How does one hit the video game streamer lottery as a male? I can't tell any real difference between the super popular video game streamers and the ones with much more middling success, they're all equally "interesting." Is it just luck?
How does one hit the video game streamer lottery as a male...
You need that kids audience. Kids got the moolah these days
Have charisma, talk loud, and talk often so the kids still have their attention on you.
Be exceptionally good at whatever next competitive game becomes big.
just be as loud and obnoxious as possible
you have four options in order to make it as a streamer
>be funny/entertaining
>be autistic/easy to bully
>be pro
>be a girl
it's all luck
>that chin
>those hands shaking
I've been thinking about streaming with my little brother.
We've been talking about streaming some games that we played as kids but we are both adults now (18 and 23). We live together so it wouldnt be hard.
Call it "Two Brothers and a Couch"
Unironically win the randomizer lottery.
This fucker was an unknown literal who until some company had chosen him to stream with some superstar
this shit writes itself
sounds like a pornhub original series
That sounds like a bad porno
That sounds like a good porno
Have an entertaining personality and then stream with an actual celebrity.
>that look of existential terror on his face
>doesnt put mic near mouth, has that shit at the top of his head
nigger tier streamers do this. close the stream if you see this shit
Is it possible to play the same game for hours on end every single day while constantly shilling shitty products with the hum of a sponsored mini fridge filling the air living a life that is essentially an even more boring Truman Show where you are just a clown for thousands of people and still be happy? Asking for a friend.
Mostly luck with a dash of motor mouth and half-competency at the video game.
I'd add in personality too but Ninja has no fuckin personality so I guess that's out the window.
nice, just make sure to post it on pornhub when you are finished with it
memeability, kids have to like you, also you really really have to pick the right game. like if some random nobody tries to become a bigtime CSGO streamer, just not gonna work out, because every big CSGO streamer is a professional player or player good enough to be in the pro scene. No one cares about memes in that game, so its all about skill level.
Theres a certain time frame of a game where you if you get in at the right time and get lucky you will become a successful streamer. Like Ninja was just a random Halo nerd until PUBG became huge
This, plus using multiple computers/phones/ buying viewers to have at least 10 or so viewers.
>make your own hours
>can start or quit your stream at any time of the day
>make absurd amounts of money
cant be any worse than being a stock clerk in a grocery store or another shitty wageslave job like that
>be good/decent looking
>be good at what you're playing
>have a schedule
>stay in tune with your audience, never go go against them
>some luck
xQc is the most interesting, went from a 4k viewer overwatch nerd to 10-20k viewers. All because Blizzard and community kept shitting on him for being "toxic" but then when they banned him, he just exploded in popularity
Being a video game streamer could be considered as the same as being a prostitute.
I've seen streamers that seem to legit enjoy streaming, but they're mostly smaller ones. Most of the big ones though seem to treat it like just a job, I know some of them are actually miserable for it.
t. bitter ugly boomer minimum wagie, born too late to blossom into anything
>...and here's how
What charisma does Ninja have? He seems like an absolutely generic guy to me.
I'm erect already.
hes loud, and talks fast, and has "scandals" where he gets really toxic at people in games, kids seem to like that. hes the logan paul of video game streamers
I'd watch that porn
>sperging out, only for a rattata to spawn, making the shiny ponyta despawn
>be decently entertaining which means autistic
>bait reddit fags with staged clips
>be one of the first to play the most recent popular game
These 3 seem to be pretty much the core reasons how most people made it.
Or just stream snipe popular streamers in a more interesting way than sound spamming aka. be a leech.
Cut that streaming shit. Play for a bit, curate for the best bits, then put it on-demand. Nothing good comes from streaming
You need to sell your soul and talk about drama non-stop. The real talent is playing the raw game but kids don't care about that, they just want to see some dude screaming like a little girl.
thats a lie.
Just learn to be able to smile on camera and laugh without looking like a massive creepo
The only decent streamer is Jerma. Prove me wrong.
Like picture related?
