>What's that? We're ALSO evil people for creating this psychopath simulator in the first place, that we inevitably had to play ourselves to bug-test? Naaaaaaah, the morals of this game don't apply to us!
I thought Binding of Isaac had cringey morals, but this takes the fucking cake
ITT: Pretentious bullshit that people pretend to like
>It's 2019
Spec Ops is still pissing people off
It was all worth it for that alone.
Another butthurt self inserter.
>Naaaaaaah, the morals of this game don't apply to us!
Did the devs actually say anything to this effect or are you just pulling this out of your ass?
The biggest problem I had with the game was that the main character was crazy all along, completely undermining the descent-into-madness aspect of the story. Also the gameplay was shit.
Great game, stay mad
>I thought Binding of Isaac had cringey morals
OP it's literally PEE PEE POO POO: The Game
It’s a solid shooter where you play as a dude who descends into madness. Keep seething.
I got the good ending by quitting because the gameplay was shit.
I hate this shitty heart of darkness ripoff. And I fucking hate people who unironically use the term "PTSD simulator" to refer to this and other vidya.
Pic related: The good HoD ripoff.
>dude you're a bad guy because you feel joy at killing pixels in a videogame
yeaaah...no, the west should stick with making brainless first person shooters that only normalfags buy and fuck off
Twin Peaks Season 3.
Its a pretty good story, but the meta commentary is dumb.
>You just had to stop playing.
Nigga, I paid for this+ Always wanted to commit a warcrime.
Not an argument. All the "war crimes" that happen in-game don't occur in real life because of a little thing called the Geneva Conventions, because people aren't inherent psychopaths, and want to keep the damage of war as minimal as possible. Therefore, the game can ONLY be commenting on military shooters, because those are the only places where this shit happens. It's shitting on those games, and the people who play them, while BEING one of those games on the surface. Therefore, the game is shitting on YOU for buying it in the first place.
>Dev makes a side comment that if you want a good ending then you could just stop like Walker should have
>Yea Forums is still seething 7 years later
>Therefore, the game is shitting on YOU for buying it in the first place.
No fucking shit, sherlock.
surreal doesn't mean pretentious, brainlet
So why are you niggers arguing "Walker isn't a self-insert" when YOU the player are meant to feel guilty for their actions?
>spec ops thread
I just got done doing a replay of that joint. Classic game. This, Kane & Lynch 2, and Max Payne 3 are my edgy TPS trifecta. Anyone have some other shooters with morally warped protagonists?
shut up golden
Soldiers want to play the hero and end up doing shit .
>woah, just following orders, bro
Surreal doesn't mean good either.
Oh man, i sure loved how the character introduced like 2 episodes bofore the ending just told james that he got a magic glove. Because, you know, tell don't show, right?
And the he hit the ball with a Bobface.jpg on it. Masterpiece.
And how is that pretentious?
Since when did characters like Soap, Price, Roach, Ramirez, Mason, etc. "want to be the hero"? What is this game meant to make fun of? Who is Walker supposed to be an expy of? Because military shooter protagonists don't normally have "hero complexes".
You can always google what pretentious is and then apply that definition to David Lynch and see where it gets you.
thats not the point, the player taunts were nothing more than LOADING SCREENS made to make you think "something isnt right here" rather than DUDE and if thats your interpretation you are a fucking idiot. Contrarians who shit on this game daring to tell a story conveniently forget to mention that no game in existance tells a cohesive or meaningful narrative while allowing full player choice, what shitposters want based on these threads is Arma: Band of Brothers: The CRPG
I'm asking you because I've seen a lot of people say that season 3 is pretentious but no one gives a good reason, just like you
The game is shitting on the actual character Walker, not the player.
>war crimes don't happen because of the geneva convention
bait post fuck you
When plebs dont understand something they get mad because they feel stupid, so they just call everything they dont understand pretentious to feel less dumb.
How much of this game has been spoiled for me if I know the ending and muh phosporous memes? Desperate for some story driven military shooty bang bang games.
interesting question, im gonna answer broadly just in how the protag is treated. In Batman Arkham Origins, Batman is treated as a psycopath by everyone. In Postal + Postal 2 you play a spree shooter, then there's Sleeping Dogs but they make an effort to make our hero heroic, and then of course we have Thief. Sorry you named the three good edgy TPS
The experience is incredibly well paced and has you make choices without on screen promts telling you anything is happening at some interesting plot critical moments, its constantly unraveling and playing subtle mind games that lead you into insanity in the last level. I mean not to sound pretentious, but I played the game in one sitting my first playthrough I was so engaged in the plot. And I knew of the phosporous too, but knowing the plot does ruin it a bit. Please play it, well worth it.
