Is Granblue just fucking done with giving out free characters in new events or what? This is some fucking bullshit...

Is Granblue just fucking done with giving out free characters in new events or what? This is some fucking bullshit. Was the last new event character ever really that stupid fucking cat? At least I actually have Jamil.

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Other urls found in this thread:ゾーイ -アカウント グラブル?translationType=1!E90EGKja!e7iSrCrQYeF_0_72GC4T-g

He needs an ssr

He cute

Man we get so much fucking rolls 3 to 4 times a year, stop complaining about some monthly SRs.

finish your autism wars, you only have a few hours left.

Those monthly SRs are what tide me over between the free rolls. I can't live without them.

So for someone just starting out, should I just be getting all classes to 30 in every row and worrying about EMP down the line?
Also it took me until the sixth location to figure out the town tab with the shop, christ

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Because unless its an ssr people only use them as skins.You'll still get characters for collab events.

use the wiki when in doubt, and yeah level the classes for the bonuses.

Can someone help with this? 79CA44D8

It's been half an hour and nobody's showing up and I'm not strong enough to beat it. I still don't get how this works, I request help and sometimes some Japanese guy shows up within a minute and one hits the boss and sometimes nobody does.

Give me one reason why Gacha players shouldn't be dragged out of their homes and shot by government death squads.

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Post mature ladies

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people aren't showing up now because nm100 is up and they just want maximum honors for rankings.

SSR Sandalphon wasn't that long ago, and he's actually usable, unlike whatever shitty SR you'd get from an event you're crying like a bitch about.

Oh, I see. I was just doing it because I hadn't gotten the crystals from it yet. But right after I posted that someone did show up and help so if that was someone from here then thank you.

Bro I just want waifus and husbandos, I don't care about viability.

This is you.

SR event characters are pointless anyways, none of them are even good for Renown farming. I'd rather have literally any other reward.

I want to give cock my rooster.

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>Implying I'm clicking a link to a fucking gacha wiki
No way, fag.

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You don't have to click it because it's in the URL, but I guess you're too smooth-brained to comprehend when you are being insulted.

Also if you want to get technical, Sandalphon was over a year ago because Paradise Lost was a 2018 event and they only gave him in 000 for people who hadn't already got him in Paradise Lost.

true, but sometimes they're superior skins to the ssr counterparts

Fuck off to /vg/ gachafags

>Calling anyone dumb when you play chink skinner boxes
My sides

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Blah, blah, blah.

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Guys, she's only 16. Don't do this.

You are so stupid

A Peace of the Pie was a 2016 event, that Lily is not new. The last two free characters were Cassius, and Young Cat.

>implying OP played the game since 2016

Well it's still not a new character. Here's the question though, if nobody likes the free event SRs, why did it take them five years of this game's life, until 2019, before they decided "Okay we're going to stop doing this"? I think they just want to push people into spending more money on the draws, because now you can't have a free Jeanne d'Arc to tide you over until you get the SSR one, no, you HAVE to get her from the draws.

Because event SRs are usually shit unless they're rare gimmick ones like Arthur backline memes
Creating a new character with new moves to be balanced knowing no one will use them is a waste of time, Sandalphons was super good because he's their flagship homo and they need money from women

Man when has this game ever cared about balancing the moves? They still have to do animation and voice work and so on when they make a new costume, the only difference is that you don't get a character out of it.

So you say you appreciate their purpose to be glorified skins but do not like it when you are given actual skins?

The difference is that when they are characters you can use them if you don't have the character. When they're skins you can't use them at all. What would have been the loss of making this Jamil a character instead of a skin?

Because event SRs are good for new players and it wasn't until relatively recently that they started putting more and more old events in the side stories so they could be accessed at any time.
Also, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I don't want to farm any more nm100s but I still have 1200+ meat left

>when has this game ever cared about balancing the moves
Did you just forget a bunch of characters getting new EMP skills this month or something? Or the multiple 5*s we get which act as rebalances since it brings up shit tier SSR/SRs to be usable and even great?

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>posts game that is responsible for lootboxes

>Supporting gacha in any way at all
thanks for contributing to making video games even worse

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Jamil would have 3 SRs
Which isn't as bad as other neglected things but mark my words you will see either a Ladiva or Jamil SSR in the gachapool and it very likely will be earth

I ordered one for $20 off Yahoo auctions
How did I do, lads?

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Plus RIRY IS CORE now, I can't wait to finish my Ultima staff so I can staff meme with Lily, Europa and Altair.

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Sorry but Granblue is making games BETTER
Any other Gacha can fuck off though

I'll stop playing gatchas when all MMOs get closed down.

Better than the guy who paid $500 for it, that's for sure. What the fuck is going on, what drove the value down so much that it's only $20 now? Maybe I should get one.

what do I search for on yahoo auctions to find them

20 is a really good price especially for zoi
good job user, american shmucks are paying 40+ for these straight from the source

I wonder when they're going to cut the bullshit and announce PC versions of these. Granblue is, first and foremost, a PC game, after all.

They probably paid $500 for the actual character, not the card.
Zooey on the game is an exclusive you get for signing up for the granblue Visa card

For me, it's draph titties.

They said they want to bring both games to PC, so just wait and see.ゾーイ -アカウント グラブル?translationType=1
I bought it through this, a proxy service since most Yahoo auctions people won't ship out of Japan

Up to row III for sure, but for extra classes you should start balancing CP cost to what you get from the mastery bonus.

For me, it's humans

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I used to be exclusively a flat chests guy, but draphs reawakened my love for large breasts.


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Not from you though tripnigger.

On topic of classes, trying to build my first CCW here. What's the best strategy to farm these masses of distinctions I need? Hosting the relevant Ex3-X is expensive as hell in AP.

>Is Granblue just fucking done with giving out free characters in new events or what?
Is that really a problem when majority of them suck ass and these days even if you were to start fresh you'd have acess to over 100 free rolls from sidestories alone? At least skins can still be used on the SSR characters that you have

Oh well.

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just buy distinctions from the shop, farming them is too much of a pain. The month is about to end so buy them before the reset.

I'll take more from you, I don't judge.

If you're talking about prestige pendant shop there does not seem to be limits on distinctions.

post Zoi please


play some different game you gacha addict

Shut up, you white guy.

I also have him but then again who the fuck even uses SR characters

Lyria, Jin and Mirrin for one turn 20 million damage (OTK) setups for Guild Wars

Why do you think they made a few SR characters really strong, but nobody else?

The only SR character i've noticed to be really strong (other than the main story ones) is Earth Lowain with his "otherworldly" damage

Because in Shironeko Project's and Granblue's case it actually funded real games like the ZoE2 remake, Granblue Relink/Versus and the upcoming Shironeko RPG on switch. You can proceed with your plan on FGO players tho, the only thing they did with that money is make an arcade gacha game.

The same reason only one R character is worth using over the whole lot of them. Gimmicks.

