With 1 hour of reveals, gameplay trailers, teasers, and info dumps, what do you pray for this E3
With 1 hour of reveals, gameplay trailers, teasers, and info dumps, what do you pray for this E3
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Animal Crossing to be worth the 7 year wait
Wonderful 101 on switch
metroid prime trilogy
i never played those games and would love to play them
Pikmin 4
It's not an hour, learn to read Japanese.
I want Nintendo and Sega to merge, creating the new company known as Ninsegado and they make the Ninsegado Dreamcube and Ecco the Dolphin: Defenders of the Universe and Wave Race: Ultra Wave are launch titles and this is all announced this E3.
>Implying that the Switch has games.
It's good to dream, but let's be realistic here.
Another port game
user, it's New Leaf HD. I'm sorry.
Is it really an hour long?
Give me just TWO good surprises (No ports, no already announced titles) and im happy.
SMT V getting a solid release schedule, everything else can go straight into the garbage
>With 1 hour
Fake news
15 min upcoming games, 5 min new games, 40 min something about fire emblem, mario maker and whatever
Then I'd just like the smash character reveal to not suck.
I want a white switch
I'd like a new fromsoft souls clone.
A new zelda like botw.
Maybe ds2/3 for the switch.
Maybe some info on Metroid.
Don't really know what else. There are plenty games I'm waiting for but I'm ok with just waiting.
what will actually happen:
40 mins talking about smash so smashniggers has something to masturbate about for the next 6 months
15 mins trailers of 1000 year old ports
5 mins of teasing actual good games that has no release date
Then it turns out to be more Fire Emblem wankery.
you best not be jestin, nigga. I will fuck you up. give source. and it better not be protodudes cryptic ass tweets.
protodude and vinesauce
vinesauce is under NDA and the only thing he was allowed to say was "its back"
Don't say this
care to give me a link to somewhere where I can see what you're talking about? I'm so fuckin happy rn user
Fucking smash has been gobbling up all the news. Probably because nintendo has nothing new to show.
Hasn't been anything interesting in terms of releases for me since DS remastered. And if only counting exclusives, then since Odyssey.
It said 1am (午前1時) not one hour (1時間)
Banjo kazooie or Conker in smash or Rare Replay port.
someone asked if the one mobile game he also teased was battle network related he said no.
the same person asked if it's still a thing
protodude said yes
he also said capcom is planning a megaman announcement for E3 that isn't X9 or the mobile game
it's battle network
honestly I thought it wouldn't be there, because he specified several months, I figured that was about a reveal, but I'm hoping he meant a release date. BN hype
We're definitely getting
>Animal Crossing
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Half of the time is dedicated to Fire Emblem
>Daemon X Machina
>Astral Chain
Likely to see
>Bayonetta 3
>Extr Nindie shit
>Link's Awakening remake
>New Smash characters
>Pikmin 4
>Star Fox
>Kid Icarus
>Mother remakes
>Fossil Fighters
I want to be wrong, lads. I really do.
>Is it really an hour long?
No, people are idiots.
How long is it actually? 30 minutes?
I just want a new game by Treasure
The one 2 years ago was that long and the only new thing announced at that one was Metroid Prime 4, which, well......
I really doubt Sega would put the Nintendo part of the name first after buying up nintny
>Almost get excited for the idea of Simpsons news at E3
>Remember it's the Simpsons
But never ever, I’ve accepted it
>Animal Crossing that isn't the same rehashed shit, preferrably in MK8 style
>Luigis mansion info
>New Zelda
>New DKC
>New 3d mario
>Rehashed new leaf clone AC
>Luigi mansion info that's basically darkmoon clone shit
>Smash content
>A fucking 30 minutes dedicated to indie shit
Shovel Knight King Knight shadow drop.
New Bravely game.
New Splatoon expandion and or spin-off.
New Etrian Odyssey.
New Monolith Soft game.
Astral Chain.
>a network
>phones (hand computers)
That's Battle Network for sure. Not even subtle.
But who the fuck is protodude? Just another le epic twitter attention whore """leaker""" xD dude?
Hoping for Monolith's new game.
What? Did he say something?
perfect example of shit taste
Is that official concept art from them?
We just have to pray and hope we avoid the worst timeline
One of their recruitment page artworks. They generally don't mean anything, they had this for what ended up being XCX.
Crash for smash
We don't know how long it is, someone started a thread the other day posting an image of Nintendo's e3 event times in Japanese and thought the 1 meant 1 hour, when it was just saying it starts at 1am japan time. It could be an hour, but there's no proof of that.
Astral Chain demo available after the presentation.
Trailer for next Monolithsoft game.
XCX port.
SMTV (lol as if)
Pikmin 4
>1 hour
Based retard. Learn Japanese before using it to post. It said 1am Japan time, not 1 hour length
Stop spreading this misinformation. He teased an X mobile game and a Battle Network game of some kind. He not only stated, but stressed, as is evident in your image, that we wouldn't hear about the Battle Network game for several months. That was one month ago. It isn't going to be at E3. He also never said any Mega Man game was going to be announced at E3 to begin with, just to not expect X9 or the X mobile game.
