Is Mordhau the Best?

This this the Game that was Promised?
if not, why?

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It delivered and Chivalry Devs are in a fit. They tried the moba pill and found it poisonous.

mordhau is the purple pill

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It's a pretty fun game.
They just need to add more maps and Sarracen/Mongol sets now.

Also, i'm a dev killer.

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i need joust aand 1v1 modes before that

no modkit no buy

soon tm

then ill buy it soon™

didnt this game die already? heard its population was nearly halved, with constant official server outages that the playerbase never recovered from. also heardthe current gameplay was boring and stale, with a mindless 2h meta and 1v1 duels that are boring to watch and somehow more boring to participate in. im not surprised it didnt last long, chiv itself was a failure of a game and i cant imagine a knock off doing any better

They need to add a pre-game grace period like tf2 so you don't load into a fresh game defending last point because a bunch of the opposing team got through their loading screens first.

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Not dead, it came out of the gate swinging and had a huge base. It's just slowly dipping until it finds a dedicated playerbase. It's a niche game that had a lot of hype and good press when it was released. It won't die, probably sit at around 8000 constant players with occasional boosts from sales and free weekends.

ah that sounds awful for a multiplayer only game with as little content as mordhau launched with. glad i gave this one the hard pass.

I think it's more than enough for the game to be alive for years. The swordplay is engaging and fun as well as the mounted combat. I would say it's a really good game. It's just niche and needs more content. It is a niche that I love though.

Tried this game for 3 hours and I'm gonna be real with you, Yea Forums. This game is some hot trash, the kind of garbage autists flock to because it's seemingly realistic surface traits.

"The animation is so detailed and real!" the user exclaims while it takes three full seconds for your character to perform a stab with a longsword. This game feels like death to play, everything takes so long to get done from slashes, thrusts, kicks, parries, draws. It's compounded by the shitty hit detection where your attacks will either miss entirely on targets not 3 feets from you or your attacks will catch a teammate behind you and get you killed. It's a kool concept, but the gameplay is just no good or maybe I just don't get it. I'd rather stick to TF2's Medieval mode and have actual fun tho.

>mounted combat
Sorry but mounted combat in Mordhau is about as basic and stupid as you can get. It's truly awful and should have never been implemented in its current state.

The mounted combat isn't complex, but it's fun.

>sit at around 8000 constant players
Ahahahhahahahaha, nah, it'll settle around 2k, tops.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with that though, as you said it's a niche game and faggots like...
..need to fuck off.

what would a 1v1 mode add that you dont already have on duel servers?

>3 indian rupee have been transferred to your account
Stop pretending that you played the game you absolute waste of oxygen.

8000 might be a little wishful thinking, but I think it'll be higher than 2k.

There's 0 reason to hate this game. You can not enjoy it and it is a bit bare bones. But it's fun and only cancerous contrarians would want it to fail.

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The people who hate Mordhau

>chiv fags who don't move on
>idiots who can't afford the game
>teenagers venting their rage have sex
>people are too terrible to get 1k points on a frontline match

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The game doesn't seem to be for you then. That's ok. But then again, you hardly have discovered the differences between weapons if you say things like "everything takes too long".

>everything takes so long to get done
>your attacks will either miss entirely on targets not 3 feets from you

It's decent but I enjoyed Chiv's maps and gamemodes more.

>Shitty hit detection
Ah! so you have quite literally no idea what you're talking about, good to know

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Call it either hit or collision it's a distinction without a difference, and it's there. Bury your head in the sand all you want, that won't change the fact

>horse bonus momentum damage only works one way
>a zwei swings and blocks as fast as a rapier
>armor means virtually nothing apart from looks and a person in full plate runs as fast as a naked ape

I use my fists for 40 damage a hit this game is garbage and this only game it's surpassing in the same genre is chivalry

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Every archer fag from Chivalry is rapier and shield fag in Mordhau. Game is really good, but needs more polish and maps. Oh, and some maps are not ballanced at all. In Frontline matches Blue will lose on Taiga 95% of the time, and Red will lose on Mountain.

As someone who loved and played chivalry for many hours and days, how similar is this and is it better?

>your attacks will either miss entirely on targets not 3 feets from you
This happens to me to and i've had stabs catch my allies behind me

My coworker who's a console gamer told me he tried mordhau at a family members and he said it was pretty cool. I'm gonna check it out based on that. But I'm currently on a 10 day in a row shift.