It’s just how their skills are designed for specific things which makes them useful for one boss. And it’s not all SSRs are useful

Well. I'll still use them anyway because they're cute and that's what really matters. I mean, what's the point? To try and be on the leaderboards in U&F? Ain't nobody got time for that shit.

Jamil is a great SR tho, especially if you're a newshitter, I remember bringing him to Levi all the time since he ougis for 1mil over nothing.

>arcade gacha game
That's a thing?

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Yes, it's awful.

I'm reading about it and it seems it actually prints out physical cards that you can play with. Check this out though:

>The sheer greed of this game is something everyone needs to understand. I'll try to break it down. The game operates with stamina. You get 300 stamina per 100 yen to play (roughly 1$). A mission costs 250 stamina. Stamina also counts down, 1 per second, as you sit at the machine and do things, like enhance your servants or navigate menus. For someone like me who was trying to figure out what to do without knowing any Japanese, I often would pay a 100 yen coin, spend 50 seconds enhancing my servants and figuring out the menu, and then have to pay another coin to actually do the mission.

>Each summon also costs an extra 100 yen coin. Got your ticket after a mission and want to use it? 100 yen. Got a ten roll after a bunch of missions? That's 1000 yen. You're not only paying to play, you're paying separately to summon. Earning summon tickets and rainbow sand in game feels like you're playing for the "privilege" to pay even more.

Don't talk shit about the cat, he can give free ougi on backline

>here is your new versus character

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All these years and all the fetishes Granblue caters to and yet Ladiva remains the only muscle fetish woman in the game.

Looks like Dissidia NT but bad. Also I hate how /GO made NPs into jokes in general.

iirc when they first revealed it they also said that you have to pay extra for you play if you want to summon, BUT you can only summon after you win a stage, so if you paid extra and lost, you get nothing. But your pharagraphs sound a bit different, I wonder if they changed the system few times now
Also fun fact, in order to get people to play this garbage they had to throw in a loli DaVinci servant with randoresu

>young Ladiva
Jesus Christ my fucking dick. What a good balance of pretty boy and buff bara traits.

When you think about it just about every character in the entire game is worthless because you'll eventually get the Eternals for free and they're better than everyone.

Sandalfag was free recently and he is a 5 stars SSR char

You can't make a full Eternal team because not only they're all different elements they all have different roles and play differently from one another.

Some of us have real life obligations to tend to, mate

They may add more proving grounds type of content in the future for all we know.

We already know pricunny collab will give Kyaru SR and Code Geass will probably give SSR Lelouch

Shit, is it worth it? How much does it cost for JP citizens to get from CyGames?

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Is Karyl really going to be an SR when both Pecorine and Kokkoro were SSRs? That would be kind of lame. Side note how would Lelouch even fight, he's not exactly known for his prowess in on-foot combat. Now if it was Suzaku I could see him being the best melee unit in the game.

>Is Granblue just fucking done with giving out free characters
you get a bunch of characters from side stories, enough for a new player to make a full team and weapons from it to make a beginners grid
Wish they'd release more side stories, fingers crossed for the Slayers and Street Fighter collabs getting added

It's speculation we don't know their rarity.
Also we already have Conan and Idols as units, I don't think being good in combat is a factor at this point

The grind is cancer

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Sakura Taisen girls had switching in and out of their mechs on ougi, but theirs are comparatively small.

What's up with all of these coming with a picture of the character? Is it autographed by the seiyuu in character as the character?

Nah its just the "unique" drawing of the character as thank you for valentine gift

Valentine / White Day gifts from the characters. You purchase a gift to "send" to your favorite character and in return, you get a portrait of that character. The autographs aren't from the seiyuus but from the characters themselves.

No human being should go through the hellish process of FLB an eternal or even just making one, you're supposed to play video games for fun not to encourage yourself to commit suicide

>Not FLBing all the Eternals just for the skin

What's up with Gilgamesh looking like Ganondorf in this game?

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They've been done for like a year, events are like 90% disappointment these days. At least the Medusa one was mostly good.

>1 week futaposting in the general
Primal Resonance was a mistake

You are getting a new SSR in like 2 days dude.

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Well I hope you learnt your lesson

What aspect of Primal Resonance caused futaposting in the general? I didn't have time to read that event.

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>events are like 90% disappointment these days
For you. Everyone else seems to be satisfied.

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At least FGO has events that are worth reading.

FGO events also take a fraction of the time to read because they have no voice acting at all whereas GBF events take upwards of six hours when you listen to the voice acting which you should because it's a waste not to.

I can't believe there's fags out there that play with the audio off, skip the voice acting, or skip event dialogue altogether, I always wonder why they even bother to play the game at that point, when half the game is literally these stories.

I'm happy to read a new story while I get free Crystals/Tickets for my spark and skins for my relevant SSR characters.
The only things I really want are
>more society and robomi events

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Yeah. It's practically a visual novel with RPG elements. Which I know not everyone on Yea Forums likes but I do and that's a large part of why I stick with it.

I know a couple people in my crew who do exactly that. Where they just don't care about the stories and characters, and then try to take pride in doing so. I can tell you that they're not that fun to be around.

for grinding efficiency
I go to journal after an event is over to read the dialogue/listen to audio
those Damascus crytals, rings, urns, tickets ain't going to grind themselves unless you put in the work immediately

Yeah people like that are stinkers, like, the gameplay of the game isn't deep enough to stick around if not for the characters and the stories, makes me wonder what they are even doing playing the game. I mean I love the game and the gameplay suffices, but you know what i mean.

At least you go back to it, these people just don't bother and never listen to any of it. At the end of the day they are just playing a glorified cookie clicker.

I don't understand what the appeal is if not for the story, it's not the grind nor the autistic number simulator. I play Disgaea and I still hate grid building.

Probably because a government death squad shouldn't be fulfilling a request made by an edgy teenager.

Those guys are the same retards than pic related.
It's easy to spot them, you only have to talk about the background and story of a character to know it.

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god bless gaben for starting the lootbox trend

Frankly if a government has a "death squad" in the first place then that government is a failure.

I can't deny that I find the MMO-ish aspects of the game to be enjoyable on occasion, but my enjoyment of them is secondary to my enjoyment of the story.

>more society events
Vaseraga is a bro, and Ilsa/Zeta/Beatrix are cuties
Also I'm liking this side saga going from primal beast hunters to Metal Gear Moon Wars

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I don't normally read GBF doujins but I was browsing that one site and saw one with Zeta and Beatrix and I just want to say it was very good.

This is smart but the downside of this is that you get the bosses spoiled for you. Sometimes they're obvious but there's nothing quite like the surprise of reading the story and then the boss turns out to be "Machorilla."

Yewp this is exactly why I always set time aside when I know a new event will hit so I can just lay down and read through it all in one sitting so I can then start grinding the event/doing daily missions.

user why did you save a picture of my wife

I'm just mad that this isn't a costume.