I want a sequel to Odyssey.
I just want to see some games that are single-player so I can have something to play on my hacked switch, seriously I haven't touched it since late December because all the best games are online multiplayer and I have no local friends anymore for playing smash
I think it's probably coming. It's one of the most successful games on the system and the most successful 3D Mario game, the lack of any kind of substantial DLC is suspicious fuck and makes me feel like they're probably just going to pull a Galaxy 2 and make another full game.
Wait, when is it exactly?
Breath of the Wild 2 will be announced then they'll instantly win E3.
>Buying Nintendo
You're the biggest fucking retard I have ever seen.
I wonder how they will manage to pull out an entire second game, Galaxy's format was much less thematically significant, Odyssey was more about the theme than Galaxy was.
Not before The Legend of Filler: Link's Reshilling comes out
NMH3. Couldn't give a fuck about any other announcements.
It's not 1 hour, stop spread this fake news.
anything Xenoblade X related
even just an official confirmation that it will never get a port or sequel would do so I can stop holding my breath and just kill myself already
>I wonder how they will manage to pull out an entire second game
Super Mario Iliad :^)
You mean Wild World 4?
Luigi's Mansion 3
Demon X Machina
Astrial Chain
Mario Maker 2 blurb
Pokemon Sword & Shield
Fire Emblem 2 Blurb
3rd-party showcase
Bayonetta 3
Animal Crossing
Some surprises maybe a new Donkey Kong game or a new Kirby game
Smash DLC packs. I don't fucking know who it's going to be either. I just want someone good and not shitty.
Bulborb wants 1 hour of Pikmin 4
news about RF5
too many stressfull games lately and not a single comfy one where i can relax
Marvelous already announced it's not coming out this fiscal year, I doubt they'll be releasing any news.
Pikmin, I only live for that.
I pray for not having a show that's 30+ minutes on a single game, but I know that they will find ways to not announce new titles and waste time anyway.
2 of 2 reveals have been bad, this one won't be any different.
Did you not see the Story of Seasons Spinoff, it already looks better than all the other games in the series for more than a decade.
>Did you not see the Story of Seasons Spinoff, it already looks better than all the other games in the series for more than a decade.
You mean the Doraemon spinoff? I haven't yet. Although the aesthetic by itself makes it considerably more appealing, I wonder whether it'll have enough content.
>Joker is bad
>Plant is bad
Rosterfags are the worst
It looks closer to 64/Friends of Mineral town, than it does to newer games which I personally find cringe, no marriage though, lest they let you marry nobita's waifu, the map is so far much larger than previous titles. I hope that newer titles are closer to this than the 3ds ones, seriously disappointing games.
>Hasn't been anything interesting in terms of releases for me since DS Remastered
user maybe vidya isn't for you.
People who think that those characters are even acceptable are worse.
We had time in the last direct dedicated to FE. That's not happening the same way a large chunk of time won't be dedicated to SMM2 (especially outside of the Invitational)
HD 2D Metroid for Switch, that isn't a remake, and advances the story after fusion is ALL. I. FUCKING. WANT
Unironically what is bad about Plant?
It's not ____ arguments don't count.
Joker is also literally just a more interesting Sheik so
Won't happen until at least after Prime 4 is out
There are more than 100 more interesting characters that could have made it in than the 2 they've added so far, the only thing that's even good about Joker is that his implementation is good. Really shows how in a hole SMT is as a series that Joker is their rep, and it really shows how into cuckoldry Nintendo are that Joker is a rep, and SMTV isn't coming to any Nintendo platform at any time, ever.
No SMT V or Bayo 3
Hopefully not, Metroid works better with 3d based 2.5d environments.
So there's nothing actually bad about the characters, just that there are ones you'd prefer?
Plant was a unique choice that came out of left field. When was the last time we got a Smash character that wasn't shilling the newest installment of a series anyway?
That smash gets 2 minutes at most.
Fuck 30 minutes of patch notes
Well Joker uses a firearm that fires bullets, and as far as a character goes he's an uninteresting one off. Pirhana Plant is a generic enemy with no special features, and the character is boring to play as. No they have their own faults since they are shit additions on their face of being an addition, I'd rather have nothing in their place.
>Until after Prime 4 is out
and it sells at best mediocre, if it even comes out at this rate, and then we don't get another 2d metroid for a LOOOOONG time with no guarantee that it will be good :) DKC Returns sold more than every prime game combined, idfk why Retro is even doing this. Most Retro Studios people who made prime trilogy left to go work at Id anyway.
