Been playing through Swat 4 and have been looking for more games in a similar vain. Rainbow Six picqued my interest but it's ubishit so meh.
I saw this on reddit while looking for recs:
Anyone else excited? I feel like I've seen a few threads about this game in the past but I'm curious as to what the current consensus is.
Also SWAT 3 and 4 thread I guess.
Been playing through Swat 4 and have been looking for more games in a similar vain...
The campaign for SWAT4 was criminally short
Stack up on that door
you got it boss
You’re in my spot, sir.
Do you use non lethal ammo in swat 3 like echelon tells you?
Which „Rainbow Six”? The third one, like from 2003, still holds up.
You have the expansion I guess. Which I need to play through.
Siege I guess. Forgot about the previous games honestly. I'll check those out.
Raven Shield is pretty decent, ubishit or no
Siege is nothing like the old games my man, much less like swat 3 or 4
Try „Hidden and Dangerous 2”. It’s a military game, but maybe you will like it as well.
The last good R6, now R6S is nothing more than a hero shooter in a CQC map with no actual doors.
>SEF mod stops development
>but mod maker gets hired to make ready or not
Best fucking timeline.
>North Korean commando assassins holed up in a hospital, killing civilians indiscriminately
>Still have to demand the normal RoE and ask them to drop their guns before firing
I always thought the missions like that were bullshit.
The first Rainbow Six by RedStorm with Eagle Watch, followed by Rogue Spear.
That was before Ubisoft shat on the franchise following Raven Shield's console counterpart.
If you didn't know the first two Rainbow Six games were tactical sim's by another studio, similar to SWAT 3.
rainbow six 3 raven shield is a must play, it plays a bit differently from swat though, it's all about the pre-planning phase, so basically setting up the squad routes on a tactical map and then watching it being executed.
There's also some cool mods for Swat 4, elite force is almost essential, QOL stuff, merging the main and expansion campaign together, along with a long list of custom made maps.
And if you haven't played swat 3 it's still worth playing, in some aspects I think it's better than 4 actually
Just installed 3 actually.
>Rainbow Six picqued my interest but it's ubishit so meh
Rainbow Six started the genre so go for it.
RS1 and 2 are maybe a little bit to /vr/ but Raven shield is the best the genre has to offer (along with swat 4)
I'm honestly impressed by how much Ready or Not felt like SWAT 4 sequel in that recent gameplay trailer
SWAT 3 and Rainbow Six 3 are way better games.
Yeah, it's literally swat 5 successor. And no, there are no other games like this.
I don't understand why people recommend old R6 games, because they are completely different from SWAT. And modern R6 is just a hot garbage overwatch clone.
SWAT 3 has its own issues that make it about the same as 4 in my books. Depends what aspect/flaw I want to put up with on the day.
you might have some trouble running the game on modern hardware, check pcgw if you haven't already
downloading dgvoodoo should probably get the game running.
There's also some vanilla friendly mods out there you might want get right away
>last resort mod
>bluelight mod
last resort gives you widescreen support
Looking at that page right now. Such a great resource.
Thanks for the mod recs too. Last resort seems like the thing I was looking for.
no prob, I still boot up swat 4 from time to time but it's been ages since I played 3, might have to try it myself now along with some mods
SWAT 4 + Elite Force Mod
SWAT 3 + Last Resort Mod
Rainbow Six Ravenshield + Elite Counter-Terror mod
Ghost Recon + Expansions + Heroes Unleashed mod
If you can find it, Rainbow Six + Black Ops mod, it's become extremely hard to track down the full version and not the shitty rip, it combines Rainbow Six, Eagle Watch, Rogue Spear, Urban Ops, Covert Ops, Black Thorn and TakeDown all into one single game and it's fucking amazing.
If Ready or Not is shit I may as well an hero.
Hidden and dangerous 2 is a must play if you enjoy tactical shooters.
Theres a repackage on moddb for raven shield combining 2.0 with elite counter terror and some recent weapons mods. Fantastic combination
Also includes other things like ai mods
I hope they add npc-specific reactions from SEF like grandma getting a heart attack when tased.
>poor AI
>slow and cumbersome command interface
>shoddily scripted missions where enemies are spawned in just a few meters from the player
No thanks
>despite all this still manages to be an endearing, fantastic game
Yes please