Mordhaushills were cancer, shitting up other threads.

fucking improve cpu usage shit wont stop stutteteering aaasadajsdjahsk

the simplest way i could say it is that it's slower-paced and much less twitchy
yes, it is better

Similar in a way that you need skill to win, and knowledge from Chiv is usefull.
And it's better. Way better combat with just a little more complex mechanics.

It's pretty much exactly the same apart from some of the more broken shit is removed in favor of an even more pedestrian and bland experience

Conquest is shit.

Can anyone give me some examples of some Italian armour sets?

WTF are you talking about? I've played the game for 50+ hours and literally one of the biggest qualities is how precise the combat is.
You can pull axes from your arm, you can smack heads with the last cm ark of a longsword, and you can literally look down and dodge a swing.
Again, you have zero idea what you're talking about

How the fuck do I counter morphs?

Listen for when the enemy makes a grunt noise, thats when you should block them. Its a bit fucky with fast shit like the Arming Sword and the Rapier but generally it just werks.

My biggest problem with this game is you're constantly getting gang raped. Nobody tries to stick together to take objectives.

It was a Kikestarter promise and they've filled about half of those so far, so things are looking good.

Well that, and eternally assblasted For Honor faggots mad that their Ubishit game is dead beyond belief despite going F2P.

How do I fight spears ? I commonly find myself having trouble against aggressive players who mostly poke with it, especially when they have dodge and constantly move backwards

>Cave in and buy the game
>Fun tutorial, laugh like shit at the stupid shit happening
>finally play online
>Barely any any maps
>Frontline is fucking small, no insensitive beyond hack&slash
>Leveling and payout system is so fucking slow and low compared to the price of one item, can't make that perfect character right away
>Even if you create that perfect character, there's no real insensitive in doing so
>Can't voice chat so can't micspam shit like SCOTLAND FOREVER or other sort of music
>Bard itself is kind of shit
>2 hours of the game and i was already bored to shit
I just want a medieval game where i get to defend my castle and keep the royal family alive by leading them in secret areas while the opposing force is trying to smash their way into the castle/being killed by our own army

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>In Frontline matches Blue will lose on Taiga 95% of the time, and Red will lose on Mountain.

True for Taiga, not true for Mountain though. Mountain being imbalanced is a myth, ever since people have learned how to play it, and learned that you need to throw torches at Blue's campsite as Red players, I see Red winning all the time.
One time I saw Red win three times in a row (obviously separated between other maps), so the map doesn't really have a significant Blue bias.
Only Taiga has a serious balance problem out of this game's maps (which makes sense as I read it's the last one they worked on before release).

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>see friendly getting ganged by 3 guys
>run up to try to help him
>he immediately runs off and leaves me alone against all 3
Moral of the story is to play as an opportunist. Your teammates simply let you down too much to be relied upon.

Same way you beat rapiers. Chamber their stab, then morph the chamber into an accelerated upswing.
Or in other words: scroll wheel up, scroll wheel down, move your mouse really far in one direction.

dumped a ton of hours into it, got the 60k gold plume, like lvl 37 or something.
kinda burned out now tho, they need more than 5 frontline maps


>no insensitive
>no insensitive in doing so
Are you a fucking phoneposter or something?
I can definitely tell you're a zoomer because you're so obsessed with the progression aspects of the game and the carrot on a stick """"incentives"""" rather than actually playing.

>8k players
>2k players
it had 30k yesterday

Ill try practicing that next time. Thanks!

press sprint while running at them
congrats you just neutralized anyone using the dodge perk

billhook all horsefags and don't forget to teabag their ragdolled body before finishing them off

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2 maps coming very soon brother.
no worries chief

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L4D gave you an achievement if you killed a dev. Does this game do the same?

is there any reason not to half-sword any weapon that can?

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Can I make a best boy byzantine nigga clubba or not? This is very important

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>tfw hitting a horsefag off with a throwing spear
>tfw taking guys leg off with an underhand swing and they backflip
>tfw spamming laugh in chat
>tfw getting the drop on an archer/ballista and stoving his head in
>tfw chop a dudes arm off but he knocks your lights out with his last breath using the flesh wound perk
this game is a bucket of fucking laughs

I hate achievements that do that because the devs inevitably get bored of their own game and then you can never fucking
As to your question, there isn't a visible achievement for that but Mordhau has one hidden achievement, I'm guessing it's probably a "get all the achievements" achievement but it may possibly be that too

You can. Here's my byzantine varangian guard.

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The secret is to kill someone with your swords pummel?

range, speed

>takes three full seconds for your character to perform a stab with a longsword
It takes 0.6 seconds to get to the stab with a longsword.
>attacks miss entirely on targets not 3 feets from you
Use a weapon longer than 90cm.
>attacks catch on teammate behind you
Stop swinging horizontally.

ah, good point.