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me too

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Oh good, a GBF thread. I can avoid going to the miasma of /vg/ for this very noobish question; when is the right time to start building my class weapon? I happened to start the game luckily in the last flash gala, so I have a bretty okay team for each element (read as: decent enough to survive, but usually lacking healers), I have multiple tier 3 classes and dancer (which I am sticking to because it's fabulous.)
But all the guides on progression are a fucking mess so I can't tell what the fuck am I meant to do after plateauing at around 20~22 output in my "star".
Should I just be grinding casino poker to get a bahamut dagger?

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That was a glorious week

At least those show up in the game

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You can't finish your class weapon until you reach rank 101 anyway as it requires materials from fights you can only do past 101. And, make a EX2 class weapon like that you get two things done at once. (Like a kaneshige or something)
Only do casino if you find it fun or for skins/maaaybe moonlight stones, and to get coins so you can buy daily halfpots and berries.

Mkay, so I should just push storyline ahead until I reach a wall I can't really get past, then the rest just grind out with Slime research and so forth, yeah?

You should get through the first section of the story so you can get your freebie baha weapon out of the side stories. Feel free to build cheesy GO teams or use full elixirs to get there. Though at 21-22 power you should be able to do it without too much trouble.

Class weapons you should start on as soon as you can do the farming without trouble. Doing an EX2 CC weapon will get you the most bang for your buck. Getting the showdown mats is the most painful part so once you decide which one you want, start doing the relevant maniac showdown daily. You'll still have to wait until rank 100 to finish, but you can gather almost all the mats beforehand.


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>do story
>do side story or event
>grind dailies

Yeah you could try doing story until you can't anymore, then start working on your grid instead, focus on one element you like or have more SSR characters of, then work on a grid by doing the Omegas of that element(at least do the first 6 islands to unlock all the omega fights, but doing more of that is also recommended), look up guides on grid building.

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I'm extremely disappointed that the Gilgamesh in GBF isn't some mythical King with more power than sense

Fuck skin. Give me another Ilsa alt

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The only good thing about that event was Geo/Nezha
Medusa, Satyr, Baal and Arcarum Lite were garbage

>when is the right time to start building my class weapon?
101 becuase thats when it can be actually maxed and actually useful, but not all class weapons are, Kengo's Kaneshige and Rune Slayer's Tetrastreamer are the biggest examples of MUST HAVE weapons(but that also limits those classes to being usable to their fullest in only the elements where you have the weapon crafted). Some class weapons just arent worth it and some are very situational, since you love Dancer so much I can safely say that the two best weapons for it in wind and dark are rose dagger and parazonium, both from limited characters, so keep an eye out if you ever get those, they are amazing

June is the wedding season soooo you might yet get your wish

Because they don't need to. KMR knows you'll eat it up anyways. Giving out a welfare does not get you trending on Twitter, so it's useless to him.

IMAGINE being Held Under by Varuna's big fat octopussy

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Alright, cool, thanks. Yeah I mean... Unlocking omegas has been done, no issue there. (I am at main quest 90, so I have most things out in the open by now, and all side stories have been done, though I have yet to farm the extra merits you can get from them, per example.)
My issue mainly is not knowing what element to focus on. I did roll Gimnir and Sen on Wind though, and they seem high on the list of favourites.
On the other hand I also have De La Fille and Sandalphon on Light, and Aiodos and Sturm on Fire.
Essentially I have at least a very good SSR on every element, really.

>Giving out a welfare does not get you trending on Twitter, so it's useless to him.
Really because FGO gives out welfare servants all the time and it was the most popular game on Twitter in 2018.

*folds arms, leans back against wall and smirks*

honestly just follow your dick, play the one that has the character you think is the coolest/hottest/cutest etc.

*teleports behind you*


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You are now inside a wall.

Good, because it's the rainbow era and you're gonna need to play every element anyway. Just pick one at random and get started.

She is so perfect.

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>all the time
FGO has given out the exact same amount of new welfares as KMR has this year; exactly one.

How is you Ilsa collection going bros?

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You must really love her if that is an image you found worth saving.

Because free servants are the only servants you will be really getting in the game at 1%

In game I have both her units.
My Ilsa folder has about 100 unique pieces of art.

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Which is also why all of them are actually useful.

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Sounds like someone isn't ready to order

Yes I do
>about 100 unique pieces of art

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Do What makes the sky blue sidestory you get a Bahamut weapon for free already upgraded to Nova

101 thanks to that image you just posted.

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I wish I started this game years ago when it was new. Trying to get into magna raids before they die in 30 seconds for your first weapon grid is suffering. Is there any better way to go about this?

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Just passed 300 user step it up

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FGO 2019 has only given only one welfare servant, this year and the second arc of losbelt has been really drough of events. Normally introducing 1 new limited SR or SSR for a new event or rerun and weeks of no events.

>tfw only have an elechanged Murakumo
It doesn't do much damage yet, maybe due to my shitty M1 grid, but is the Unsigned Kaneshige with an emblem really as powerful as people say?

Priconne event is being added to side stories in like 2 days. You're getting at least 2 SSRs, maybe 3 in Karyl.

Do coop trains. 6-10 people is comfortable territory.

What if Karyl is the first SSSR?

Priconne will have a Re:Zero collab next week

Oh, damn it. I wish this game was in English.

What's your top 3 most wanted characters for Versus?
for me it's
>3.Black Knight

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Why the fuck is the romanization Karyl again

I've yet to ever try co-op, thinking that I was probably too weak for it and didn't want to burden people. I'll have to look into it more.

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no order

I wonder what collab Granblue will get after Code Geass and OG Love Live.

Oh yeah I heard a funny thing how in 2018(or was it 2017) they introduced like 20+ 5*, only two of which weren't limited, both of them were also garbage

Huh. So all of these gacha games gradually start abandoning free stuff, apparently. I think the success is going to their heads. This is why things are better when they're a little obscure. Not so obscure that nobody's playing and the game dies, but obscure enough that they feel motivated to make the player feel welcome.

If it's M2, the nips will just be happy you host and let them nuke the damn things. Just try and get your blue chests man.

You don't do it for dmg, you need the weapon to spam Ougi/Charged Attacks, elements such as earth can reach the maximun dmg easily with Alex weapons so haven a weapon that enable charged attack spam is really op. You also need characters with 200% charged bar or powerful CA

Unsigned Kaneshige with emblems fill everyone charged bar very easily and enable your kengo to be in 200% with ease as well since it has a permanent 50% charged bar and increase bar gain to everyone else for a few turns + 15% refill.

Half the Neptunia cast already voices someone in Cygames products so please, give me neps

Goblin Slayer hopefully.

Naru, De La Fille, Siegfried


Is GBF ougi cooler than this?

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Arifureta. SSR Hajime will save gun dark.

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Ah, so that's why. Thanks user, I understand now. I was shocked when I saw the lower damage, but if it's constant ougis, that makes sense, especially with my Grea and Silva whos ougis hit the damage cap for me even on a shitty M1 grid. Fucking nice, can't wait to finish the weapon then. Too bad I need to farm Astaroth for it.

