Why dont girls play games?

why dont girls play games?

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they do, but usually different games than guys play.
stuff like the sims and morrowind

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someone please post schopenhauer explaining why

but I do

Girls normally like other stuff, more social based.
The ones that actively play vidya tend to be autistic since autism in girls manifests in having a more overall masculine behaviour on top of the social retardation.

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young women aren't promoted to have hobbies or interests, video games require active use of your time, sure you can stream overwatch or some shit but you don't even have to be good at it to get male attention. To be good at a game you gotta sit down and learn aspects of it, practice certain aspects of it, and actually understand a game further than killing the enemy or reaching the goal line.
Young men are taught to play sports, learn a craft, build things, take things apart, while young girls are told that's brutish shit and watching reruns of the office is a personality. So that's part of why girls don't play games to the same level as men do, partly its just hardwired in their brains not to do this stuff, the other is because the men before us raised them poorly

That was actually hilarious

because they are boring

You can go on twitch or YouTube right now and see females playing games and I'm not talking about those pieces of shit cows using their fat tits for views and donations.

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They do, but it's all extremely casual shit. Girls don't generally get into games that require any sort of higher level of logical thinking or any that require good reflexes.

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Because females are genuinely subhuman, as is anyone who willingly associates themselves with them

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because games only appear to male's fantaswy

you niggers should really keep your mouth shut if all you are gonna spoke out of it is just a stream of diarreah

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They're too busy ruining them

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Damn, one internet screencap, i'm sure going to change my idea about an entire demographic.
I can't wait until zoomers completely push millennials out of the cultural spotlight.

Female brains have 40% less neurons. They literally cannot play high skill games.

Thank god.
The videogame industry has deserved to die since 2004.
All videogame fans deserve to see their franchises crash and burn, and every single developer, from the japanese to blue haired amerifats be forced to find an actual, real job.

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post tits

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>They literally cannot play high skill games.
Sounds like 99% of people who play videogames.

also VNs

Should I post what MLP did with a certain figurine, and try to imply that all men are like that?
What's with millennial creatures and generalizing, anyway?
Why is everything black and white to you jobless 30 year old kids?

>99% of people who play videogames.
As an example I was always a casual fps kiddy and was trash at old high difficulty games. I played the most difficult snes games for months and became so good at them that I could 1cc on hard (fast paced reflexive games, balls to the wall hard). 99% of women would never be able to do that or even attempt it.

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Didn't you watch Frame Fatales? It was the most womanly display of gaming I've ever seen.

Fuck you roastieposter, now i’m craving Arby’s

Why would they?
There's nothing worth playing.
The only people who still play videogames are addicts who still unironically think videogames will some day be as good as they were back in the 2000s, all while they play one "games as a service" open world turd after another full of microtransaction bait and DLC.



I like this girl.

FPS games are easy baby trash that literally anyone can play

If they did, then hard games would be the norm.
Instead, arena shooters are dead specifically because they are too hard.
The only one is Dark Souls, which people pretend to like for gaming cred, but it's actually a terrible and clunky game that's very easy to exploit.

Pathetic. Keep cheery-picking the bad apples in the news, a competent man can always find a cute and dedicated wife for life, while self-righteous bastards like you die bitter and alone. Simple truth.

lol it's funny because it's very common for women to be very abusive despite gaining full custody.
Stop deluding yourself roastie.

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Post tits or GTFO

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>Instead, arena shooters are dead specifically because they are too hard.

I would say it's because of laziness, not difficulty. Modern ADHD kiddies love easy mindless shit like Overwatch where they can just press one button and take out the entire enemy team instead of actually putting in effort and getting good. Attention whore gamer gurlz are drawn to these easy baby games like flies on shit.

Fuck i hate this life noone taught me any of that stuff, had to do it myself, losing precious time of my life, and even now I'm not as great as someone who won the birth lottery. My parents provided what an orphanage would, maybe a little more, but definitely not the most important thing: time.

Source, stats and research?
I'm beyond trust the anecdotical evidence of some millennial, you have been proven to be a generation of blue haired, obese liars over these past 10 years, almost as scummy as jews.

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god you nostalgia faggots are insufferable, I just turned 31 and there are dozens of video games I'm playing and hundreds I want to play, plenty of them new.

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>dozens of video games I'm playing
Let me guess, Fornite? Assassins Creed? Sekiro? DMC5?
The videogame industry is only capable of producing entertainment when expensive games flop and studios shut down.


feminist movement is apart of the globalist/ corporatlism's agenda. by controlling women's money and time, they can seperate the nuclear family and lower the wages and pump the profit into the air.

and next step is mass immigrantion.

wsup anzu

This shit right here. There are at least a few hundred good PC games and Emulator games to play that were made before I was even born

my dude you pirated all those games lol get real

The only game I can get my wife to play is Mario Kart. She'll play Mario Party sometimes but will never branch out to anything else. She says she just isn't interested in any other games.

I literally posted my desktop, fag. Here's my download folder for games.

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They do but only when their boyfriends play games so they want to play too. I havent met many who play in isolation

yes, and?

My friend has 800+ hours on Bloodborne, I always remember Yea Forums when I see her.
Not because she is good or anything (I woulnd't know, I don't like the game) but because /Yea Forums loves this game and she is on NG+40someshit.

I'm gen z shitlord.
stop presuming shit boomer

Seems full of games from ages ago.
Just what I said.

There's nothing worth playing that came out after 2007.

Vidya selects for masculine temperament mostly found in men

I don't believe that you're female for a second.

If you are, then you're one of the few with good, non casual taste, but I have never met a woman with that level of passion for gaming.