This, fuck that kind of achievements.

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Most fun game ive played in years

I have a story too
>fighting guy
>he's about to kill me
>his teammate enters at lightspeed from screen left and lances him the fuck out of existence

RIP Chivalry, I fucking loved Deadliest Warrior shame it didn't take off more, but the autistic ballerina chiv community just wasn't having it. Even fucking Mirage was more fun then Chiv and it died in like a month. Glad at least this game had the balls to add projectile blocking like deadliest warrior and remove ballerina spinning. The Chiv community must be fucking seething.

That's make sense if the core game mechanics weren't such shit.

aright we'll pretend that the's things matter at all

I can also tell you're retarded because you spell like a 10 year old, go play fortnite if you want more skins you underage faggot

Needs more maps.

Also every spear-like weapon should dismount horsefags when you land a stab, not just the hookbill.

don't act retarded, user.

This game is trash and you should hang yourself for even so much as suggesting otherwise

>literally "this game is shit because I can't live out my fantasy of defending a noble princess with my coldsteel katana"

Fucking lmao

Billhook only does it because it has negative push force.
Not him but you're not fooling anyone, kiddo. Put down the phone and go back to your Fortnite.

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Is this chivalry

The maps are pathetic honestly, especially coming off Chivalry. For a game that wanted to surpass Chivalry, it seems the only place they succeeded was the combat. Everything else is worse off. The music, map design, voicework, everything. It's a shame really.

Also 4 maps is horrible, especially if they didn't have any more waiting in the wake after launch. The game's been out for nearly a month now but still only has 4 maps, one of which is nearly unplayable for how much it favors one side.

This is why people don't play duels anymore.


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The best medieval melee game? Absolutely.

I just want huge maps and more players. It's really a wasted opportunity

>Game already devolving into Chivalry-tier clusterfucks
Pack it up, boys

I don't know what was promised, but it was OK for a while. Put 93 hours into it, could get top of the leaderboard in frontline pretty consistently with eveningstar

I got my money's worth but after a while it just feels kinda shallow. Every weapon feels the same, the whole "feint, riposte, chamber" mechanic feels kinda clunky and just not that engaging. I'd rather play an FPS

It's a shame they went for the muh realism meme, because it's not very realistic anyway and without it the game would've had way more range. Give it Quake-tier mobility, throw in some more fantasy-ish abilities on the talent selector, maybe even a paganistic magic system

As it stands there's only so much enjoyment you can get out of a game where "I swing my sword and... maybe I feint... and... maybe you block..." is the entirety of the game

The best games have a dev kill/play cheevo but also let the it be earned if you kill/play with someone else that has it.

>Different modes have different maps
>Literally the same voice actors
>Instead of 4 voices for the 4 classes you get a dozen or so to choose from
>You can change the pitch
>Worse voicework
>one of which is nearly unplayable for how much it favors one side.
>Probably talking about Taiga, a map that red always wins because blue has their entire team trying to retake the ballista instead of a couple of guys at most
>Can literally play any song you want on the lute
>Worse music

Go back to Chiv faggot

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>animefag cant deal with a game where he can't play a spiky haired edgelord that carries a 15 foot sword and has special powers allowing him to slash 15 times in a second when you press X

You mean like increasing the "setup" time to more than just 15s? I would agree with this. I have it installed on an SSD and I definitely have a significant advantage over those playing on HDD.

The game would have been 1000000000 times better if it was set in feudal Japan.

Legitimate complaints about the game
>Maps are fucking unbalanced at certain spots
>grad in favour of blue as soon as they settle for the middle
>Taiga, blue almost never wins but if they push red back to the second last, red has no returning power
>Horses have no hitbox on their butts
>Archers shouldn't have been added to the game, it's a terrible design choice
>too many games turn into a stomp due to imbalanced maps resulting in 600-0 shit
>entire routes can be blocked off through spikes and walls by builders
Still having a blast with the game and I don't need to be good. But this shit at times gets my blood boiling.

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>It's compounded by the shitty hit detection
welcome to first person melee games. The hit detection is fine but it takes some time to get used to the range of every weapon.

you have no idea what you're talking about. time to stop posting about games you've never played retard

>Give it Quake-tier mobility, throw in some more fantasy-ish abilities on the talent selector, maybe even a paganistic magic system

They tried that..

It was dead a month after release.

It's incredible except for its Frontline maps.