Honestly the journey through it is pretty fun. The MCs descent into a full on war criminal is cool to witness even if you know how it ends. Neat soundtrack and unique setting, worth a pirate if you don't feel like throwing in ur buck O 5 for freedom
>Pretentious - attempting to impress by affecting greater importance or merit than is actually possessed.
Nobody is calling the return pretentious because "they didn't get it". They call it that because they wish it was better and there was more to get.
It's not about spoilers anymore, it's a mediocre shooter with no gameplay innovation that tries too hard to be art while failing at what makes games interresting : gameplay
Only game I've ever permanently removed from my Steam account.
The game tells you pretty explicitly that you aren't walker in the intro by listing the player as a special guest separate from Walker
Dont respond to me ever again philistine
So all bad shows are pretentious because they can be better?
>Yea Forums: "Videogames don't cause violence in real life! Stupid boomers!"
>also Yea Forums: "Woah, Spec Ops is so deep. I'm gonna trade in all my CoDs and play Farming Simulator for the rest of my life! I'm not a mass murderer, like those OTHER shooter fans!"
Y'all are fuckin' hypocrites
X did X better therefor X as a whole is shit. Not appreciating the work as a whole but criticizing ever aspect until there's nothing left. There's every Yea Forums review.
It was doomed from the start as a concept
bravo user
>implying Yea Forums hasn't been fiercely split on Spec Ops since day one
>Heart of Darkness
Nah, the developers try to reference HoD to sound smart but the game takes after Apocalypse Now. They probably haven't even read the book at all.
i will literally rape you
>don't occur in real life because of a little thing called the Geneva Conventions
are you retarded?
Not an argument.
No, read the definition of pretentious again. You'll get there.
It's not rape if I enjoy it
>All the "war crimes" that happen in-game don't occur in real life because of a little thing called the Geneva Conventions, because people aren't inherent psychopaths, and want to keep the damage of war as minimal as possible.
All wrong. Normally I'd say this is bait, but this is post-2016 Yea Forums and I know most of you are dumb as fuck.
>Not appreciating the work as a whole
Not the same guy, but i'll bite.
So what was season 3 as a whole then?
>All the "war crimes" that happen in-game don't occur in real life because of a little thing called the Geneva Conventions
murder in general doesn't happen because it's illegal also
It had good gameplay though. Headshot city
It has the laziest squad design in vidya history. Hell actually commanding them is bad 90% of the time on FUBAR since they will leave cover and die instantly against any non sniper targets
This guy gets it.
Making the third season of the show retcon the shit out of prior seasons, dropping a tons of new characters that dont amout to anything, new plotlines that go nowhere and then introducing time travel in the last episode makes the show instantly good.
You know, every other fanbase would flip their shit, right? But because Lynch made it you just gotta defend it.
>I thought Binding of Isaac had cringey morals, but this takes the fucking cake
Of course you're the fucking "dude religion lmao" shitposter that missed the point of those games and trying to find a new hook.
>The biggest problem I had with the game was that the main character was crazy all along
This. it seemed like the devs wanted some sort of big twist for the ending without realizing how badly it fucked up the rest of the story.
He wasn't crazy the entire time. He snaps after the white phosphorous incident
>One loading screen quip
>People base their entire opinion of the game around that
Imagine being that fucking stupid
Walker died in the helicopter crash, everything after is purgatory. You relive the crash again, you hear the helicopter blades in menu, he even says he didnt survive in one of the endings.
I dont know, I literally dont even know what youre talking about, I just pitched in there because what I said is basically applicable to all critique I see here. I just meant people pick out what stuck out the most to them as shit and use that to say the whole work is shit, no matter the medium or context. People forget work's are meant to be judged as wholes, how each little piece compliment each other, not nitpicked into oblivion like taking a puzzle apart piece by piece then complaining it isnt complete any more. Sorry just my tangent.
Don't bother. You're arguing with cultists. Literally, they worship transcendental meditation cult because Lynch is in it.
>far cry 4 does your ending better
gotta admit as a shooter fan the game is not bad at all if you play on the hardest setting and go through only aiming for the head. You have incredibly low health, its basically a clunky reaction timing based shooter. Its lazy but enough to engage me on hard and stay invested in the story thats for sure
I understand that and what's what i'm arguing.
Nothing in season 3 compliments anything. It's a mess of dropped storylines and characters.
There is no central theme, no arc, nothing.
Just a collection of scenes Lynch thought were cool.
Why did they sell the game in the first place if the only winning move was not to play?
>Bros it was the best expansion ever omg!!! it had the lich king what's there not to like!
