Find a single flaw

Attached: 6335256445.jpg (1200x675, 127K)

no teeth

You've got no eyes, buddy.

She isn't sitting on my face right now

sounds like a plus to me

i look like this version of zelda ask me anything

can I have a copy of minecraft

Are you a boy?


thank god sakurai went with a different design rather than that fugly yoga pants whore

not TP zelda

I still prefer the icy aura of TPZelda.

Attached: 1538744564955.jpg (1280x720, 176K)

your lying and if you're not im very jealous

Disgusting open toe whore shoes.

Not TP Zelda.

Attached: 1531158543268.png (800x800, 735K)

the people who main her are smelly retards and I hate them.

No one's using the model to make porn.

Attached: 1548254699067.webm (1280x612, 2.98M)

100% the people plays with her?
Why they hav other 947 characters?

She's not best Zelda

Attached: 412c50d6cb25b3e8ec6beb4269b87fb6.gif (450x389, 2.8M)

She is though. Why did you post a picture of the shittiest Zelda?

Up B's hitbox is stupid and the flame special lingers for far too damn long.

She's busy taking a picture there when that volcano is clearly about to blow. Get out of there lady.

Show pics

can you show us your feet

Ho bad do you have to be to complain about those moves?

Every single Zelda game that comes out where she has more of the spotlight becomes worse by sheer default. I hate Try Hard Gurl Powah garbage twats like WW Zelda or annoying "intellectual" cunts like Breath of the Wild who also is lucky Link has no spine to tell her to go fuck herself.

Shut up you fucking baiting faggot.
Only time Yea Forums has a good looking girl browsing it they're a worthless fucking slut cam whore.
Fucking kill yourself.

None, her feet are perfect,

Attached: 9B817B70-A2E7-49C3-81D1-970B21736291.jpg (620x766, 158K)

The only right question.

Seconding a picture of your feet please.

>Link has no spine to tell her to go fuck herself.
Link has the spine to suck it up, and not talk back when it's clearly not his place to do so. His character not that complex but you still misunderstood it.

Who hurt you? What was her name?

Having no dignity and being a doormat tool is NOT admirable for a hero. Fuck royalty, besides if I was in Link's position I'd punch that cunt repeatedly til she learned that being a rude cunt will not be tolerated. What's she going to do? Lock up the ONLY person who has the power to fight back against Ganon? She's out of luck in there.

It takes real courage for a man to tell a cunt she's full of shit and should go to hell. Link has no such courage since he's just Hylia's Puppet and that's why he's a shit character who is lame and a loser.

she forget the rope, shes sheik the trannytard

You will never sniff her farts

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She's white

Her feets are not on my face

Those feet aren’t in my face

Why? You'll dox me
Yes but I don't think I should


How the fuck do you have elf ears?

post feet and i'll send $10


Glad you agree. Now hurry up and tie the noose fag.

>Virginity status
And I might consider courting you


Come on don't be stingy. Let's see those tootsies.

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Can't, she stinkin cute

Attached: __princess_zelda_super_smash_bros_ultimate_and_etc_drawn_by_liyart__4f811cc6ce6b0085f306325f406296bf (821x1200, 115K)

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she isn't real


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do you have any interest in moving to the midwest to be a housewife for a guy that's single but has kids with a stable job and his own place?

Seems you posted the wrong pic.

Attached: 1466287700155.png (288x340, 146K)

i tried

Attached: zeldo2.png (1920x1080, 1.43M)

fuck off

Damn Zelda has sexy feet

Meh, not bad. Can't tell if trap tho.

>new ip
>people are falling for this

Stupid bitch who I would have probably bullied for 5 years and then try to date later.

She is bottom tier

>desktop posting
>take a pic, post from phone

>phones don't have wifi

Uh, no.

Attached: 1541209185320.png (331x290, 42K)

>phones can't use mobile data

Seething manfoot tranny

>wasting mobile data when you can connect to your home network


She’s not on my dick.

If you are being honest I hope you live a happy life. That is all

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She's not wearing any tights

>always having wifi enabled
>not having unlimited data

logically what you're saying makes sense and I agree it very likely it isn't "her"
but in response to not wasting the heavy bandwidth cost of solving a captcha and uploading a short string of text, I do it sometimes when posting something that might risk a ban

>not having wifi enabled at home
>paying for data you don't use

Attached: 1533406131914.png (800x800, 673K)

HW and TW Zeldas are vastly superior.