There is the fifth option of people who were already streaming before it was cool
Kids have a low attention span so they want someone whose loud and always doing shit to get their attention.
Tbh it’s a fucking skill if someone can do that for 4 hours straight daily.
Don't listen to anyone in this thread.
The only actual way you can make it at this point is leech from another popular streamer.
Let's Plays > Streams
why the fuck are you watching streams at all, retard?
>still have to pay taxes
>has no 401k
>has no medical plan
>has no bonus
>no insentives
I don't know how this cunt does it, i thought he was toast after the rick and morty thing when everyone realised he was boring.
i cant watch streams, i have a 76.8 KB/s connection. wish i was joking on that speed
just noticed that every time some tard posts a gaymeer youtuber or gaymeer streamer its always always always the same retarded shit, like they dont know what in the world the MIC is for so they put that shit at the top of their heads
I would but I don't know about shilling for him on fucking Yea Forums.
You might know him from DSP's stream, though.
Streaming would be cool if you are one of the big shots making shit tons of dosh. If you're just making ok money though it seems like it would be soul crushing after awhile.
just b urself of course thats what everyboday else does
Kek absolutely kino
Hes not even that good at the game he plays either hes a fucking pubstomper who gets btfod every time he plays in a tournament
how can people be so retarded
>Have some youtube subscribers
>But can't make a video going "hey I stream on twitch now" or my channel will get in trouble
I have no idea how people start up on twitch. Starting from zero seems impossible.
>spent 1400 hours in a game engine crafting my game
>im broke and poor
should i just take the streamer pill??
Are any of the big players new? it feels like alot of them have been there basically since the beginning. although i don't play much attention to this shit
That title sounds like a gay porno lol
There is only 1 (ONE) good streamer. The rest of them are shit.
>his face
I wouldn't know. I tried streaming once for like 6 hours but my viewers never went past 3 & nobody ever said anything in the chat. I think it's because I didn't have my mic on, but if nobody's gonna talk then there's no reason for me to talk to myself which created a boredom loop.
Could you post who that is? It certainly isn't Jerma.
What? No way.
>How does one hit the video game streamer lottery as a male?
be good at a popular game and or get popular off a meme
Here you go
Be lucky.
Its an entertainment medium
Every big entertainer youve ever seen has been either lucky or had a shit ton of connections
I don't think William Defoe streams, but if he does, I could easily see him being better then that faggot you posted earlier.
You need a specific mentality / personality for i suppose. Northernlion mentioned he basically had a notebook where he wrote 'bits' and would pivot into them during the show.
I never thought I'd have respect for the original Shiny Ponyta guy. This faggot makes the original guy look like an alpha male.
change it to "two brothers, one couch" and i might watch
Speaking of streaming, isn't it basically impossible to stream on youtube? Every time I do it I notice my view half the next day on my gaming videos. I think it's because if people don't click the youtube stream, youtube sends a signal saying "nobody clicked on this video, stop recommending this guy's other videos" because streams count as regular videos now or some shit. In any case I don't stream on youtube anymore. It literally almost killed my hobby channel. Anyone else experience the same thing? I immediately see my views tank the next day after a stream. There has to be a link.
i hope you know im gonna dedicate making my game to as a personal fuck you to you
That sounds hot
Not him but good, anything that motivates you to finish your work is a good thing.
>he didnt recognize my piping hot meme reference
Its a common thing now.
you know what?
i dont want this cookie no more
His vid on how shit goes viral was interesting. Specifically when he talked about how Mr. Beast saw his proposed title for the viral video and was like "nah, say this instead." Mr. Beast might make trash content, but he knows how to get people to watch.
>piping hot
excuse me, sir
my food is quite cold
was it cooked two years ago?
Nope skill has nothing to do with streaming
He's Final Fantasy XI's best chance of becoming popular again if they ever release a classic version.
Wrong. If you can shit on everybody in at least semi-popular game, you will eventually get viewers even if you have nonexistent charisma as long as you talk. That won't easily lead you to thousands of viewers, but guarantees at least hundreds.
Ninjas audience are children while the people watching that stream are manchildren.
