/osu/ -- Osu! general

Just talk about osu! and all things related to it.

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this is now a stepmania thread

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putting general in the name doesn't make it a general, literally nobody talks about osu here or on /vg/ lmao

putting general in the name doesn't make it a general

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/vg/ is for recurring, frequently posted threads. Not every thread with "general" in it belongs to /vg/.

a general is a recurring thread, this thread is going to die in an hour most likely, how can you have a general without anyone to inhabit it, this is simply a regular osu thread and op is a retard, meanwhile xiv and wow have actual generals up constantly, go complain about those



Simply epic.

Did you remember to trim your neckbeard today?

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For someone who's opposed to this thread you're weirdly keen on keeping up.
What's up with that?


Sequel fucking when?

Is this how you "factually destroy" and "outwit" people on reddit? Le XD

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We can go back and forth until the bump limit if you want. I don't mind.


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el em ay oh

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Imagine seething this hard cause ur shit thread won't take off.

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........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

It's not my thread but you can keep believing that if it makes you feel better.

>its not my thread
>but im going to defend it

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Why are you so upset that I won't let the thread die?

Aren't you being counter-productive when you reply to a thread you wish to die?

Since you are new to Yea Forums, in the upper right corner there is a "unique IP" tracker. Stop pretending that you are different people; each time you samefag like this the value doesn't change.

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ok retard

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So WTF is osu? I legit don't know.

It's like you didn't even read my post and just decided to mass reply like a true fucking retard

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Great thread, as always

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Who's pretending? I told you I'd do this with you all the way to the bump limit if you wanted to. I'm not pretending shit.

Fucking spastics

free circle clicking rhythm game with lots of weeb songs

So kinda like Miku? Gotcha, thx user.

Nobody here is trying to pretend to be someone else though so what's even the point of this post?

Who is samefagging again? It's not me lol, I promise!

Fuck niggers and fuck trannies

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