Destroys 3 years worth of stock growth

>destroys 3 years worth of stock growth

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Other urls found in this thread:

absolutely based

My fucking hero.

Round 2 when?

Attached: R U NOT ENTERTAINED.jpg (1000x797, 69K)

hard to do considering that guy'll be on the blizzcon banlist and this years blizzcon requires people to have phones to even get in

Based and redpilled.

Attached: 1541542264489.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

He'll just put a wig on
>Did you think I had forgotten?
>Did you think I had... forgiven?
>Behold, now, the terrible vengeance of my hairline!


Someone post the Angelic looking photo. Pure Cinematography

I will never get tired of how Blizzcon now requires its attendees to have phones.

this one?

Attached: 1551963264257.jpg (1024x531, 34K)

>Blizz is dying! This time for sure! Honest!

Attached: 1543435969518.jpg (633x952, 69K)



>you're on stage
>you hear a faint rumbling in the distance, somewhere off in crowd's darkness
>you don't know why, but you're filled with dread

Attached: diablo fan.png (1335x1015, 642K)

Fuck me, I was just thinking about the 1984 Apple ad.

based and redshirted

Imagine fucking up so bad even your devoted followers that pay to go to your con call you out.

you can get tickets by registering as not having a phone, and I guess these registries will be overrun this year.

>wow down from 13m to 2m players
>5 of 6 players are gone
if this ain't dying what else?

honestly how hard would it be for them to just admit they fucked up. Then release the game on pc in HD.
That should have been their response.

Everyone laughs at Blizzard for this, but China will make them millions

Attached: DrBV3S5VAAEPmP5.png (233x213, 47K)

>phone requirement
I mean who doesn't have one these days, but do they unironically think that a lack of phones users was the cause of this shit show. Iam starting to think that game devs or at least the old out of touch windbags that own the companies are out of touch with reality.

I love those literally non existant sources.
>15 year old game has 2 million active subscribers at ~15 per month
Other companies would kill for that

>buy prepaid cheap as fuck burner phone
>use it to get into blizzcon
>go up to the mic
>pull out phone
>throw it to the ground
>step on it, destroying it completely
>walk out while crowd loses their shit
>blizzard goes out of business the next day

they make billions in the west though

Based, I wonder what the fallout to his martyrdom will be on the next Blizzcon.
I am also thinking if this isn't for the best ultimately, as Blizzard will be advised to take a turn away from China this year, while most of its competitors will take an extra few years before turning away from China, as the Communist Party goes full retard (they literally blocked Game of Thrones last episode for no reason).

Attached: meme.png (690x670, 122K)

Government induced eternal cliff hanger?
China really is hell on earth

To be fair it's not just Blizzcon doing this, every big event is doing this now
Presumably it's because AXS gives Blizzard and every other organizer who uses its services for ticketing and attendance kickbacks for the millions of dollars worth of saleable metadata they siphon from every single attendant's phone even outside of the event venue. Seriously, the amount of data collection that app does is disgusting

>Rereleases warcraft 3 ROC and FT
>Gets 5 years worth of stocks because of mouthbreathers

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Yes id like to apologize for this thread.

Attached: apology.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

Literally who?

Wait, did that happen? Someone apologized for him?

Yes, that hairy, greasy meatball apologized to the billion dollar company for mean people.


>not wings like Tyrael's

Also this fat fuck totally needed an Azmodan edit

He apologized "on behalf of everyone there" after the shit show.

Holy fuck, what an absolute cuck. How fucking pathetic do you need to be? I can't even tell if that's a man or a woman from the picture!

Geez Louise.

Did the crowd boo him


>there are people who meme this and still not have watch the video of the guy explaining how genuine he was being
I was watching this shit live at blizzcon (as I stupidly fell for the virtual ticket meme), but he said literally what was on everyone's fucking mind.
A tiny video clip snippet of his question does not even replicate the build up and presentation/atmosphere the entire event was going for. He fucking did it, and it was such an amazing feeling to experience.
Almost as if was completely unreal. As the "filtering of QnA questions" was more well known than the "lack of foresight", but of course this made sense as time went on.

That said, he doesn't deserve the scorn of Blizzard's "SJW vanguard" by being made out to be something he wasn't. Though the fat long haired guy who tried to apologize for it later in the day deserves all the flak he's got

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Someone post this pic without the text please

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*sterilizes himself*
huh, nothing personnel, blizzcon

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who made that image and thought it was funny?


it is

>all these corporate cucked mutts sucking this guy's dick because he "stood up" against the tyranny


some user

Anyone have a video of the apology cuck?


>20 seconds apart
>user with the quick delivery

he's literally our guy

Attached: r5Hy8GM.png (938x484, 72K)

It was really hard to watch.

bandwagoning cuck

Wait, is there seriously no new research on vasectomies since the 80s and 90s? Are you fucking kidding me? And people recommend this as a medical procedure?

Wasn't it just a few years ago that we realized new medical research was important because some dude overturned decades of faulty thinking by proving that ulcers weren't directly caused by stress?

based chinese gov doing everybody a favor and block that horseshit

>he wants his kids to grow up in a world filled with chinks and blizzdrones

judaya wants goys to sterilize themselves

Well, Jew mutt doctors also recommend male infant circumcision as a standard medical procedure.

Attached: circumcision psychopathology.png (790x532, 49K)

>Tfw he can perfectly sum up why captain MAHVEL is a bad character but people will still call him a sexist for it

You’re thinking of Warren and his studies on H. pylori back in the 80s. But yes, it did completely alter how we think about and treat ulcers.