This. Shroud is proof.
People say "dude fuck streamers it's so easy they just get paid for playing video games", but most of you would probably never be willing to do the things you have to do to actually achieve that level of success.
>Pick a super-popular trending game
>That's the only game you play now
>Play at least 8 hours every day, even weekends and holidays
>Suck the dick of other people who stream that game so they give you shoutouts. In turn you must give shoutouts to people who suck your dick.
>Unless you're incredible at the game, you must give up all dignity and constantly shout and act retarded so that kids will find you funny. This also requires at least some natural charisma and a sense of humour, you can't just rage and whine.
>Constantly prostrate yourself before your viewers, profusely thank them for their viewership and donations and tell them how much they mean to you at every possible opportunity, even though you don't care. You want your viewers to think you are their friend.
>Do that day-in, day-out, all day, every day.
>If you're lucky, you will get popular and rich.
Like anything, it’s luck based. People clicky the top guy. A good technique would be to play the system to help you. Like get bots to raise your viewcount etc.
>Step 1: become Jewish like shroud and Ninja
>Step 2: Hype up every single AAA game no matter how bad it is
>Step 3: Send Twitch mods nudes from your GF or Sister. Moms work as well but they have to be MILF
>Step 4: Suck Hassan Piker's Dick so you receive special treatment and bumps in the algorithm
> Step 5: Go along with the mainstream narrative
>Step 6: Profit.
Also have a personality on top of all the above. Goodluck user.
play a norf fc fan character and stream FIFA and F1
Porn name aside, it's a cute concept, probably because it touches on the same nostalgic feeling I get playing vidya with my younger brother. Could do a challenge day where you both try to complete a game in one sitting on the same controller. Sounds comfy.
Somehow sounds less pornlike even though the name is a direct reference to a porno.
Have you considered that they could be using an actual high quality mic instead of the cheap shit grafted onto their sponsored GAM3R headphones?
You were unengaging, so nobody engaged.
he is rich enough to be able to have all of those. he makes enough in one month than i will ever be able to put into my 401k. he doesnt have to work another day for the rest of his life, depending on where he wanted to live, as well as it wasnt in super duper luxury. if he ever girl, which with his looks he probably can easily despite his nerdy hobby, she might just try to take all his money
Yeah, I couldn't do it. As a chef it's like giving everything up and working at McDonalds.
Make a stream where you teach cat lady's how to cook. Be an ass and claim its a Gordon Ramsey act if you get called out. Don't suck up for shit because "I'M MAKING ART HERE" get creative with it.
If I could make dosh this easy I'd sperg out all the time too if it made kids pay me.
I have no charisma sadly.
there must be streamers who swim against the current and are successful right? If not why didn't Yea Forums try to infiltrate twitch just as every single normalfag infiltrated Yea Forums?
why does this fake hype do so well with viewers? i feel like even when i was young i was pretty cynical and probably would have called this guy a flaming faggot. what happened bros?
This 40 year old housewife made 450 million dollars by just crossing out a couple of numbers on a sheet of paper. Here's how she did it.
>If not why didn't Yea Forums try to infiltrate twitch just as every single normalfag infiltrated Yea Forums?
Because Twitch will nuke your channel if you do anything they don't like. Unless you're an unbelievably massive channel, you could get your channel terminated over a edgy joke.
Hell only pewdiepie was able to say nigger and still keep his fame
It's probably because he has a desktop mic offscreen. Still a retard for buying a headset instead of headphones though.
Nobody watches cooking streams. I do sometimes, and they can be comfy, but only because I'm off work right now with a fractured knee and it makes me feel relaxed. Otherwise I'd love to do random streams/videos on fermentation and improvising in the kitchen. I feel like most channels are too hung up on the idea of recipes and not actually demonstrating how to build a pantry and cook off the cuff. Would be a fun project I guess.
How would you invest such huge amounts of money smartly to never ever work in your life and have huge monthly "salary"?
