many weird looks i got.

>most controversial post gets the most (you)'s
Imagine that

It's funny because I believe that the "you think you do but you don't" applies to the casual babies that want to lazily cleave there way to the level cap much more than it does to the elitists that wanted classic servers in the first place.

Because on paper is makes sense, being able to kill more than one thing at once and to go mob to mob without resting /sounds/ more fun, but in practice it isn't because of the lack immersion and thinking that it causes.

And really the sub numbers speak for themselves.

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it's not even about getting banned. that likely won't happen. what 100% will happen is you kill a random guy that turns out to be a streamer and 100+ twitch kiddies will immediately have your character's name, server, and game location and will either spam message you or try to camp you.

Everyone already knows optimal rotations. If you're rolling a boring class, you're going to play a boring class. Or you could roll one that's actually remotely interesting in PVE i.e. warriors, rogues and hunters or meme specs

The people that play retail won’t be happy because TOO HARD, WHERE IS MY MANA.

However the millions that quit and never played past Cata will come back and feel happy because this is what they remembered. They never played a WOW where you don’t run out of mana.

Rogue pve is pressing backstab and slice and dice at 5 combo points, unless you are a human then you press sinister strike and slice and dice. If your tank sucks dick you might have to press feint at times, it's not exactly interesting. Rogue pvp is fuck as fuck tho, but pretty much every class is fun in pvp if you know what you are doing.

The devs said they ARE open to the idea of new content. Which is a double edged blade because it would be the fucking incredible if they can pull it off, but their chances of doing so are extraordinarily slim.

Seasonal resets?
I dunno.

But you actually become stronger as you play in Classic

I'd argue that was Wotlk and to a lesser extent TBC. Ever since cata progression has been horrible thanks to the removal of the old talent trees which rewarded you on level up. The new talents reward you a few times in your entire leveling experience, leveling is a dull endeavor and this comes from someone that loved leveling specially with Wotlk extra thicc talent trees.

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dogshit unbalanced mode that brought titanforging with it because there is no logical way to fit in a loot source with no lockout alongside weeklong raid lockouts. Honor talents sucked, produced more pruning to fill the honor tree and was a mindless grind that never rewarded good play just doing shitty non PvP world quests
kill x in valsharah kill x in Azuna is not variety you braindead legionbaby.
All but Nighthold sucked. EN and ToS were apologetically trash raids
See m+ comment before. New zones dont matter because WoW is all about instance endgame and only Suramar was passable for the first 2 weeks after lauch
Class lines were dogshit. Priests got cucked by paladins, DKs were being straight up evil but that was never touched on again, everybody else just had a dreadlord hiding in their ranks what a fucking plot twist.
Legendaries were easily the worst edition to the game period, surprassing titanforging. Kill yourself zoomnigger

legion apologists need to be shot

>gorillion of "+%" talents is good
>few talents that actually change the gameplay is bad

>i don't like = it's bad
Are you 13?

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>artifact questlines
>hidden questlines
>secret content
there were plenty of things to do besides world quests. i know, because i hated world quests and i still always had stuff to do.
raid-wise, en was bad but not THAT bad, tov was great, nh was great, i stopped playing because of tos, and antorus was great

>b-but its sh-it o-o-on p-purpose


Life isn't black and white user. At end game the new talent trees are sweet because they focus on options more than the old ones. While leveling there isn't enough progression excitement with how bloated the game world has gotten and how thin the talent trees have become but that's ok because big daddy blizzard can ease your pain for $60 you can remove 95% of the leveling experience and get most of those new talents instantly~.
Remember when this was as far as the cancer stretched? Oh how far we've come.

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Does modern WOW not have a mana problem?

only for healers and arcane mage

>At end game the new talent trees are sweet because they focus on options more than the old ones. While leveling there isn't enough progression excitement with how bloated the game world has gotten and how thin the talent trees

I used to think the new talent trees would be a temporary issue because they would get bigger as new xpacs came out just like the old trees but that didn't turn out to be the case...