>wtf there's an alpha? how do I get in?

Attached: image.jpg (620x420, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What is that moe cat ball thing that rolls around and follows me after I pet it?
Was it in the first game?

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>PSN+ expires tomorow

Well, I didn't. Fuck you man

Who needs a code I got 10of them

I'd love one if you could spare it. [email protected] is my email, please don't send me lewds people :(

>got a code

Attached: 1557885112695.jpg (430x460, 44K)

[email protected]
send me one pls

I should really beat the first nioh.

[email protected]
I 100% the game on steam but never bought the game on my ps4, would love to try it

Horse shit, the opposite is true.

>Second Beta
>Platinum trophy
>My friend didn't knew how to equip a weapon and cleared the first area with his fists to never play again
Code received!
I fucking hate these things.

[email protected]

On the off chance your not bullshitting
[email protected]

Or maybe they just sent it to a bunch of random assholes, some of whom didn't even play the first at all?

eat a mouldy turd

post lolis

[email protected]
Please senpai

Attached: 1557016897517.jpg (403x497, 38K)

I played on pc so I'm probably not gonna get one, but I hope everyone who got one is having fun with it. Sorta feel bad I won't be able to get whatever phone wallpaper they give you for beating it this time around since the one I got from the first alpha is still my lock screen.

Attached: B0utBzk.jpg (640x916, 107K)

[email protected]

How's the game look/feel on a Pro? Even for Action Mode, it looks pretty fucking bad on base PS4. I don't remember 1 looking anywhere as bad

>Platinum in like the first 2 weeks of release
>No code

Attached: 1427367162.gif (400x225, 2.07M)

sadly, no.

Oh shit I got one in my promotions folder yesterday thanks OP.

its ok. its been a long time since ive played the first but i dont remember it having this really awkward and stilted momentum where you cant turn on a dime but i could be wrong.

you don't need psplus

[email protected]
I platted Nioh (haven't played the DLC, though)

If you get dubs, I'll give you the code my alternate psn account got.

Ye alright user, I'll bite: [email protected] (Don't judge my parents made me this when I was like 10)

>Bought Nioh 1 on my brothers account

You can't get dubs on Yea Forums, right?

Worth a try. What if we get trips or higher?

Goddamn, almost got quads...



Lol, nope. Seeing a lot of butthurt people who played the heck out of 1, not get a code and have to read about all these randos who never touched to game get code for 2


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It's infuriating to see people who've never played Nioh 1 going into the Alpha thinking that Nioh is a soulslike and only using mid stance, no ki pulsing, no skill usage.

I played it for about 3 hours last night and got through the first mission easily enough. I was taking my time though and exploring what I could. So far it just feels like an add-on instead of a proper sequel. The devil trigger thing is pretty neat and the cores you can get from enemies is kinda cool but it just feels like more of the first game. It's not necessarily a bad thing since I really loved the first game but I was kinda hoping for a bit more. Still having fun with it though.

Attached: 1486347867462.png (346x297, 171K)

Nioh needed refining, not innovating.

People who say it feels too much like the first game should fuck off and kill themselves.

Most people I see are just staying high stance, and it's mainly odachi users and they wonder why they have no ki all the time. No ki pulse and constant high stance attacks is probably the single worst thing they could be doing. Naturally odachi is so good it carries them through a bunch of stuff but when it's a yokai that can stand a couple hits they get battered.

I was a kusarigamafag in my whole playthrough of Nioh. Does the alpha have that or is it limited?

Attached: Screenshkikkot_33.png (681x465, 410K)

Hatchets are like a bad combination of 2kat and kusa, and they're what's in the alpha rather than them.

Only weapons in alpha are 1kat, Odachi, Spear, and the new dual hatchets. Been trying out the dual hatchets they're okay and heard from some people that the other weapons got some love too.

Eh, I can settle for Thorkell mode. Thanks~

Attached: 3060871-3087039917-4oKW4.jpg (728x1036, 283K)

Its okay. Not too bad. The ost is great though. Big bops.

It'll be better than Sekiro, just like the first one is

Why must you lie like this? Are you trying to upset me further?


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Stances in Nioh don't actually act as a decision or playstyle choice because the game has no restrictions on stance changing. Going into High Stance to use Odachi overheads doesn't carry any kind of trade off because if you want to roll out there is nothing stopping you from switching to Low Stance literally in the middle of your High Stance attack animation and doing a Low Stance dodge out of it. The supposed penalties for using High Stance don't exist, any High Stance fat roll is just an input error because all dodges should be done from Low Stance.

In practice Nioh's stance system is nothing but a convoluted input system that allows for more "special moves", the majority of which are pointless because they're poorly balanced against each other.

Attached: TigersBlade.webm (768x432, 2.94M)

I got dubs followed by trips the other day and you newfags didn't even check em

You don't get dubs on Yea Forums so you must've been on a different board I stay on Yea Forums.

Ehh the dual hatchets are less strength based like the axe and more skill based like 2kat. Averageish/slightly fast speed and a short range but lots of forward movement with it's basic attacks. Still theres lots of moves involving throwing the damn things and it's pretty good at breaking guards/ki but the weapon takes huge amounts of ki in compensation, hope you remember how to ki pulse. You won't be a one-man unstoppable siege engine like Thorkell but hell you'll still feel great breaking horns with a single thrown axe. Unless you meant you'd go Odachi in which case disregard this.

>hope you remember how to ki pulse
Consider how much I spammed the same high stance gama combo, all I have to do is reacquaint myself with the controls and I'll be good to go.

They made ki management a lot harder in general.

Wrong, it was something like 44000.

High stance roll goes much further in the same speed and so is better and safer for dodging certain attacks that would catch a low stance dodge. All but a very small number of skills are useful and worth using.