>Think it might be fun to stream
>Stream game for several hours
>Hardly get any viewers
>Basically no one who joins to watch stays for more than 5 minutes
>Impossible to engage with them if they do join, can't say hello to them specifically or you spook them
>Genuinely hard to talk to myself and try to seem interesting with no one in the chat talking at all
I will say, streaming does seem to be hard, at least starting out
what the actual fuck? this is even worse than i was expecting
With the sheer amount of money Ninja is making you wouldn't even need to invest it, just not fucking spend it left and right. If he lives within his means and only pays for his rent/morgage, for food, and other necessities he's still saving literal millions a year
>With the sheer amount of money Ninja is making you wouldn't even need to invest it, just not fucking spend it left and right
As if it never happened before, retards waste insane amount of money from inheritance and live as poorfags after that.
Why is there a clip of a congress hearing on fucking Twitch of all places?
That doesn't happen, show me one example.
Rich people stay rich and you only say that they waste their money and become poor to cope with being a poor person yourself.
Why exactly are ittle kids so fucking attached for Fortnite that they watch someone else play it? I get actually playing it since it's free, but why do they watch it? and what draws them to Ninja specifically? It certainly isn't his personality, the one time he played anythng other than Fortnite he couldn't even break a thousand
well there are 2 major things you need
high speed internet(with no actual caps)
a pc that can run anything from 720-1080p and stream it at the same time
Audience engagement seems to be the one factor all good streamers share.
Whether it's talking with the chat.
Calling your audience bros or some other kind of nickname.
Or just constantly making references to your fans when you speak.
Also consistent streaming with the occasional drama thrown in.
I wouldn't do it because I don't want to be famous in that way plus I think it isn't moral to encourage parasocial bullshit on kids.
Watching the news, series and movies with Twitch chat is the future.
Pog EZ Clap
Anyone ever notice that like the vast majority if not ALL of the very very successful ones are white boys?
Drake Bell is a pretty good example. In his highest paid year he made 500k, and like a retard assumed that's how much he'd make every year and bought a several million dollar mansion, that he later had to sell at a loss to try and pay off his massive debt
Gotta give him credit, if he plays smart and invests his money right, dude could retire in 10-15 years
>buy properties
>buy some stocks in big corps
>buy some gold
pretty much this
Sure. Usually middle class too, just like the audience.
You have to be the 1st world kind of lonely to enjoy streamers.
Black kids deal with it by joining gangs and white kids deal with it by paying people to say their name on stream.
It's all sad to me
You only have to do that if you want to be making millions, if you just want to not have to actually work you don't need to do most of this
>he's not aware of Old Money and New Money
>says the negro with a foothold in sports and "music"
Can a /biz/ bro give me a quick rundown on how to invest huge amounts of money and make it work for you?
This is like a whole nudda shoah. How do we stop these problematic white males dominating twitch? I think the first step is to ban subtle racist emotes such as "TriHard" and "cmonBruh".
>tfw never watched any streamers because I don't know any black ones
All I know is that Etika guy. Also now that I think about it I've never heard of any British streamers.
nigga is married to someone he knew before he got famous
he's married? dropped.
didn't John Romero do this too
why the fuck do rich people automatically get mansions
as if there's some unspoken law that you have to get mansions when you get rich
or maybe it's just that people's IQs suddenly drop to single digits when they get rich, or only single digit IQs become rich for some cursed reason
why the fuck would anyone even want to live in a gigantic expensive house that makes regular living more difficult and requires tons of maintenance and risks huge debts
what does that even give a person when you could spend the money on things substantial to one's life like creative pursuits
It's just a status thing. What proves to everyone that you're rich and successful? You live in a fucking mansion.
Honestly if you live alone or just with one person you don't need a big ass mansion, a simple two story house would be enough for you to have a couple bedrooms, a game room, home gym, ect
>home gym
As a semi-rich guy i can assure you THIS is the best way to spend your money. Its like the first thing you should do even if you have only enough money for an apartment, fucking tear off a room and create your own home gym.
anyone who buys a mansion for the figment of "status" is legitimately an absolute fucking retard
it's a complete waste of money that only makes life more difficult, even if you had an entire family
Look for startup companies with passionate and talented people and throw your money down the drain.