The diablo-shirt guy's question occurred during the "quick QnA" they had right after the Immortal announcement (which happened right at the end of the opening ceremony)
When the actual planned "Diablo:Immortal QnA" scheduled panel came up, there were two instances.
One of the first people in line was some dude who somewhat offhandedly (though it was obvious was he was implying) refereed to the question and was trying to act more "upbeat" about it to lead the QnA into a good direction.
However it was later discovered that this said person was one of the hired actors for one of the "blizzcon convention" videos (videos that typically all "big" conventions create, they are kind of like those videos you see when getting on airplane that refer to "common sense" shit and "where to go, how to do" etc.)
So it was very much evident that he was planted first in line by blizzard to do as stated prior "lead the QnA into a good direction".
Then the second fucker that refers to came up, a apologized on "behalf of everyone" for diablo-shirt guys question.
There were no "crowd boos" but only what you could perceive as "forced supportive claps and cheers". Yea Forums and every single forum out there (ironically, more so on Blizzard's own forums) blew the fuck up about this guy with post that consisted of "how dare he try to speak "for us"" and etc.
After the panel was over and it cut back to the host, the first thing Michele Morrow (who while has been a host for several Blizzcons now, has recently done of bunch of weird shit like creating some Youtube Red series with Jesse Cox featuring the Game Grumps) mentions that "how nice it was for that fan to apologize about everyone's reaction".
It was a shit show from every possible point of view.

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I think its funny


I fail to see the issue with realising Diablo on phones, this whole thing is a fake and pointless outrage


The real issue is Blizzard thinking a mobile only reskin of an existing game would be a great way to end the con, when the fans were expecting a new title in the main diablo franchise.

>tfw Nebula is one of your favorite characters in the movies for this reason
Based red shirt guy

>Is this a joke?
>No the World of Warcraft Classic panel has already been
What would have happened if this was the response?

I would have enjoyed it but it wouldn't have gone over well.

>it turns out that jews aren't bad, it's just that circumcision makes you insane and drives you to get more people circumcised, perpetuating the cycle
interesting plot twist

I thought the "we wuz women" line was fine, typical pandering shit, but he is on point with the rest

Honestly at this point, "circumcision" is more so the equivalent of getting your tonsils taken out. Just more shit the human body doesn't really use. (unless you got a fucked up circumcision, then yea that'll probably cause some problems)
As far as psychology goes, the voices that an infant hears the second it leaves the womb is more impactful than getting a part of the dick removed. Nevermind all the preferred injections they throw at parents shortly after, the good and bad.

>Pay 100 bucks to get to be among the first people to see the announcement of Diablo 4 that has been hyped for months.
>Wear your dorky Diablo t-shirt to the con to show your fandom for the franchise.
>A crowd made of dedicated PC players fill in the seats, their knees trembling in excitement.
>Shitty asset swap chinese mobile game gets announced instead.

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Is this a man or a woman?

Based as fuck dude. Long may be reign.

Anyone have that image where redshirt guy has the jojo menacing text around him?


guarantee that this year it will be no open Q&A or just full of blizzard plant shills that will echo how amazing the new blizzard trash is

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My friend had really low expectations and thought it was probably just gonna be another Diablo 3 DLC with the Amazon or something. He disappeared after the con and reappeared the next day at our hotel drunk and smelling like a hobo.

>T. Wyatt Cheng


>buy prepaid cheap as fuck burner phone
it needs android, not sure those exist

>PoE dev's were scared shitless before this announcement thinking that Diablo4 was going to be announced, taking a huge chunk of their playerbase back

>this happens

i would have loved to see what was happening in GGG offices when this happened

Attached: 1363310135967.gif (404x416, 204K)

Prepaid Android phones exist.

>Just more shit the human body doesn't really use.
ah yes a protective sheath for a sensitive, moisturized part of the human body how useless
by the way infants aren't sedated during the mutilation, and the pain during such a malleable stage causes irreversible change in brain structure linked to psychopathy

you are the american smell

>i would have loved to see what was happening in GGG offices when this happened
Chris and the rest probably just dropped out of their dev chairs, laughing.

Were they really that butthurt that they required smartphone on-site verification for the next blizzcon?

he looks older here and less cool

>you are the american smell
What is the american smell? The smell of bacon and fat people?

Noooo! you can't say that or people will call you sexist even when you are right.
If the film has a woman protagonist, you need to give it a 10/10 :^)

but one man stands alone...

I think they were more butthurt about the app collecting every bit of data from your phone.

Posting superior painting version

Attached: 1551998816724.jpg (1466x760, 110K)

you have to go back

Attached: on_color_large.png (310x310, 25K)

>to see the announcement of Diablo 4 that has been hyped for months.
Hyped by who? Rumours spread by steamers and youtube personalties? Blizzard never said anything about Diablo 4

says right there he has two kids, how many you got?

This needs to be drawn into the warrior from Diablo 1 standing among a cesspool of demons

Thanks for the (You)
Have one yourself

please stop spreading this shitty forced-meme version of the picture in place of the original

Stop giving this cuck credit, Blizzard did that to themselves

>cutting off the most sensitive part of the body at the most sensitive, vulnerable point of life with no anesthetic will cause zero pain and/or no lasting trauma
how does somebody convince themselves of this?

Are you referring to the original unedited image?
I like this oil painting edit though. Some people like it too.

>Blizzard never said anything about Diablo 4
They hyped for new Diablo. What number comes after 3?

But they never said it was Diablo 4, you came up with that conclusion on your own.

lets be fair, blizzard would fuck up D4 anyway, they seem to be incapable of making anything good. At first it was probably intentional, but then the "pretend to be retarded" effect kicked in and now nobody in the company has the ability to do anything else

Don’t reply to bait user.

By going through this themselves. And if they ever have sex and have a child they'll probably do it to their son too.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-25 WeakAuras on Twitter.png (640x488, 49K)

you realize that the memory was so insanely traumatic that it is now a repressed memory, right?

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that's still 25 mill a month of free money

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What makes you think it's bait?

1.7 million subscribers is still a good hunk of cash every month

Yeah but they can just look down and be reminded of it. And if they don't perpetuate the cycle it'll mean they have accepted that their parents are retarded and willingly fucked him up days after he was born. And no retard would do that.

lol weak auras posted tweets immediately afterwards saying that was wrong you dumb sperg

They've been dying for a long time, it just took a lot more than anyone expected.
They're creatively bankrupt and have been riding on the backs of better people for a long long time.

not enough for stockholders

god I fucking love memes!

Attached: meme.jpg (372x534, 44K)

Absolutely kino.