For Honor is f2p now? What's changed from the release version as far as unlocks go? I genuinely had a good time with it but the online connectivity was absolute ass when I played pre-release, heard it's gotten better.

It's okay user, it only lacks a front flip or swinging the weapon behind yourself so it isn't AS bad.

>Give it Quake-tier mobility, throw in some more fantasy-ish abilities on the talent selector, maybe even a paganistic magic system
holy shit lmao
im so glad Yea Forums doesn't work in the games industry, you people have some of the gayest fucking ideas

>Archers shouldn't have been added to the game, it's a terrible design choice

Love how salty you faggots get over getting killed by arrows in a medieval combat game. Learn to deflect nigger.

>Entire routes can be blocked off by destructibles that take 3 hits to kill if you're using a proper weapon or one firebomb if you're not a brainlet

comedy gold

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Shadirvesity and Skallgrim already made videos detonating this game. Next.

so basically all the things that made chiv combat bad dont exist?
>omg he turned his character around while not swinging, THATS JUST LIKE CHIV REEE

>always lose to the people who spam laugh in 1v1s
why is it so fucking infectious

>entire routes can be blocked off through spikes and walls by builders
This could be solved by making all weapons deal more damage to player placed stuff. Doubt it'll happen though

>user watches nerds talk about swords talk about a video game that has swords in it and takes their critique seriously
cringe lmao

>spam laugh
the best players spam "no"

why didn't you get a refund? this image just proves that you're a fucking idiot for not getting your money back.

What a fucking headache. I knew it would come to this eventually.

Does this game have dedicated servers? If so I might just give it a go

It's almost as if there's a perk that does exactly that that only costs 1 point

I never played this when it came out, i kinda like the idea. Why did it fail?

that is literally basic combat, hes not doing anything crazy at all, no chiv ballerina spinning or anything.

are you some sort of retard that wants a game where you just stand in front of each other and do attacks in straight lines or something?

I can't stand the Cruel voice. Every execshitter is using it, and its probably the worst voice too.

Also, the issue with songs is not only are they worst, they're playing ALL the time. Chiv knew how to use music to make things "cinematic":

it looks normal, honestly

Because autists with 1000 hours in Chiv didn't like that you could get killed by magic and no amount of spinning on high sensitivity could stop it

how do you deal with a defense god
a man who just reads your every input, you cant hard feint him, you cant morph feint him, you cant chamber him hell just chamber you faster and better, you cant dead angle him, you cant riposte accel or drag him, you cant even kick him because he knows when to back up exactly

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i love mordhau but

>armor means virtually nothing apart from looks and a person in full plate runs as fast as a naked ape

can we also point out that full plate doesnt even do that fucking much in terms of damage reduction?

literally describe what, at any point, is bad about that first webm

You guys don't know what the fuck you're talking about if you think this is anywhere near comparable to Chivalry's spaz meta.

>*runs away when anyone gets close*
>h...heh learn how to play the game losers!!!

I've only played a couple of hours and have yet to dive into the create-a-class system properly. I always feel like the perks aren't worth taking but I haven't experimented with them at all.

Achievements that aren't really achievements at all are also stupid though. It's on the tier of "HARDCORE GAMER: Booted up the game for the first time!"

>I-Its not as bad as Chivalry
So? Its still fucking silly.

>Camp has too many toys like horses and catapults for the team that already takes over the map
>The mountain map has 2 spots for exploiting blue can take advantage of
>Red has no chance on getting out of their last point when pushed back, same map.

Is deflecting as easy as just swinging when a projectile comes towards you? I got the achievement without even realizing I deflected something.

I'm sure that's why it failed, and not the fact that nobody has every heard of that game

Well it's obvious these "realistic" melee games just don't work without something more going on, because they all devolve into ballerina crap in an attempt to gain any kind of edge because the basic mechanics are too shallow to support long-term play

Just look at the webms posted in these threads of dipshits waving their camera around the screen to drag and accel, that just isn't fun gameplay and mordhau'll be dead in a few months because of it

Also I do

Yeah, this isn't game of thrones nigger. Tactics are actually a good thing to use.

Yeah but it's still nice to have a few achievements out there that supposedly everyone can earn but is out of the way enough that it won't just come from regular gameplay.

stupid chivtard youre making too many unnecessary movements
any one worth their salt can see how easy it is to make you panic parry becuase youre too busy autistically jiggling your mouse instead of reading their attacks and feints

its the difference between getting 1 shot and taking 3 hits the face, how is that not nothing?
Do you want full plate to make people into fucking tanks that take 10 nits to kill or something? That would be boring as fuck

>Learn to deflect nigger
>just deflect 8 archers while fighting a line of knights
t. 3-8 archer who contributes absolutely nothing to his team

Why did the community defend this so much? Whenever someone complained about it, everyone was like "git gud" and "it raises the skill ceiling," never mind that it looks retarded as hell.