>As a semi-rich guy
fuck you
Dont hate me i didnt inherit im a good medic i swooped my ass from 19yrs old to do reabilitative surgery.
He could retire in a month if he's smart.
>>That's the only game you play now
>>Play at least 8 hours every day, even weekends and holidays
Some of you do this anyway.
I bought chainlink at 25 cents.
zoomers are legitimately retarded because they've grown up with people like this. They genuinely don't have a concept of what being genuine is. They're so indoctrinated in the hype culture that it's all they know.
It's actually over. They don't know what being true to ones self is, they have no concept of selling out, they think filming yourself giving money to homeless people is charitable, they're absolute retards.
Everyone is a faker anyways
>Played apex for free exclusively the first week or two it came out because it was fun
>Ninja was literally paid 500k just to stream only apex
It's not fair bros
>can start or quit your stream at any time of the day
Streamers can do no wrong.
I remember watching a stream where Lirik decided to quit for the day due to a ‘toxic chat’ and they kept blaming themselves instead of Lirik.
That's not an option anymore, so it didn't make the list.
pewdiepie and every retard who supports him killed any sort of intelligence in the streaming/youtube gaming community
That image is a reasonable position explained absolutely terribly. It's almost hilarious.
Funny how zoomers and retarded boomers here think he's based because he once made a jew joke and doesn't like le sjws
buy properties and rent them out.
its what i did after college.
busted my balls working as a code monkey doing as much overtime as i could for almost 3 years.
then i bought 2 apartments in munich in good locations. now i dont have to lift a finger ever.
>this old guy
>a good streamer
you can get an easy 24k a year if you rent out properties for $1000+ each in the right spot
500,000 dollars a months ? So he's a millionnairebin 2 months ?
Does Vinesauce count as an unconventional success?
>started on Yea Forums
>plays mainstream games pretty much just to shit on the glitchfests
>lineup is either unconventional (shitty game collections, corruptions, super obscure foreign indies) or retro nostalgiabait/personal preference
>literal 34 year old boomer who keeps talking about 80s and 90s pop culture to his zoomer audience
Every fucking streamer thread /v claims hating streaming culture but can name shitton of streamers, post "funny moments" and jokes.
>Pick a super-popular trending game
Wouldn't there be less competition in some medium popularity game?
IMO here's the winning combination to be a top male streamer
>has to be an american (native english speaker at least)
>has to be top tier at vidya, I'm talking really good at games, shooters in particular
>has to be actually entertaining to a male crowd that ranges from 10-35 in age
charisma, looks, the banter and also good skill, these guys really are one in a million type thing, not everyone can make it, even a top tier gamer can't make it if he isn't a)handsome and b)entertaining
>shooters in particular
are there even any semi popular streamers that don't play shooters or fighting games?
>then i bought 2 apartments in munich in good locations. now i dont have to lift a finger ever.
Really doubt that you can buy 2 decent apartments after working for just 3 years after college, lol.
That's not how it work
BASED retard
This, you could get a far better and more marketable skill with this much dedication everyday, a skill that will likely last and define you for life
unironically suggest you two to stream porn games.
Literally become a landlord.
Kids think the idea of "pro gamers" is the absolute unassailable peak of coolness. Think soccer fans idolising Messi.
This. Maybe you could buy 1 and still owe some debt to the bank but definitely not 2
>500k a month
At that point you don't even need to invest smartly, just buy an apartment every 2-3 months and pocket the rest.
What I find most puzzling is that 95% of these pro streamers aren't even that good at videogames at all. Is everyone else just bad at vidya or am I that good?
It's 'BRUH' boomer
Well didn't Yea Forums thought about making other communities controversial by fake accounts and VPN? Like you could make edgy jokes and edgy phrases a norm and after Twitch going on ban rampage they will finally realize they can't ban someone because the community is "toxic". After that you proceed to infiltrate twitch with streamers from Yea Forums.