>when in realitry blizz and their drones came down on him demanding to delete it
>not realizing he was just reporting it from another source
Good to see that you still try to work the narrtive, insect.

Some bald soi is Yea Forums ourguy now. Wow

haven't seen this before, good one

still less soi than you muhamad

1. Doctors aren't your friends.
2. How can anyone believe that cutting into a healthy and vital part of your body will not have repercussions?

Quit shilling your threads on /gif/ faggot

Doctors are fine, surgeons are dicks.

Check their stock value.

user made it and it's fucking golden, pony boy


If they let you do that you'd be real fucking stupid not to go that way.
Of course you're real fucking stupid for going to Blizzcon in the first place.

I hope he reads this and makes use of it.


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>much better lover
>being a human dildo for a womans pleasure
amazing how the sex and the city 2000s brainwashing completely cucked american men

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Keep saying that buddy, until you need a surgery.

I like how you cuckolds even watch that cancer in the first place.

Just imagine the crowd reaction when the camera centers on a fan asking his question and you can see him looming behind like again

I can't find the video of this guy anymore.

I wanted to get a fucking vasectomy this year too. What the fuck

based cuck

>ah yes a protective sheath for a sensitive, moisturized part of the human body how useless
We no longer walk around naked, friend. Made sense back then though.
Good golly, I had no idea newborn infants were capable of holding actual memories of "events", let alone painful ones. The things you can learn on Yea Forums.
Though the issue of levels of stress caused by "pain" on an infant's brain having long term affects does have merit, circumcision is far from the only thing to included in that potential occurrence.
Not even American by the way (not that I could convince this) but if I ever did have a child, and given the choice, I'd have it circumcised, tonsils removed, gallbladder, and all the other useless shit so they wouldn't have to potentially bother with it later in it's life. (imagine possibly getting circumcised at any point post birth)
Though if I didn't have the choice, I would raise them well enough to know to properly wash themselves to not get a yeast infection.

Attached: 1529805835558.png (400x384, 220K)

Who else was gonna to spoonfeed you fags.


>humans cannot develop memories
i'd say good b8, but it's just not

shut the fuck up retard and listen to what I have to say: Your clothes have absolutely zero effect on the protection of your dickhead, because a) they do not prevent moisture from evaporating and b) they are now an additional source of friction and c) you are fucking stupid.

I hope your mutilated offspring turn into ed gein and make a cock warmer from your eyelids.

>not wanting six kids is cringe

Because surgery should be the go-to option, not just pulling out or wearing a fucking rubber.

>dad chopped my dick so I'll chop my kid's dick too because if I don't it means my father is retarded

Condoms are shit. And if you don't want to have anymore kids I don't see how surgery isn't a viable solution.

Or the pill

>b-but they make me feel fat, please mutilate your body sweetie
No bitch.

If you would seriously rather have someone cut open your sack and sterilize you than wear a condom you are actually retarded and should get a vasectomy immediately.

>pulling out as birth control

lmao are you guys competing to see who is more stupid?

Why bother pulling out when your girl can just murder your baby instead.

Accidents happen even with condoms. And how is being infertile a bad thing assuming you already have kids?

It's a non invasive surgery though

>trusting the girl
Your first mistake. Never EVER leave that shit in the hands of a woman. They will not think rationally about it. They can't even be trusted to take a pill at the same time every day.

What happens when the missus has her midlife crisis and takes the kids to live with her 21 year old cougar-bait boy toy? If you aren't sterilized starting over is at least a possibility.

And sure accidents happen, but at that point there's still options that don't involve permanent sterilization.

>non-invasive surgery
That's not what non-invasive means. It's a keyhole surgery so they puncture your ballsack and fish around, instead of cutting it open.

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WOW success killed Blizzard's creativity and Activision burned it's corpse to ashes. Nothing good will ever comes out of this company.

Attached: rip.jpg (1688x1478, 704K)

That doesn't make your kids go away unless you somehow lose custody completely. Vasectomies can be reversed as well.

In america it is shockingly common for courts to award full custody to even the most appalling women. When it comes to family courts in general women tend to win/get whatever they want.

>Vasectomies can be reversed as well
80-90% successfully, assuming your vasectomy was flawless and no semen touched your blood.

fucking kek

>getting your foreskin chopped off
>cutting the pipes between your testicles and penis
imagine being this gullible to mutilate yourself for a roastie cunt

what year are you from

>mom still gets upset telling the story of how dad refused to let her get me circumcised
>gets even angrier when I remind her I'm glad he did
>she would constantly talk shit about my dad's dick in front of me as a child
>would constantly talk shit about my dick in front of my friends in middle/high school
women are fucking trash lol


ask your auld dear what her opinion on abortion is - that'll make the conversation more interesting :^)

>developing memories as a newborn
Brain isn't at that stage yet.
Well if professionally grafted eyelids to one's dick ends up being more proficient than natural foreskin then by all means.
Dad was a retard, but whatever their reasoning was is not the reason why I'd do it. (he has his foreskin anyway)

The fierce name calling really brings question as some form of projection. Did you fellas get a fucked circumcision or didn't take proper care of your foreskin so it resulted in a shriveled up mess?
Or are you just mad at jews?

Also, fuck Blizzard.

Attached: 1415959296468.png (435x461, 291K)

>Brain isn't at that stage yet.
there is zero proof of this. at what age does the brain magically gain the ability to remember things?

what was his fucking problem?

blizzard itself

>Brain isn't at that stage yet.
at what age do humans develop a hippocampus?

He did God's work

>b-but it was a selloff period! all companies' stocks dropped off then
>most companies and indexes recovered and rose higher, actiblizz didn't
he truly is based

Not surprised in the least that it came from someone looking like him.
Probably got a chub just being in the same room as them.

Saddest this about the whole thing was gaming """"journalists"""" bending over backwards to defend blizzard.

Not only do you have to have a phone, but you also have to download a spyware app that scraps LITERALLY EVERYTHING IT CAN from your phone and share it with god-knows-who.

There's things in life that are more important than mone- just kidding.

Especially after such a milktoast way of saying "Are you fucking serious?"