With any luck it'll be its own thing tied to the invitational
>the most memorable thing about SMT is the boring archetype anime teenagers
>if you removed all the 'SMT' elements from Persona it'd still be just as popular
>meanwhile if Persona wasn't a spin-off of SMT no-one would care about SMT
Atlus really fucked themselves up. Imagine if Pokemon weren't marketable but Ash Ketchum was, so you couldn't do anything with the 500 monster designs you have but have to keep releasing Ash Ketchum Dancing.
>last year's E3 was literally just fucking Smash Bros
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha why
>SMTV isn't coming to any Nintendo platform at any time, ever.
Did you just have a very strong brain aneurysm?
Retro are doing this because Nintendo couldn't.
Samus Returns only sold 0.5M and that was a 3DS title. Metroid isn't a popular series user.
Because NIntendo knows how much Smashfags cannibalise literally everything else. Do you think Luigi's Mansion would have gotten anywhere as much attention if it was at E3 alongside Smash?
>simon Belmont
>richter Belmont
>king K. Rool
Are you even trying, none of these characters are in games with new upcoming releases for Switch.
Piranha plant isn't unique, the game already has generic enemy characters, you just aren't paying attention for some reason.
That's a possible explanation I guess.
SMTV's never coming out, so he's right, he just said it in the stupidest possible way.
>first 5 minutes - Mario Maker 2 trailer footage we already saw with a little bit of new info
>10 minutes of generic JRPGs and indie games
>10 minutes dedicated to fire emblem
>5 minutes dedicated to a montage of ports/DLC for minor games
>30 fucking minutes of smash bros
>No Metroid, Pikmin, Donkey Kong, etc.
Calling it right now. It will be awful.
>the game already has generic enemy characters
It does?
For some reason you just aren't paying attention.
There is not a single generic enemy character in the Smash roster, unless you're counting Pokemon as generic enemies.
this is why metroid should die. It had a great run. The fan community is very healthy with so many great games inspired by it, it sells poorly, and it only has the potential to disappoint now
God just tell me something about bayoneta, it has been over a year and all we have received is an assurance it is still happening.
fuck'nshit Atlus
Pokemon serve as the enemies for their games, it's basically the same as demons in SMT games, there are many enemies using the same identity, they count, only real thing you could cling to is pointless semantics.
Yeah it really fucking sucks how much smash bros overshadows everything else.
Pokemon also serve as allies.
See, arguing pointless semantics, I'm sure you could find instances when Piranha plant has as well.
Piranha Plant is primarily an enemy. Pokemon can be either, and are both in every mainline appearance.
The only reason smash took half the direct at E3 2018 is because there were literally no other first parties to talk about that were releasing around the same time. You could say LGPE but by that time people already knew what those were, there was nothing else to show. Every other first party title was slated for Spring 2019.
Now that the game is out and the hype is extinguished, they'll limit Smash news to small segments at E3 and the majority of new Smash info will be found in it's own containment Direct.
You seem to not understand how pointless your point is, both characters exist as generics in their games. Whereas for the other characters they are distinct individuals within their games and often their game series.
I do. I like seeing oddball characters that literally nobody has requested.
It does but I'm almost grateful that Nintendo are aware of it? Other games should be allowed to stand on their own merits and given time in the spotlight. I think if anything more was shown last E3 lots of fags would have been. "Alright cool but where's smash"
>Mario Maker 2 trailer footage we already saw with a little bit of new info
>Invitational is on the 8th
You're implying they won't just go "And for the final challenge, our competitors will have to prove their skills in a whole brand new game style" and use that to introduce Mario 2 or whatever it is.
>10 minutes dedicated to Fire Emblem
That information will just be regurgitated from Famitsu and won't be 10 minutes long
>30 minutes of Smash
>Forgetting that they put out a dedicated Smash E3 direct for that for Wii U
>Implying they won't just drop another 15 minute Youtube video like they did with 3.0.0
>Nothing on Pokemon
>Nothing on Luigi's Mansion
>Nothing on Animal Crossing
>Nothing on Town
>Nothing on Bayonetta 3
>Nothing on SMTV
>Nothing on the Nintendo online service adding features
>Nothing at all on Prime 4 (it's early stages but they'll show something to reassure fans.)
user, try not to be such a pessimistic faggot
Pirhanna Plant is fun, and I like Sakurai doing whatever the hell he wants
I just want a release date for A Hat In Time.
Wasn’t Fire Emblem going to get its own direct?
Shows how bad at planning Nintendo are, they probably thought that third parties would actually back them with something in 2018, and then a bunch of their projects suffered major delays, only for these projects to be a complete fucking joke on release anyway.
>we're gonna save time with unreal 4 for yoshi
>gets delayed anyway
>base resolution docked is lower than 720 x 1280
>visual quality is only around the area of first gen switch titles that were ready to release day 1 like super mario odyssey
>fire emblem three houses sees multiple major delays as well
>looks like shit and runs at 30fps
Wouldn't surprise me if that ran on unreal as well.