Is it possible to beat the DLCs after only one run of the main game in 1?

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visually it's just as bad as the first one. pass

Yeah but it's a lot harder.

I played in the beta/alpha for nioh 1, beat Nioh 1 but no code.

Should be fine. Couldn't hurt to do a couple of missions in Way of the Strong though to get decked out in higher level divine gear

Yes, the game is designed that way. It expects you to have a strong understanding and awareness of the mechanics, but you just beat the full game.

>Your Benevolent Grave was of aid to 36 players
>As a token of their gratitude, you have recieved the following items:
>Ochoko x1

Is High Stance roll different than double tap roll on Mid Stance?

[email protected], Love you user

This series would be perfect for a pvp area tournaments or something like that, wasnt something like this supposed to be in the first game?

[email protected]
bless u

No, but you get it immediately instead of having to spend extra Ki to do the first dodge.
It is. The option is in the sequel too just not available yet.

>We will never get Nioh combat with Souls world design (except for 2)
It hurtts, the level design of the alpha, okay i guess.

>High stance roll goes much further
This is the sort of shit you're concerned about if you can't time rolls and are smashing the button early hoping to move out of the way. If you aren't able to time the i-frame you can just sprint or low dodge twice to get out of a hitbox area.
>in the same speed

>All but a very small number of skills are useful and worth using.
Kat, 2Kat, Tonfa and Kusa say otherwise.

Only people with zero interest in Nioh 2 are getting codes.

Basically this, they want a bigger audience

Nah, not really. The dlc came out later after everyone had already finished way of the WotS.

lol so nioh fans are third world brainlets according to this thread

You don't sell DLC by saying "okay to play this you have to best the game TWICE". Not everyone has autism, user. The game is already repetitive enough on your first playthrough.

I remember reading in an interview that the reason why they have separated levels is because you can have instant load times, even on consoles.

It's a pretty worthwhile trade-off, but next gen that would probably change.

Attached: Maximum Bait.jpg (625x626, 40K)

Some attacks are active for the entire length of a low stance dodge and you aren't always in the position to block or dash out. Mashing low dodges burns Ki and has openings between them that get caught. Regardless, not having to time the roll as precisely is still a point in it's favour.
Yes, time it if you want to ignore the obvious. You travel a further distance in the same length of time. The roll attack also does the same and has more range.
No, none of those weapons say otherwise. If you want to ignore the options you have for what's just good enough while disregarding most situations that's on you alone.

That has no bearing on the level itself, the levels of gear and revenants found in it and the mission level prove that.

Based retard

I want to say the gear you get in wots matches what you get in the dlc but I can't remember, and I'm not going to start up the game just to prove some user wrong.

Attached: cracked.jpg (558x616, 83K)

>host is poisoned
>either he doesn't know, or is out of elixrs, because he's about 5 ticks from death and all he's doing is wandering around like he's lost
>run up to him and drop an oasis talisman
>he looks right at me, then runs a few paces away and dies
I can't wait for the full game

The gear matches the very first level in WotS, if not being very slightly behind. From then on the levels mirror each other in progression, but with more in between for WotS. The final DLC mission is around the end of Sekigahara gear level wise if I remember right. I took care to do all of it in "order" at the time.

Of course user fails to deliver. Was worth a try tho

who cares about this garbage
From will reveal their new game at E3 and everyone will forget Nioh was a thing

>that final boss

Wtf it's like the game is playing on 2.5x speed

Not true at all. I played the beta and last chance demos for the first game. Got the platinum and all the DLC for the game and I got a code. I didn't even know they were holding an alpha for 2 until I got the e-mail on the 23rd

>Stances in Nioh don't actually act as a decision or playstyle choice
Stances in Nioh absoltely act as a decision, the fact game itself rewars you for stance dancing has nothing to do with it.
In fact one of the best offensive spirits in first game game stance specific bonuses.
>the majority of which are pointless
The vast, VAST majority of specials in Nioh have their own viable function with 1-2 exceptions per weapon outside tonfas.

It's a fucking ballache to do so. I ended up facing Masumane and Maria doing alright damage to them, but they'd OHK me with ease.

Ended up grinding a bunch before the next DLC, because I knew it'd just escalate.

Even after doing a large amount of grinding I just can't ever be bothered to ever fight Maria solo. Masamune is annoying but she just takes the cake for me.

She was easily the worst boss to play against, IMO. Just unenjoyable, with her dumb energy waves and near-instant grab attack, didn't feel like a test of skill, more just "dodge around like a retard and hit her occasionally"

Daiba-Washi Familiar Talisman + Final Blow

That's the green bird, right? I think I ended up using that in the end, but it was still pretty close. She managed to dodge out the way of one of them and take most of my health off, extremely close call.

Don't think I've fought her since, don't plan on it.

[email protected] please save me friend

I played all 3 demos, the final game on release, all 3 dlc on release and had 325 hours in the game and got a code. Also yes, I flux and learned the game properly.

Do you get anything for putting down these blue graves?

I enjoyed her a lot particularly because the pace was so different and frenetic with dash and dodge slashes.

Yeah, the crane/heron.

At first you'll get a lot. Lately I only get one Ochoko.

>platinum on Nioh
>no code
Th-thanks. They're still sending out waves, right?

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I'm going to suggest a change that automatically sends all aquired loot in a mission back to your storage box. The only equipment you should have on you is the stuff that is actually equiped plus one of each other weapon type. All of which should be locked. Also to increase the visibily of locked equipment. The whole row should have a differenct color background, not just a tiny lock symbol. Ideally, all loot should go to a separate pouch to begin with while going through the mission.

When do you find out if you've gotten anything?

I don't think anyone has even confirmed that it was ever getting sent out in waves

Attached: 1542584343788.jpg (720x883, 52K)

You'll get a pop-up when you return to the world map. Reads like

Also going to suggest separating your yokai form from your guardian spirit.

