Monster Hunter World

Currently on sale, worth buy? Or should I just try Dauntless instead?

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Play mhw, it's a better game.
But if you're like me, and already at mhw endgame dauntless is fun.

Dauntless is like 10 times better. MHW is weeb trash.

both casual shit
buy an older mh

Weeb trash vs fortnight with a gender slider... Hmmm

>retarded cartoons for incels vs the most popular and successful game in the entire world

>dauntless is the most popular game in the world

MH is a shit franchise.

get toukiden 2 instead and dab on everyone lmao

>two cents of epic store credit has been deposited into your account.

Iceborn is supposed to double the content size but I doubt it. Probably more like +20%.

MHW is still a fun game.

Dauntless? More like, Fagless haha!
Oh how you casuals play such soulless foetnite ripoff trash.
Play Monster Hunter World. It's a true gamers choice on a true gamer console (pc, not bs4 or xshit1).

Anyone wants to do kulve taroth? I don't want to miss out on the armor

World's better, I tried Dauntless before MHW came out on PC and had people telling me in chat shortly after starting that they were pretty much killing time with it until World came out. I imagine that now most of its players are just people that can't afford World or can't run it.

Get World, dauntless is ok but there isn't much content in it yet

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Monster Hunter World is superior in every way and doesnt have terrible optimization thats going to fry your pc or make you play on those silky smooth 16 fps on consoles.

All Dauntless has going for it is that its free

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Fuck Dauntless. It's garbage. Easily the worst of all the MH clones I've tried. Play literally anything else.

Also MHW is fantastic and you should play it regardless of what you decide to do

>mhw casual


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If you want a better more polished and in depth game then MHW obliviously but if you just want a competent and decent watered down version then dauntless seems alright

I watched a few streams of Daunted and seemed like they tried to mimic Monster Hunter without actually playing it once

Dauntless makes God Eater and Toukiden look like MH4U.

Iceborn will cost money.

friends just bought it and we are having a blast the game is super comfy and you get a cool catto companion u can dress up in cool armor

How is MHW(PC) multiplayer? I heard that there are lot of disconnect issues.

Mh:W if you are a casuals, dauntless otherwise.

O _ _ game good N _ _ game bad

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Sale where?

Humble Bundle

Does Dauntless do anything well gameplay-wise at all? Gimme the rundown
I heard early on that it was casual as fuck and the hits didn't feel good

yeah buy it but learn to play it. Its not the same as Dauntless.

Just watch endgame gameplay and decide for yourself.

At endgame you can die in two hits.



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What the fuck are you even implying?

its alright. better than dauntless. pretty much nowhere near as good as mh.
if you liked god eater 2, toukiden etc god eater 3 is a pretty easy pickup no-brainer. it's not bad.

I like it

yeah it's great
pick short blade or buster for a good time

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play frontier

Anyone know if aetherhunter/pacifier are still bugged in dauntless? Or rather what are the best deeps skills now?

>short blade
That uppercut spam is braindead ezshit lmao
Also, nice of you to ignore the absolutely retarded fucking story.

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