>Show something to reassure fans about Prime 4
I would be glad if we get the stuff you brought up, but Nintendo's selling well, so they're in a spot where they don't really need to try as hard.
They have a ravenous following for smash bros alone that is more than willing to eat the slop before the slaughter
it does
>one hour
It's not going to be reveal-after-reveal you mongs.
There will be some boring deep dives into games, like that one Xenoblade 2 segment.
with half of it dedicated to smash bros
First I've heard of it but I also couldn't give less of a shit about FE so I'd probably forget.
The last main direct was "Focusing on" Three Houses though, which might be that.
user, they outright admitted they fucked up in January. They have these games coming in a state where they can show them. Smash is already out and selling well, they don't need another 30 minutes to shill it. If they were going to have a dedicated chunk like that, it would be it's own direct.
No, it's just going to be dumped with a release day trailer, and have like $40 worth of DLC that add like a few new maps and a few new characters that poorly integrate with the rest of the party because Int Sys DLC is a complete fucking joke and Xenoblade 2 should be the MINIMUM STANDARD for DLC for a Nintendo game.
>Nothing at all on Prime 4 (it's early stages but they'll show something to reassure fans.)
People would be lucky if this was shown next year, it's not happening this year, the game is a mostly planning and an incomplete engine with a few test levels for new gameplay features, a trailer would be a waste of development resources, considering that Nintendo will be scrambling to get this game out before 2024.
Hope that's true, and I'll take this as some assurance, but I would not be surprised if they pull a fast one again.
Didn't prime 3'd ending fucking conclude the whole prime subseries? Why tf are they even making this? Metroid Prime in Canon no longer exists! Give us a 2D one after fusion in HD!!
I want to see Monolith stuff. A XBX port and the medival game.
I'm expecting a Samus Model at most user. Literally just something to say It's coming still, it'll be fine. Even if it's the devs talking about it.
The past 3 E3s have worked well, if their structure has been unconventional with their "one big game" focuses. Now they've got Mario, Zelda and Smash out of the gate, they can move back towards more traditional E3 directs, since the only "big" game they would focus on this E3 is out 2 weeks later and already got its own direct.
Prime is just shorthand for 3D first person Metroid now.
mfw prime 4 has nothing to do with the actual Metroid Prime
yep...it's a lose lose because if they do include metroid prime, it will completely undermine prime 3's ending
Safe Animal Crossing, no online shit, no pocket camp shit, just pure offline casual comfy
Pray my gosh darn hardest for Battle Network to be true
Hoping for absolutely nothing about banjo because I'm sick of banjofags
2024 is an "all things went far far far far far smoother than expected and we were able to deliver the game early" release date, that game could easily see release in 2026 considering the current standard of Retro to work 5 years and still have nothing to announce. That's assuming that the company doesn't collapse before the game is released though.
>metroid prime in canon no longer exists
Or Other M in canon no longer exists. I agree that the way that Prime was handled and inserted was a complete fucking joke, but just ignore Other M, it's the worst game in the series anyway.
>I'm expecting a Samus Model at most user
You're still expecting at most too much, I expect at most that it appears as a footnote in their press site, just to ensure people that it hasn't been cancelled.
The overarching narrative and story for Prime was shit anyway, Phazon is macguffin tier boring.
Wasn't Battle Network part of that rumour that Nintendo were bringing back an IP that was thought dead. That game releases in July. Nintendo aren't getting the publishing contract Mega Man Battle Network.
user, you do realise that what you want is actual Banjo news. Where are the Ridleyfags and K.Roolfags now? The Banjofags will be just like them.
Anyone else excited for Astral Chain?
I cannot wait to be THE LAW
I'm not talking about the GAME metroid prime, I'm talking about the CREATURE metroid prime. This thing. SPOILER: It becomes dark samus and serves as the main adversary in the trilogy. But it is eradicated completely by the end of Prime 3. So when I say it doesn't exist in the canon, I mean it was obliterated never to be seen again, the creature.
Well we don't play Metroid for the story. Not in the slightest. It's a nice thing to contextualize the gameplay, and can give us some cool moments, but it's not what we come for. Prime Trilogy's story made sense, gave us cool characters and worlds, and kept Samus' character in tact. They're secondary to the mainline games (1, 2, Super, Fusion), so they didn't have as many landmark/significant emotional moments like the mainline games had, but they got the job done.
Not enough info, but I want to have fun with my legion pupper. Shame that it looks significantly better than most of the other
I'm sure they can think of something, story doesn't matter in Nintendo games, which is an alright approach, but if you're going to have story, either actually make it not matter, or hire someone with at least something resembling talent to implement it properly. I'm legitimately surprised that Nintendo have on multiple occassions hired a "professional" writer, only for the story to be a complete joke with 0, that's right 0 narrative pressure for any of the events.
A new DK game or DK trilogy remake
Super Metroid remake
New Xenoblade game
Story don't matter, but I just hope they justify it being called a PRIME game, when Metroid Prime itself got annihilated.