>loyal fan
>bought all dlc
>hundreds of hours in nioh


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The true masocore experience is not receiving a code despite having cleared the abyss and every mission, every beta and the alpha. Team Ninja knows this, that's why they only sent codes to retards that haven't even played the game to give us more suffering.

Well, thanks for beta testing guys.
Make sure to give good feedback so they only improve it upon release.

Attached: 1550432145196.jpg (320x320, 20K)

>Still no video demonstration of every soul core in game
closed alpha players are worhless

that's complete bullshit
i played the alpha, the beta, the last chance demo, the full game and the dlc, and bought it again on PC
and i didnt get shit

this game is basically nioh 1.1 and i'm okay with it so far

keep checking your email and check your spam boxes

i was sad didnt think i had a code but it got fucking put in the spam filter, motherfucker

also playing ama if you want about the demo

That sounds like a horrible idea. If that were the case people would forget about everything in their box over and over and it would get in the way of things you already kept in there for any reason, forcing you to lock it all and not have that as a distinction between stuff in the box. It makes going through take more effort, not less, and if you ignore it you miss out on getting currencies when they're relevant.
This though I get the feeling will be something you actually unlock later on, like Nioh 1 double spirits.

>no code
i'll be doing way of nioh to cope with the pain.
Better not be rewards exclusive to this alpha

>only have odachi equipped
>when i hit continue on the title screen my character stands up and draws a katana
0/10 will not be purchasing

>all these sad fucks without codes

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no matter what they say, the mark of the conqueror is significant.

Attached: nioh 2 catball.webm (1280x720, 2M)

I was looking at some footage and I've only seen 4 weapons. There's going to be more in the full version I assume?

I'm surprised by how much you can generall spam the yokai core skills. They've made them feel like a part of a core combat system and they are fucking strong, if not for direct damage then for status application or other utility effects.
Moment talismans are in the game too, so i assume full release will have spirit talismans for all sorts of guardian talisman + yokai skills wombo combos.

It would be an option you can toggle in the menu and it would make things easier to organize for me at least. I just want my main stuff fully seperate from everything else.

First alpha of the first game only had 3 weapons and by the end of game's lifespan it had 7.

Oh shit nigga, thanks I got a code in my mail, downloading as we speak.

How long is the demo? Will we get another MARK OF THE CONQUEROR when beating it?

It would probably cause much more hassle than it'd be worth. I think a sort by locked equipment option along the usual rarity/level/etc. would be a much more elegant and useful solution. That's why I'm not in the Closed Alpha of course.

I think you needed to play the original Nioh Alpha/Beta in order to get a code, because I played them, even beaten them and got a code for Nioh 2 alpha. I also own Nioh but I never played it for long, I quit when I was in the cave level at the start.
Now that I really enjoyed the Nioh 2 demo however, I'm thinking about giving William's game another try, any protips? I wanna use the 1kat

its short, theres 4 weapons, no mark.


I platinumed it and got no invite.

Is it coming to PC though?

The developer literally said "Ask Sony"; so probably not initially, maybe after a delay like the previous title.

only platinum? smdh you're the least deserving

is there anyway to make X the "yes" button in the PS4? Right now X is go back and circle is the yes button, like ancient PS2 control schemes.
I only want to change these two things, rest of the controls are great.

platinuming it means fuck all

Is the online super laggy for anyone else?

>Ask Sony
this is their retarded response to anyone requesting something.
>people ask for Nioh to come to xbox
>teamninja's response is "Show it! make your voice heard!"
they want people to flood social media portbegging.

Anybody know what mob(s) drop Hotarumaru? I have two but I have no idea where I got 'em. Best odachi in the demo.

Not happening.

Attached: niohpc.png (1058x438, 293K)

Based on twitter I think they sent it to a lot of people who stream

Wasn't Nioh the best selling KT game on steam ever?

>Only ever played the Betas for Nioh
>Didn't like the game so I didn't buy it
>PS+ for like 8 years now

I actually enjoyed the demo for Nioh 2 so far. Been playing through the Twilight Mission. I might actually buy Nioh 2

Shit game.

How big a plebeian am I if I play Nioh 2 without playing Nioh 1?
Also why are the environments so boring visually? It looks like just about all environments are predominately one colour.

guys, i'm worried.

they didn't put in axes, dual katana and kusarigamas.
i know, this is just the alpha and i really hope they will be in for the beta... but still

if you didn't beat tachbiana on the beta no damage you don't deserve to be in
proof of mine doing it

It's the same fucking engine, there is no way they're gonna remove old weapons for any reason

sorry i'm retarded wrong viddy
it's this one that i kicked his ass

I hope you're right. Hatches uses a lot of the same animations as 2kat, so I'm really worried they've scrapped it.

What about guns, bows and dual pistols, are they in the alpha?

1kat, odachi, spear, hatchets, bow, matchlock, cannon

Are there any human enemies with dual pistols or new weapons?

I got a code, but I probably won't use it. I hated that shitty loot system from the first game.

Could i have the code my guy?

Idk I MIGHT use it to check out if the loot system changed at all. I'll see how I feel in the morning.

i don't think it has but if you're considering it use the code for yourself bro try to get into the new one

No. Bandits have 1kat, spear, ot axe.

The loot system is (thankfully) identical to the first game.

I finally NIOH'D

Attached: nioh 100%.png (347x206, 49K)

if you change your mind please send it to me, I'd be quite a grateful nigga
[email protected]

ay fuck off he replied to me not you fag quit trying to leech

I honestly really tried to get into the first one. The combat was really fun I just got sick of the loot.

Damn really? That's a shame. Hopefully they change it.