Well we fans thought 2018 was trash but 2019 is completely beating it now. Almost 180 days without a new story chapter, FGO story chapter are important because not only the story but they introduce a bunch of new faces for the game.

>Drang and Sturm/Maids

granblue has been giving other free stuff instead, like free weapons and more crystals so they havent abandoned the free stuff its just replaced with other free stuff
but honestly i would take those event SRs instead myself, i like those extra fates and its 2 arts instead of 1 like these skins are

That looks pretty bad to be honest.

Is Nasu kill?


>but is the Unsigned Kaneshige with an emblem really as powerful as people say?
Your Kengo becomes a retarded ougi bar battery for entire team, pair it up with any character that can get Kengo's bar quicker(S.Grea) and you start spamming ougi's every other turn

Not really, the reality is that most of us don't want any new welfare units, we have every SR in the game already and these units just clutter up our character lists and gather dust, as they'll never be used due to being too weak. We mostly prefer new skins to use on our usable SSRs.

Too OP user, not many people can beat him.

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No but he washed his hands of FGO and refuses to work on it any more.

>porn garbage
I'd sooner play FGO you desperate virgin

They should make it something completely unexpected and out of place like Yuru Camp.

If the main theme for the collab isn't jibun wo I'll be extremely disappointed.

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Nice, I have S.Grea and Silva who do ridiculous amounts of damage. Too bad I can't fit Lily into the team since it's 3 Unknown/ 1 Human, I'd like to put Altair in but his ougi really doesn't hit very hard.

>Almost 180 days without a new story chapter
>FGO apologists keep saying the story is worth playing the game for
>They stop releasing any story
oh my sides

>Cuc is stronger than 12 wings Sandy
Based gun girl

Attached: d1d57f7d979bb0edbd7363e5518b75d0.jpg (453x500, 152K)

>tfw too casual to understand what most anons are saying

>I have S.Grea and Silva
Oh yeah man you are very much set on the way to Water Kengo memes, you could only make it better if you had a maxed out Bonito for isntant 200%

How about this

Attached: suupaafuriizu.webm (478x360, 2.65M)

back to /vg/ you go

Thankfully support bonitos work fine too. Right now my biggest issue is not having dog and I'm a weak willed person that has trouble saving crystals. Also no M2 weapons, I'm rushing the story to unlock the M2 raids, on chapter 92 now I think.

Yeah because telling people on Yea Forums what to do always works.

It all looks better than FGO but worse than GBF.

I like this one more but chances are it's the big titties that I like.

Nasu said he was tired of FGO. He initially wrote the first 7 chapters and was done, but after being so succesful he thought about lostbelt chapter as sequel, while EoR was like sidestory fillers to give him time, he put his mind on it but last year he told in a stream that after Losbelt FGO will be done and he will retire from the game finishing the game completely, the stream that was for new year celebration turn into sadness lol , and now it seems DW is just delaying the main chapters because it will be their doom.

nah, our threads are better than /gbfg/ and since we have Versus and Relink incoming, you will see us FOR MONTHS so deal with it fag.

Wait, Nasu actually writes for FGO? I figured they pulled some jackass out of nowhere like they do for all the other spinoff games. He must really like that money.


I dropped Taimanin Asagi RPGX, the gacha rates are trash but what is worse once you done with the story gathering 50 crystals is very fucking shit because events give so little.

I didn't realize Ilsa had so many genuine fans. Do you think she'll be the gun user they put in GBFV? That's who everyone seems to think it will be. There's really not a better choice.

>do minimal work
>"i'm tired of FGO"
>make a bunch of fucking Extraverse garbage like Last encore
Fucking Nasu.

>all the other spin off games
Every Fate game has been written by Nasu except for Extella Link.

Nasu supervise the whole work, he wrote a few chapters like the most important ones while the others writters are his friends and normally consult with him


>There's really not a better choice.
There are at least 3 other gun girls plus Eustace that she'd be competing with to get in.

Attached: 604dd64c35130ac2c3a55eb6e1e35b1d.png (1273x1800, 2.19M)

What about Extella? That was genuinely one of the worst written games I have played in years outside of the Altera chapter.

Just spend some time reading the wiki. It is one of the most helpful wikis I have ever seen, every little thing is explained in great detail and very easy to read.

Its fun using R and HR team for event, but yeah the rate is pretty shit

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Grubble is pretty confusing, feel free to ask what you don't understand.

I only see Cucouroux and Ilsa as good choices

Their data and research found that no one liked event SRs because they’re garbage so instead of reworking those they decided to give skins to characters who make supporting appearances in stories.

How is the Taimanin mobage? Is there lots of orc dickings? Is best girl Shiranui in it?

Tried the wiki, didn't work. Only really use it for understanding skills.
Pretty much asked everything i wanted too in past threads and im still confused.

Ilsa is from the end of 2017, so she is maybe too recent to be in the base game.
I think that they will pick a different gun character for it, but in term of gameplay she is pretty unique with her bullet management so she will maybe be in the first or second season pass.

I bet that they will use Silva as an Elphelt function but with her sisters as assists skills to help her snipe the opponent.

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>Their data and research found that no one liked event SRs
I find it hard to believe that they needed research to confirm that. Logically, who the fuck uses SRs when they have SSR options? Only exception I know of is Richard and he's situational as fuck.

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Its more tame that the older version but there are still some ganbang here and there. Shiranui is in the game, she even had a limited free version where she please fatmen for money.

I'm a little bit of a newbie too so maybe I could relate, what is confusing you? If it's Atma/ Ultima I can't help though, haven't dabbled with that yet.

Well the fact that you are not asking right now doesn't make it very easy for us to help you.

All Nasu.

Except they were giving out welfares for supporting characters as well, and a welfare is just a costume with two sprites, two portraits, and Fate Episodes. They're not giving out welfares because it's cheaper.

Samurai SR can be useful for ougi setups Lyria too becuase of her damage cap

Nasu and Sakurai are the worst possible combos. The worst chapters in FGO are Sakurai's as well.

Fucking hell, how did he go from Extra to Extella.


because he's a hack

Is it just event SRs that are considered weak or are premium draw SRs weak too? I want Erin because she is cute but she only has an SR.

Wait, the Super Smash Bros. guy writes FGO?

which ones are sakurai chapters?

Welfares were pretty much always the main characters of their events, wheres skins go to people who show up briefly for a scene and don’t do much else, such as Slav Percival, cooking Lyria and Zooey.

There are plenty of SRs that are better than SSRs.

Different Sakurai. Like Motomu Toriyama/ Akira Toriyama and Hideo Kojima/ Hideo Baba.