Then why have videogames always been the beta hobby?

My ex presented me to this amazing game called Bloodrayne 2. I played just because of her, I don't undrstand girls at all.

The dude never said he was female, he just said there are good games to play. Follow the reply chain next time and you won't look like a fool.

trans dont count as girls bro

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Prey 2017 and Half Minute Hero are the best videogames ever made.
But yeah, stay on your confort zone.

Not sure if bait or genuine retard

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Do you have anything beyond a folder of cherrypicked internet screencaps?

Prey was complete garbage and flopped for a reason.
It's one of the most boring shooters i've ever played.

Do you have anything beyond flapping your lips, you dumb whore. You still haven't posted tits, SO FUCK OFF

Wanna know how i know you have a cunt?

I never stated I was, I wasn't commenting on the thread's topic, I'm just mad at nostalgia fags who think there aren't any good games getting made nowadays.

Bayonetta and Nier Automata are in my top 10 games of all time. Also tons of good indies: Shovel Knight, Into The Breach, Baba is You, Cuphead, Celeste. I've spent hundreds of hours in Civ 5 and for the last three months I've been addicted to MTG Arena. That's from the top of my head.

All indie games are games that, 15 years ago, would be up for free in flash game websites.
There's no bigger scam in gaming than indie games.

Hat In Time great.

they do, it's 2019

seething roastie

Hey, I just asked for actual stats and research.
I know millennial creatures are allergic to objectivity and that you are used to living in safe spaces, but you do not deserve that.
The only way a millennial needs to be treated is being pushed out of his comfort zone.
It's also hilarious to see millennials in such situations since 95% of millennials are autistic and have no social experience.

>from "there's no girls to the internet" to "everyone who doesn't agree with me is a girl"
What provoked this change in 4Redditors?

I'm 47 years old.
Keep seething, roastbeef carriers.

Yeah, trannies actually play games and aren't utter shit at them.
Trannies are still human, roastoids are just trash.

>while young girls are told that's brutish shit and watching reruns of the office is a personality
Kek, he is right you know

>Trannies are still human

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>flop mean quality
How the new Call of Duty?
Do you even know anything about videogames besides the "buy" button?

Unironically reddit. Now either POST TITS OR GTFO

>Trannies are still human
NIce try tranny, no degenerates will be spared.

So no stats?
Just a millennial raging?
Shouldn't you be fighting over stupid politics on Twitter?

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Spoken like a true retard.

because they're objectively bad at them

Nobody is promoted for anything. Pique your own interests and become the best.

No, the game itself being trash is why it flopped and no one remembers it.

>Do you even know anything about videogames besides the "buy" button?
Enough to enjoy seeing the videogame industry approach the state of collapse more and more.

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Oh boomer...

>Trannies are still human
And this is what happens when a generation grows up on the internet.
This is why humanity's future relies on the complete destruction of the internet.
No one will have a safe space, people will be forced to live, or they will die.
Kojima was right, you are the ones smothering the world.

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Alright OP, you post that kind of image so here I am. This is now a ryona thread, let's see those games mother fuckers.

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Considering you first posted links, it seems you wanted to actually argue, but now you just went through this tangent because, like anything a millennial creature claims, you have no sources.
This is why absolutely everyone mocks you millennials, zoomers and boomers alike.
And don't say you don't deserve it.

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He is just delusional.
I am a boomer and I know better.
Don't judge us that fast, I don't crucify all young people as zoomers.

>no puke
Go away.

Still possess some traditional male traits that are positively correlated with games

No, i'm 23, and there's no videogames worth playing lately.
It's all microtransaction baits and weebshit.
Even old giants like Bioware or Kojima don't produce anything but complete trash nowadays.

God I hate women but i hate it more that my primal instincts wants me to have sex with them which requires contact with a obnoxious femanoid. Is chemical castration a good option?

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You can just cut off your dick, much simpler.

Red pilled people outside of /pol/?

>eperate the nuclear family
They have succeeded, considering you have moved from activism to girl vs boy internet slapfights as if you are a bunch of 5 year olds.
At this point I don't even feel bad for my people, you are just way too stupid and keep infighting for no reason.
You deserve to die out.

There's no male traits in betas, that's why they have always been punching bags.

Giving women rights was a mistake. Had we not done that things wouldn't have gotten so bad.

You just have a horrible taste. Katana Zero, Observation, Forager, Close to the Sun, etc. are all recent games worth playing. Gato Roboto comes out in 5 days.

And /pol/ still thinks they have a chance against the jews.
The jews don't even have to do anything, they just have to sit tight and see you self destruct.

Just kill yourself you depressed piece of shit.

Welcome to the cancer of democracy.
No civilian deserves to have a say in how nations are ruled.
A civilian is a rabid dog that deserves to have his leash janked everytime he behaves badly.
You do not deserve to be free.

How old are you?
After a while you'll stop thinking with dick and then it gets easier.

I'm not depressed, there's more to my life than this worthless industry.
I do feel bad for the ones who still force themselves to play modern videogames.

Girls play a shit ton of games, they don't usually play super autistic niche games like Factorio or sports games, but you can find a girl that's into any game otherwise.


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Modern games are much better than your old shit, doomer. You can find new great games every week. Instead you just waste your time here. Enjoy your rope, I feel you're going to use it soon.

>You can find new great games every week
And yet all you name is garbage.

And no, as I said, there's far more things to my life than videogames.
I just come here to see if yet another studio has deservedly shut down.
I'm really hyped for Bioware's inevitable closure.

