*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
acad only had a good single player campaign the multiplayer was autistic aids same with mb2 even to this day i play it from time to time clanners are a cancer that ruined mb2.
is that...
a wrecked speeder?
reddit joke
gets reddit
I miss star wars games bros. it hurts. so much kino we'll never get again
those all suck and a retard with blue checkmark always means means do the opposite of what said retard says.
How can someone unironically post this? He is essentially saying to turn off your brain, don't critique/ critically analyze, and to not think for yourself/ just mindlessly enjoy popular things.
it's a blue checkmark, that's how.
Last Jedi was trash but Solo is decent. Dont know why normalfags decided to boycott the spinoff movies instead of the rancid mainlines additions
because TLJ was so awful fans have decided to boycott future disney movies to come. Solo was just the next one after TLJ.
TFA was trash too, but thankfully they did such a shit job with TLJ that it woke up even the brainless.
worst thing is these people think criticizing and analyzing is like something not ordinary at all, when it's literally something you do every time, regardless if you're smart or not. it's the one thing that characterizes human beings.
like literally just die for the remainder of the movie.
i bought a bunch of star wars games on the last winter sale. never did play any of these before this. the most recent one I beat was Republic Commando. these old SW games are really good, i was really missing out.
anyone have neat energy shield mechanics they want to share?
*rockets your shields*
>Don't ask question! Just consume product then get excited for next product.
ayo hol up
was it TCW that introduced troopers with fuckhueg riot shields?
Those existed in the comics and books and games before TCW but TCW mainstreamed it.
fun glitch: in battlefront 2 if you respawn/suicide whilst being killed by the rancor in jabbas palace you will drop a plethora of health/ammo pickups
I made that meme a year ago and got downvoted to shit by cucks on reddit.
Admittedly it's shit, but the point is uncontestable.
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you're the kind of person that bitches about cucks at random.
>one very specific instance
>at random
Literally this.
Same for yearly released games too.
I got excited that this might be a Stars Wars Episode One the game thread.
>slowly waddles like a badass
None of you probably know this because you're a bunch of babbys who didn't have a XBL subscription, but you can clip through multiple walls on Mos Eisley.
>Stormtroopers are indoctrinated and dehumanized as children, trained for grueling combat prowess, suicidal perseverance, unflinching obedience
>"good guy" Stormtrooper breaking the conditioning could make for an interesting character
>Finn and his nemesis Phasma are about as lame as Jar Jar and twice as useless
Do blacks get upset when their characters are ill-conceived trash or is it just the fact that they're being pandered to that's important?
>the virgin droideka
>the Chad clone engineer
butthurt cuck detected
Because TLJ really drove home my suspicions that Disney was incapable of making even a passable Star Wars movie. Unfortunately I can't exactly boycott TLJ in reaction to having seen TLJ so all I can really boycott is the next movie released. Admittedly after seeing it later for free I did think Solo was the best of the Disney movies. But don't worry, I don't plan on seeing RoS either.
Also normalfags weren't boycotting shit. TLJ just genuinely killed a lot of people's interest for Star Wars in general and Solo's marketing was a mess. They simply failed to sell a franchise to customers who weren't feeling as into the brand anymore.
ARC > Commando > Everyone else
>This whole post
Holy shit, zoom zooms are the worst
commando for me
Where is the server?
where are the dark troopers
>Game of Thrones is fun
did he say this before that bell shit?
Why was the B1 cucked so hard?
>be the mascot of the droid army
>the most mass produced droid units in the droid army
>have cool design
>standard unit is the B2
at least bf1's campaign lets you play as a plain b1
I remember watching this guy back in the day and he was the most opinionated cunt. What changed?
>I watched a movie recently.
>It was pretty boring.
>But I think whoever made the movie had more fun making it than I was bored watching it. The net enjoyment in the world increased.
>So whatever.
>Grow up on EU and related products.
>Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II literally the first game I ever buy when I am 10 years old.
>Spend 1000's of hours in Jedi Academy roleplay servers and learning all the EU lore.
>Disney arrives and retcons the whole fucking thing.
>New movies are absolute trash tier nonsense with no depth or wider lore to pull from.
>They even use the entire hook of Dark Forces (that Kyle stole the Deathstar plans) for a movie but retcon him entirely.