Okay user will do.

thank you, remember to send it to [email protected]

Shit taste

>Also why are the environments so boring visually?
It's unfortunate. The fact the gameplay is almost exactly the same as the first game with a few new additions should have given the devs plenty of opportunity to finally focus on the "adventure" side of things, like its presentation and atmosphere. They already have a foundation for gameplay they struggled for so many years to finally get to, they just need to get a better art director. They could have gone much further, considering Nioh is so high-fantasy.

Nioh 2 looks slightly better, but that's not saying much. There's still the "village on fire" theme going on with reused assets right in the first mission like the original game had. It looks so generic, I'm not even sure if it's supposed to be the same area.
The worst part is yet to be revealed, though. The other big problems Nioh had with its artistic direction was twofold:
First, it reused environments for many side missions (this could be either a consequence of having limited environments, or having too much filler content).
Second, you don't get a sense you're progressing through a world as many of the enemies you fight in the first couple of regions will still show up in later ones. This is a much more difficult problem to handle. They'd probably need to greatly expand the enemy roster.

Attached: 12435646.png (1200x630, 905K)

>150 hours in Nioh
>no code

Attached: 1743542_tm1.jpg (848x480, 35K)

only 150 small time

Downloading Nioh 1 as we speak. Anything I should know before heading in? What kind of weapon is good, which one is a joke? What about the magic in this game? got any character planner builds?

did you send it already? [email protected] if you forgot

Just beat the game first and worry about farming in NG+ ala Way of the strong/Way of the demon/Way of the wise/Way of the nioh

>1200 hours
>no code

That's why playing Sekiro was so much more fun. You actually feel like you're exploring this "magical" version of medieval Japan with all the gorgeous scenery while all locations in Nioh were dark, underground or closed corridors without much theme going on. You don't feel like you're actually exploring anything more like doing some weird videogame level without much of a logic. Twilight missions are even worse since everything is fucking red now and looks even uglier.

To be fair I bought it first on PS4, why the fuck would they expect me to buy it again on PC.

Definitely hope there's a simultaneous release or at least within the same quarter so I can just grab the PC version.

All the loot you get in normal mode is absolute garbage until you unlock divine loot, don't waste time farming for shitty weapons. You'll just lose motivation.

I don't like the idea of NPC summons and yokai mode seems as broken as LW used to be. If they want to make the game feel hard, they should up the overall difficulty to make these tools feel necessary.

My taste is ultimate.

Attached: Sekiro.webm (500x282, 2.92M)

they're probably only giving codes to people with a low amount of game time in nioh 1
no point giving codes to people who are going to buy the new game anyway

>bought Complete Edition on PS4
>announced for PC next week
>three times cheaper
Won't fool me twice.

That's adorable. What do the catballs do?

Sekiro? More like SeKINO.

Fills the bottom bar over time

is the spanish ninja warrior slut revealed in nioh 2 closed alpha?


Let's get to the bottom of this

Attached: 1516751749760.gif (200x200, 9K)

Anyone tried Sloth? Is it still completely broken?


Attached: sekiro 2019.03.26 - (640x360, 2.62M)

this is latency/ping related, happens in every other game, see battlefield 5, fortshite, apex legends etc

No. It happens only in shit tier action games such as Sekiro

Attached: sekiro 2019.03.26 - (640x360, 2.65M)

no this is from the beta/network test
long been fixed mate, try again

it's fake, 2 similar videos spliced together

you have no idea what you're talking about, do you?

Attached: cool fromsoft hitboxes.webm (640x360, 1.35M)

Worth a try.

Nope I doubt it too considering the game or at least the portion we see in the alpha is set before Nioh 1, though I wouldn't discount the game having a segment during Nioh 1. Actually theres very little plot in the alpha aside from bits and pieces you can somewhat scrap together from things like the Yokai shift(MC is part of a bloodline that has or uses Yokai blood and knows how to channel guardian spirits to amplify its power) and the Lone Wolf(starter) armor set(the set is described as being put together from any bits and pieces they could find).

Hatchets don't have anything in common with kusa, they are a great combination of tonfa and 2kat with their own good gimmick and superb base moveset.

It is, but most of the attacks of any boss one shots you. Also a regular dog can rape you in an instant

>don't even like nioh 1 that much
>got a code

it was a disappointing alpha

how much hours?

more like Cheeseoh'd with sloth talisman

There are supposedly people who haven't even played Nioh at all and still got a code.

*plays nioh like a souls game*
wtf this is too hard

I played through all of the 3 Missions. I really like it so far.
My only complaint would be the removal of a whole 3 weapon types but who knows if it stays like this.
Also I feel like the KI regeneration is way too slow. I feel like they really want you to master the KI burst and thats fine however this only really works against regular enemies. Against bosses it became super annoying because even with doing Perfect KI burst inbetweent dodging and attacking you'd still run out of KI. I just ended up using a Barrier talisman against the 2nd and 3rd Boss.
Does anyone know where I can submit feedback like this to the developers?

Attached: 20190524_124236.jpg (4128x2322, 1.95M)

Courage stat increases ki regen

oh shit nice I got one

Any spearfags get into the Alpha? How are the new ones?
Did we finally get Naginatas?

Attached: Mototada Torii.jpg (1280x1739, 460K)

>removal of a whole 3 weapon types
Pretty sure that's just for the alpha to encourage people to try the new weapon/s

I don't remember KI regen being that slow in the first game tho. Then again it's been years since I last played it.

how does it play then? genuine question

Pretty sure it's not Team Ninja but Sony that handled it like this. Instead of 'selecting players' they just sent out codes randomly to people subcribed to their newsletter. This way they create hype and they already know that Nioh fans will buy it anyway. I just hope Team Ninja won't take the feedback too seriously, there is no way everyone is going to give constructive feedback. Most of the streamers never even touched the first game and play it like it is a souls game.