MOBA pros like dendi and faker.
Most games with a pro circuit have laddered matchmaking. They might seem worse because they're playing against opponents of higher caliber as opposed to pubstomping lowbies.
>implying CSGO, R6Siege and Overwatch are high-skill games
Get out.
>not a lottery
>implying I implied something I never implied
Fuck off fag. I never said the games are actually skillful, its simply that people like pic related may appear less skilled to an eye test because they play against their equals instead of randoms.
Is he cute?
>openly admits to lying about being better than 95% of streamers
>This. Maybe you could buy 1 and still owe some debt to the bank but definitely not 2
Not even 1, hell, people pay mortgage loans for YEARS. Decent real estate is extremely fucking expensive both in EU or US (or Asia), what money do you even need to earn "after college" for those 3 years to get TWO apartments? $10k/month? Don't make me laugh.
>these replies
Your brains are rotted with porn
>openly admits to being shittier than 95% of streamers
Like I said 1 apartment and loan debts in 3 years is definitely doable, I managed that in 4.
Poor lad is bound for an institution.
Literally mentally ill.
Based retard
He was just referencing the video of the shiny ponyta kid. But of course Yea Forums is too young to remember that.
Yeah, you don't need a whole big house. Seems like a waste to me. A lot of upkeep I don't want to deal with.
My brother and I earn a combined 120K a year and we live in a modest 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house. We invest most of our money. It's a good thing that materialism never really appealed to either of us.
This. I actually end up learning things from these so-called haters, then promptly forget. For hating streamers, they sure seem to know a lot.
I know jack shit about streamers. I wasn't even aware who projared was until Yea Forums spammed the catalog with threads. I might even go as far as to say that I don't even have a twitch account.
The haters usually turn out to be the biggest fans/stalkers on any medium. No big surprise.
And then get fucked by Youtube. It's a lose-lose, streaming isn't a bad option, you can always archive clips of the good shit
you don't. it's all lies.
Just become a trap. Take this shit to /vg/
It's pretty hard.
One you have to be white, if you are swedish you'll never be #1 spot on anything cause it's boring but youll get a descent spot
If you are burger you HAVE to be white and semi attractive, relatable and not be a hambeast so that pretty much denies success on streaming to 99.99% of /pol/ and Yea Forums. You don't need an amazing attitude or anything. really.
Get picked up by an org
Tfu literally had 100 subs 2 years ago, now he is as big as ninja
Because Twitch is like Yea Forums
anything but video games
>still have to pay taxes
Well duh. Any income is taxable.
>has no 401k
You can sign up for a 401k plan if you're self-employed. Small business owners do this all the time.
>has no medical plan
He just goes shopping for a plan? You don't have to work for a big company to get a medical plan.
>has no bonus
That's the nature of the profession. Work bonuses from wageslavery don't mean that much when accounting for inflation.
>no insentives
I don't know about you, but I am an office wageslave and there is no incentives from working in an office. I only agree to work there because I get a $1,600 check every 2 weeks.
Maybe I'll make that much someday when I'm 27 in 2 years!
IcePoseidon basically ruined any remaining possibility of anyone that isn't a complete LOLcow the chance to gain a (respectable) audience.
He was joking about the shiny ponyta sperg kid. He even says "mom get the camera".
If you're a millionaire, why do you need any of that? You can prepare for your own retirement, buy your own insurance and do whatever the fuck you want because you're self employed and rich.
For every successful streamer there's tens of thousands of people streaming to 0 (zero) viewers.
I'm pretty sure there are more twitch channels than viewers at this point.
He needs one of these
Without the audio people here just thinks it's a soi overdose or something.
In a van. And then a meteor hit. And they ran as fast as they could, from giant cat monsters. And then a giant tornado came and that's when things got knocked into 12th gear.