>Buys a game with a focus on medieval melee combat
>plays only archer
>surprised when people call him a faggot

Attached: that's what you get.jpg (1000x980, 198K)

lmao, then play duels if you want 1v1s retard

>8 archers
There's maybe 4 at most just taking potshots at various choke points, git fucking good

I barely ever get killed by archers though. Horesfags are where the rage is at.

mordhau doesnt have ballerina crap, the reason they swing their camera around is because thats how you mind game people manipulate your swing timings

basically you're a fucking casual, you know you can play in 3rd person right? You know you can turn off directional attacks and bind everything so you dont have to move your camera at all to do directional attacks right?

honestly you sound like a complete shitter, back to your japanese anime games bro.

Drags are still in the game

>can't win in a real game scenario

any veteran worth their salt can easily deflect telegraphed arrows coming from their front, what are you going to do in a duel scenario lmao

>its the difference between getting 1 shot and taking 3 hits the face
you must not play the fucking game, no weapon in the entire fucking game aside from shitty joke weapons like the training sword change from a 1 hit kill to a 3 hit kill, or a 2 hit kill to a 4 hit kill just because someone has heavy armor, at best its a 1 hit difference, not 2.

drags arent ballerina shit you dumb fuck, do you even play video games?

I don't even play archer, I just don't see the problem with arrows when you can swing to deflect them, block them, use a shield, use two shields or just go to a duel server if it bothers you that much.

>t. 3-11 archer who responds to everyone in game complaining about archers with 'git gud'

Lmao, I wasn't challenging you to a 1v1. But if they're that easy to deflect than what's the issue? That it's hard to block a dozen archers? No shit, it's hard to block a dozen swords coming at you too, if you're still going to cry about that like I said, go to a duel server where no nasty archers can bully you with their arrows

t. shitter that cant figure out how to change strategies

You can literally look at the damage values in the game
90% of weapons are OHK with no armor on, about 2 hits with lvl2 and 3 hits with lvl3

I literally said "drag and accel" in my post you fucking brainlet, dragging your camera around the screen to drag and accel is still ballerina-tier crap, and I already rebound all my keys instead of using the shitty 240 system. The game is just shallow and has a low skill ceiling, deal with it

>play in third person
Oh wait you're bad

so you do want people in full plate to take 10 hits to kill? are you a fucking faggot or something?

Drags literally are the ballerina shit from Chiv.
Thats exactly how it works in both games.

You are a colossal faggot. Play frontline and you see that while fighting in a duel or anything is when you can't deflect a barrage of arrows, shot by archers from their safe spaces. Literally cuck mentality to defend cancerous mechanics like that.

>dragging your camera around the screen to drag and accel is still ballerina-tier crap
nah, ballerina shit is specifically spinning your character around to do some backwards hit z-swing bullshit
>Oh wait you're bad
I'd beat you 100 duels to 0

>just dont attack
>just flank 30 people and kill the archers
you're oblivious to how any frontline actually operates which typical because as an archer you've never really helped win a game

not him but ballerina shit is just dragsx10
they're fine if the range is limited, which it is in this game.

>horse bonus momentum damage only works one way
Yea that's kinda bullshit and the devs have said that they're looking into changing it
>zwei swings
Waaay slower
It's called balance sweaty, look it up
>armor means virtually nothing
That's completely wrong
>person in full plate runs as fast as a naked ape
That's also completely wrong

the reason its not a problem is because its not the 3,000 DPI shit that literally breaks the game by making your attack hit someones back while standing in front of them.

regular drags are fine, and mordhau "drags" are a different of like .02 seconds in swing time, its not a big deal if you're not a shitter.

By Sigmar!

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I consistently get top 5 on my team so get the fuck out of here with that shit, shitter
do you really think you can win with just sticking with a single loadout and strategy? are you really unable to coordinate with your team? that would be understandable since there's no VoIP in this game

>because it's not very realistic anyway
it's actually quite realistic if you understand the backstory (mercenary companies fighting in the early 1500s with whatever shit and antiquated gear they can scrounge).

I'm not saying it's perfectly accurate, because such a thing would make for a shit game, but if you don't get too autistic about it and go looking for things to nitpick, it LOOKS like medieval mercenary combat. "Quake-tier movement" would ruin that.