Alright, at this point it's not a good sign
For me, around 25 it switched from
>tfw no gf
>shit, "tfw" is starting, gotta fap to keep bestial urges from annoying me

>Modern games are much better than your old shit

Saying that something is bad without having actually experienced it yourself is a sign of low IQ. You probably won't be able to kill yourself no matter how hard you try. Sad.

Just take the easy way and kill yourselves, millennials, specially if you are white, because you are nothing but tools of the jews in that case.

>Modern games are much better than your old shit

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I did, I said I played Prey, which was terrible.

This is absolutely correct.

It's very difficult unless your family incentivizes you to do it, as a kid you tend to be all over the place. We all are a results of our upbringing and environments based off genetics.

Off yourself, boomers.

Shotgun is the best option. Aim for your head.

>you don't like modern videogames
>so you should kill yourself
Do you work for EA?

The mental image of a 47 year old man posting THAT on THIS BOARD and thinking he struck a blow against feminism somehow is hysterical to me.

There are more good games coming out than ever before, yet because you're an edgy depressed autist who isn't able to leave 4channel, you pretend otherwise.

Just kill yourself. It's not going to get any easier for you. I've seen you make these exact same posts months ago.

And yet you can't name some of them.
Oh wait, you did and they were trash anyway.

Too much of a coward to off myself but I already had a stroke a year and half ago so I probably dont have to stay long here anyway thank god.

Well, seems like you were a genetic failure anyway, so it's better that you don't have kids.

What I named were just couple ones released recently that I have played and enjoyed, maybe you should try to search for yourself.

By the way, saying that a game is bad without actually having played it yourself is a sign of low IQ and depression. You can pretend otherwise, but that isn't going to make you correct.

you don't want red pill in v, but bluepill is already everywhere in viday

It's telling that, the moment you see someone shit on the garbage you play, you just say "y-you didn't play it".
Then again, you are russian, garbage taste is a given.

If only men had the right to vote then this entire modern "progressive" culture would never have happened.

Women didn't get their rights out of nowhere, beta men had to allow it in the first place.
This is why civilians are not fit to have any say in how countries are ruled.
Democracy is a failure and a mistake.

Keep seething.

Whatever you say Vladimir, now go back to playing Dota 2.

But it's not like most men were in favor of giving women the right to vote. In the majority of countries, the right to vote went from "a few upper class people that owned land" to "every adult" with no in-between at all.

I find they either play generic shit that was likely started due to an ex or just the most autistic shit ever.
I actually find it kinda comfy listening to them go off on tangents about some shit they do while playing. I usually dont understand it but its still nice to listen to. Not often you hear women talk about shit that passionately.

I didn't say they were the majority, just that men had to allow it in the first place.
Which is why no one can be entrusted with such a thing.
Governments are composed of civilians, and civilians are retarded.

>I actually find it kinda comfy listening to them go off on tangents

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>can tolerate the first 4 panels
>last panel has a fucking paragraph slapping me with the message

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Alright, but what are you proposing? A totalitarian regime can fall to the exact same thing.

No because civilians don't have any say in that regard.

I don't play bad games like Dota. Currently playing through Guacamelee, then going to play the sequel, then Gato Roboto should be released. Great games everywhere. Not like a depressed autist like you would know.

Keep seething.

The upper classes are the ones mostly favoring the modern progressive culture. Most fag, tranny, race, immigration, female tolerance comes from rich dudes, not your average working class person.

Of course you don't, have fun playing Dota and CSGO on your 4:3 monitor.

I love it when roasts get called out

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One of the best let's players is a woman. Keep seething, 4incels.

>The upper classes are the ones mostly favoring the modern progressive culture
The ones in charge of businesses, CEOs. Those are civilians.

>not your average working class person.
They can't be trusted either.

So who will make the new leading class then?

This is getting really pathetic user. What exactly went wrong with your life? You probably do nothing but seethe all day.

Its nice listening to them when they are passionate about something. Plus its usually a very different perspective than what i have.
Story based games for instance my ex would really invest herself and make her own story about it and rules. I guess its just generic roleplaying stuff but ive never done that so its interesting.

Trannies aren't women

Higher ups of the military.

The only time women are passionate about anything besides makeup and shoes is when they are autistic.

What went wrong in yours to like eating garbage?

Military dictatorships aren't much better. Look at Thailand.

The USSR tried that...it didn't work out so well.

Thailand has always been third world, you can't make anything out of it.

Of course they failed, they were communists.

But user, I don't eat garbage. I find good stuff to consume, and there's plenty. Keep seething, Mr. Depressed.

>never met a female that was properly into music, television or film, literature, games, or any technical hobby with an abundance of knowledge
Why? Are females really intellectually inferior to males?

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Fuck off American

Materwelonz isn't a tranny.

And what does that tell you? That only 3rd world countries work under your great system?

Thats what im saying.
The girls ive been with get pretty fucking passionate about complaining and gossip. Which is something i have very little patience with.
Make up never really comes up, i usually tell them they look better without it and they say no. I read its more about it making them feel more comfortable themselves so i leave it at that.
Might be more of an issue with city girls but where im from its not that common a thing. Same with shoes.

No, that you need people willing to work to make a country prosper.

Go be irrelevant elsewhere, wherever you are from.

If a country would be filled with patriotic, intelligent and active people, any system would work in it.

Holy fucking incel.

>patriotic, intelligent

Are you the same guy that promoted a military dictatorship, or another poster?

That's my first reply

t. zoomer boomer

Well, as long as you understand the value of a nation state, then you should understand patriotism.

>Yea Forums genuinely believes there's not a single woman in the world who has ever enjoyed watching or acting out violence in a fictional setting
involuntary celibate is one hell of a drug

>patriotic, intelligent and active people
Choose 2 and only 2

Serious question for non-shitposting anons. How does one reach a state this bitter and absurd?