I'm not sure if I should be sad that they retconned it all or happy because it meant they kept their grubby hands off it.
>only two legs
dark force droid - battle droid with double bladed lightsaber. i wonder if there's a way to play online with mods.
Just that they're pandered too apparently. Finn seriously had main character potential at first, but I'm not sure if that would've saved him from turning out as shit as he did.
>When these things deployed in front of the ice cave exit
At this point user, I'm glad the EU wasn't touched. They'd fuck it all up beyond belief.
>just turn your brain off dude
Yeah why don't you take your own life as well you dreg
If something is crap, it should be called out, if I wanted mindless fun I could go to the brothel and get my minkia sucked, if the product is shit, then I'm giving it shit too, fuck all the limp-dick critics and the chickenshit normalfags
I modded Battlefront to be able to play as B1s in all stages except Geonosis. Seemed appropriate to leave the B2s there.
what mod? are b2s still available?
Had to replace instances of B2s with B1s, so they're only available in stages you leave at default.
>Faggot swedecuck DICE can't add something in from a 2005 video game because M-MUH BALANCE ISSUES
All they have to do is make it's turn radius and walk speed terrible so the only fast and vulnerable way of travel is by rolling.
but how? what mod? can I replace b2s with b1s, and then replace magnaguard with b2s?
I didn't know Women could join the Clone Army.
>stick arms on the left with no shoulders
>an actual man on the right
why does sweden fuck everything up
>what mod
Had to create one myself for the first Battlefront using a modding tool. It think it was named "Battlebelk Toolbox", but I could be wrong.
>then replace magnaguard with b2s?
Haven't tried modding Battlefront II, but I imagine it should be possible since it's just a character swap.
Because those droids are cucked in real SW life. They're garbage, stupid and fall down in one blaster bolt shot. It makes sense that B2's and even Commando Droids would come to slowly replace them because the original strategy of overwhelming the Republic with b1 numbers wasn't working anymore.
>blue checkmark
I keep seeing this expression, what does it mean?
Twitter NPC verified checkmark.
Clone Wars > OT
You can't debate this.
>They're garbage, stupid and fall down in one blaster bolt shot.
Only in TCW and Episode III.
The ones from Episodes I&II were an actual threat since they were just mindless killing machines. If it wasn't for the jedi slicing through everything, the republic would have been fucked.
On the contrary, liking popular things ALSO doesn't make you an interesting person.
Not really. A single non-Legion Clone can kill 20 b1's before getting wasted. Those droids are just bad all around. In the show it did showcase b1's can be formidable like on Ryloth with the bunker turrets. Had it been just Clones and no Obi-wan to cheat with the force that advancement would have been halted completely.
Clone War's just has better aesthetics with the Republic and CIS compared to the boring and drab Empire and the faggot cuck Rebels.
>A single non-Legion Clone can kill 20 b1's before getting wasted.
Any proof?
The point is that a droid with no emotions will perform better than a human that can experience fear or anxiety. All a droid has to do is find its target and fire its blaster without fear of being destroyed.
The only reason why Naboo was liberated was because of the solitary droid control ship being destroyed. If they have had 2 ships, not even Obi-Wan could have saved them.
rebels sucks and cw is kino, but the CIS were mostly incompetent too. they rarely won in the show. in fact, most of the "bad guy" victories I can think of in the show weren't even really the CIS, just cad bane. He felt like the only actual competent villain.
Proof is literally the CIS trying to phase out b1's with b2's, Commando droids, the cortosis droid and even a clone army of their own.
>the point is that a droid with no emotions will preform better than a human thst can experience fear or anxeity
X to doubt because Humans oversll have the ability to adapt, take initiative and gain experience from battle. Something Droids can NEVER do outside of their programming. And Clones rarely ever felt fear because they were raised to be the Galaxies best soldiers.
>Imperial Heavy Trooper
>Equipment: a fucking spear
Which abyssal level of canon is that from?
>Proof is literally the CIS trying to phase out b1's with b2's
You're right if you're talking about the later B1s, which were shit compared to the earlier ones.
>Humans oversll have the ability to adapt, take initiative and gain experience from battle.