Do you mean RPGX or battle arena? battle arena is killed, RPGX is still doing fine
>Is there lots of orc dickings
RPGX is more like high school SoL, mostly vanilla, some orc dickings and gangbanging, some NTR here and there but nothing too serious
> Is best girl Shiranui in it
Yeah but she is evil and constantly sending her video clip to the MC

Attached: sample_7fe9ee43d46e7f3e90f3b8d57c0dab80.jpg (850x867, 134K)

Yes, you didn't know it was written by a black man?

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>Yeah but she is evil
Well she becomes a demon in the VNs right? Not surprising. She's still hot as fuck.
>constantly sending her video clip to the MC
Tell me more.

>some orc dickings and gangbanging, some NTR here and there but nothing too serious
What a strange sentence.

Okay question then. What is M1/M2? Always see people talk about it for grids?(still don't have a decent one yet)

Magna1 Magna2
Magna 1 is stuff like Tiamat, Leviathan, Yggdrasil
Magna 2 is Grimnir, Europa, Alexiel, etc

Shiranui doesn't send the video clips, the MC gets sent them by Yazaki the guy fucking her

Is there any way to just watch the h scene from the game?

There is not a lot of choices for Gun characters:
>Black Knight (not her primary weapon)
>Camieux (not the most popular sister)
>Cucouroux (end of 2016)
>Eugen (Background of the Grandcypher stage)
>Eustace (end of 2015)
>Ilsa (end of 2017, maybe too recent)
>Jessica (here from the first year, only SRs)
>Rackam (Background of the Grandcypher stage)
>Razia (more like a Gunlance)
>Silva (Sniper, not really guns too)
>Tien (doubt they will choose her from the Eternals crew)
>Zooey (multiple weapons user)
So out of those who are not really gunners or already in the brackground of a stage, I would say that Cuc, Eustace, Jessica and Ilsa are the most likely to have the spot for a classic gun user type of character.

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The fact that people use the Japanese terms probably makes it more confusing than it hould be, because Magna is called Omega in the English version.

M1 grids are from the omega level 1 raids that you unlock at rank 30 (tia omega, lev omega, etc).

M2 are for the raids you unlock at 120 (Shiva,Alex,Grim,etc).

I want to FUCK Jamil

Attached: 7_1.jpg (846x1527, 482K)

Only concern yourself with M1 for now. Have you unlocked the Tiamat/ Leviathan/ Colossus raids yet? They drop Magna 1 weapons and summons. A grid normally uses 5-6 Magna weapons, 1-2 Unknown weapons, a Seraphic, a Bahamut weapon and one more, and with a Magna summon equipped as the main summon. Here are the examples of what to aim for.

I completely forgot Jessica existed. Just like Cygames did ;_;

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There's a viewer

Yeah she is full fledged succubus now
>battle arena

Get in line!E90EGKja!e7iSrCrQYeF_0_72GC4T-g

Absolutely based. Thanks user.

Is there any information on what main story chapter you have to be at to do this event? Actually, this event was the event that was going when I started playing the game so I started it but didn't finish it or get Kokkoro so when an event you started returns does it let you continue it regardless or do you have to progress the story to that chapter first?

>Have you unlocked the Tiamat/ Leviathan/ Colossus raids yet?
Yes and can I just skip to their Omega(fuck colossus and light/dark) or is that not possible

Well, they are ninja, some of them are still virgin though
>gyaru and delinquent are still virgin

That stuff is light for taimanin
The fact that Fuuma even gets to have lovey dovey sex with them at all is a huge break from the usual taimanin experience

does this game has less or more waifu cucking than fgo?

You need to do the M1 Hard raids to get gold anima to be able to do the M1 Omega raids, so both. You can also leech other people's raids.

And yeah, Colo, Lumi and Celeste are huge fucking cunts. Even with full M1 grids they are still hard to fight for me while i can 1-turn the other Magna raids.

more, in FGO everyone is actually for you because you have infinite command seals

A lot, lot less. There are a small number of characters who are already taken, but unlike FGO where they flirt with you regardless, those ones don't make a move on you.

And you can still give them a ring and marry them anyway.

Yeah, that part is sad, I feel sorry for anyone who does that.

I wonder why the fuck Colo is harder then the other main wheel M1s anyway? Seems weird to have him be an outlier.

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All the popular girls are taken

Colo is still medium, Chev/ Lumi and Celeste are the real cunts.

Well I mean, it is free.


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if there is a god we'll get a Nanoha collab

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because of the 200% def + hp regen buff added to water m1 being trash


Only if Io features prominently in it and really wants to fuck Fate.

How do I start to like this game? I like stats autism usually but every time I sit down I realize all I can do is leech magna raids after hosting my daily three, and then I think about the nightmare that is inventory management to upgrade skills and create fodder and I lose all motivation to play.

Sounds like this ain't the game for you. If you can't handle grind then don't play the grub.

Just ignore all that and make it your new goal to collect all versions of Cagliostro.

FGO nearly every single girl had a husband in life and isn't for (you)
Hell most of them flat out say they are in love with another games MC.

Attached: 1530873109694.png (850x1200, 1.3M)

What classes should i be focusing on?

Inventory management becomes non-existent when you set the game to exp fodder the worthless shit automatically, and save the good stuff for skill upgrades. There are post-battle settings you can do to save yourself the trouble.

Only Tamamo and base Nero say that and their other versions are still for you

Upgrading skills/making fodder is easy if you follow:
After doing your daily magnas, start working on the seraphic weapons or your first eternal character.
user, I play FGO, you can't fool me.

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Dark Fencer

I like grind but leeching magna raids is the most insufferable grind in the world. It's just camping a Twitter tracker and joining raids only for 4/5 of them to be nuked before you even load in. If I could just join raids and not have to worry about them being over I wouldn't hate it as much.

>play CCC event
>everyone sucking Hakuno's dick
>get Melt from a ticket
>don't even want her because of how much she sucks Hakuno's dick in her flashbacks

Attached: the shit I put up with.jpg (253x750, 71K)



But it looks ugly

I use the in-game raid finder for general leeching., it's fast and half the time doesn't have the twitter players. I only twitter leech for specific stuff that I urgently need.

Different person but I was wondering something about that. I unlocked Dark Fencer because I kept hearing it's the best class ever but I also notice it's a row III class. Is Dark Fencer really so OP that it outclasses the row IV classes? Is there something special I have to do?

The gender ignore setting perfectly lets you live out any gay, lesbian or straight fantasy you have.

For the normal versions of m1 (Ygg, Luminera, Leviathan, etc) the twitter raids tend to get nuked very quickly so you're better off using the in-game raid finder for those. Start hosting them when you're strong enough to 50% them to speed up the process, or just start leeching the impossible versions instead

This is true, they don't mention the Captain's gender at all in the dialogue in my experience. The only problem is that Zeta does not seem to be interested in me regardless.

No because , but you won't be getting class IV for a good long while while Class III is easily accessible and Dark Fencer is easily the best Class III class.