Not really.
Emotions get the best of civilians everytime.

Yikes, all that projection.

By taking one simple look at the landscape in vidya over the past 10 years.

Get raped by an incel, whore.

Yikes... Incel much? Have sex.

>female youtube with decent taste in vidya
>is either fat, ugly or a trap
Every time

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>meet gf online in a videogame
>loves videogames or so she says
>move in together
>she pretty much stops playing videogames

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All I see is great games, more than I could possible play during one lifetime, and more coming each week.

Feels pretty great.

it hurts

it's absolutely true though. girls are told to be quiet and look pretty because apparently in some people's eyes owning a vagina makes that that is all you are good for.

she grew up, you should too before she leaves you for afternoon tyrone dick.

If you deluded yourself to think that, good for you.

What does she spend all day doing then?

>lol ok
this guy legit needs(needed) to get laid

Women do not have their own hobbies and interests. They're just too shallow and vapid to enjoy games.

I think you follow a weird ideology where there's a mysterious class of people that are somehow highly disciplined to the point where they never fall for the same typical traps as the general population, but the system has never worked ever in real life.

What a cursed world.

Reading and watching movies mostly in her spare time.

Why anyone would like Morrowind is beyond me.
Even back then the gameplay was absolute garbage.

This guy doesn't know the horror genre is dominated by girls, zombies, slender. Also /x/ is like more than 50% female.

>I-i-i-it must b-be delusion!!
Sigh. I hate depressed people.

Have had any female frieds without any intention of fucking them later, my dude?
I jave, and i xan say theyre the most boring, bland and egocentric people ive ever met.

Go ahead and call me an incel if it makes you feel better, but the world only tolerates women because they look pretty and have vaginas. The more i interact with them, the more i agree with this.

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How did she get called out. The dude is bitching and whining like a fag and she doesn't give a shit.

Why would you ever spend time with a woman without the intention of fucking her?

And I hate conformists with no standards.

Nostalgiafags, mostly.
Morrowind is garbage in general, not just regarding gameplay.
It's just people went full retard because it was 3D.

>or when she's none of those, she's an egotistical bitch

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Can YOU get to Diamond on SC or 6K+ MMR on DOTA? Didn't think so.

I've played
>Animal Crossing
>Stardew Valley
>Every Harvest Moon (yes you heard me right)
>Rune Factory 2 3 and 4
>SMT 3,4, DDS 1,2, Persona 1-5, don't care about the rest
>Bunch of Pokemon games
>Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne
>DMC 1-5
>Monster Hunter DS and world
>All the Ace Attorney games including fan translated ones
>Mother series
>A lot of the Megaman series
>A lot of the Kirby series
>Kid Dracula
Can't remember anymore tbdesu
So if you played any of these you're probably gay

You will never be a real woman, dude.

cool normiecore faggot now post tits

>let's players

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Consider playing more games before posting again.


You mean disgusting tranny. Traps do not take hormones or pretend to be women.

I gotta stop crushing on cute asian classmates that play games, they're always mutually fun to talk to and be with until you ask them out, then they never want to interact with you again. I have a lot of interests and hobbies but vidya is the one thing I can really connect with others on. sucks

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They do, its more common in my country.

My sister plays Rainbow Six Siege, some Total War games and up to this day, for some reason, MGSV.
Nothing else, though.

traps are shit too. traps, trannies and f*males all should be gassed

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Damn that's literally me whenever I chat with a girl I like. Fuck

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This guy need to have sex

Anecdotal, but the only girl I've known in my 22 years to have real interest in games with substance and be actually good at them has been diagnosed with autism.

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What kind of bean makes a mouse so happy?

Would be better if the bowl was full of yous

>girl is into vidya
>only plays whatever online game is popular at the moment
>girl is into books
>only reads young adult
>girl is into movies
>only watches capeshit
Why are women so tasteless? Do they really have no personality or interest in anything? What a way to exist

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Hobbies are a pass time.
After the age of 25 they shouldn't be in any way the center of your life, just a tertiary thing.
When it doesn't become that, you end up a manchild.

>mostly old games
>literally can't afford to buy a single game
>plays complete garbage like neptunia, lis, and senran kagura
russians and BRs are the ultimate subhumans. chinks too

Your pic is a gross tranny. Traps are based twinks who just look good in dresses. They never fall for the tranny meme, and actively disrespect trannoids. You're right that all trannies and females are trash though. But twinks and traps are thoroughly male and very based and cute.

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>you can't have good taste beyond 25 and it somehow would be the center of your life
sub 100 IQ


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Kill yourself you worthless faggot.

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He's clearly trying, in the worst way possible unfortunately

There are plenty of prolific hobbies and skills to dedicate yourself to. Only coping wageslaves with stunted learning capability would deny this.

Dude is bitching like an average woman more than her

Taste is irrelevant, you shouldn't waste your time with that crap.
Movies, games and music are only meant to pass free time, if you have free time after you are 25, chances are you are a neet.
Never trust anyone who still plays videogames and actively watches movies in his 30s, be it man or woman.

>I'm 47 years old
Oh no...

> Also /x/ is like more than 50% female.


he's not a tranny, he's a trap.

When do we start rounding up the LGBT collective and executing them?

so basically you're just a braindead roastie who bitches about games and yet watches countless hours of netflix. kys

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You mean the LBT collective. Gay men are based and one of the only groups sane enough to stand up against bullshit these days.