A Mexican armada shows up. With weapons made from Two--tomatoes. And you better bet your bottom dollar that these two brothers know how to handle business. In: Alien Invasion Tomato Monster Mexican Armada Brothers, Who Are Just Regular Brothers, Running In a van from an Asteroid and All Sorts of Things THE MOVIE! Hold on, there's more! Old women are coming, and they're also in the movie, and they're gonna come, and cross attack these two brothers. But let's get back to the brothers, because they're-- they have a strong bond. You don't want to know about it here, but I'll tell you one thing: The moon it comes crashing into Earth. And what do you do then? It's two brothers and--and th-they're It's called Two brothers. Two brothers!
>two years away
We're gonna make it user! That's like a LONG time from now anyway haha.
>tfw a month away from turning 27
>asking /biz/ for financial advice
LOL. /biz/ is filled with Mexicans and Indians shilling the shit out of crypto in hopes they can get out of their shitty situation. Maybe once ina blue moon, you'd get an actual successful investor, but that's like Yea Forums having a video game thread without any flamewars.
>video game thread without any flamewars on Yea Forums
EDF threads are extra comfy as well as Ace Combat threads prior to the PC release.
The latter became REEEEEE MUH HOTAS MUH ULTRAWIDE instantly when the game came out on Steam.
Twitch is trying to branch off into livestreamed events.
They've been trying to shed the "video game stream site" label for a while.
Honestly, they should just make their own camgirl stream site and benefit more off the e-thots. That won't happen, though, since the owners have a stick up their ass about their brand's image.
>an a /biz/ bro give me a quick rundown on how to invest
that's like asking /r9k/ for a relationship advice
Pretty much this. It's even worse than youtube because you have to commit and stream every day for many hours to get traction/keep it. You cant take breaks as if you do, your subs will drop like a rock.
people find it easier to talk about what they hate. its human nature.
Based retard
watch some quality khantent like DSP not this shit
But now pewdiepie is one of the most genuine internet personalities. He literally had a video where he said he wished more people would read and he recommended a bunch of books.
you either have to be great at a game or have "the look." the look, which consists of: the right personality or friendly face etc etc
it's fucking hilarious are no different than adults when it comes to being advertised to.
adults like that over the top, corny, lame ass that has that FAKE friendly sales pitch personality, ie fake smile all the time, speaking proper, acts like he's on a tv commercial etc like the EXACT same shit. that fake ass click baiting, fake smile,sales pitch teenage streamer/video uploader.
>$500k a month
>could retire in 10-15 years
what the fuck are you smoking?
It's called I dont live in California, New York or some other overpriced shithole
>He literally had a video where he said he wished more people would read and he recommended a bunch of books.
but did he have a garage with a lamborghini?
>$500k a month
>a month
a lot of people could retire of the singular month
hell, for a year its 6mil, if you cant retire comfortably on ~6 million i dont know what to say
Nah look at MMOs, that's how most games work. At any given time the vast majority of gamers are playing some game everyone else is playing (WoW, FFXIV, ESO) while every other game just has the small fanbase. Even if you get that small fanbase it'll pale to what you'd get even as a mediocre streamer of other game.
>Retire on $500k
1. Nah, that's maybe a quarter of what the average person would need from 60 onward
2. That's most likely a pre-tax number. It'll be down to $275~300k once Uncle Sam takes 'his' cut.
Any of yall old enough to remember streaming before twitch? It had heart. Small communities coming together and multiple people streaming just to entertain each other? Twitch made streaming profitable for anyone and in the process killed streaming.
>still makes 3.3 Mil a year
>can still retire at mid 30s if he plays his cards right
>inb4 he says you cant retire on that much
ffs you could live off the interests
The only reason why he would say that is because he probably lives in an overpriced shithole
No, I was saying you can't retire on $500k at 30 years old. You most certainly could retire on $2+ million, if you're careful with it.
The biggest key to success in streaming is being one of the first people in on a new big game and being super consistent streaming 8hours every day.
Making it in an already established game is basically impossible.
For a good example look at Esfand and StaySafe in classic wow. They got in early as fuck and streamed consistently and now they pull in big numbers all the time.
Obviously if you have some big streamer friend to host you once in a while that's great too.
>how do I make it in streaming?