Nioh is a Diablo game.

got any of that great ost to share for the uninitiated amongst us?

Something like this if you get gud

>subscribed to their newsletter
oh god, do I have to subscribed?

I figure it's either that or you have opted in for receiving promotional content on your PS4 through your account under email options.

>played Nioh 1 and got all the dlc
>no code

Attached: sad cat.jpg (800x450, 153K)

I felt that way until I went sub 30% armor weight. No problems after that. Magic and ninja skill trees look worse though.

Is the game more colourful and less sikdark, together with better enemy variety?

I hope Nioh 2 doesn't have a boss as bullshit as Ishida Mitsunari. That cheating piece of SHIT in Abyss is too cheesy without 100% RFD or 100% elemental guard reduction.

>Nearly 800 h of playtime.
>Got every trophy base game + dlcs.
>Completed every map on every difficulty.
>Played the first beta, fell in love and pre ordered the deluxe edition no regrets.
>No code for Alpha sent.
Why have thou forsaken me KT?

Attached: Immense sorrow.jpg (960x538, 57K)

Because they know you're going to buy it anyway.

What are they even supposed to base this on?
I'm guessing its just random but they check for recent activity or something so they don't send codes to inactive players

>must have active PS+ subscription
>have been online in the last month
>less than 20 hours played in Nioh 1

Also add
>have streamed before

>Because they know you're going to buy it anyway.
Yeah of course, but that doesn't mean they couldn't send one for me. Please. I am desperate. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (798x798, 30K)

if they gave sharable codes like 3 or 5 max
it'd still be sort of closed

Attached: 1479362680987.jpg (640x640, 68K)

>have been online in the last month
>MFW i have always set myself as offline to avoid others because i am a fucking sad loner.
>Unintentionally fuck my chances of getting the code because of this.
Someone put me out of my misery.

Attached: [LAUGHTER STOPS].jpg (313x254, 56K)

I kind of like it, but it feels really similar. The yokai stuff with the two skills is fucking awesome. The kappa skills is top tier, and so is the wall. You literally won't take any damage ever.

>don't get a code
>go on a few websites that are full of retards (Gamefaqs, reddit, onrpg)
>get more codes thrown at me than I know what to do with
lel you guys have 0 gumption. I got a code less than 3 hours after the alpha started.
Game's alright but not $60 alright with how much is just reused assets.

What is the wall's core skill?

Give me one then

>ENB got a code
>his autistic ass is already playing the game with no music

>tfw haven't even gotten past the electric Lion faggot in Nioh 1
How do I git gut Yea Forumsros?

Attached: brainlet.png (621x702, 56K)

I got a code
this checks all marks for me
this doesn't

I can't remember much but stand under a ledge and you can't get hit by its lightning, hitting its belly is important and I think hitting the bell does something once.

Nope, I platinumed the original and played the DLCs, I got a code
It really is just random and PS+ is probably related

I got the code and wanted to stream a bit just so that people can watch but the game thinks I'm in a "blocked scene". Are the people who're streaming using something else besides PS4's inherent broadcasting abilities or am I retarded?

They are using capture cards I think

Bully him with Tonfa.

CBA reading this thread just tell me if it's better than the first game

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my PS4 has been sitting for like a fucking year
there's probably 0% chance to get an invite even if I buy another fucking sub
fuck this gay earth

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combat seems even faster, enemies have more moves, especially iframe dodges
yokai form and yokai moves seems pretty good and i feel more fun than the old spirit attacks which were tied to an omnyo talisman and forced to use a single one because it's tied to a spirit

mfw, entering smithy still turns system fan into a jet engine.
mfw, it even crashed the game this time, probably from overheat.
Fucking team ninja.

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>He failed to deliver
Absolutely shameful

>epicnamebro doesn't like it because it's too similar
I guess that's the end of that. Streamers don't like the diablo loot or the lack of interconnected world which STILL hasn't been changed

What the fuck were they thinking releasing the same fucking game TWICE

Enjoy the spam im signing you retards up for.

How's the combat magic? Any better that 1?

Based, dab on those redditors

>spamming throwaway emails
Have fun i guess.

im not the one doing the spamming you dumb retard

Still the middleman wasting his time

demo is a bit limited, but one of the fun ones is a biobomb thing
something along the lines of
>target enemy is marked, if marked enemy dies or reaches 0 stamina, he explodes. any enemy in the initial explosion explodes as well

Holy shit you are dumb.

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Well fuck, no code for me still

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They slowed down the casting animation a bit, and debuffs like Weakness will literally wear off before you can finish casting and run to the mob and start hitting it; debuff time seems to be tied to Magic strength.

Much better offensive magic so far
>can create shikigami that follow you around
>a spell that explodes burning enemies
>a spell that targets enemy weakness and tries to make them fall
>rotating fire orbs that react on your attacks Devil Sword Sparda style
>talisman that makes heavy attacks release shockwaves
>a buff that increases ki damage against yokai

Fucking yes. Finally got a code after stalking twitter and reddit for 12 hours straight.

Is the great elemental omnyo still in, wind arrows, fireballs, water torrents and lightning. I'd spam it with 200 magic and 56% recast all to kill normal enemies, knock down yokai and debuff bosses. Whenever I'd help people I'd be a walking light show.

That's how it was. I only put down the first game about 3 or so months ago and it's identical with a lot of quality of life updates

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It greatly helps that now you also have essentially infinite yokai core skills.


If it ain't broke don't fix it user. This is Nioh not Dark Souls. Also
>Repeating someone else's opinion instead of playing yourself and making your own opinion.
Truly i expect no better from Yea Forums.

Attached: way of the wise and forward.jpg (980x551, 176K)

What subreddit did you stalk

All those spells and more are in.