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No, i'm an adult, and playing videogames and watching movies is for kids.
And I have never paid for your stupid Netflix and I never will.
If I wanted to watch any of the garbage that populates that platform, i'd just pirate it.
Entertainment media is not worth money.

You're pushing a narrative that only trannies push. You desperately want to steal the word trap from gay men because they make you insecure. Kill yourself. tranny.

How big of a problem is that to you? Is she at least attractive?

pic unrelated

oh so you're russian.

What the fuck are you talking about?
What the hell do you stand for?
For the right to wear BDSM outfits to work?
You are a bunch of grotesque pedophiles who have on average more partners than even the sluttiest women out there.
All fags will get the rope.

I don't care if you are a trap, a tranny a fag or a trisexual, you are all degenerate scum who needs to be put down like the rabid dogs you all are.

t. mentally ill tranny

No, i'm from denmark.

how many years have you lived off the government

No, i'm a normal heterosexual person, like 99% of humanity, someone who doesn't make an entire lifestyle out of a degenerate fetish.

If you are part of these "sexual minorities" you deserve death.

give /x/ gf pls

Ever since I joined the military.

government leeches not welcome

>thread starts randomly shitting on all women
>it's also full of fags and trap apologists

Attached: 1542062823506.jpg (320x216, 16K)

This post is 100% a tranny falseflagger. You've been caught, tranny. You failed.

I don't think I ever considered her as a potential partner, she's a good friend though. That said, she isn't very attractive, in part due to not caring much about appearance.

>thread starts randomly shitting on gay men
>it's also full of desperate, mentally ill incels

Yeah, you are going to keep calling me a tranny to pretend as if fags are completely different from the rest.
Go ahead, reply, what bull shit do "gay men stand up against"?
How are you sane?
How are you based?
Tell us, lets have a hard laugh, degenerates.

Trannies and incels feel insecure around gay men because gay men have everything they're too weak and pitiful to have. It's why everyone who gets triggered by gays is always a pathetic cuckold loser.

>2 paragraphs
>walls of text


because they are boring and unfulfilling!
you could spend time on fun stuff like socializing or watching movies or dating
at least MMO games have that so they are more interesting
most boys must be real autistic to endure repetitive pointless tasks like kill 10000 monsters

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he's more sane and based than you, and he's standing up to your bullshit. also gays don't defend women or put up with feminists, and they speak out against mentally ill trannies regularly.

You know you're on Yea Forums right?
Bitching on Yea Forums can be typically seen as a "hobby", let alone a waste of fucking time.

t. gay man trying to make his ilk look good when you are the same shit.

Also, sticking your dick into the shit-ridden aids-hole of your manroastie partner doesn't count as getting laid, so you are an incel as well.

Holy fuck that cope

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go dilate and kill yourself you waste of air.

>he's more sane and based than you, and he's standing up to your bullshit
I asked how they are doing that, you just repeated it.
How are they sane, when it's proven that homosexuality is a mental illness?
How are they based?
How are they standing up to bullshit?
What bullshit? "Homophobia"?
>gays don't defend women or put up with feminists
Completely false, you are some of the biggest feminist apologists ever.
The fact that you have to lie about this is pathetic.

>they speak out against mentally ill trannies regularly.
Post examples of this that stand out.

You just proved him right.

women are shit. lgbbq is shit. the future is men free from animal instincts. we need transhumanism, no more sexual urges, no more sleep taking away your life, no need to consume dead plant and animal matter. just pure efficient men who spend around 20 hours a day working and the remaining time reading literature on improving your knowledge.

Look at the fags trying to appear normal.
You'll never be.

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why this anime got a ice cream head

You sound like the perfect bf.

They do. Yea Forums is just a hugbox for those who want to convince themselves otherwise.

It's proven that heterosexuality is a mental illness, actually. Homosexuality is the only legitimate and sane sexuality. Men can love each other. Men and women cannot, and thinking they can is a sign you are a sociopath.

PREY is just watered down System Shock.
It's competent but also boring as hell with how it babies the player.

No, he's a worthless degenerate subhuman trying to make his ilk appear better.
We all know fags are worthless leftist SJW scum, we all know about their parades, we all know how gay people tend to have upwards of 50 partners.

They are basically everything wrong with women, just as obnoxious, but they don't even have a pussy to stick it into, just a badly washed asshole.

Other then Heroes3, Psychonauts and Castle Crashers your taste is actually shit, even your taste in emulators is shit.

You're acting like a jealous broad at the moment. You don't have any idea how a man acts, no wonder you're so insecure around superior chad gays.

>Homosexuality is the only legitimate and sane sexuality
No, it's proven that all forms of gayness are mental illness.
You defended traps, for fucks sake, you defend cross dressers.

Also, you are leftist scum.

you trannies sure are desperate.

There's plenty worth playing. Not so much that is specifically appealing to girls who aren't on the spectrum tho, the only things that really cater to girls these days are porn games and AAA games.

AAA games are trash and porn games, well, there is very limited choice.

>It's proven that heterosexuality is a mental illness
retarded bullshit

>Men and women cannot
well shit, considering that women aren't capable of love maybe you have a point. women are too vapid to care about anything other than getting attention.

Why is this fag seething so much over no one taking his degeneracy seriously?

All forms of homosexuality are healthier and more sane than heterosexuality. It's proven fact, you cannot deny facts.

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Not him, but you're the one clearly seething here

>It's proven that heterosexuality is a mental illness
How come the argument fags have is always projection?

Rain World is the best gaymen experience since 2007

Is that why fags have a much higher suicide rate than heterosexuals?

