The good guys win at the end

>the good guys win at the end
So tired of this trope

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Other urls found in this thread:

>want to play a game where the bad guy wins
>can't, because that would spoil the ending

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I only really think the good guys winning is bad when they haven't had to make sacrifices along the way. So many protagonists just win without having to give up or learn anything truly meaningful for the conclusion to have a lasting effect past "WE DID IT/THE WORLD IS SAVED/THE BAD GUY LOST"

Why would you ever want the bad guys to win? That's depressing and makes a shit game.

Its a matter of perception, you can still see any one sided defeat as good or evil triumphing, you can turn a post war celebration into a nazi party rally if you hate the people celebrating.

Not if you are the bad guy

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both games kidna cop out towards the end with trying to pitch you up against a greater evil but i mean your still an evil cunt when you win at the end

>"villain" did nothing wrong
it's not fair

"Good guys" is subjective. Of course the player should win, when he wins. The alternative is simply getting a game over.

>facebook frog thread
>it's shit
every time

I wouldn't want to play as the bad guy, he isn't relatable. By the time your 1 minute in you'd uninstall the game yourself.

good guys typically aren't either, I can't relate to some hero going around saving the world

>Not Relatable
Honestly don't know what you are talking about

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oh cool, thanks for suggesting that game where you are pit against a greater evil but are still an evil cunt at the end
now I want to play it and see what happens at the end

I love playing as the bad guy though. More games need to do that.

I root for the underdogs, and the villains are underdogs in the meta sense since they rarely win.

>game without an ability to make questionable choices
Stop playing shitty games frog-kun.

>We're not so different... you and I...

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>idiot makes a terrible thread
tired of this trope

>user enters a thread he doesn't like
Its an interesting trope, I don't necessarily like or dislike it.

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>user faces a board filled with terrible threads made by idiots and protests vainly against the indignity
bittersweet trope

>fishing for internet points outside of reddit
that was your first mistake

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>Yea Forums Video games
Its a dead trope honestly.

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>I wouldn't want to play as the bad guy, he isn't relatable
You're the reason why we still the same old shitty protag, who the fuck care if the character isn't relatable when you can at least understand its point of view or motivations?

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If a game can successfully convince me I'm the good guy while actually having me play as the bad guy I'll be happy.

Sometimes getting spoiled on what happens in the end is more impactful because then it's more about the journey.
Probably not a good example and not even a video game but Steins;Gate 0 proves it can be done.

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>the incel wins in the end

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>Visit thread with cartoon frog in the OP
>See the guy who came all the way to Yea Forums(nel) to get triggered by it

go to bed garo

>you can use the various factions in the game to take over at the end and be as much of an asshole as you want

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Ah fuck replied to the wrong user
Sorry man