With 1 hour of reveals, gameplay trailers, teasers, and info dumps, what do you pray for this E3

With 1 hour of reveals, gameplay trailers, teasers, and info dumps, what do you pray for this E3

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Animal Crossing to be worth the 7 year wait

Wonderful 101 on switch
metroid prime trilogy
i never played those games and would love to play them

Pikmin 4

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It's not an hour, learn to read Japanese.

I want Nintendo and Sega to merge, creating the new company known as Ninsegado and they make the Ninsegado Dreamcube and Ecco the Dolphin: Defenders of the Universe and Wave Race: Ultra Wave are launch titles and this is all announced this E3.

>Implying that the Switch has games.

It's good to dream, but let's be realistic here.

Another port game

user, it's New Leaf HD. I'm sorry.