>Is Dark Fencer really so OP that it outclasses the row IV classes?
Of course not, all row4 classes are upgrades of the existing row3 classes, but you cant unlock them until 101. DF might not be "best class ever" for newbies anymore but its still helpful as fuck, since its skillset focuses on delaying boss ougis=you living longer

Dark Fencer can reduce a boss' attack and defence, makes them take longer to charge their special attacks, and delay their special attack, and can cap defense down on a boss. It's super good for raids.

Also Chaos Ruler got buffed so now it's a good upgrade for Dark Fencer.

It's just to get Miserable Mist which is the best skill of the Row III classes.
No it's clearly not the best, Chaos Ruler is a better Dark Fencer for example.
You go for Dark Fencer because it help you a lot against bosses at the beginning, but later, you will work on a class who will be the best for your team like Kengo for a Dog/Gea water team.

Well if this were true it would explain why Mash is so popular but nobody seems to be agreeing with you.

>you can't fool me.
Thats true though.
Mashu is the only girl for (you) according to Nasu.

Zeta is fight-sexual, her priorities are bullying Bea and arguing with Vas.

>The only problem is that Zeta does not seem to be interested in me regardless.
Pretty sure Zeta is just the type of girl that wants to be chased. I'm sure she'd be thrilled if danchou showed an interest in her.

Attached: __zeta_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_koza_game__66a4221fdabac0ef219c4c293e776e88.jpg (672x800, 92K)

Zeta is dense just like Korwa.

That's wrong because lesbian characters only like women and would never act nicely with male MC

>Mashu is the only girl for (you) according to Nasu.

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>lesbians can't be nice
Fuck off back to /vg/. Shouldn't you be doing your daily Vira spergout over there?

user being nice to a person doesn't mean you want to fuck them. Hell, Juliet and Aliza have lovers but they are still happy to give friendship chocolate during valentines day and wish you well. Same with the dyke characters.


Not getting addicted seems like a victory to me. Don't end up like I did

You should be able to do it regardless of level, doubly so because it's a collab event.

>nobody seems to be agreeing with you
Because its waifufags upset.

Shuten isnt for (you)
Raikou isnt for (you)
Scat isnt for (you)
Both Jeannes aren't for (you)
Carmilla isnt for (you)
Nito isnt for (you)
Quetz isnt for (you)
Semi isnt for (you)
Suzuka isnt for (you)

Tons of servants are flat out married also and never stop talking about their husbands

Aliza is honestly little more than "friendly" during her seasonals

oh my fuck please post more of this boy jamil

delusional alizacuck

Kiyohime killed her lover so technically she's fair game, right?

>Raikou isnt for (you)
>Both Jeannes aren't for (you)
>Quetz isnt for (you)

I don't even hate them but waifufags should stop liking lesbians

For some reason there is a lot of art of him so you are in luck.

nothing command seals can't fix

Every time Juliet approach you, I get really nervous and feel really bad for Romeo. Aliza at the very least have Stan, in case of Romeo he's pretty much dead as far as her knowledge go.

Both Jeannes are Seig sexual.
There was massive amounts of asspain over Jeanne Alter and Sieg going on a date this years Halloween and holding hands.

Quetz isn't for (you) because Nasu literally retconned her from her Babylonia appearance saying that was a different version than the one you summon.
Im 100% serious in that statement and not shitposting in any way.

I will never stop liking Vira.

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In a perfect world all men will be the slaves of lesbians so I think I will continue to like lesbians thank you very much.

Zeta is best bro, you love her for that and someday, a sweet moment will happen when your hands touch each other and everything will be crystal clear in her heart.

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Thank god GW is finally over...

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>There was massive amounts of asspain over Jeanne Alter and Sieg going on a date this years Halloween and holding hands


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Juliet is also getting more (you) sexual each passing year because she thinks romeo is dead and is moving on
While Romea every year just wishes the chocos you give to him were juliets instead

>There was massive amounts of asspain over Jeanne Alter and Sieg going on a date this years Halloween and holding hands
The fuck? are you mistake normal Jeanne with jeanne alter?

Nope it was Jeanne Alter.

Lesbians are just a phase until they are fixed by the dick

Other way around, actually.



Wrong, Women are naturally lesbian


No one can beat the dick

>No one can beat the dick
Uh, anyone can do that. It's called masturbation.

Black Knight, Siegfried, Nicholas

>switched to dark fencer and pwr went down

considering how MASSIVE Grancypher is and how long it took for sandy to notice lucio

it feels even odder for romeo and juliet to NOT see each other atleast for ""events"" considering who they are

It's entirely arbitrary

Dark Fencer class bonus is debuff chance, if you had something like Warrior that has passive attack of course it will go down

thats because romeo isnt actually on the ship
He is going Batman back home, i think its the same with Juliet and she is actually back home most of the time they just visit you on holidays and its easy for Romeo to avoid Juliet during those

Romeo is not even on the ship

Romeo is hiding in some country writing plays. So its really hard for Juliet to see Romeo. I'm pretty sure Paris is also making sure that Juliet will ever meet Romeo as well.

They were riding the teacups together, she was holding his hand pulling him around the park to rides she wanted to ride
>No it wasn't romantic she wasn't being tsundere this one time I swear!

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If the Grandcypher is so big then how do you explain this picture?

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Some characters don't actually live on the ship, like the Society characters. Lucio/ Sandal is bullshit though, which is why they made the meme reason of Sandal being a NEET.

Replica made by GahahahaDoor.

>Sandal being a NEET.
fucking free loading angel

>Playing Gachashit

They were in the couples group also.
Brobeard tells them all to go die.

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He helped us teleport into space that one time so I forgive him.

>Sigurd cucked by Seigfried

Looking at this picture makes me realize that Sieg and Astolfo look exactly the same except Astolfo has pink hair.

Sigurd shows up at the end up of the event and they bro it up.

DW's insistence on shipping Cardboard-kun and Jannu is funny. The more they do it, the more seething hatred it generates from Jannu fans.

10/10 doujin

Free SR character means either new character or a skin PLUS an extra piece of art and new fates episodes for favorite characters

Wasn't there a moment where Naru said no when asked about going out with Danchou?

Sandy is a shut-in with his coffee and the Cypher is allegedly the size of an airship carrier or thereabouts

What is a god?

Honestly nips dont seem to mind, its westerners who get asshurt.
Theres more Jeanne+Sieg art than any other by a long shot.

For me, it's Yggdrasil.

>Their data and research found that no one liked event SRs because they’re garbage
>source: my ass
Meanwhile moonboy cassius still remains relativity popular among fans despite being an event SR. Why don't you fuck off if you're just gonna post blatant lies.

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>I find it hard to believe that they needed research to confirm that.
There isn't no data. Try thinking critically for once in your life.

Well it helps that he's pretty good, also what is that gross looking thing on the bottom right?

