Who is the most cunning character you ever saw in a video game?

Who is the most cunning character you ever saw in a video game?

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I've always found Jr kind of funny.

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Jack The Ripper of course

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>not flat
this must be the work of some tumblrite

Oppai loli is patrician.

no, it's trash


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You are trash.

>not perflat


Absolutely ass taste

It takes something perfect and slaps cowtits on it, how is that """patrician"""
Cowtits are only acceptable on THICC MOMMY characters

I have a feeling the intentions of this thread aren't entirely video game related.

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You'd be wrong

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This is the exact point of view I want to see squids in.

This thread is not funny delete now

Inklings by far. Seriously what the fuck, it couldn't possibly be an accident that they're so fucking cute and funny.

god I want to bulge that tummy

Attached: Smash Woomy.jpg (710x960, 267K)

Cute and Funny?

I want to be a cute and funny character and make anons my slaves!

on the one hand lolicons are fucking garbage, on the other you help to filter out normalfags so i can't hate you as much as i should

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Adorable and humourous

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Attached: 4kuma.webm (650x452, 2.95M)

That's not cunning at all.
Jack isn't cunning. She has a hairy vagina, YIKES.
What video game is this from?
Cunny is not about lolis, it's about little kids.


Attached: oppai.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

Attached: Kuma.webm (650x884, 2.97M)


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Nips too big