It’s simply very hard and time consuming to overturn scientific dogma. Medical/scientific ideology in many subjects make many major shift in history and every shift was met with resistance and apprehension. For H. pylori, it has many factor making the discovery difficult.
Scientific dogma dictates that the stomach’s acidity environment would keep it free from foreign organism.
H.pylori did respond to host’s inner body change associate with stress and proliferate
H.pylori was very difficult to isolate and culture and the culture obtained is so delicate and fragile in lab environmemt
Marshall, the dude working along with Warren, ended up drinking pure concentrated H.pylori culture because he couldn’t get it to work on mice to prove that it causes stomach ulcer.

>>Did you think I had forgotten?
>>Did you think I had... forgiven?
>>Behold, now, the terrible vengeance of my hairline!

Attached: 1461286409051.jpg (1462x1462, 411K)

do you think that during the expansion widely regarded as the worst made that it would stay at 1.7m for the 7 months since that leak?


>two kids
He was just waiting for someone or something to lash out at.

You have to be delusional to think he had any impact on the stock whatsoever.

would be fine as a side announcement, that shit can't be your main news in a mostly PC/console convention use your brain user

>this changes nothing

Attached: Untitled.png (1275x716, 84K)

>you don't like anal?
>don't you guys have an ass?

Standard big company PR 101 is to never admit wrongdoing. That or the high ups at Blizz are just so arrogant and smug, they show their true disdain for the unworthy plebs.

Among them is Kotaku's own Jason "lolicon fantasy" Schreier.

Attached: 417.jpg (1631x608, 200K)

So uh, you guys looking forward to Diablo 4?

The only way to fix it is for Blizzard to personally invite him to Blizzcon.

or they know the amount of shit eaters they have gobbling up whatever they put out is still enough to pay for their millions of dollars salaries

Attached: Screenshot_20190425-224748.png (2560x1440, 710K)

If circumcision was a recent thing instead of an old kike ritual then it'll get banned quickly.


Attached: black pope.png (600x339, 286K)

Eternally based

>this years blizzcon requires people to have phones to even get in
Based bald man getting Blizzard SHOOK as fuck.

>Marshall, the dude working along with Warren, ended up drinking pure concentrated H.pylori culture because he couldn’t get it to work on mice to prove that it causes stomach ulcer.

Holy fuck

It's fucking hilarious

one of the most based men alive

>literally a fucking point and click game
>there are already a couple other copycats in mobiles
>blizzard wants to move it to mobile since it literally plays like a mobile game in [current year]
>hurr, we wuz pc gaymers, not mobile plebs
Imagine playing a fucking mobile game on your pc and acting smug. Worse than consolecucks playing fortnite.

>pewdiepie merch
absolute madlad


A toast.

>hur dur its the players' fault the devs dumbed down the game

I laughed and then remembered I went bald at 22.

Attached: 1558174625895.gif (320x240, 954K)

Stock price is half of what it was , they are dying , but not dead. I am sure Diablo Immortal will btfo of everyone and blizzs stock price will soar because fucking idiots

Does anyone have the version where he has angel wings?

So I've been out of the loop for a while. What did this dude say?

How are they supposed to sell Diablo Immortal to the Chinese when Google are already starting to b& Chink phones from having their Android OS?

Attached: question.png (640x480, 452K)

It was always a clickershit you dumb autisimo. There was very little depth into it. But I guess a brainlet npc like you cannot realise when certain mechanics are just fillers and when they actually provide depth to the game.

Holy shit, and here I thought he was based all along.

By also developing mobile Diablo for the chink OS if it ever gets released

>Wanting Diablo 4 after the shitshow of 3
You fucking cuck , your just going to play immortal anyways. I grew up with Diablo 1&2 and Diablo is fucking dead

Attached: EnchantingDescriptiveChuckwalla-small.gif (500x286, 1.04M)

>all fps are just click shit hur dur its always been mobile
you are retarded

at least he tells everyone he regrets it instead of acting like it was the best decision hes ever made

Imagine unironically being a Catholic.

He asked if the diablo mobile game they were presenting was a out of season aprils fools joke. Who gives a shit about a stupid mobile game. Why weren't they showing concept art for diablo IV or whatever instead.

will he go to e3?

>6 month gap between tweets

Can't make this shit up. No self-awareness at all.

imagine defending killing babies. like do it if you want, but trying to act superior for doing so is pretty cringe ngl

Do you remember anything from that age? No.

>sorry billion dollar corporation

Attached: images (10).jpg (242x208, 7K)

>autistic faggot tries to compare shooting mechanics to literal button mashing+grinding
The game would literally lose no considerable maneuverability in mechanics due to it being played on a touchscreen instead of a pc, unlike things like fps.
Try harder brainlet.

>Abortion is BABY MURDER
>but, like, do it if you want
is this the most based take posible

yes because im not a retard who cant recall memories. put down the media and self-reflect for once in your life.

im just saying, i cant stop you. you will burn in hell forever, but thats a choice you made with your own free will.

>mashing buttons and mashing buttons are two different things
>meanwhile fortnite is on every device including mobile

You say being on Blizzcons banlist is a bad thing

>imagine being young and thinking a vasectomy is even a remotely good idea

If you get one under the age of 50 you're a fucking beta

Thanks for proving that you have zero reading comprehension and are indeed, as I alluded to before, an absolute brainlet.

what in the fuck is this even? is it a woman or a man? or neither? is it even human?

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I will burn in hell and I will lounge in heaven and then wander this mortal earth once more. Until, at last, I let go of my delusions, and experience the final extinguishing.

Anyway, you're gay and abortion before twelve weeks is fine.

now this is euphoric

Attached: 1557540677660.jpg (1024x576, 50K)

>They hyped for new Diablo.
no they specifically said don't get too excited for anything big
it was more likely to be d2 remake than d4

thanks for proving that all your important maneuverability and other mechanics would not be lost on mobile considering fortnite is a 3rd person shooter with building mechanics
dumb hypoicrite

did... did this guy just try to assert that an fps/tps on a mobile phone is the same as one on pc?

Yeah I'm sure you do you fucking retard. Nobody, NOBODY remembers anything as an infant. Not even children.