I want the feet, gimme the feet!

Attached: 9188D21B-0F9E-4884-B445-6752907E0365.jpg (1280x905, 174K)

Not showing her cute tummy

Attached: __link_and_princess_zelda_the_legend_of_zelda_drawn_by_mynare__cdbc3c3bab268a39ef3ee3db2420b247.jpg (587x900, 67K)

Where is the futa versions?
I can't apreciate feminine cuteness without a big and flacid dong or a small cute dick.

How about that her facial expression conveys an IQ similar to the temperature of my fridge.

F, K or C?

There isn't and anyone who disagrees is a fag basedboy.

Attached: zeldabluedress.jpg (1920x1080, 260K)

Best Alt
Best Zelda
Best girl in smash
Best girl in Nintendo
Best girl she's so cute

Saku, is that you?

Reminder, Princess Zelda of the LttP age is pure and wholesome and not meant for lewds.

Ah, yes.......
The ORIGINAL BLUE dress...........

Shit neutral, terrible disadvantage state

Her neutral is okay, she actually has decent match ups with Olimar and Snake and a few other high tiers.

Maybe I should say, shit approach options

More of a problem in some matchups than others

god I wish

ugly knife chin on insects like
shit netcode when even indies like Brawlhalla do way better

Attached: Z.jpg (195x146, 3K)

Not TP Zelda

she isn't on my face right now

Attached: zelda butt.gif (1200x1000, 869K)

Zelda would never

Attached: Upset Princess.png (700x546, 181K)

>Oh no, he's retarded...

Attached: 1554521480209.gif (216x216, 1.45M)

>She's not Wii Fit trainer
>Just a Young Link for the "I only play girl char" crowd
>Low tier
>Not Wii Fit Trainer
>Not an honorable character
>Wears a dress
>Doesn't push you to be the best you you can be
>Not Wii Fit Trainer

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Genuinely asking; don't take this as a jab:

Why is GOOD lighting apparently so difficult in SFM?

There's such a clear gap between average and top tier overwatch porn, for example.

what does your butthole smell like?


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Good. Got tired of resting bitch face.

Chaika face/10

Her face was fine fagit

All of your waifus are shit, because they're not perfect, like Chadedede

god i wanna lick the sweat off of nanachi's feet

existence discarded

Needs bigger tits.

Attached: 1546896230634.png (416x435, 99K)

Weirdo, Nanachi is a bun

I know uwu

Attached: Nanachi Bun.jpg (786x1024, 86K)

please step on my face


Is Zelda actually good in this game?

>She's not best Zelda
Pic related is the best Zelda

Attached: midna.jpg (800x1097, 250K)

Better than previous iterations

Attached: Zelda Woomy.jpg (1200x1600, 202K)

Her feet aren't on my face.

I really wish she was fucking playable.


What would even be Midna's moveset?

They could pull a good chunk from Hyrule Warriors.

Attached: Princess.png (480x586, 92K)

There's something wrong with this Zelda

Looks fine to me

I want skull kid

skirt too long --> no upskirt
bonus flaw: trapped in the trash called smash

pleb status: filtered

>Zelda is good now
>Sheik is ass now

It's not fair bros...

Attached: 3fd1e3430324fc715d5a77890e8c9d1a.png (800x1100, 775K)

Sheik got buffs recently

Are the Zelda reps good yet?

shes from a shit series that literal casuals play and spend on merch for.
there are no women on Yea Forums, imagine craving attention this badly as a male :(

But which one is cuter?

zelda is better but i wouldn't say competitively viable. its a shame about shiek, though,

Being so cute it's disgusting.

Attached: zelda chin hold.png (1416x1360, 1.31M)

Link, Shota Link, and Ganon are good. Everyone else is ok.


which shota link, there are two

>he’s never been gum’d
You poor soul

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Shota Realistic Link

That’s not even TP Zelda

I’ll bet they smell like vinegar

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Are you Staci?

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They don't help that she can't kill anything.

You have to go balls fucking deep offstage and get a back air or a cheeky bouncing fish to have any hope of taking a stock.

>no time stamp
People are retards

Flat is justice

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Poor Sheik

>It's not fair bros...
It's the definition of fair.

flat girls can't feed their babies, fact