Use yours crystals and buy all the stashes, literally the best investment in the game

Its very light compared to other Taimanin, some girls get raped, Yukikaze, Asaki, Murasaki for example, but almost everyone else get plenty of vanilla scenes with your mc like Asuka from Taimanin 3

Seems to be the artist's name

Are you retarded? the couple get few art compared to alter and mc

But that wasn't romantic at all, like recently Salazar trying to hit on Mashu or Jeanne alter she had a similar reaction asking for your permission to burn him.

Make me a team for each element Yea Forums.

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I straight up sparked S.Zoi just so I could use that outfit.

Attached: zoi.png (960x800, 115K)


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>posting Rs
for what reason

As much as I hate to be that guy, story will always trump events (especially very poorly received events) and story Jeanne Alter is romantically interested in the MC.

user remove those Rs and SRs.

I’m obviously referring to the majority who are alts of existing characters you retard.

Its not like they are mixed in with the SSrs, but alright.
Here ya go.

Attached: SSR_characters_25-05-2019.jpg (600x1949, 646K)

Actually, looking through this more there's shit that doesn't make any sense.
>a lot of the SSR units aren't uncapped, let alone SR or R
>every element besides Light lacks even a full frontline's worth of Level 80 characters
>>>somehow have 2 95 characters in Light of all things

The event count and the oniland halloween only summoned random servants for a tea cup ride as challenge. Jeanne alter wasn't holding hand with Sieg, she was complaining both have 0 compatibility which left Sieg depressed, seems the grail assumed any jeanne counted and in fact Semiramis also wanted to go off the silly ride but much to Amakusa amusement he kept rotating the cup like a child to make her mad.

It's more that SR and especially R units are practically worthless from a team building standpoint unless you're making pendant farming or Arcarum rarity restriction teams. Most SRs are just filler until a SSR can replace it.

why do you hate levelling up characters

Sorry user, your dick can't compare to thick, hard dragon tail

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Athena Grea Zeta Tsubasa
>that fucking water
Grea Europa Pholia+ROmeo I guess
Ayer is a must and I think Vaz is good? but I really dont know about earth
Lecia Sen Grminir
Albert Silva Sandy Double Maids
Jannu Naru Zoi(in that order) for enmity build, you can definetly experiment with Tanya, BK, Eustace and Cag for hades stamina build

I can't wait until late July to see some Relink info, I want info now CyGames! Show something at E3!

When will they announce Bea?

Attached: 1558730353082.jpg (775x1016, 101K)

are we sure they are showing ReLink in june and not just Versus?

>Jannu Naru Zoi(in that order) for enmity build
enmity build? Not him but I could make that team but need to level Jannu

All I've heard from people is they're showing relink, they would probably show both

Why is my fire team so shit?

Currently using phoenix as primary summon

I gacha'd an Agni, but I'm not really sure how to go about getting him uncapped

Attached: 1.png (633x1493, 1.39M)


Announced that she is a stupid slut that is

Silly you if you think Grea won't like a fat dick.

>30 day ban due to viramate usage finally expires
>no motivation to play or do anything anymore

man this sucks, I was playing the game so much before this bullshit happened too.

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I'm not seeing source to anything you're saying, you faggot.

The less hp you have the more damage you do. Dark is known for it, having a bunch of characters built for it like S.Zoi and D.Jeanne. You need Celeste claws though.

fat idiot

I doubt that they will skip E3, we will probably get a trailer for each and some gameplay in July.

>ooc fanart
She won't like dick

There are two ways to fire.
>If Magna you need ancient eckes twig weapons the ones that Twin Element drop. Get 5-6 of those with Colossus 120%

>If Agni, whale grid, you need Ixabas so aim for Strum weapon in fest and get 2 or more of those uncap them with damascus.

Magna is currently shit without Anila lvl 100 anyway

Don't bully. Bea is pure stupid, she ain't a slut.

Sorry user, Grea also prefers the tail

Attached: grea.webm (1280x720, 2.41M)

its for the most cookie cutter early-midgame build focusing on Celeste claws and abusing the enmity skill, making you deal more damage the less hp you have, its very suicidal and not as good in endgame without some alterations, but until you reach higher tier HL raids it can melt through a lot of shit. have Zoi use the 2nd skill when everyone is ready to ougi or when you have some sort of guaranteed triple attack, buff yourself up and see the damage tear the boss a new one

That guy also made a doujins. She is also in princess connect sucking that mc dick's, sorry Im not a Grancuck.

Attached: 1549304422677.webm (1280x720, 2.24M)

>tfw Sheeplet AND Doglet with no crystals to spark either
Fucking hell, how long is it going to take to save up two sparks?

SEX with Grea!

Attached: D60-o4bVUAIWncC.jpg (2048x1536, 497K)

>Strum weapon in fest and get 2 or more of those
I'm pretty new - I thought you couldn't get multiples of gacha character weapons

Get two more colo sticks and farm a colossus summon to use as your main summon, then farm Twin Elements for AES.
If you wanna agni you need to whale some Ixabas.

The doujins have gran and you just said they are irrelevant cuckshit

different user
is fire just shit to build?
egg sacks or 5000 ixabas seem to be the only options
M2 isn't worth shit as far as i can tell

Where do you think they show them if they're PS4 exclusive and Sony isn't at E3?

Anne is so lucky

Attached: thighs.webm (1280x720, 1.4M)

I will give her this instead

You can. Getting a dupe weapon gives you a gold moon cause you can't unlock a character twice.

Of course!

Oh, I didn't realize you still got the weapon
Well, one Ixaba down. Time to f2p out a whale grid haha kill me

Grea's big fat tail.

Attached: 1551655559146.webm (1280x720, 3M)

I forgot that those assholes are skiping E3, but they could still release a trailer during the event, but yeah, it won't be during a press conf.

>memenel faggot doesn't know about pixiv links


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Different universe Greas like the dick, they just need to taste it also in Princess, Djeeta is there and can also fall for your mc.

AES are actually busted even at 0*. You only really need like one or two Shiva weapons.
Sticks are mainly for 1t stuff because of the higher cap.

Niggas spark dupes of grand weapons I myself prefer gridding magna and getting new characters. I got lucky with Grand water weapons but Murgleis are shit nowadays and only used my damascus on Drang ball.

Do your spark when both are on the same banner.

First off, you should seriously work on uncapping your units, and then levelling them. Judging by your collab units you've either had the account for a while or you bought it/was gifted it, probably one of the latter judging by the questions you're asking and the state of your units.
Grea and Athena are a must. Ghanda is pretty good if you can 5* him, and I'd fill out the rest with Tsubasa, and either Zeta or Agielba for the last slot. Rackam isn't that bad of a pick either, and might become good with the incoming balance patch.
First off, jesus christ nigger. Secondly, Grea is amazing. Europa is pretty well worth using too. Pholia is getting rebalanced here soon, so keep an eye on her. Anne and Romeo are probably going to fill out the rest of your team.
Ayer and Vaseraga for the frontline, keep Vas in the 3rd slot. I'd slot in Arlu or Cag for the frontline and whoever else is left for the backline, probably ignoring the idols.
Grimnir and Melissabelle for the frontline, Lecia too if you can get Atk Orders up by the second turn, otherwise Sen. Keep Lennah in the backline.
Albert, Sandalphon, Silva, double meidos
Jeanne and Zooey are wonderful, especially Zooey. Bring Black Knight in the frontline if you need dispel (Lumi Omega for example) and/or Petrify, probably Eustace otherwise.