Prime Hunters already had basically no "prime" in it. I agree that it's silly, but at this point the name already means very little.
>inb4 Hunters sucked
Sure, but the things that sucked about it aren't really related to the lack of Metroid Prime-related things.
Good point. Well made. I like prime hunters too.
Xenoblade Chronicles X on Switch
Metroid Prime Trilogy on Switch
Wonderful 101 on Switch
Bayonetta 3 gameplay reveal
SMTV trailer
New Monolithsoft game (botw sequel)
captain falcon died long ago the dream is over user
>Prime Trilogy on Switch
Wow! Maybe many more people can hop on board the metroid train
>Sales after 1 year:Bellow a quarter million
Oh no...
I do too actually, you know how it is when you mention that game at all.
Either for Steve or Banjo to be revealed. At this point I don't care which.
Just make the fucking Steveposting END.
But I said it doesn't matter, my point is that there's a line where on one side the story is just something minimal and unimportant, to no story at all, and the other side where the story is actually fleshed out and there are characters that will take time to set a scene for narrative purposes, and prime sits on the side where there is story, and it has effort, and it does these things poorly, either go back to Prime 1 where there is basically no story, or get some actual talent and passion behind that story.
Steve is overwhelmingly most likely to get into Smash.
"Hello! I am the president of Nintendo! Let's watch this announcement! You see that? It's a stack of smash bros ultimate burning! That's because we decided to end Smash Bros. We will shut down any tournaments, and steal any copies anybody has. Why you ask? Well, the smash community is way too fucking cringe-worthy, and we want to let our other games get some hype. Well, what was this year's E3. Goodbye now!"
>First three hours are just endless character introductions
Why do you guys think they're going to dedicate a giant chunk of time to DLC for smash? That doesn't make too much sense given they're probably just gonna reveal a character. But I expect LM3, Animal Crossing, hopefully we get some new stuff. For some reason I have a feeling 3 Houses is gonna take up a good chunk of the time but hopefully I'm wrong. Other than that, I think itll be a pretty good E3.
>SMTV news
>F-Zero revival
>Bayonetta 3 gameplay
>anything about Metroid Prime 3
>Pikmin 4
>new Donkey Kong Country
>more Astral Chain
>update on Daemon X Machina
>No More Heroes 3
>at least one interesting new IP
Will get
>indie ports
>Isabelle Crossing
>several more months of rosterfag autism
When and what time is this
You forgot pokemon?
It's gonna be 20 minutes of smash DLC, 30 minutes of Animal Crossing, 5 minutes of padding speeches and 5 minutes of trailers. No Pokemon because GameFreak wants to hide the facts they don't know how to make a Pokémon game anymore until release, just like they did with last couple games. So, similar to how it was last year.
Xenoblade X
Wonderful 101
New Zelda
New Mario
Metroid Prime
Luigi's Mansion
Demon X MAchina
Wait, it's one hour?
You’re sych a faggot holy shit there’s no reason to be that pessimistic
2nd DLC character for smash and a very small chance for the 3rd dlc character reveal as well
No. Somebody saw the japanese recap of all of the events and the Direct said "午前1時" and took it to mean it was one hour long (時 means hour) but it's actually "1 AM".
>uni exams fucking up all the conferences I care about
I just want to get comfy.
By the time E3 rolls around it will have been half a year since Joker was revealed. They'd be crazy not to show two characters after such a ridiculous drought.
For some reason i have a hunch that pokken tournament 2 exists and is getting revealed at E3, but i hope for animal crossing, bayo 3, pokemon SS, astral chain, daemon x machina, and monolith’s new project
I know your pain, user.
Astral Chain
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Smash DLC
Daemon X Machina
Animal Crossing
Super Mario Maker 2
Cadance of Hyrule
Pokémon Sword and Shield
Link's Awakening
Luigi's Mansion 3
Metroid V
Hollow Knight: Silksong
Bayonetta 3
Shin Megami Tensei V
Ocarina of Time HD/Majora's Mask HD
Kirby Air Ride 2
Wonderful 101 port/sequel
Metroid Prime Trilogy HD
Anything F-Zero related
Anything Kid Icarus related
Link to the Past remake (without messing up the art style)
Mega Man Zero Collection Port
Kirby: Planet Robobot port
Metroid Prime 4
No Metroid
Nothing Zelda related
No signs of new games
Half of presentation's time is spent in a single game that I don't give a single fuck about
The problem with an Odyssey sequel is it would only attract people who would already be interested in Odyssey. Right now they’re still trying to grow the Switch’s audience so they’re very focused on making games for demographics they haven’t hit yet. A sequel would probably come in its twilight years if ever.
>Safe Animal Crossing, no online shit, no pocket camp shit, just pure offline casual comfy
>No offline
They'll do anything to keep telling themselves Switch online wasn't a fucking retarded idea. I think from the last investors' meeting that they finally realized NES games aren't going to sell a subscription.