It's almost as if people are using teamwork in a team based game. Go to a duel server autist

>do you really think you can win with just sticking with a single loadout and strategy?
Of course you can, the average player is trash and any 3/3/0 halberd / zwei build is more than enough to pubstomp, there are no executioner sword counters waiting to chop your legs in frontline.
>are you really unable to coordinate with your team?
There is no coordinating in frontline, the maps are linear and about zerg rushing 3/5 nodes to win, you're acting like there is even room for strategies other than just fighting on points

Game is fun .I enjoyed playing a traditional knight for the first few days, now I experiment with loadouts a lot more. This guys my favourite so far, throw med bags out and back stab people. Interrupting duels gives me sexual pleasure.

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>top 5
If you're not top1 or 2 on frontlines you're legit garbage

You cover the same exact area range. The only real difference is that you cant hit people directly behind you with an overhead swing and it doesn't look as retarded.

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But there ARE strategies besides just zerging. Like you said the average player is trash so flanking with even just 3/4 other players is enough to break their line.

>>grad in favour of blue as soon as they settle for the middle
Lies/you haven't played enough Grad games to have an informed opinion.
Red retakes stables all the fucking time. Especially since they made recapturing points quicker in the last update.
>>Taiga, blue almost never wins
>>Archers shouldn't have been added to the game, it's a terrible design choice
For what reason exactly? It has plenty of counterplay and it adds gameplay variety. It's satisfying to kill them too.
>entire routes can be blocked off through spikes and walls by builders
Firebomb mate.

"Teamwork" spamming your bow into a crowd of people. It's as if you are the cuck archer who is defending it. Delete the game and go play sniper elite.

I've only got a couple hours in this game so I think I'm doing okay :)

>same exact area range
idk from what I remember 200°+ swings were commonplace in Chiv. Your pic is below 180°.
>you can't hit people directly behind you with an overhead swing
and that alone makes this a much better game

Hey user, I've got some great advice for you.

______________________________________________________DON'T COMMENT ON GAME BALANCE UNTIL YOU KNOW THE GAME YOU STUPID FUCKING VAPID DUMBASS SUBHUMAN RETARD NIGGER_______________________________________________________________________

>blowing in the general direction of an arrow will stop it
>hitting anyone with a ranged weapon will cause them to instantly drop it

go back to fortnite shitter

>shoots arrows from his safe spot
>hehehe let me disengage as soon as you run up to my spot
>I'm safe again, hiding behind my team mates
>I'm skilled

I have wasn't the one complaining about game balance so if anything your tidbit about the shitter perk only helped my argument against the true shitter.

>making your attack hit someones back while standing in front of them.
You literally can do this in the game too you stupid fuck. You don't even need to do anything special for it
>idk from what I remember 200°+ swings were commonplace in Chiv. Your pic is below 180°.
I'm not sure you know how circles work, it is more like 330 degrees. You can easily do 360.
Beside this, you are already near 200 degrees with a basic swing because it in itself covers 180 degrees, the entire area in front of you.

Attached: Capture.png (610x496, 705K)

Why is it so satisfying to throw a shortspear in someone's face?

>as soon as you run up to my spot
this means there's no teammates to help the archer since the meleecuck was able to make it there in the first place
archers are seriously underpowered in this game and that's totally fine, you just gotta learn to play against them.

>You literally can do this in the game too you stupid fuck. You don't even need to do anything special for it
you literally and unironically cannot. shut the fuck up retard

Attached: 1471511747866.jpg (550x421, 17K)

You do know that damage is blue tracers, right?

Literally nothing is realistic about the combat. Weapons move way way too slow and are swung in ways that they never would be in real life. Apparently plate armour can be slashed through with swords. People can back-pedal endlessly, and just move in a way that people in real duels can't. You have Rapiers and Eveningstars and Executioner's Swords on open battlefields. Kicking makes people drop their shield guards for... some reason. There are no pushing or grappling mechanics. I could go on and on.

This isn't nitpicking, absolutely nothing is realistic except for some pub quiz trivia factoids like half swording and murderstrokes that dipshits only learned off youtuber retards like lindybeiege and now think they're experts on hema.

This game is about as realistic to real medieval combat as Witcher 3. You only think it's more realistic because you don't know anything.

I'm showing you a picture of it you absolute retard. No wonder you are shit at the game.
You can drag a stab around a shield and hit someone in the back.

I would beat you 100 duels to 0

>no weapon in the entire fucking game can change a 1 hit kill to a 3 hit kill
Why do you talk about the balance of a game you don't understand?
Why do so many people on Yea Forums do this?
Your posting license is revoked you fucking moron.