There's a reason mobile/switch players and even console players on fortnite are not normally queued against pc players you absolute mong.
In an fps, the maneuverability of a mouse is an important mechanics that is lost when it is ported to mobile. That's why every single mobile port of every fucking fps ever queues their mobile players against each others and not against pc players.
Unlike in your autistic point-and-click, ability mashing, grinding simulator where literally nothing would need further adjustement if it were released on mobile instead of pc. In fact, it would make it easier to use it.
You're literally too retarded to even understand that the current line of argument you're sticking with completely btfo's the argument that you were making earlier, lol.

you develop a hippocampus at around 13 weeks. just because you cant recall the exact representation and vision of memory doesnt mean it doesnt influence you at all.

13 weeks post-conception, not post-birth, mind you

so you're saying the mobile fps is a downgrade
just like the mobile arpg is a downgrade

I hope to GOD someone from the q/a panel ends their question with "1989 TIANANMEN SQUARE" just to piss the Chinese off and for luls. Will an autist from this thread go to blizzcon and do that? You'll have our respect forever.

So this is why they call it Yea Forumseddit

I wouldn't be surprised if not only were questions pre-screened but asked by the screener and not the actual fan

worse, american

Neck yourself already and stop stealing oxygen you literal clinical autist.
But before you jump off of a rooftop, go get a thesaurus and keep reading

Have you ever played Diablo? You still have to use a mouse to aim your abilities , so it will still be some dumbed down shit so faggots like you can play on your phone and feel like your good at something

Pre screened? Just make up some bullshit question and when you get on stage, just say what you want to say then.

also anyone remember this retarded gem from that blizzard cock gobbler Jesse Cox?

Attached: stfucox.jpg (1080x1920, 694K)

>(((aiming))) in a top-down "rpg" is literally the same as "aiming" in an fps
LMAO. It's literally just point and click you fucking autisimo, not aiming. Do you also think hearthstone requires "le ebin aiming skillz" because you have to point to which characters you use you skills on?

He's saying that the screener would ask the question you told them.

>Getting a vasectomy isnt normal, but if your a Nintendofag it is.

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that's what happened last time
I mean the screener will ask the question that they screened from the fan

When will this forum finally be deleted? Why are you idiots allowed to troll irl?

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that's exactly how I imagine the average blizzdrone

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>projecting this hard

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>Banned for life
>Doxed by ching chions
>Hitmen sent to your house.

No thanks

How does someone think like this? What happened to his brain?

What is with all this push to get vasectomies like your going out to the fucking dentist?

>Hey guys, just snip some flesh so you could get all the sex you want

Meanwhile it takes away your drive fucking makes eunuch

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the same aiming/pointing+clicking that is in an arpg is the same that is in an rts
so rts should be fine on mobile amirite?

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That explains it.

>Bara dog avatar

Yes, (((who))) could be pushing this I wonder...

The Russo's were aware of the problem as well which is why they had her fuck off for 90% of the movie and why no one in the movie cared when she blew up the ship.

This man is a hero.

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Why yes I have a large collection of PC games and no cell phone. How could you tell?

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whatever is left that wasn't replaced with that sweet blizz jizz was thinking of all dat cold hard cash user

New policy is that the blizzard staff checking the question will also do the asking.

>no phone
how would he get that blizzard authenticator then?

Yikies, dawg

Jesus Christ.

Yes. That doesn't mean that anything will be remembered. Most people don't actually recall memories from anything before 2-3 years old.

>Meanwhile it takes away your drive fucking makes eunuch

What bullshit is this? I get as much as I did before I nipped mine. Shit's great, no kids ever and all the raw pussy you can eat for the cost of occasional itchy penis.

he's probably legitimaly dead by now or at least has a really fucked up social life thanks to modern corporate culture.

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do acid. you don't remember them because you didnt have a sense of self at that age. erase yourself and you will recall your circumcision exactly as it happened. you wont though because youre scared.

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you do realize China HATES the west, right? if anything Blizzard will either need to censor it to hell or the CCP will ban it

Diablo Moby is most likely going to be banned from Blizzcon or at least banned from Q&A, but do you think he might inspire other people to troll and put Blizzard staff on the spot in these Q&A sessions?

erasing youself from existance is exactly what you should do faggot

>Wanting to fuck without consequences
>Makes you a basedboy

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exactly as i thought, pussy. you cant face yourself because you are a massive pussy.

Did you finally realise how autistic your false equivalence was? Is that why you now moved on to an rts? AHAHHAHAHAAHAAHA
Still, you're wrong, you stupid faggot.
An rts doesn't play like your autistic dungeon crawler. It's mechanics simply doesn't have enough depth that an rts or an arts/moba has. The pvp in diablo 2 was, in no way, comparable to the interactions that are present in a game like dota/starcraft.
See the replies I linked to inYou're too much of a braindead nigger to even comprehend what I was saying earlier. If the port doesn't result in any considerable loss in maneuverability, there's literally no logical reason to bitch about it. And in a game like diablo, there won't be any such problems. As is evident from the diablo clones that are already present in the mobile market.

>pull out
based third worlder drug addict

i doubt theyre gonna do real q&a after this
theyre just gonna plant employees and prompt them to "ask" about certain specific things they want to say

is this a fucking parody?

California is a parody, yes

this is the best one yet

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i'll do it but you have to do it first

When I grow up I want to be like him, but not bald.

Nothing changes

i have, plenty of times. thats why i know for a fact you have memories from the event. you can feel the blade cutting through your foreskin. you can feel the emotion of a confused 9-day-old child getting betrayed by its parents. the insane amounts of cortisol blasting into your brain.
you wont do it though.

you still talking out of your asshole so obviously you haven't ended yourself yet unfortunatly

why are you projecting your suicidal ideation onto others instead of facing yourself? i can tell you will kill yourself in the future, out of fear, and thats sad

Yeah i wonder what is going on with researchers nowadays

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You get a vasectomy so you don't get cucked into child support by your side-hos

Some redditor

sure, but at least i won't kill myself for being nuts like you, good riddance whenever you decide to finally erase yourself faggot

I don't see anything wrong with getting vasectomy if you don't want kids. I was thinking of getting because if i ever get laid(highly doubt it) at least i won't have to worry about getting kids.