I hate every mouth breather that pretends that this expansion was good, because chances are they never played the game beyond getting to max level then uninstalled it and considers himself a wotlk player.
This expansion was one of the shittiest this game ever had, not only did it casualize the game but it the worst 2 raids in the entire game's history (trial of the crusader and ruby sanctum) AND it started with a fucking re-released naxxramas that was a carbon copy of the original naxx with non existant changes and was poorly scaled.
I'm willing to bet my right testicle on the fact that EVERY SINGLE mother fucker that goes I MISS WOTLK BROS IT WAS SO GOOD is unironically a zoomer that only played it for a month and did 0 raiding content.
No shit. I just now realized you fuckers are talking about Twin peaks. Just one of those things I havent gotten around to my whole life yet lol. Thanks for the heads up on season 3.
Found the retard schizo.
Im actually schizo and thought that stood out more as autism.
Look I liked the game, but the whole "you could have just stopped playing, like just turn off the console and never play the game you paid thirty bucks for lmao" line is bullshit.
The game should have diverged at the white phosphorus scene, one path being the one we know, the other begin similar, except it begins with you and your team taking on the guys down below head on and resulting in a much more difficult game, with more enemies throughout the whole remainder of the game, or enemies placed in better positions. Despite having a nearly identical path and ending. It would have been a more profound story. You can choose to go through hell, not coming out the good guy at the end of course, but at least maybe being able to live with yourself, or you could go the easy route, the route where you burn your enemies alive with the press of a button and cause massive collateral.
>All the "war crimes" that happen in-game don't occur in real life because of a little thing called the Geneva Conventions
Alright mother fucker, time to get /pol/ or /his/ or whatever on your dumb ass.
The Geneva Convention was an agreement with anyone who agrees with it written after World War 2. Basically, it lays down shit militaries can and can't do, such as they can kill eachother, but they can't bomb Red Cross facilities, or places of worship.
This was made because in WW1 and WW2, cities full of innocents were literally being torched by Germans and Russians alike. Germans would literally stroll into polish towns just to rape women and torch the place. Meanwhile, russians literally used scorch earth artillery to bomb the fuck out of the germans. "Oh commander there MIGHT be a stronghold here in a town of 1,500 with several churches! Lets bomb the fuck out of it!". Russians literally would move hundreds of artillery batteries just to bomb minimal targets for the sake of killing germans. The Japs were no different same with the Americans in the pacific, Japs used to torture innocents, and Americans used to roast marshmellows over dead japs (I wish I was kidding).
So to prevent this, they came up with the Geneva Convention that says shit like, "Thou shalt not use chemical weapons" or "Thou shalt not use flamethrowers". Basic shit that people agree too to keep our dignity as humans.
Nobody HAS to follow it, we just do because if we didn't we'd literally be dropping anthrax on eachother and marching soldiers into towns MILES away from the front just to rape women.
fuck off, this is common knowledge.
So, we made up the Geneva Convention as loose "laws" of war to follow to keep our decency as humans and not do dumb shit that has no bearing on the war itself. Again, nobody HAS to follow this, it's not like anyone gives a fuck about the Geneva Convention, it's literally just humans agreeing that using Chlorine Gas to melt eachothers lungs is super fucked up, especially when half the time it's unwilling teens getting their throats burned out by this shit. So, major NATO countries, Europe, US, Canada, Russia, Ect. agreed to this. Again, nobody HAS to follow this, God himself isn't policing the Geneva Convention. We can literally go out tomorrow, and drop Anthrax on Iraq and nobody will give a fuck because who can stop us? It's the same shit that happened with Saudi Arabia. They literally agreed on the Geneva Convention, then a month later pulled out and used chemical weapons on their own people. America said, "yo that was fucked" but it literally didnt stop them. We bombed a couple runways then ran away, because turns out, the Geneva Convention doesnt fucking work when the perpetrator is being backed by another huge nation (russia).
Stop being a fucking retard for one second and realize the Geneva Convention doesnt stop jack shit. It's just us agreeing to NOT do it, but theres nothing in place to 100% stop us from doing it, except being seen as hypocrites from the world stage.
So go eat a dick and fuck you for making me so flustered at 3 AM that I had to type this shit when I should be in bed.
You could have got that point across pretty easily with like 2 sentences there Commander Autism. You didn't have to write an essay nobody would read
How is Max Payne "edgy"?
Cope more, you stupid bitch.
Nice buzzword dude, you showed me
A lot of his internal monolog is extended/played for time because of the video game format and it just becomes hilariously melodramatic at times when you consider the logistics of the amount of murders in the time frame of the plot and level etc
Why is everyone who posts this character a massive retard
“Walker died in that helicopter”