Attached: stupid cunt.jpg (721x540, 67K)

You might want to learn how the game mechanics work first, kid. You were wrong and need to deal with it.

you can stop being this facetious at any time

>You can drag a stab around a shield and hit someone in the back.
no, you're hitting them in the side. which is completely possible in real life physics. It's not hitting them in the back through a parry, you're missing the parry timing because of the timing, if you parried at the right time it would block it.

dont even reply if you're this garbage at the game

That word doesn't mean what you think it does

its you thats wrong, you cannot hit people in the back. if you parry at the right time, it will block the attack. in chiv the ballerina shit literally made the weapon hit the persons back with almost no counterplay. that is not how mordhau works


The only time I see Grad being taken is when red loads faster into the game than blue.
If they lose ground there once, it's almost certainly over. Blue will take the catapult, barricade and fortify the spot and add two horses to it that circle reds spawn killing them. At the end of the match you see a fucking 0-500 score again.
For a map that is about attacking a castle, it ends awfully lot at the stables.

>mordhau is a natural cancer filter
It feels good bros.

>get fucking told and shown out for an 80 iq shitter
>"n-no its going in his s-s-side."
Whatever you say spergie. One couldn't even do an appropriate display of it happening in game because it completely defies all logic.
Stay mad and bad.

Attached: stabbedintheback.png (620x389, 582K)

I'm demonstrating that you can hit someone in the back while standing in front of them. So I guess you're wrong.

Attached: Capture.png (668x461, 755K)

>Weapons move way way too slow and are swung in ways that they never would be in real life
I actually want a source on them being "way too slow"
>and just move in a way that people in real duels can't
What the fuck is this meant to even mean? What movement?

As for everything below: Did you miss the part where I said "if you don't go looking for things to nitpick like an autist?"
>Apparently plate armour can be slashed through with swords
Swords in Mordhau already deal reduced damage to armor. In real life if you hit someone with a sword they might not be cut, but they will take blunt trauma from a piece of metal being swung hard into their body with only 1-3mm thick metal and maybe some cloth padding to soften the blow.
>You have Rapiers and Eveningstars and Executioner's Swords on open battlefields
Rapiers WERE used on open battlefields, despite being dueling weapons. Eveningstar and Executioner's Sword again fall under the "autistic nitpicking" category, because unless you're looking for things to shitpost about, the tiny difference between an Exe Sword and a Greatsword is not fucking noticeable while it's being swung at your head at an angle.
>Kicking makes people drop their shield guards for... some reason
See "autistic nitpicking".

Again, if you're not looking for things to nitpick to death, it LOOKS like medieval mercenary combat would.

Attached: mordhau sword compare.jpg (1201x610, 57K)

>The only time I see Grad being taken is when red loads faster into the game than blue
You need to play the game more. In the last two nights I have seen blue lose their commanders one night, and lose to ticket loss the other night. And I have an SSD, so I see almost everyone else load, and I can tell you I wasn't contesting empty/highly uneven points.

>literally nothing about the weapons or armour or movement is realistic at all
>waaah stop nitpicking, the gameplay being bad is a nitpick, it LOOKS realistic that's all that matters!

Witcher 3 looked realistic too

So you're just going to shitpost and ignore everything I said?
Thanks, I didn't want to have to put any more effort into proving to other people your opinion is retarded and indefensible.

>standing at the side of the dummy
>right in front of someone

yikes bro

My one and only gripe about the game is that the maps are soulless compared to Chivalry. Aside from that, it shits on Chivalry in every conceivable way. On an unrelated note, people seriously underestimate the Mordhau grip. It's astounding how many people I see not using it when they are fighting people in full plate. It only takes a fraction of a second to switch back and forth so there really is no excuse to not be using it as required.

the blue part is where it hit retard, thats clearly on the side, you're even standing at a diagonal angle and not straight on.
jesus christ you're actually lying to try to win an online argument, thats just sad.

>y-you're not in front of him enough
Your desperate attempts to cope are really cringy. Just stop posting.

Attached: Capture.png (667x289, 500K)

it has less range and slash mode still does decent damage

I didn't need to take your post seriously when you unironically said
>I actually want a source on them being "way too slow"
>In real life if you hit someone with a sword they might not be cut, but they will take blunt trauma from a piece of metal being swung hard into their body with only 1-3mm thick metal and maybe some cloth padding to soften the blow.
>Rapiers WERE used on open battlefields
>tiny difference between an Exe Sword and a Greatsword
and outed yourself as a retard who has NO IDEA what he's talking about

thats hitting the side/shoulder
why are you so dishonest?

go away

If it has a shorter range, it's so marginal I haven't really noticed. That or I just naturally fight closer than I realize.