I never actually heard ENB say that, so I think that user's making a doubleshitpost.

It was the one that the Tyrone image in the OP.

>too similar

Ni-Oh was already the hardest Soulsborne so it sounds kind of dumb if they made the enemies harder. That's just going to make people rely on magic/ninjutsu/casual crutches more.

Though I'm not complaining about having some difficulty after the fucking joke that was Sekiro. I bet the devs were as disgusted as I was.

It's really fucking strange going from the very first alpha where the mark meme came from all the way through the game and now to the first alpha for the second game.
I can't actually tell if it's too easy or if I'm just so used to the systems, and they didn't change the systems enough, that it's that easy.

how long is the demo?

Played nioh 1 beta, alpha and last chance
Played the first game all this month
Didn't know about the closed alpha until one of these threads, check my email
Have the code

The hardest Soulsborne is Hollow Knight.
Nioh is, by far, the easiest.

It's easier. Enemies don't track as well and they don't hit as hard. Instead of getting hit meaning a death, getting hit means a loss of 40-80%. It was the one tweak Nioh needed IMO and they seem to have delivered.

Hollow Knight is pathetically easy and also a metroidvania, not a soulsborne, and it's not even in the top 3 hardest metroidvanias.

Good. Hopefully the jump between Ways will be more noticeable.

>If it ain't broke don't fix it
not him but I don't really think this mindset benefits the game much because Nioh to some people have some very fundamental flaws (i.e diablo loot and such). Not fixing the reasons why people didn't play the first game will definitely means those people won't buy the second game.

>it's not even in the top 3 hardest metroidvanias
But it's harder than any soulslike.

Dunno m8. I was getting kind of bored until I saw that iai backdraws were back with high damage, and that onmyo and ninja shit have actual variety. The two stages were better than the first game, and the increase in yokai variety were nice. It just feels like an expansion, and it's easy enough to the point where it would make the first playthrough feel boring.

I haven't fucking played it because no code but the grab attacks did suspiciously leave people with a bit of HP

Got every boss on my 1st try. Meanwhile I was stuck on Sister Friede for like 30 minutes.

oh yeah? I beat the speedrun world record on my first ds3 playthrough, at SL1

>played Nioh and all the dlcs
>no code
it's ok, I bet I won't be getting one for code vein either

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>Diablo loot.
>Fundamental flaw.
I honestly cannot wrap my head around why people never liked that, it was one the major things that kept me playing the game.

It doesn't reward exploration like handplaced items do. Plus since items aren't unique you can't have lore.

It's obtrusive as fuck since you have to constantly menu and match numbers in a game that has enough action to warrant not having to do that. And you can't ignore it either because everything gets outdated with each new level.

You forget that some people really like the diablo loot and played the game for 300 hours because of it.
Why stop at just removing diablo loot, when you could get even more people to buy if you simplified the armour to not have stats other than defense? Do we even need all these stats, why not just have STR for weapons, END for health and defense, MAG for omnyo and AGI for ninjitsu? Everyone could understand that and then even more people could buy it.

>played Nioh 2 alpha for about 10 hours
>have a fully-upgraded mixed set and weapon through forging and soulmatching
I fucking love it, man. If people just want a loot-free action game, that shit exists. So tired of the kinds of idiots who whine about a franchise's core mechanic rather than just playing something else.
>"I love tooling my car in Forza, but I hate racing. Why can't Forza just ditch the racing part?"
Shit is so retarded.

there's a lore tab on just about every piece of equipment

Personally, I don't like RNG stats and skills. I don't enjoy spending my time crafting the perfect weapons and armor either especially when updates add another tier of shit.

It's not a fair world user

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>I am too stupid to read numbers: the post

>Let's give a code even to these small ass streamers, many of which hated Nioh 1
>And let's also ignore our most devoted fans who loved the game since the first alpha of 1


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It feels like POE to me, just running around getting 30 crap items to vendor/dismantle later. The amount of pointless loot is insane. I'd rather 1 item per level if its actually worth having

Kodama rewards exploration by giving you up to 25% better droprates.

did they change the twilight mission or no? Debating if I should turn it back on or not.
Also do we know if there's a conqueror reward this time around?

Like what updates?

>Let's give codes to the people who already are going to buy the game
>and ignore people who we might be able to change the opinion of!
t. you

>you can find items on the world map now
That's kinda neat, but I hope they make it more worthwhile in the full game; seems like a waste to add that in just for extra consumables and shit.

>our most devoted fans who loved the game since the first alpha of 1
user they don't know anything about you or the basement you dwell in
they also don't know anything about me or my basement yet I got a code
they just distributed these things first to anyone they knew were streamers (thus anyone that could expose the game to potential buyers) and then randomly to people that have PS+

Why not both?

But i got the code and I've been in every alpha since the first, plat the game, and completed every DLC.
Sounds like you just don't like the game enough.

Change it how? They work just like 1's.

No special reward ASAIK. I've done everything, no indication of any kind of reward.

It wasn't in the first game. AAs far as I know, it increases the rarity of items in chests. You lose them if you go to a shrine, and I haven't checked if they reappear in their original spawn after that or not.

What's the strategy for the snek? I kill it's arms in the "dark world" part and it regenerates them instantly. I let it do the headbutt attack, dodge and attack it plenty but I'm doing hardly any damage at all. Just feels like an endurance test whereas Enenra was really fun.

I mean did they change the fucking twilight mission in the beta, dipshit.

For those who have actual experience with the first game (WotD and beyond), what are your favorite changes, improvements, etc noticeable on this alpha? Anything that feels worse than the first game? Even more, if you can make an actual list of changes, it would be really appreciated

Now post the concurrent players on ps4.

I'd tell you, user
and in great detail

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I just stand under it and hit it in the head with high stance attacks.