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at least leave a cool note, faggot. try to outdo this retard

There will be a point where sperm isnt even necessary, and they can just pick a skin cell or something and convert it to fertilize an egg.

I wonder what has to happen to a species for it to just completely lose its drive to procreate. What goes wrong in their brain?


you should throw yourself into a woodchipper and make sure nothing remains of you, you piece of shit

That can't be it since a civilization can't survive without procreation.

wait a fucking minute somebody just apologized to a billion dollar corporation for the poor reception of their attempt to monetize them further?

see this? this is precisely why things are as fucked up as they are in gaming, people are so willing to just take it up the ass, practically begging to be milked of all their cash. is any other industry like this???

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thats not a very good note. 1905 pages is the record, youve got another 1904.95 pages to go.

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>What goes wrong in their brain?
Autism or at least that is for me. I don't want to have kids because i would shitty father.

Yeah, but things have been getting more and more fucked since civilization became a thing.

I guess that makes sense.
But civilization has been around for thousands of years without a large group of humans just deciding not to have children anymore, it's much more recent.

Have you seen the state of the fucking world? Bringing new kids to this hellhole should constitute child abuse!

What did jannies mean by this?

They screen questioner's. You basically walk up, tell the person what your question will be and then you're either told you can line up or not. He had changed his question at the last minute.
He definitely won't be able to ask a question again, but I doubt he's banned from the convention

he's not from here fuck off

No, but you turned him into a soidemon.

Yeah but adverse conditions are more likely to make an organism want to procreate, not less.

holy shit
blizzard is terrified of him

Be the change you want to see , those of you that choose not to bring kids in are helping the situation. Those of us who choose to bring kids and raise them for the needed changes are necessary. The ones who are bringing kids in because they just want to fuck are hindering it but those kids probably aren't going anywhere with the parents they have.
My parents were probably people that should not have had kids , my dad learned A LOT as he raised me , he raised me for the change he wanted to see and I am raising my son for the changes that I want to see. Don't let society or media raise your children and it is the most rewarding thing you will ever do

Kids are a financial burden and time vampires.
Why the fuck would I ever want kids?

Playing D3 can't wait to hear about season 18

something something the beautiful ones something

>this years blizzcon requires people to have phones to even get in
Holy shit he fucking DESTROYED them

Why isn't he in prison?

Im glad he considered the trillion dollar company's feelings. he probably got laid right then and there

I wish that guy with the blue shirt on the left wasn't standing too
would be even more kino

For what?

does anyone have the link to that video with the fat cunt apologizing to blizzard for the booing?
I can't seem to find it

>blue man in the dark
>red man in the light
This is the last time they spoke as friends.

Literally a necessity simply to prove their business model's validation now. Fucking phones are the death of gaming in motion year by year.

Absolutely disgusting display of transparent arrogance and greed.

>watched capeshit
not our guy
no real 4channer would watch capeTRASH

>what is Yea Forums?

I've never seen that joyous fuck behind him to the left; this picture just keeps on giving.

*ting* *ting* *ting*

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Absolute and utter garbage
Imagine liking superheroes as a grown adult

holy yikes

So you've never been on Yea Forums is what you're saying?

the voice of a generation, truly

Quite simple, it's a combination of thos things. 1. I don't feel like I could do a good job since I struggle to care about myself, let alone someone else. 2. It would be very irresponsible considering my financial situation

I am on Yea Forums and I don't watch Game of Reddit or capeshit.

>annihilates nearly 10% of a video game giant with a single sentence

Attached: blizzard fired.png (1587x850, 183K)

Autistics are literally superior human beings. Have you heard the news about autism rates increasing? That's the result of a little thing we call "evolution". All autistics should pump out babies as fast as we can so that we can overtake the neurotypicals faster and get a majority so the autistic master race can rule the world

>But civilization has been around for thousands of years without a large group of humans just deciding not to have children anymore, it's much more recent.
the agricultural revolution allowed much more children to be had. the industrial revolution allowed even more. the information age made people question "why?". Civilization is the kali yuga

>/tvermin/ crossboard shitposters infesting Yea Forums

Sounds about right.

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>in business major last year
>assignment involves recommending or not recommending investing in companies from the Fortune 100
>ActiBlizz was 54
>Blizzcon happens
>double-check the ranking
>now 98

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Having doubts and thinking "right now isn't the best time to have a child" isn't the same thing as thinking "I will never, ever have children and will medically make sure I won't."

has this been confirmed or are you just assuming?
that being said I could believe that they would do it

Autism is the polar opposite of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is the superior mental disorder.

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(In America) if you're dirt poor, you want lots of kids for the welfare money. If you're middle class, you don't want any kids because they're a financial burden. If you're rich you probably don't give a fuck.


Most people here browse both Yea Forums and Yea Forums

What's his name bros?

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too bad they didn't fire any diablo community manager who obviously failed at their job

Is there anyone more based

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we also have toilets, your point?

you have to go back

> Creates Linux and the GPL, a software license enabling copyleft programs used by billions of people
> Creates an operating system that is only known because of what a meme it is

The superiority of the autistic master race should be obvious, even from this comparison

>destroys 3 years worth of stock growth
I'm sure everyone would have been excited for the game if he weren't there

White men have always been on a path of self-destruction. It's nothing new.

stallman copied a bunch of unix programs. thats literally all he did, and he called it 'GNU'
this is the power of autism. he has created nothing.

>he got downvoted for this

fuck reddit


It actually is very new and very recent.


That's not how acid works faggot

did it work?

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"it" for lack of a better term, probably though that people would rally behind him and side with him for being the good and rational peace loving guy, but what it failed to realise is how nobody wants whatever the fuck this is to speak in their behalf, and apologizing to a company is fucking pathetic anyways, they should be the ones always doing the apologys anyways

Did Zack Snyder direct this?

acid doesnt make you recall memories? you either havent done enough or youre literally retarded. ive done it hundreds of times, so youre probably just retarded.