Do you not know the difference between someone's side and front?

its realistic when i like it and unrealistic when i dont.
females are gonna be added lol
muh realism tards btfo

>i-it's just hitting him in the SIIIDE
>stop making me look bad
Just accept that you are retarded and uninstall forever. It wont get better.

Attached: Capture.png (706x505, 631K)

Every server is populated with at least 50% rapier/spear + shield niggers, how long will the playerbase survive?

>*Gallops behind you*
>*Cleaves you in half*

Heh... nice dancing kid...

Will you just ignore the fact that he's not blocking?

Ok retard

>why is everyone not a two handed sword cookie cutter like me REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Just shut up

Uh hes dead user.

Will you then just ignore the fact that there's no way for us to judge because tou provided a fucking picture instead of a webm as you should have?


The tutorial tells you that you can modify when the weapon will hit by moving your mouse you stupid cock suck

This has to be done to be understood. On a training dummy you can see the straw fly out from the back. You're talking to people who get feinted on all day and die.

You can see he died because of the icon. I'm sure you're unaccustomed to ever seeing it.
I know where I am.

>Females are gonna be added

So I can finally make pic related?
Also post Ingame Cosplays

Attached: 1558687787055.jpg (725x406, 39K)

Judge whether he was blocking or not, you braindead retard

Just to spite you I'm going to list some more ways this game isn't realistic at all
>regenerating health
>medkits lying around the battlefield that insta-heal
>recurve bows puncturing plate
>apparently parrying is only possible for 0.5 seconds, then your arm gets too tired and you have to lower your weapon
>real knights ofc would look 90 degrees away from what they were swinging at to make their sword swing slower
>no momentum to weapon swings at all, hitting someone at any point of the swing does 100% damage
>crouching is faster than swinging a sword, you can totally just crouch beneath sword swings bro
>no injury system, getting hit in the head with a mace doesn't debilitate your ability to fight back in any way
>running a horse into a wall causes it to come to a dead-stop, then you can pivot 180 degrees on the spot and ride away
>everything about the building mechanics, just... jesus

rate me

Attached: Rate me.png (769x801, 120K)

epic bait

He is not blocking retard. The shield only works if it's actively working you fucking noob.

>251 Chambers

I rate you garbage.

The entire point of the demonstration is that the attack goes around the shield blocking. He's fucking dead you gigantic retard.

I'm not playing until they include women and poc.

This game has enough turboshitters in it crying about dragging attacks. They'll be griefed off in another week.

>only 61 battle cries
Express yourself more user.

How do I get good? Feints fuck me up every time yet when I do them enemy usually has time to do two blocks. Is there a way to make my attacks faster?


Attached: kkkkkkkkk.png (1140x758, 227K)

Don't use garbage feints, use morphs.


Attached: SUMMON.png (2212x1734, 513K)

Cracking Triple stack faggots with a maul never gets old. Your T3 helm doesn't mean shit when it caves inbetween my Ham and the ground, niggers. BTW I use poleaxe and Dodge too :^)

like doing overhead into slash?

Thanks for the free kill, buddy

No, you can't do that. Do a stab and then morph into overhead or under swing.

Is it possible to play Frontline without the constant stuttering and frame skipping? Every other mod runs fine.

Alright thanks, so most players don't even use feints?

Engineer is a basically troll mode.

Morphing is just straight up better. Literally just scroll forward and backward.

Like this:

Not him but feints are fine.
If feints don't work on baiting someone to block, neither will morphs. Both are equally viable tactics for farming kills on shitters.
Neither feints, chambering, or morphs will land a hit on a great player, you would need to use all of them in combination with accelerating or decelerating your hits.

Even the best player in the world will false block if you're in their face and spamming feints though. Eventually it will get them, and that's why you have to be proactive in return.

>morphing against a guy with fists

>morphing against people out of range
>morphing at peoples backs
user is truly a king of all retards.

>accelerating or decelerating your hits
How do you do that?
Also I am the only one who thinks it is dumb that you have to block a very top tip of enemies weapon to block it, would it not suffice realistically to block any part of it to stop the momentum?

Turning into/away from them dependent on
Watch youtube videos on it.

Attached: stats.jpg (1920x1080, 178K)

dependent on where your sword is going*

>Block base of sword/axe
>Latter half of weapon hits your shoulder

Nah it wouldnt

But you see that in sword fighting