Change it how you extremely friendly internet person? You mean rotate in a new one like in 1? Not so far this morning.

Somewhere in the hundred thousand range peak, over 5,000 right now.
the game itself. try playing it sometimes, unless you're a poorfag and don't have it.

>Actually playing (WotD and beyond)

Replaying a game you just beat should be considered mental illness

>>epicnamebro doesn't like it because it's too similar
>meanwhile the chad souls streamer Elajjaz likes it a fucking lot
ENB is and always will be a frombaby.

I do agree, I left it after my first playthrough. Then again, Im sure someone who played it many times and spent hundred of hours on it can give an insight of all the changes

So you don't have a source. :)

ENB is an absolute faggot. He essentially started the "Souls community", one of the most cancerous groups of people ever to walk this Earth. I hate Fromfaggots so much.

>Yea Forums is so casual they didn't beat level 999 of the abyss, max leveled their character + 4 special stats, maxed all the guardians lvl 60 and got all ethereal weapon/Armour collection

you're a mediocre piece of shit, stick to sekiro

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>tfw keep dying to stupid mistakes like dodging back into fire and falling to my death trying to fall onto rooftops
I also fought that first one legged oni without my guardian spirit thanks to that deathfall, was pretty nerve wracking. Also, what exactly do those purple kodama's do? Do they just give you a random item for every item you give them, or is there a "correct" item to give them?

>says how Sekiro improved on the combat making it the best system From has made
>goes back to streaming DaS and BB

I liked Nioh, user. But Im just to old to spend that much time in a videogame. "Not enough time" meme aside, its more about losing interest at some point. I played for 95 hours, and it was worth it

>Also, what exactly do those purple kodama's do? Do they just give you a random item for every item you give them, or is there a "correct" item to give them?
If you give them a Soul Core, they'll give you a Kodama Soul Core.

0s work, numbers don't
trips is not impressive, even quads go unremarked

Can we stop comparing Nioh to Sekiro? I fucking loved both, platinumed both, but to each their own

Changing item sets is a two-button affair now. Instead of L2 it's R1+.
Changing melee weapons is R1+v, and it's really hard to pull off in a ki pulse for some reason.
Ki pulsing is much weaker than it used to be.
Flux only works on perfect ki pulses now.
Weapon skill trees are way different. 1kat and odachi for example have all their old skills, pluss a couple more, but they're oriented in a web rather than flowchart.
All of the passive bonus skills are substantially weaker, and they're all weapon-specific now -- no more taking Final Blow from kusa's tree for an odachi build, odachi has its own Final Blow tree.
Onmyo has a lot of changes:

>tfw regular enemies are harder than the Orphan of Kos


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Sekiro is such horrendous fucking garabge that I support your idea if only so I never have to think about it ever again. Fromsoft is fucking dead.

It's a CLOSED alpha, you fucking retard. They're doing this for feedback on what should and should not be tweaked going forward. Why the fuck would they worry about getting more people interested when the first game completely blindsided them with its success? They literally sold all of the discs they made of Nioh when it first came out, and had to discount the digital version as an apology.

>spawn point is designed to fuck you against a wall or get you gangbanged moving to a larger area

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>Changing item sets is a two-button affair now. Instead of L2 it's R1+.
>Changing melee weapons is R1+v, and it's really hard to pull off in a ki pulse for some reason.
Hopefully they can add an option to use the weapon/shortcut menu layout from the first game, I really hate the new change. I keep switching shortcut menus when I'm trying to bring out my secondary.

Ki is measured in thousands now, for some reason. You start with 1k HP and 1k ki, instead of 100 ki.
Your new 100-point stat is Yokai Force. It starts at 0 and fills from everything, doing damage, taking damage, absorbing amrita.
Enemies can drop Orbs now, that have stats like Charms.
You equip the Orm onto your Guardian Spirit. Orbs have an equip cost like jutsu. In fact, you can think of them like jutsu.
When you have enough Yokai Force, you can 'cast' the power of the Orb.
Yoki Orb, for example, turns you into a Yoki and you do a quick two-hit combo.

There's a new stat called Courage.
It only seems to control how fast your ki regens.

The Spirit stat is gone.

>Played the beta for the first game once and never looked at the game again.
>Still got a code

Get fucked, losers.

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Is my waifu in the game? Can I get a picture of her? You know, the irish spirit that you spend the entire game getting back?

Nioh 2's new enemies are fucking terrifying so far, more so than the first game's
>tiny seemingly weak ghouls of multiple types
>if they either get a grab on you or eat one of their own they hulk out into crazy strong abominations with a grab that has like 2 frames startup, have defensive moves, bizarre attack flurries and fast as fuck forward dash
>hammer yokai with long range grabs who can spread yokai zones where their skills get buffed and their hammer attacks start leaving fire pools
>snake tits are Hino Enma 2.0 with paralysis vision, unpredictable tail attacks and dart throws
>digging demons can roll around with good tracking, the only weak point is on their tail and it's hard as fuck to hit

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Ended up using it. Sorry.

What, they're adding more shit? Does anyone actually enjoy Ni-Oh's bloaty battle system? Ki surges, stances, who cares, right?

Thanks for the insight, user

Nope, it's a prequel too so she won't be in Japan.

How can she not be in the game? The only reason Galford comes back to life is from her power.

Saoirse? Probably not since she's William's waifu. I want Janomecho back.

Obviously not until the full game releases (maybe)
Unless you mean 1 in which you get her for beating the main game

Your created character is half yokai or some shit which allows revival from the realm of the dead.

>tfw you played Nioh on PC
>tfw you'll never get a code

I thought it was after nioh since tome the blacksmith isn't a loli but a grown woman

Nioh 2's protagonist is a demi-oni by bloodline.