Yeah but are traps gay?

someone who wanted to lose subscriber

I have a brother with schizophrenia. He's in prison after years of meth, huffing duster, alcoholism etc.

Schizophrenia isn't good.

>people didn't buy Diablo 3
Is this guy fucking retarded? Diablo 3 sold over 30 million copies. Entire franchises that have been around as long as Diablo haven't even sold HALF of that.

The amount of acid you have to take at once to experience that kind of shit is totally impractical when you can just take a much more reasonable dose of a wide variety of other psychedelics.
That said, you being the kind of filthy degenerate that regularly takes absurd quantities of drugs is telling enough about your lifestyle for me to conclude that you contribute nothing to society and would be better off killing yourself.

Why reinvent the wheel? He based linux off of something proven to work already, yet his version was so superior that it basically killed off unix within less than a decade.

>It actually is very new and very recent.

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why is blizzcon even still a thing? are they getting BTFO out of esports?

you are actually retarded from all that acid you took


You're adorable. That's really innocent that you honestly believe that.

Uh, okay. To be honest you just sound like you don't know anything about history.

>lose billions to make millions

>Autism is the polar opposite of schizophrenia
Not really, they are in fact thought to be strongly related due to both being characterized by fixed beliefs, deficiencies in Theory of Mind, autistiform and/or repetitive behaviour, a degree of social difficulties and minor structural brain anomalies.

They're only banning Huawei because Apple cried to the US government about getting outsold.

You wouldn't be saying that, if YOU knew even a little bit about history.

>Outsold by hardware that costs %25 as much as competing apple hardware
Who would of thought that Huawei would sell more by being way cheaper, in price and quality

Okay, well, good troll, I guess.

you said a bunch of nothing. re-evaluate your life.

>ur jus trollin!
if that's how you're gonna cope, fine by me.

No, they are polar opposites. Read a book.

Apples flagship compared to Huaweis is not even better in any way other than optimization.

>transvaluation of values
>not a core ethic in the anglosphere
>somehow new

This has been the trajectory for some time now, we just happen to be arriving at the inflection point. Our deconstructionist tendencies have robbed our populations of collective spine. If we weren't this way we'd still be fucking savages like the muslims.

Double edged sword, brah.

>re-evaluate your life

says the mentally ill junkie

learn english before you try to criticize somebody on an english-speaking forum

Google it. You need an EGS-tier spyware app to get in.

He needs to be standing, as he's a Blizzard Employee, just like the other blue shirts. They have to be shown as oppressive to the red masses for the piece to work.

Absolutely beautiful.

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The ethos of European people has not been so self-destructive until very recently, in the last 60-100 years or so. The self-hatred that people display today is not at all like anything in the past. Something has absolutely changed in their character.

Industrial. Revolution.

I honestly believe Blizzard was heading into an absolutely garbage direction before this.

I believe Blizzcon and the fallout afterwards scared them SHITLESS. I believe they are now a fairly different company than before, more focused on delivering good games rather than ripping off their customers.

At least for now. This is why we always need to stay vigilant.

>Holds healthy suspicion of African-Americans employed by the CIA

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I would like to apologize to the devs for the racism and lack of respect, you deserve better, we will do better, as gamers.

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>thinks he remembers shit because of his tripped out delusions

Quit stalling and just give an example

spoken like a true NPC

That was well over 100 years ago, but recent enough I suppose. Very likely had something to do with it.

Ignore the cunt trying to rewrite history.

Truth: This man or madam had much more courage than reddit shirt guy who basically said just what everyone was thinking under the guise of bravery.

The problem isn't that no one had phones, it's that no one wants to play shitty games on their fucking phone.
Blizzard has become one of the most out of touch companies in the industry to not realize this.

They are, but they're propped up by Activision.
The truth is that Blzizard has been dying for a while. They were just such a huge force in the industry that it takes time for their shit decisions to come to the point where they're being affected. Shedding almost a thousand employees last year is not the sign of a healthy company that's doing well.

The fact of the matter is that all of their talent has long since left and they're coasting on the feel-good memories people had of their earlier stuff. Re-releases and remasters might last them a very long time, but it's not going to make anyone more interested in their company. Especially when the old games are still playable and are still great.


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I think that's just convenience for ticket pricing, but the irony of it is no-doubt not lost on them.

>last year
Sorry, *This year alone

A LOT of people want to play games on their phones and do play games on their phones
Blizz drones , especially ones that pay to go to blizzcon do not want to play blizzard games on the phone , they want real games.
I mean really , think if the CoD or whatever AAA trash you can think off said the next iteration will be a mobile game and you will see this kind of backlash

Suicide rates

Thanks for missing the point. Great job.


>The fact of the matter is that all of their talent has long since left and they're coasting on the feel-good memories people had of their earlier stuff
D3 I think was the final nail in the coffin for nostalgia fans, I quit preordering games years before D3, but D3 got me to preorder again and reminded me to NEVER preorder again

Attached: This.gif (300x186, 1007K)

Thanks for the pseudo-intellectual drivel, looking forward to hearing more.

I gotta admit, I chuckled

>Honestly at this point, "testicle-removal" is more so the equivalent of getting your foreskin cut off. Just more shit the male body doesn't really use.
btw kysk

>Evolution is flawed.
>Now let me cut and suck that baby penor goyim
*keeps the tip

why would they ban him? blizzard would be shooting themselves in the foot by doing this, when people find out they would have more reasons to hate their guts, after all, all this Chad did was ask a question, nothing more

You do realize that the most popular western games in China are WoW and Starcraft, right?

he's just coping because he can't deal with the fact that he has an insane level of trauma in his brain. of course, he will end up passing the trauma onto his child because he a weak individual, but what can you do.

>the wojak s0yb0y meme was destroyed by this guy

He's a bit of a soiboy, but he seems like a solid dude who's willing to tell it how it is.

I can call him out on 4channel for promoting this horrendous practice.

No one cares for this numale. Diablo Online is still getting released and will be very successful.

Hedonism, decadence, lack of maturity, useless mediocre people who only care about going on trips and being degenerate retards with no purpose on life, materialism.

