Smash Bros tournament? Never heard of it, bro.
Smash Bros tournament? Never heard of it, bro
haha cool weasel
>sniff sniff, you sure smell good little fella, here's my daughter and one trillion dollars
You don't know it but that thing is actually suffering
Someone posted this exact same thread this morning.
How so?
Based rat covered in poison poster.
aaaaahhh the pain
Off topic.
Who is this.
Is this an actual person, or some weird artistic fantasy.
Soap poisoning
Why yes, I only play Japanese games in their original language. How could you tell?
It's not a rat you retards
He is a real person, but those photos are not. His GF loves to take pictures and heavily shoop those or something.
Years may have passed and the fellow may have been finally set free, but it still suffers and is haunted by flashbacks.
GIGACHAD, bane of virgins.
It's a russian model shopped to death in every shot made by his gf.
thanks bro
Don't worry he came back home to open a shop woth his loving family and fucks bitches
>smash fags think soap is poison
based businessman and cleanpilled
soap is an item
smash players never use items
based seal poster.
So apparently this video was taken of someone pouring soap on this thing, and soap is really irritating to rodents. So it's frantically trying to get it off because it's so painful.
You retard it's not suffering, that's how it actually bathes.
well, it is banned in tournaments
And Smashfags are rodents so it all makes sense now!
sea dogs are so cute
What do they taste like? Asking for a friend.
take a shower, stinky smashfag
Gigachad is real in our hearts
I once saw a rat that big once and it had snot running from its nose. I pulled out a tissue and was about to drop it in front of him when it stood up and tried to take it, so I handed it to him. He wiped the snot and started slowly walking towards a bum. Those fellas are smart.
that animal unironically has a better personal hygiene than most smash autists, just let that sink in for a second
Welcome to the wildy, we've got fun and games
fuck whales
the japs got that one right
Seals can spread respiratory desieases to humans across the oceans.
I bet you didn't know that
but user, Japan is full of whales
you are correct but I will verify that claim before I accept it
still, whales are fucks
But they're not whales.
It only gets funnier the 50th time
why are all dolphins such dicks?
>tfw too intelligent to be merciful.
Fug this reminds me of that scene in The Pebble & The Penguin
soo fucking cute
this is your average professional Smash player
What a bird brain.
damn... this reminds me of that other webm of the sloth hanging on a tree with a sad face as a puma or some sort of cat, climbs to get it.