Because they have a higher IQ. High IQ = less happy = more suicides.

there's a roastie ITT right now trying to make men infight. we can all agree that females are the ultimate trash

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Because they can get pussy. In fact they're born with it.

>All forms of homosexuality
And here the fag reveals his true colors.
First he tries to distance himself from all trannies and lesbians, and now he defends all homosexuals.
Literally the only people you haven't defended yet are trannies.

Pathetic leftist scum.

Exactly. Wanting to fuck something you don't respect is a legitimate mental illness on par with bestiality and pedophilia. Women are shit, thus all straight """men""" are shit by definition. Heterosexuality is a proven mental illness.

It's cool, but it's not really the gayest vidya since 2007.
It's way too tedious and repetitive. The design is loose and not very precise.

Nice visuals, though.

Majority of girls prefer indie games.

Trannies aren't homosexuals, they're straight men who are so thirsty and beta they try to turn into women. Also lesbians aren't homosexuals, they're just attention seekers. Lesbians aren't real. Only men can be homosexual.

>Because they have a higher IQ
Is the source of this your aids ridden asshole?

Will you answer this question?
Or will you ignore it when you just said
and I asked why?

Maybe because, like women, you are a vapid attention whore who just wants to be praised by everyone, even though you are just a degenerate who takes cocks up his ass?

All humans can agree, sure, but the thread is full of subhumans who get mad whenever you question the vaginal jew.

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That's stupid because women aren't worthy of respect.

Fuck off depressed.


And you should be turned off by them completely as a result. If their shit personalities don't shrivel your dick, you are a mentally ill sociopath.

>Modern games are much better than your old shit
>People freak out over remakes and remasters of games thats 10-20 years old
>CSGO and Dota/LoL are currently the biggest esports, cs came out in 99, dota 03

Nice try, LGBTBRPAPOBRBRAAP apologist.

You are degenerates, you are SJWs, you are leftists, you are subhumans.
You are the biggest collective of pedophiles in the world, you are scum, you are the enemy, along with all leftists in the world.

It's not that women are vapid, women just don't have any biological reason to feel the same kind of love men do.
Usually when people talk about love, it's the romantic male love. Where you're willing to give your life for the spouse, together forever, etc. Women have a different kind of love, one that is more focused on your utility as a partner. How much resources you can give and so on.
This isn't wrong or "vapid" in any way, this is just the result of thousands of years of evolution with sexual dimorphism where men are disposable.

Who doesn't prefer indie games?

It's not a roastie, it's a tranny attacking gay men.

So basically, you are saying that 99% of humanity is mentally ill and sociopaths.
This is why I have no respect for anyone who isn't heterosexual, because it's obvious you are all scum.

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>Who doesn't prefer indie games?
Depressed fucks like this loser or this

but he's right, and you're the scum here.

Their loss. Even consoles have a decent selection of indie games that aren't shit available these days, so even the most hardened snoyboy won't have to play AAA schlock all day while crying.

she was interested in the medium to begin with as mate seeking behavior and to attach herself parasitically to a male

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Ah yes, in a right-wing website, the "based" are the leftist SJW degenerates such as yourself, right?
Thank god islam will take over the world, I can't wait to throw you, trannies, traps and lesbians off buildings.

samefag tranny

based gays btfoing tranny false flaggers.

Islam doesn't promote violence. You're thinking of Christianity.

>n-no u
Every fag's reply to anything ever.
Then again, you were probably raped by your father, so I can't blame you for your mental illness.

Maddog did nothing wrong.

Calling everyone who disagrees with you a leftist makes it really obvious you're just a tranny falseflagger trying to get people to think conservatives are against. But most gays are conservative, and most conservatives support gays and are anti-tranny.

Ignorant American detected. That's not a mouse.

Ah, you are one of those leftists who thinks Islam is the religion of peace, right?
I can't wait until they invade and we can start cleaning the west of the degenerate SJW refuse.

>most gays are conservative
>most conservatives support gays

Both promote violence, as they should.

The vast, vast majority of gay men voted Trump.

>heterosexuality is a mental illness
>aids people are better than anyone because...
>Islam is the religion of peace
You are a literal parody of a SJW.

The idiot shuts his ears and yells LALALALALALA whenever there's a Pride parade.

zapped his ass lol

Again, what is the source?

>islam doesn't promote violence
you're right, it encourages it

>heterosexuality is a mental illness
>gay men fight against the LGBT collective
>Islam doesn't promote violence
>but christianity does
>most gay men are conservative

What the fuck?

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Do you anons have a good relationship with your mothers?

Maybe try being attractive

Yup, nothing wrong with Islam, but please, let them take over and enforce the Sharia law.
Don't worry, nothing will happen to you, totally, just let them take over.

I think so. But she's on menopause now and i wanna move out

Not really. It got better towards the end though.

all of those are true except the islam part. they're violent swine. do you live in bizarro universe?

Sure, whatever you say.

Attached: Muslim LGBT support group.jpg (518x583, 51K)

Ah yes, the same groups that are getting disbanded because all other muslims complain about them.
Like when the UK had to take out LGBT references from a school due to muslims.

Nice try with one picture, though.

I asked for sources regarding how most gay men are conservative.
How come no one posted it?
Is it because it's a lie, pushed by a minority of degenerates who can't look good by being sincere because you are people who make a lifestyle out of a fetish?

seething delusional roastie

If anything, Christianity doesn't support violence nearly enough, seeing how fags, lesbians and trannies aren't beaten nearly enough in the streets.
At least you have the auto-cleaning system activated.

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no one wants to waste time spoon feeding you, tranny. you've already been proven wrong so you'll just move goalposts again.