>full comments (91292)
why the fuck would you even bother posting in such a thread?

This is the kind of shit that makes me think we're living in a simulation or at least some sort of fabricated reality. The guy is way too perfect for what he did he fits like every single checkmark for the stereotypical fanboy.

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>he says, posting on a videogames board

what the fuck is that yellow on his(?) face. is that fungus?

Oh pray tell good doctor how soon can we instill horrible trauma unto a child without any recollection and/or other mental damage?

what's a secondary purchase im dumb

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Skin discoloration from Type II diabetes


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jesus, thats disgusting. how do you let yourself get to that point?

Only a looks like one, A true soi does not question or think, Only consumes. And would eat shit from the devs ass for free

people with 2 or more accounts. bought the game a second time

He (?) might not even know that's where it comes from. A lot of obese/diabetic people don't connect their skin conditions to diabetes.

its cute how excited you get when you think the facts support you, but then when the facts are against you you just call it fake news and people who believe in the facts are simply drones

>Buying BFA once let alone twice

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Why would you want that anyways, most people have STDs

and that's a good thing

>do you guys not have phones?

>most people have STDs

....What kind of inner city trash ghetto do you live in that you believe this?

buying anything after cata

>all researchers are transgender apologists
Kys tranny
I'm a fucking medical researcher, trying to work inhibitors for tyrosine kinases to treat lymphomas, trannies have literally nothing to do with this.

Blizzard was never creative. Wow was just a combination of the best ideas around reshaped to hit the widest possible audience and didnt do anything new or unique itself. Every good idea wow has had over its life was literally just pulled from elsewhere.

Thata why wow is dying. Because the MMO genre is nearly dead and Blizzard has nothing left to take from

to add to that, blizzard was never good at esports either. Starcraft 1's success was due to third party clients and such in korea then they had to keep up with updating the game but had no idea how to balance without their input. Now they try to run their own leagues in sc2 / wow arenas who's scenes they basically killed, overwatch was DOA with its league shit

IRL is too kino

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>red shirt guy 2.0 about to be assassinated by blizzshills
circa 2019, colorized

You are fucking gay.

oy vey i wonder who is behind this post encouraging people to go out and collect VD's


If one dude destroyed Blizzard then imagine a legion of PCbros destroying Tim Sweeney at E3

>Nameless, irrelevant and a literal meme.
But I'm glad he shit on Blizzard.

I think 50 bucks might be worth this epic joke

You act as if anybody with taste gives a shit.

Meant to reply to

>t. 20 year old bitchboy

Not his fault that America got that reputation for itself.
When you talk of samurai, you remember Japan.
When you talk about conquerors, you remember either spanish (or maybe the british)
When you talk about communism you remember China or Russia.
When you talk about fat people, you remember the United States of America

Well the one good thing MoP had was that they really put a lot of effort into scripting and the presentation while also trying a lot of new things. It also had interesting zones with something to do repeatedly in each zone, for examples rares to find, things to collect, reputation quests to do, world bosses to kill. They even had quests for the fishing profession. The scenarios were fun too. The farm you could own was liked by some, disliked by others.

The mistakes were that professions were bad in general and cooking was way overdone, that the itemlevel spiraled out of control again which made dungeons a joke (again), the raid finder was kept and PVP was overrun by bots which Blizz wouldn't ban, no matter what (and you could tell as the bots all moved onto the exact same spot and remained there unless something got in their aggro range, then returned there), the removal of glyphs and talent points per level in favor of the modern talent tree with just a few choices to make.

It could've been something if it wouldn't have been so forced Horde vs Alliance with bad plot, Asia setting and cliches, a toned down itemization that scales up less, so that the enemies remain relevant, useful professions and fixes for all the flaws that remained. The big joke of MoP was that they dumbed down the talent trees to make things "easier to balance" and yet PVP was pretty broken in MoP, which is why all the bots were there.

Sorry faggot, but I don't care about characters that you can relate to like Kenny the fucking waste disposal guy. People and anybody who has taste is interested in the lives of superheroes, OVERMEN in other words, who have to shoulder a hell of a deal more than the average faggot like you.

a bump for a hero

Wait, is this the bald red shirt guy?

Shoo shoo back to insomnia

A parody of a man yes
the parody of a man becoming a woman is purely coincidental

>Vagina not tight after baby
Is that really something to be worried about? It's not going to recover when she completes postpartum?

Nice try Dilpickle
Ive already seen that video

>Just throw a vial of holy water in to the literal waters of hell.

All of those.
Also on the the male side lack of partners/options. Opposite problem on the female part in very, very simplified terms

there is no problem with releasing mobile games of any of your IPs, they can do that all day, but don't promise your fans (who are mostly PC players and some console) to get to something new from a beloved franchise on a convention that they pay money to visit and then show off this kind of shit. And even IF you did that stupidest of things, then please don't yell at the crowd asking if they don't have phones, when they meet your shitshow with disappointment

My wife did certain exercises after her pregnancy to remedy this. Lots of women do. It's pretty effective.

>River of faceless red people
>Blue guys watching the red masses closely
>He‘s just there, bathed by light, looking straight ahead towards the ricelord
Unironically kino.

Capitalism, unironically. We've structured society to where it's impossible to get any good amount of money for the vast majority of people, and also have made money mandatory to having a mediocre life at bare minimum. Who's going to have kids when children are a literally hundreds of thousands of dollars investment when there's a chance they'll just get gunned down in high school or end up dying of some preventable illness?

The ultra-wealthy (not just rich, think literally the elites of society) are trying to cull us in subtle ways.

this is like looking at a beautiful painting

I hope he does it again

more like obese

Reminder to attend BlizzCon this year:
>You *NEED* a phone to even get in
>You *NEED* to download a third party app
>This app tracks where you are at all times and uses telemetry with wi-fi to determine where you are and where you went to see which booths you attended
>This app scrapes everything from your phone it possibly can - app usage, data usage, contacts, installed apps, your microphone, camera, etc.
>If you don't install this app and don't have a phone you can't get in

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Now this is kino