I think part of what's making it hell to get any further with fire is that my water team is ass, it's the only team i didn't pull SSRs for so I'm using Macula, Katalina, and Lowain

I guess I could just go back to focusing on light and dark grids since I have S Zooey

AES carry you a lot at the beggining if you manage but you certainly start see their problem with higher end content, stamina are fucking up shit.

How can other girls even compete?

Attached: grea.webm (852x480, 2.5M)

By not being gay

I forgot, here is a different link

Yeah, right now I need to save up, I'm hoping to be able to spark at the end of the year. I haven't gotten the tickets from sidestories yet so I can get around to doing that.

Your units are decent enough, your grid is what's shit. Missing the Fire Xeno Axe is really doing a number on you too.

I really want to like that game because the characters look so good but the interface is such a fucking pain in the ass to navigate. Sucks the fun out of everything. Seeing what the grind is about is also nauseating. Which is a shame because I'm a luckchad and got a ton of good SSRs.
Guess I'll just accept my fate as a ReLink secondary.

Don't you anons ever feel bad about it?

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The Eternal grind is really nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. The only bullshit part are the gold bars.

The funny think is that Grea hold all the lewd picture and barely little for Anne, its the only regret people find with her being gay when for example in GBF you also have Vira or Farrah being katalina sexual but Vira get the lewd art even more than Kat herself.

That ugly fat tail is uncanny as fuck.

>broken link
>403 Forbidden
Sorry user its already too late

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Ah, I started right as that xeno showdown ended.
What else could I do? AES?

I started in december and was able to spark during the anniversary, but I got a discounted spark at 150 and I'm already at 340/300 right now, you can do it user.

Anne's body isn't as outrageously lewd as Grea's, though her breast size seems to change depending on the artist.

Attached: 1553446264736.jpg (1280x720, 367K)

Oh, and stop using Phoenix as your main summon. Get yourself a 3* Colossus Omega ASAP and use Shiva support.
UI and the overall lack of player friendliness is the biggest issue about the game, by far.

Koikatsu Anne and Grea

No, it's pretty fucking bad.

The interface is utter dogshit if you're playing on PC. Chances are theyll never do anything about it though, only gaijin play on PC and they don't have the technology anyways.

>Don't you anons ever feel bad about it?
UI and no explanation on mechanics are what made me very hesitant to play at first, but I learned how to navigate the UI and read the wiki plus asked /gbfg/ how the mechanics worked so I'm good now. Though /gbfg/ still cannot give any good advice regarding Ultimas.

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Not really. I don't mind the grind and I've accepted the dogshit UI so I'm used to it by now.

Its shit on phones as well.

Take my advice with a grain of salt, but Sword, Staff and Katana are good picks last I recall. Spear is good for Fire as well I believe. Maybe Dagger for the last one? Dark has decent Dagger users, but they also get a lot of use out of Sword too. You can probably just do whatever on that one honestly though.


prove me wrong you cant

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Of course I support the shipping with my D....

Attached: 70043461_p16.jpg (700x856, 187K)

>Most common complaint about yurifags is them being shipperfags obsessed with insisting straight girls are really gay
>Gay girls pop up in vidya
>The same people complaining before now desperately scream that they love cock and are straight
/u/faggotry is a cancer, but you'll never convince me the faggots that spend all day whining about it aren't twice as common and three times worse.

Attached: 2eqdn0.jpg (1280x720, 50K)

my gorilla wife

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fuck these similar names

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Attached: 74616923_p0.png (1123x1708, 1.21M)

just from using viramate and without previous offence?

These fags are referred to as "cuckfags" afaik

Yeah, it's really the first time I can see yurifags thanks to GBF.
So I finally understand why they are hated.

imagine being an addicted cellphone gamer

Cuckfags are the people who have to keep talking about how someone is a "cuck" for liking a thing

If you're missing the Xeno Axe as a MH, you're a lot worse off than you might think, as it's one of the best MH weapons in the game. Pic related is my halfassed Fire grid (wasn't really playing the last few times the Fire Xenos came around), but if you're looking for another MH weapon the SSR Seraphic is probably your best option. Failing that, probably the idolshitter bag, though have fun grinding that fucker out. AES only gives 15% charge bar on charge attack, which isn't THAT important, it's better off in your grid.

Attached: Screenshot_20190525-095939.png (720x1280, 1.11M)

>probably one of the latter judging by the questions you're asking and the state of your units.
I made the account.
I never really took the game seriously tho, mostly a time waster on the bus.
I pretty much focused on my light characters, since I pulled Albert on my first ever 10 roll, IIRC.
I do appreciate the tips user. Thanks.

If I were to start playing the game more seriously, should I work towards an Eternal or is it too early?
I have an element changed Two-Crown Bow I think?

Not the same user but I'm missing the Xeno Axe too. It's a good idea to pick it from the 5th anni weapon thing?

>tfw like BK mainly because of the armor and her real appearance
>Her character is alright to me and I like her voice
>Get called a cuck and get the vira treatment even though that whole thing with her and orchid/orchis + Eugen was fleshed out
I'm fine with getting called a shit taste having nigger but why is it so bad to hate a character that isn't built to slobber on your knob 24/7 nowadays? I know I sound like a massive faggot and typically ignore this but goddamn that shits annoying

I have a good Dark, Light and Water team but the other 3 elements suck. Can I make anything with these or just don't bother? Wind Yuel got cut off.

Attached: wind dirt and fire.png (606x826, 605K)

brown femboys are cute

Attached: 1557526303182.jpg (700x988, 66K)

Just ignore that dude he's a known shitposter in the general, no one takes him seriously

*To like a character

>Quetz isn't for (you) because Nasu literally retconned her from her Babylonia appearance saying that was a different version than the one you summon.
>Im 100% serious in that statement and not shitposting in any way
when did he do that and why?

Scat/sieg/yuel will be pretty good team
backline lennah for revive in case you fuck up in harder raids

earth is fucked
fire you are fucked too but could chance with the reworks next month that buffs Heles and possible zeta 5* ONE DAY this year because the art and combat sprite is already in game so fucking KMR should just release it already god damnit

M2 weapons like an Alexiel Axe or a Griminir Harp are the better long term picks, but the Xeno Axe is a notable immediate improvement to your Fire team. Perhaps more importantly, it's probably going to be a long while before they rerun the event as well, so it's not the worst pick, just not the most optimal one in the long term.

It's retconned in the supplementary materials books they shit out once a year. He did the same thing with BB she was initially over the MC from Extra but nasu retconned it in the mat books and she's still pines for hakuno