>At least you have the auto-cleaning system activated
Is the auto-cleaner the pope and the stuff that needs cleaning feet?

Because you can't, because you are a filthy liar like all SJWs and leftists.
Snakes with no dignity or honor who have no problem backstabbing and lying to push your worthless ideals.
You haven't provided sources to nothing, you just keep making claims and hoping people are stupid enough to believe them blindly.

>you've already been proven wrong
No you haven't, you are just a schizo who unironically thinks nature is mental illness, even though most of your kind are pedophiles.

But hey, gay men put up against bullshit and are based because I said so, right?

No, it's your suicides, which sadly, are still too far from that glorious 100%.
And yes, the Pope is a pacifist subhuman.
Peace is not humanity's natural state, we are born to be violent and to fight, specially against scum such as yourself.

Holy fuck the schizo cope in this post

And now you've been reduced to 5 words or less, merely by asking "post a source to your claims".
What happened to your bravado from earlier posts, liberal scum?

I'm not a tranny, just a protestant.

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I'm a different person, I'm just amused by the height of insanity you'll get into to justify your deranged worldview.

>deranged world view
Brave words from the one who claims heterosexuality is a mental illness and obvious lies such as "gay men are mostly conservative".
Not to mention you defend traps, AKA crossdresser scum.

You are the bottom of the barrel of society, a nihilistic, hedonistic subhuman.

"Ah, good to see you Franklin Junior. I met your father at GDQ last year."

You're coping about the other guy, not me.
I didn't say anything about gay men being conservative. Honestly, most gay men are too triple digit IQ to be conservative when it comes to worldview and are only conservative economically.

Conservative worldview correlates incredibly strongly with low IQ. Low IQ that is required to invent moronic, deranged projection like
>You are the bottom of the barrel of society, a nihilistic, hedonistic subhuman.

>the message
the last dude is a beta orbiter, that's the joke

>nihilistic, hedonistic subhuman.
so female? makes sense because females and gay men have a lot in common

the joke is that Yea Forums is filled with tranny trapfags

genders dilate quick?

No, you are the same guy, you already went on about IQ earlier saying that fags have a higher IQ.
It's just you know you fucked it up with your "most gays are conservative" lie, and now you are trying to move on.
Which is why i'm now going to ask you for a source on gays being conservative and gays having a higher IQ.

>deranged projection
Who is more nihilistic, hedonistic and more subhuman than someone who makes a lifestyle out of a fetish?

They do.
Gay men are pretty much women except, on average, gay men have more partners than even the sluttiest women, and are almost incapable of holding a stable relationship.

Is this a, dare I say it, based and redpilled person?

well, it IS a speed running event.

>Who is more nihilistic, hedonistic and more subhuman than someone who makes a lifestyle out of a fetish?
No one - you're the biggest subhuman, you literal, actual pedophile.

>No, you are the same guy
Your pedo schizophrenia is preventing you from realizing that more than one person can disagree with your moronic opinions?
Seek help. Lead aspirin.

>No one - you're the biggest subhuman, you literal, actual pedophile.
Damn, that's a strong accusation based on nothing, fag.

>Your pedo schizophrenia is preventing you from realizing that more than one person can disagree with your moronic opinions?
No, you are the same guy, you tried to argue twice already that gay people have a higher IQ based on nothing.
Such vapid, empty self praise.
This is why you fags are insufferable, you behave like the worst, most entitled women, except you don't even have a pussy, so you are women without the only good thing women have.
You are pathetic.

I want a girl (female) from Yea Forums to show me her tits so I can jack off
is that too much to ask

Attached: epguot8vscy11.png (1129x1080, 950K)

I'm not a girl, but I happen to have a lot of pictures of girls with very big tits saved in my personalized computing device.

Attached: 1546373884923.jpg (600x800, 64K)

thanks user, that is helpful

They're too busy shaming men and collecting betabux.

Attached: 122.jpg (1080x1246, 130K)

Are you that retarded spammer who is always mad about tranny boogieman?

The guy in that pic ignores that the girl wouldn't be getting that money if it wasn't for betas throwing it at her.

meant for

Good, have more.

No, but I know who he is.
I made a goth girl folder because of him.

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Not their fault thirsty betas are pathetic enough to throw them money.

It's actually very much to ask for, so yes.


>it's men too so it doesn't count
>if niggers didn't get gibs they would starve so niggers are OK and only gibs are wrong

Jannies do your fucking job, you 404 actual game threads but this infested thread is still up.

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and what is okay to ask? it's just a friendly help
I'd do it too

holy fuck

>Echidna Wars

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Niggers would continue being lazy niggers even without gibs.
That slut would probably be working at a store if it wasn't for the fact that there's countless betas willing to give away money for no reason.

If you were her, you wouldn't take advantage of it?

There's a reason why they are so thirsty though, women know full well that men basically worship pussy and they exploit that as much as possible, by setting such high standards (see pic related) for who gets to get their pussy, and shaming any men who haven't connected their genitals to a woman.

Attached: 72.jpg (503x644, 38K)

50% female or 50% "female"?

you got shit taste in strategy games and indie games

Dude, dating apps are for desperate people and whores who are too lazy to even leave their own home to try to get laid.
These apps are full of weirdos.
Look at this, an emo straight out of 2007, the only reason to use a dating app is to laugh at the weirdos who use them.
Think about it, what kind of person is willing to go on a blind date with someone they don't know anything about, based on a bunch of pics and a description, both of which could be completely false?

Attached: 1537193001799.png (1440x2960, 1.86M)

Thirsty incels need to stop blaming everyone and everything but themselves for why they're bitter virgins. Go outside and meet people and not be a bitter faggot in the process.