Luigi's Mansion 3
Link's Awakening
Animal Crossing
Astral Chain
Next Smash fighter
Old IP revival (please be Mysterious Murasame Castle)
Retro's game they were working on before Prime 4
Cadence of Hyrule out the same day
Paper Mario isn't dead
>For some reason I have a feeling 3 Houses is gonna take up a good chunk of the time but hopefully I'm wrong.
No, you're right. Whenever there's a new FE coming they think people think it's as important as Pokemon for some reason.
With past directs, both normal, dedicated and E3 ones in mind, this is how I likely see shit going assuming it's 40-45 minutes long as per the norm for big directs:
>1-2 minutes for introductions, likely with Doug Bowser showing up and you fuckers memeing anything he says because you're too predictable with this shit
>2-3 minutes for first big announcement as surprise, to get the mood set, likely Retro's new game, Dong 3, or some other new sequel to a long ded series
>7 minutes on info on various titles coming out later this year, either giving release dates, short new info, or telling the fans "pls gib us more time to get it done"
>2 minutes here for Smash DLC fighter # 2 reveal trailer before "YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THEM AFTER THE PRESENTATION"
>maybe 1 minute after on teaser for Smash DLC Fighter #3 to let shitposting flow here for months after
>10 minutes on Animal Crossing to cover the basics and also new shit while Yea Forums tears itself several new assholes over MUH ISABELLE
>5 minutes on Pokemon Sword and Shield for legendaries, a couple new mons and a gym leader/other NPCs for /vp/ to draw porn of because of course
>7 for indie gaems highlight reel
>5 minutes for short teaser trailers for new 1st/3rd party titles
>1 minute for outro fun, before they pull a BEFORE WE GO, WE HAVE ONE LAST THING TO SHOW on us as always
>end it with 1-2 minutes spend on teaser trailer for the big title they wanted to save for the end and the thing Yea Forums will lost its shit over the most
My money is on this for how it goes.
>Safe Animal Crossing, no online shit
How will I visit your piece of shit village if there's no online?
if they drop megaman Battle Network for the swtich i'd buy one immediately
same. only thing thats good about nintendo
Two MM mobile games are coming:
X Command Mission series, set to go into beta in Asia next month. Screens are already leaking out for this. Looks basic and boring.
The second is Battle Network, which is most likely a 2020 title.
bro what if Yea Forums and 9gag combined to form
It's going to be 60% Smash patch notes with most of the rest of the time dedicated to Fire Emblem, ports of games everyone else played years ago, and indie shit. We'll be very lucky to see any real new worthwhile announcements.
Put reddit and tumblr in too to form 13chaggitr
And instagram to make niggerchan13
Threw some random third parties to fill out the bingo sheet. One thing i forgot that i think will be in it is an indie reel with stuff like King of Cards getting a date.
Adaptation of the Iliad made with the care of a Nintendo first party. Don’t do this to me user.
You can stop hoping for SMTV or anything else from ATLUS because it won't be there. I won't be surprised if they have something for SMTV later this year, but they will definitely not show anything at E3.
They are very not good in game, so yes bad.
reveal all 4 final Smash DLC characters
Plant is fun tier. What is your problem?
>Safe Animal Crossing, no online shit, no pocket camp shit, just pure offline casual comfy
but user, the best part of Animal crossing is meething new players and visiting each others towns and trading goods and villagers
What are the chances of Monolith Soft showing something this E3?
more like 13 chodes
Any announcement? 95%
Gameplay? 30%
I'm not praying / hoping for anything anymore. I'm far too jaded with the industry now to let myself get hyped. Nintendo will most often just ruin older series now rather than make legitimate sequels. Each and every game they release has huge fundamental flaws, like Odyssey literally being a scavenger hunt with a map. Or Smash having a completely broken online system. At this point I just hope they release ONE more good game on the system that isn't Mario Maker 2. Animal Crossing will be ruined due to you faggots showing them they can monetize it. Luigi's Mansion will be even more mediocre or bad because it's going to have an identity crisis and suffer for it. Daemon will be 30 fps or less, and Prime 4 wont come out until the console is dead JUST LIKE WIIU. I'm out bros. Been enjoying older games like Dark Souls on switch which I never played before.
ask me how I know you're all 2016 tourists
Animal Crossing for 50 minutes. Metroid for 10.
If Daemon X Machina is anything like the demo, it's a hard pass. I've never played something so painfully boring and generic before.
For astral chain
Do you think there will be porn of the stand/whatever? Either in humanoid or in dog form?
Hopefully also gay
If you kill yourself with irrefutable proof, I promise I'll draw some gay astral chain porn with the robots.
But i could also commission that stuff for lile 50 bucks. And my life is worth at least 100
Is it because you are projecting you redditorfaggot?
