Gravity Rush

>Gravity Rush

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Great games.

Pokies, poease. I like her nipples.

Both games were alright but I have no desire for a third

Kat the Gravity Queen is a neat character though so she should appear in other games

Sea Wasp.

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I wouldn't mind a third game in the setting, but I think Kat and Raven's story is mostly done. It would be fun to have them show up as NPCs though.

How about a photography thread. I don't think I've ever used that feature more than in this game.

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Imagine third game with current Sony's policies.

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third game is just Kat and Raven going on cute dates

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>Kat in paranja or hijab
Jokes on you Sony I have huge boner for Muslim girl


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It was definitely my favorite little add-on in the game. I don't think I've played since they closed down the servers, but treasure hunt was extremely enjoyable.

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My all time favorite.

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I bought it after the online was taken down and man it pisses me off.
I want to share my pics and get the outfits.
Tank top Kat is CLEARLY best Kat.

reminder that kat smells like sewage

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what happens next?

post kat's tummy

GR is one of my favorite series of all time and I can't quite explain why these games resonated with me so much.

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Ape Escape crossover when?

I love my wife Kat!

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KEK i still haven't finished 2. it was right after the time i got the floaty boots when i stopped playing. i might get back to it, but that was over two years ago or so

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I just beat GR1 Remastered, which I bought halfway through GR2. Now I'm back to finishing the second game, and I just got the Jupiter mode.

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i think that's where i left off

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You have a sick mind my fellow user

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get FUKT little kid

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>removal of all artstyle games had
>replace it with full on realism
>dress Kat and Raven up in tracksuits

I want to marry Kat!

I never bothered playing the dlc thing for GR2. Should I?

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Better not.

Ok then.

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i would buy it if it came out on pc

I'm glad shitting on that kid is a universal urge

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Ok then.

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I couldn't justify buying a PS4 because I needed money for other things and only finally got one recently. I was so happy to finally get to play GR2. I platinumed the game, including the annoying Raven DLC trophies.
I love the game so much and have ~70 hours of gameplay in it and am just starting to do Delvool but I feel deep sadness because I forever missed out on neat online stuff that could easily get me to play it infinitely. It's not fair, bros. it's just not fair. Why didn't they at least put it under PS+? Did they know the online will be shut down so quickly so they didn't put in any online trophies? I heard GR:Remastered leaderboards servers are still up, though? Is that true?

DLC is a lore and ideas mess. They put in stealth, taking away your powers, slow platforming instances, type of tower defense, escort and protection of a character/place all in one DLC. it's short, some parts of it are cool but other make no sense at all. Best parts are boss fights against certain two characters and that you play as Raven. DLC doesn't last long, thankfully. Remember to make a new save after each chapter starts if you want to trohpy hunt later because there's no chapter select.

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Sony made it so no there's literally 0% chances to see it on PC.

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ur waifu is shit

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People meme and I do believe it's overused, but it's the soul. The game does have it's jank in the execution, but it just oozes the heart the devs had for the game. The other thing for me is a slight nostalgia, it does evoke the feel of another era in all levels of its design

I fucking love Raven

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I feel like for the most part, devs got to do whatever they wanted with the game. Obviously not including corporate imposed limits they had to put up with like platform switching and time constraints.
they made a great movement mechanic based on idea of shifting the direction of gravity forces. they made cities floating islands and city anchored to a giant pillar, both hanging over an abyss. the cities are all multi-layered and each section has a clear visual style that makes it easy to know which district you're in immediately. Artstyle and setting are also pretty refreshing in this day and age of "everything must be realistic" games, especially Jirga Para Lhao 2. I wish we got to explore Eto too because artbook implies it was supposed to be explorable. maybe in GR3 if we ever live to see it.
Story is anime bullshit but it takes itself seriously enough that it can still emotionally impact the player (in my opinon, it tells a better story than many other "big games" like KH series and I'm saying that despite liking KH too). Cahracters are simple but still get development. Raven's backstory and how she developed from start of GR1 is great. Kat always being so sweet and caring despite the circumstances is tropey but very endaring.
I also noticed game is pretty self-concious. Game (usually Kat herself) would call the game out on same things I did (like complaining about more enemies coming out of nowhere or "are we there yet" for some trailing missions or tough enemies that took a long time to take down).

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I read that as you love fucking Raven

Any news on GR3 as ps5 launch title?

Cute couple

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