Should 6th gen be allowed on >>>/vr/?

Should 6th gen be allowed on ?

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No. It's the last safe haven from you shit taste Ps2 children that ruined the industry. Stay in your shithole.

Yes, it would be the last safe haven from the Xbox 360 kiddies that ruined the industry. Let them rot in this shithole.

Fuck off, you little Ps2 niggers are always talking about how pre-2000 games are outdated and post-2010 games are shit and blaming all the industry's problems on the "Xbox 360" generation but it's you 6th gen zoomers that dispersed across all the 7th gen consoles supporting the practices you claim to hate when you were too small and fucking stupid to know better. Now you just want to rewrite history and pretend you weren't part of the wave of casuals that fagged up video games

>Ps2 niggers are always talking about how pre-2000 games are outdated and post-2010 games are shit
but that's completely true
let us in faggot

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Fuck off, you little Nintendo Sixty-Bore niggers are always talking about how pre-1995 games are outdated and post-2005 games are shit and blaming all the industry's problems on the "PS2" generation but it's you 5th gen zoomers that dispersed across all the 6th gen consoles supporting the practices you claim to hate when you were too small and fucking stupid to know better. Now you just want to rewrite history and pretend you weren't part of the wave of casuals that fagged up video games

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You can reword my posts as many times as you like but not only is your stereotype wrong, 4th generation is what I grew up on and I like games going all the way back to the early 80s besides that


Nobody wants sonnygers and xbots

What about GBAbros?

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They're ok in Yea Forums.

GBA threads die unless it's a thread generically asking what are some good GBA games
Yea Forums doesn't give a fuck about GBA, it's almost impossible to discuss

Who cares? That board is a bunch of no-skill losers obsessing over "muh collection" and scanlines. Nobody talks about any games on there but rather tries to flex on their collection, bringing up the most obscure shitty jrpg, or talking about sprites/scanlines.

They talk about fighting games and shmups there yet not one of them can play any of them competently.

Just delete the board.

>They talk about fighting games and shmups there yet not one of them can play any of them competently.
Speak for yourself, I'm getting swole at ST as we speak. Add me on AOL and I'll catch you on fightcade within the week

>They talk about fighting games
they really don't, sadly


Imagine Halo threads on /vr/
I think Quakefags would lose it


/vr/, /vg/ and /vp/ were all mistakes that ruined each other and Yea Forums.

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I think this board is better off with Pokemon having its own thinktank

If it's old enough, sure. The rules of being retro don't get to change just because these niggers want to keep things as they are.

/vp/ only reached that point after it became its own secluded thing. As it was the board would turn into Pokemon when a new game was announced/released, but that happens for other things too like Smash or anything highly anticipated. /vg/ in itself was an overreaction to 5 threads and the fact that at the time all normal threads would be generals for general discussion. All it accomplished was getting tripfags off Yea Forums, but /vg/ is all about personalities because everyone knows each other too well. Very un4chanlike. Never went on /vr/ enough to know why it's bad but if Yea Forums is bad then so are its fruit.

their argument is that Gen 6 is the start of the modern gaming era, disconnected from 5th gen in a way 5th gen was not from 4th and earlier

the maturity of 3D has a lot to do with it



Either 6th gen with a 2005-2006 cutoff would probably rip the board a new one and turn it into another Yea Forums thoroughly, or it'll just be the same shit but with a new generation while the boomer/zoomer nonsense goes on at its apex. Some argue the board would more likely exclude 5th gen systems/games entirely than move the dates forward. Also how would decade-old online games even be treated? Plenty of them have lasted for such a long time, sometimes changing drastically too.