>no u
it was a 2011 meme you cesspitfag
>Smash reveal
>Mario & Luigi game heading to Switch with Geno and Mallow returning
>Fantastic 4 and Inhuman Royal Family members join MUA3 so that I can finally convince myself to buy it
>More Pokèmon information
>Wonderful 101 port with a few new things
>Metroid Prime Trilogy port
>Super Mario Maker 2 has amiibo compatibility like the original and even better
>Nintendo finally gives in and gives us a censored Mother 3 or an F-Zero title,a new one.
> Any musou title focused on a Nintendo franchise, gimme dat Skyworld Warriors, or Dreamland Warriors or MUSHROOM KINGDOM WARRIORS WITH GENO AND MALLOW AND FAWFUL NINTENDO DAMN IT
>Smash reveal is Porky and the new leak is true and honestly I wouldn't mind it
>Mario and Luigi game heading to Switch without Geno and Mallow returning
>Fantastic 4 won't join MUA3 and I will barely get Black Bolt
>New Kirby game
>A simple Pokèmon teaser with the new legendaries
>Link's Awakening, Astral Chain and Luigi's Mansion 3 get proper footage and the latter two are shown in-depth, no Bayo 3
>A simple gameplay trailer for Animal Crossing
>Wonderful 101 port still not there
>Three Houses reminder
>No Mystery Mushrooms in Super Mario Maker 2
>No Mother 3 port or F-Zero title
>No Metroid Prime Trilogy port
> No musou game
>Another 3D Mario game, probably another Mario 64 port.
>Too much focus on lesser titles
Any Tales of news?
A new tales of or Berseria port would be nice.
What about Italy you genius
Do we get it at the same time as London?
a pile of nude shotas and lolis for me to dive in
Also I forgot TOWN from Game Freak being highlighted
5-10 minutes of smash.
15 minutes of smash
25+ minutes of smash
Battle Network on the Switch
Shin Megami Tensei V to have a new trailer with a release date
No, we're CEST.
You're not missing anything TW101 is a QTE filled meme that only gets dick sucked because of platinum fags being braindead retards.
MP trilogy is definitely worth it though
fuck off
Cyrodiil research confirmed.
Also fuck off.
Europe is one big commie-style timezone except the UK and Portugal.
You should know that.
Fuck off me, I guess
Octolings in smash
this, my biggest dream. honestly don't care about smash DLC because unlike the rest of Yea Forums I have no burning passion for any particular video game character and just want ones that bring new playstyles more than anything. I don't care about pokemon or town, those turn based RPGs bore me to death. I don't care about metroid, I tried a few of them a long time ago and never liked them, even Prime 1 on gamecube. Astral Chain looks cool but I still haven't completed Bayonetta 1 and I bought it with 2 so probably won't play astral chain for a long time.
Animal Crossing has always been a fun game and still has so much potential, especially considering how long it's been since the last main game
spitball guess at the what the actual line-up will be
July - Fire Emblem
August - Astral Plain
September - Dragon Quest XI
October - Luigi's Mansion 3
October - Resident Evil 5 + 6
October - Rune Factory 4
November - Link's Awakening
December - Pokemon
January - Metroid Prime Trilogy
February - Wonderful 101
March - Animal Crossing
April - Ridge Racer
May - Sonic + Mario Olympics
June - Splatoon 3
July - TLOZ: Wind Waker HD
August - Disgaea 6
September - Bayonetta 3
October - Resident Evil 2
November - F-Zero
December - Xenoblade Chronicles X
It's not 1 hour long.
>Luigis Mansion 3
>To not have Parkinsons
There's going to be like a 20-minute indie reel for padding.
They had nothing else for the year
>SMT V and Bayo 3 get some more info in my dreams
>Metroid 4 gets a trailer with no gameplay, just Samus walking around and getting yelled at by Ridley
>some boring game takes up most of the hour, probably AC or Tres Casas
>more Luigi's, DxM and Astral Chain
>good Star Fox that builds on Assault never
>Erdrick is in Smash but he's a generic fighter with no interesting mechanics. He's all fireballs, lightning and sword swings
>maybe we get a 2nd Smash reveal but it'll be shit or Banjo with Rare Replay again, in my dreams
>W101 and XCX ports/sequels never
Nintendo at E3 is such a fucking tossup. It all depends on if they've decided to make something cool like BoTW or Odyssey or if they're going to spend 4 years on Woolly World and Mario Maker
seething quentin
>No mosou game
It'll be Persona 5 Scramble and you know it
Louie can't wait for the new HEY!!!!!! Pikmin!!! Sequel.
Itll be a Smash reveal and 50 minutes on how Erdrick or Steve or whoever the fuck plays
>Hey Pikmin Switch port
>it's got a stupid name like Hey! Pikmin! and Louie!
>Why do you guys think they're going to dedicate a giant chunk of time to DLC for smash?
I don't think we'll be getting anything other than a character reveal. The only way we could see substantial smash dedicated to smash would be if they're working on a new mode or new features. Personally, I hope they make a better adventure mode. I'd also like to see some new game modes like King of the hill or something.