>did you have a talent for being entertaining?
>why would I be entertaining?
>because you're supposed to entertain people in the entertainment industry
If you just can't fathom how to make even a modestly successful stream, just forget about it and do something you're good at. There's more than one way to make money in this world.
its brehs
Fake shit is peak american culture
The key is playing the cards right. Pay off any debt you got and don't get any more. Buy a house in a place where the taxes won't screw you over in the long haul. Put enough away to live comfortably with the interest and still be able to draw out enough when stuff goes wrong. Planning for the next 50 years of your life off a few million isn't just as simple as living off interest. You are in a new tax bracket that wants to take like 30% of every penny you make every year. If you decide to have kids that is going to throw a huge wrench in your plans. Plus there is the fact that 50 years of not having something to do everyday would drive most people insane. If you don't invest in hobbies you are going to get bored and blow money. Then you got to think about relatives that might die and you have to settle their affairs and maybe debts. It just ain't simple.
>For a good example look at Esfand and StaySafe in classic wow. They got in early as fuck and streamed consistently and now they pull in big numbers all the time.
They already had an established audience because of being friends of asmongold and other streamers who host them every now and then. Obviously they blew up now that classic beta came out but previously they had one thousand viewers on average.
So to make it, make friends with the big dogs.
>This also requires at least some natural charisma and a sense of humour, you can't just rage and whine.
Worked out for DSP. Granted hes not as successful, but it gets him by.
Jerma always looks like he's been working out for a while and then just stopped, not sure why. That's exactly what I looked like when I stopped for last semester in order to pass college but he looks like it all the time. Maybe he's just athltetic
This would be fine if it were an MMO like WoW. Im surprised theres no huge XIV streamers yet, only B tier ones with a few hundred.
Anyone who watchs or donates to any gaming streamer is a fucking faggot.
if you bought them after the recession its definitely possible
i'd rather location than a giant house. a house on the beach or lake is infinitely more enjoyable.
this. look at it like an mmo, on a new server when you're the highest level you have access to everything before most people, same with viewers. if you're around enough people know who you are and flock to it. some people make it through to top level later on but it's a lot harder and more under the radar.
>if you bought them after the recession its definitely possible
Only if you have an insane salary which is really not the case right after a college regularly.
It can take decades for people to pay for real estate loans.
Charisma, good internet connection and skill
you are an idiot. Im not a ninja fanboy but I know the guy. One of the few people who competed against him in Halo before he is what he is now. He was good, and even better he had drive. He was never satisfied and always wanted to push. He used his talent in Halo as a platform to grow and market himself. Without that none of this happens. Thats what got him where he is. And it doesnt happen without him going out and making it happen. He wasnt the most talented player in the scene. Far from it, but he realized he had the chance to do something more with it and made the effort to do it.
People think that these people got here by flicking a switch and playing video games in their basement for 8 hours a day. That's not how it works. Yes some luck is involved. That's life. Lots of people get lucky, not everyone takes that lucky break and uses it to propel themselves forward.
You guys act like its a huge commitment. He could retire after 1-2 years of streaming and ride on the investments alone with a modest life.
zoomer trash
I remember back when Pewdiepie was our Jake Paul
You have to have a good voice and some charisma to be a popular streamer.
Not everyone can be a streamer, you can't just get lucky with that.
that's what seems to be missed, he was one of the first people on twitch and did before that. he didn't hit his big break until fortnite, which like said, you have to get in early and luck is a substantial part of it.
Its not at easy as others make it seem so. For every success career there is like a 10 complete failure, and a few semi-success A lot of streamers end up like this with sub 1000 viewers forever doomed into a very dedicated few people. The shit hits the fan when you depend on these because most only these dedicated few make really money.
this he had a far earlier "career" before this fortnite craze, where he was one of those literally who types. If you still didn't break the 1000 views after many years while you can live off it you'll never be the hot-shot streamer people talk about and your career can end completely in one day. Its more likely you don't have the personality for this thing.
A part of playing your cards right, a part of sheer dumb luck because it snowballs a lot.