Attached: male virginity.jpg (1128x858, 59K)

>There's a reason why they are so thirsty though
If those betas so thirsty, why not use like 10% of the money they donate to hire a hooker?
What kind of man unironically gives away money for a bunch of pictures when you can easily find porn on the internet for free?
Those retards deserve to be taken advantage of.

they are delusional, I have met women who are into gore, men? not a single one

Have sex

Cope with what?
I get laid easily, are you trying to "btfo" me by showing me how many autistic betas there are in the world, of which i'm not a part of?
Also, that graph says that 73% of men do get laid.
That pains a far different picture than your dating app pic.

>just go outside and be yourself
>it works for me so it must work for everybody else
you're the same kind of brainlets that tell depressed people just to be happy

While this is true, it does not justify exploiting something at the expense of others.
Fair enough, but there is quite a bit of proof ( such as here youtube.com/watch?v=N0m_GVG3Oxo&t=364s ) that the statistics are basically the same outside of dating sites
Except that they do kind of have a point? youtube.com/watch?v=lStRqLokyEY

>no argument against actual statistics posted, just shitty anecdotes
coping delusional betas

Attached: 2MstAzl[1].gif (983x622, 49K)

>While this is true, it does not justify exploiting something at the expense of others.
Why do you think every single CEO is a sociopath?
Because the path to success if by mercilessly taking advantage and exploiting everyone.
The world is a competition, being "nice" only means someone will eventually take advantage of you.

If the situations were reversed, if you could make hundreds of thousands of dollars by taking pictures of yourself, you wouldn't do it?

If I was a beta, wouldn't I be on your side, since this affects only betas?
I'm good looking, I don't have your struggles.

>I want a gf
>I just want to get laid
>*sits in room all day*
>Why am I a virgin?
Each and every time.

And you are the kind that, if told to self improve, you just say

There's no point in arguing with you.

>shaming any men who haven't connected their genitals to a woman
If you havent done this by 15 yeah you are basically a failure as a human being.

I'm thankful to god too if you die

What a mad dog.

I don't hate them but bullying them is so much fun.

I'm not a virgin but you argue like a retard

>the /fit/ meme

pathetic coping beta

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Who is the one whining about women having high standards?



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Dont know why everyone is giving xim shit, there are a lot of good games there too

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Seriously, your line of argument doesn't make any sense.
You first start by saying that poor men have it hard, I tell you that it's their fault, and now you try to tell me i'm a beta?
If i'm a beta, doesn't that mean you are attacking the people you were trying to defend?

you are pathetic for defending hypergamy

True, but just because most of us would take advantage of something, even while knowing it would negatively impact others doesn't make it any less morally wrong.
While it's true that incels tend to complain instead of actually putting any effort into getting laid, alot of people are disadvantaged from getting pussy at birth (physical deformities, mental illnesses etc) and can't do anything about it.
Why? Because our biological role is to reproduce? Literally who has sex at this point purely for the sake of reproducing and nothing else? Also there are 7 billion people on the planet right now and it doesn't seem like that number will lower any time soon.

I'm not defending it, I merely adapted, and I used to be a pretty ugly fatass and I worked to change that.


>I merely adapted
nice cope

forgot pic

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>Embracing hypergamy
No better. Fuck off to Facebook.

>watching reruns of the office is a personality
lmao, so fucking accurate

Oh yeah, I worked hard and manage to get laid often, how sad of me.
I should be jealous of betas who donate money to random eThots for pics.


>fries burgers
>math teacher that thinks 120x8 = 1000 or more

No because you have hormonal kicks to fuck. You can just fuck to have pleasure i didnt want to be a daddy in my 14s i just wanted to do every shit my body compels me to do. And it was great. You are also at your youth peak you can do whatever the hell you want without consequences or too much obligations.

i like it because this is so realistic, just like every other guide that has a girl and white knight in it.

and the last panel is funny because he is actually standing up against the thot

>beta orbiter
>white knights
what, isn't that comic just about the guy looking feminine and the other guys being homo trapfags?

what are you guys seeing there that I'm not?

we live in a society

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They tend to play plebshit, for instance:
fallout 4, skyrim, pokemon, animal crossing, overwatch, tetris, minecraft, etc. However, the based ones tend to play rpg's, vn's, anime fighters, and horror games, like silent hill, blazblue, katawa shojou, earthbound, etc. Like said previously, they don't really tend to play skill focused games, just games to relax. Same with anime and basically literally any other art medium for them.

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back to /his/ we are not talking about anna here

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we live in a society that you see a lot of werid ass shit online

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me in the middle

BASED stoner in the middle

Women like horror because they get off to being victims and believe in retarded shit like astrology because they refuse to accept responsibility for their actions which is why they like /x/. In Fallout you are not a victim, pretty much the opposite of it, and the player character has strict agency over his destiny too rather than being guided by horoscopes.

literally full of trash

>some dude: I like videogames
>Yea Forums: reeeeeee
every time

>bookworm adventures deluxe

unlike men of course who never commit violent crimes

>literally the same games my dyke friend has in her PC
are russian lesbians a hivemind?

It wasn't Yea Forums that changed, it was the demographic of the internet that did.

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>a competent man can always find a cute and dedicated wife for life
Lmao this mantra sure gets repeated around here. Can't imagine why or by whom.

2019 - all women must be black bug eyed women or at least be ugly and covered head to toe with not a scrap of skin showing

>Yea Forums is one person
>roasties are one peron

>unironically trying to convince Yea Forums to find happiness in a relationship
>with a female
You will never find a man that loves you, just give up and find a lesbian gf.