Sakamoto already heavily implied he and MS are making it already.
Rune Factory won't be out before march 2020, the devs said so
I thought Hey Pikmin was okay, but this would leave a bad taste in my mouth. I'll take a port of Pikmin 3 or 1 and 2 redone in 3's engine over a Sequel/Port of Hey Pikmin.
Enough time for Metroid and Animal Crossing.
>Sword and Shield show promise for single-player fags
>No Smash
>No shitty indies
>Star Fox Zero port that fixes all of Miyamoto's autistic decisions, Gyrowing, remove target view as well as add a traditional controls option for all the retards who couldn't get used to the GamePad
>3D World gets ported
>Luigi's Mansion
>60fps 2D Metroid and Prime Trilogy HD both announced
>New Kirby that isn't like Star Allies and more like Triple Deluxe/Robobot and is 60fps
>Never Ever 5 from Atlus
>100% smash faggotry that still won't fix the terrible online
>100% indieshit
>furry crossing that old ac niggers still won't like because it'll be new leaf in HD
>faggot emblem
>more online service shilling
Its gonna be:
Smash Patch Notes
Logos with no gameplay or date
I disliked the demo so I just watched the first and last world on the off chance it's canon to Pikmin 4.
just what I need
Nintendo practically already won this E3. It's all set up to be an insane E3 for them
>animal crossing
The big two.
>metroid prime 4 first gameplay teaser
>luigi's mansion 3
>fire emblem three houses
>newcomers for smash revealed
>bravely collection 1+2 HD remaster for the switch and bravely default 3
>shin megami tensei v
>invitational for mario maker 2 with even more info
>bayonetta 3
>astral chain
unconfirmed but likely:
>pikmin 4
>new etrian
>rune factory 5 shown
>f-zero extreme
>wave race 128
It's over.
Nintendo won.
I just want to see some Bayo 3, come on Nintendo!
I hope not. I liked the games new approach and setting, but having a parallel PNF404 was just silly. Olimar just happens to find ANOTHER planet with Pikmin? Come on, that's just silly. And what's more is they just immediately trust him. I thought the whole reason Pikmin trusted Olimar was because he reactivated the Onions and only trusted Alph and co because of their suits.
Like I said, having the older enemies turn into hulking giants was cool, but the lore was silly.
Damn, an entire hour? It's gonna have a shitton of content.
I hate it when I do that. I that's what I get for not proofreading.
Ace Attorney 7 for God's sake capcom juar give it to me
>Crushing on proto-turkic civilians after Bowser kidnaps peach to the city of Troy.
I can get behind this harder than Odysseus got behind enemy lines in a wooden horse.
>Smash Patch Notes
maybe if they where big changes
I wish they weren't afraid or were able to change characters fully
>yo, Sonic has had shitty specials since he was in Brawl
>let's just take a patch to make him not the most boring character ever
>Can't make an entire E3 dedicated to one game like with BotW
>Can't make 3/4th of the entire direct about Smash
>3DS is finally dead
They can't possibly fuck it up
They literally cannot fuck it up
Animal Crossing
My E3 wish is for Geno to return!
Piglet's Big Game remastered for switch
>Animal Crossing that actually doesnt something to improve the formula rather than just a prettier rehash of New Leaf
>TWO smash ultimate character reveals
>anything new with Mother/Earthbound or F-zero
>Some new Zelda that takes the BotW engine and focuses it's qualities like MM was to OoT
>New Pokemon game reveals something actually revolutionary for the series, and I'm not talking about fucking horse armor for Charizard
I remember when this was first seen and people were working themselves up into a frenzy over the possibility that a Baten Kaitos sequel was in the works.
What did they mean by this?
Give me literally anything Metroid
And gib Smash bros costume dlc jesus christ literally everyone wanted more costumes in the base game
>snoyggers are spreading this fake shit so that people are disappointed when it's not 1 hour long
You can't read Japanese. You heard it from someone else who does and are trying to pass off it was you who originally read it and spread the news.
>costume dlc
it's like they're allergic to money
if they hired 10 or so dudes to pump out costumes they would still probably cover their costs and make bank and make the news
Reminder that PKMN SWSH will be the highest selling Switch game this year and not even the developers are passionate about it. They literally want to get these over with and put the work into the next games.
New Fire Emblem: Three Houses trailer please. Would say SMT5 but no way that's coming any time soon.
>1 hour E3 Direct
fake and bullshit
on the backburner until NSMB10 is done
You fuckers genuinely don’t understand the plant. He was a bonus, free for a limited time. It needed to be someone who was likable, but not so important that people would be upset about him being released so shortly after without being included in the base game. I’d wager that he was a side project that they’d only work on if they were on schedule with the game development. If that was true it would have to be a character that wouldn’t be a big loss to the roster if a base game development emergency came up and they had to drop the bonus character development.