Doesn't really help if droids can be built and programmed with updated battle experience from the start. Not to mention outnumbering the clones that can't be replaced as easily.
>they were raised to be the Galaxies best soldiers
Republic propaganda.
Don't get me wrong, I like the clones, but people shit on the droids way too much and don't see their potential thanks to TCW turning them into the comic relief.
The CIS won plenty of battles though. Some on screen like Felucia, Christophsis and some offscreen like Saresh.
B2s should have taken the place of magna guards with their rockets being the main weapon.
I don't know why they didn't have the B1s as standard infantry and have B2s be unlockable in Battlefront II. Seems logical that it would work that way.
How easy is it to mod battlefront 2? I was thinking of making maps and alter class stats and spawns, but as for unique models prolly just use one of the existing mod models with my own stats.
has anyone tried this mod? seems like a lot of people agree that B1s should be the main class with B2s unloackable. I think this mod might have that and more Clone Wars stuff like Commandos.
i recently got through beating galactic conquest in bf2 on the side of the republic with no upgrades unlocks and reinforcements on elite mode
it was so fucking hard bros, on polis massa it ended up being a 1v40 at the end and most of the other battles were extremely tied, even the space battles were always 179/180 pts vs 180/180 pts at the end
Is anybody else clankerpilled about nu Battlefront 2? Shit is really fun now, they completely turned it around since launch, and with the new modes, heroes, etc, and the monthly updates with new stuff, it's pretty damn good now. Would recommend to any user if they see it cheap.
It'll never be the OG BF2 I love, but it's slowly getting pretty close
fuck off shill
"this person on the net really is the person IRL they claim to be", aka basically nothing
>Stop growing expectations about things like this.
I spend most of my free time watching children's toy commercials from Japan and even I'm more critical of their quality than this guy seems to be of his entertainment.
anybody with two brain cells hates being pandered to when the pandering isn't of decent quality.
Threadly reminder that all hope for Battlefront 3 is not yet lost.
>third person
actually youre wrong on this one
>tfw bespin platform.
Luke, did I ever tell you about the Destroyer Droids, and how they were a big enough threat to force my master and I to retreat? Did I tell you about how only the Confederacy of Independent Systems bothered to use these things back in the Clone Wars, in spite of their usefulness against infantry? They weren't good friends.
>dude just stop having taste and everything is good
Got it for 4 USD, really fun, but no people playing, or matchmaking fucking sucks, also, load times and menus are a joke
lol I remember doing this all the time, pickups would just spew from your corpse and fly all over the place as the rancor swing you around. classic.
Less and less things are actually products these days. Everything is becoming a fucking service.
Heh, never knew about this
Fuck off, EA shills
Bro redditards ARE cucks. The fact that they gobble up this bullshit over old SW shows
GoT peaked in season 3 and if you consider capeshit good cinema, well you have a very low bar. Sorry I have taste.
Prequel>Sequel>new shit
Galatic marine is chad
>Game of Thrones is fun
Fun isn't the right word but it's not horrible
>Last Jedi is fun
Last Jedi was boring as fuck and the only remotely decent part of it was Kylo and Rey, which they spent the last 20 minutes shitting all over. Should have ended the movie on a cliffhanger with Kylo's offer to Rey to join the dark side.
>Solo was fun
completely agreed, by far the best Disney Star Wars and the best movie outside the OT
>Endgame was fun
haven't seen but I'm guessing it's mediocre like all the MCU movies that aren't GOTG
this also happens if you kill someone while they're being held by the rancor
that's funny because GOTG is one of the absolute worst MCU movies. Complete dogshit.
GOTG1 is mediocre, GOTG2 is so fucking much better than the entire MCU that I think it's the reason the MCU exists in the first place. GOTG2 is also the best scifi action movie since Fifth Element.
Ragnarok is way worse than GOTG though
As fun as this line is, they unironically bought all that shit on set and live their entire lives talking about pop culture and the next pop culture product
Anybody who thinks these people are sages are just as retarded
>he didn't do the Chewbacca spinning glitch for infinite health and ammo
Never gonna make it
They have proven to the social media elites that that they have inoffensive and uncontroversial views and will not dissent against the current political climate.
imagine being this wrong
>Don't ask questions just consume product and get excited for new product
Please don't surrender!