Ki regen was intentionally made worse than Nioh 1 because you can directly upgrade it instead of wasting money and materials to get it as an armor bonus.

Did they remove the Tonfas from 2? I fucking loved that shit in 1 even if they weren't the best weapons

>game is basically nioh 1.33
>still have to wait 6-12 months for the pc version to come out
i hate sony so fucking much holy shit

That's a bummer. I really liked William for some reason. His hair may be white but he had the samurai spirit.

>play 8 minutes
>didn't address any complaints, still has diablo-esque loot, 3/4 of the enemies are direct copies from the first game
>identical UI and menu's, identical graphically
>take out 2kats and kusarigama, the 2 objectively best weapon types

my disappointment is immeasurable

Starts in 1555. Tome is probably in the alpha as a placeholder.

Or thanks to our blood we literally witness the events of next hundreds of years because oni side keeps protagonist semi-immortal.
>one blacksmith changes another
>Tome appears as a kid, then as a grown woman, then as old as her grandfather
>then she is changed by another blacksmith qt

She's Japanese, they look the same between 14 and 50.

Even worse user, wait another 2 years for shitty PC port of Nioh 2 abandoned after launch

During the peace of Augsburg? That's an unusual setting.

Just not in the alpha. The devs said themselves Nioh 2 was going to be a bigger, better Nioh, so it would be dumb of them to remove fucking anything from the game outside of armor.

Odachi is objectively the best weapon in the game friend. Go big or go home.

imagine being this deluded

Can an user in the closed alpha tell me if they changed the menu system/inventory system, is it improved or the same?

As long as it doesn't take 8 years to finish it's going to be better than Ni-Oh 1. The only thing I want is enemy variety and it feels like it should be so fucking easy to implement, but Sekiro fucked it up, Ni-Oh 1 kind of fucked it up and the less said about Monster Hunter the better.

There's secrets on Nioh 2's world map that give you random items. Look up for the areas where pointer turns blue.

mostly the same

Played and platinum achieved, but nothing
I guess I have bad luck as usual

>get character creation
>first thing people do is make half naked ninja girls

Skill tree UI is worse in my opinion

did they just take the 1st game, add character creation and called it nioh 2?

Because you don't pander to kids in twitch


Funny, I couldn't even beat the first boss in Nioh 1 and they gave me a code haha. I will auction my code off for FFXIV gil, highest bidder wins.

Attached: download.jpg (299x168, 7K)

Did they really removed fucking kusarigama?
Are they retarded?

>played nioh
>no code
Oh well I'll play it eventually

>tfw when you played nioh on ps4
>tfw you get the platinum trophy
>tfw when you'll never get a code
It can always hurt more

>They kept they Diablo loot
Thank fucking god

oh yeah?
what about 5 (YES, FIVE) kangaroo bucks?

>people wearing a kappa shell

Flash attack is just as easy as before except you press down now instead of left/right. It fucks with your muscle memory a bit but is still easy to do. Also, flux still works on non perfect ki pulses.

Can you make lolis in the character creator or is it shit. I want to make a cute loli with a Kanobo, I know Kanobos aren't in though.

alpha gameplay looks like a slightly better nioh 1, which was pretty bad. skipping this one

Oh, also, you can ki pulse blocks now.

oh, holy shit
is the Timely Guard reduction still in and is it on all weapons now?

I cant help but shake the feeling that the plot of nioh 2 is gonna be early days sengoku clean up crew

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What are the little skeleton kodama for? What do I give them?
Pic unrelated

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>just feels like more of the first game.

I'm glad to be honest, sometimes it's good to get more of a good with with some refinements. The vidya industries need to reinvent the wheel is why we have so many shit sequels.

Attached: Nioh Screenshot 2018.06.22 - (1920x1080, 3.49M)

Nobunaga is like 20 years old when the game happens.
I want him to be a major NPC.

they work like the diablo-like NPCs that give you a random item in exchange for another item.
So basically give them anything and they'll give you any other item. The higher quality the item you give them, the higher chances you have of getting a good item.

>played over 150 hours of the first game
>bought dlc
>no code

[email protected]

[email protected]

More like youkai busters, youkai use to rule japan until they got SUCC'd into the amrita.

Who gives a fuck? Sekiro made this shit obsolete.

>Can't even sheathe your katana after a stylish kill
Into the trash it goes

Attached: fuk u.png (500x600, 352K)

[email protected]

Has anyone beat the snake boss? That shit seems impossible.

[email protected]
really want that alpha

>>first thing people do is make half naked ninja girls
so? what's the issue? this is standard behaviour for any non-gay person. of course, if you rather look at a muscled guy all the time... ehhh

He's easy. Just lock on to his head. One-legged hammer yokai move fucks him up.

Does anyone know if they're still sending out codes?

Attached: Check em.gif (353x448, 1.47M)

Is anyone willing to pay for a code?

Attached: BoRA3QF.jpg (960x716, 100K)

what currency?

>no more 100k glory grind to unlock a ninja girl skin
praise da lord

i cant beleive no one is posting codes in this thread. this site is dead

Someone take my code:

Attached: 7896896.gif (498x280, 423K)

ty user

Fuck, guess I'll need to monitor the thread closer

Transformations are still in.

Hopefully they have fun with it and let us use some yokai.

>alpha sparks interest to dust off nioh since no ps4 and thus no chance of playing
>start new game because i finished almost literally everything in my old save
>expect to run levels over
>it's actually not that easy, and die a few times to bat lady
her paralysis balls are easy, but damn ki is limited at the beginning

Attached: Evolve.jpg (1864x1704, 1.31M)

>same shitty loot system


>look up Nioh 2 on twich to see live gameplay
>every amerimutt stream made a black guy/woman
You can't make this shit up.

Attached: william.jpg (1280x720, 104K)

Does the coop straight up break the game for anyone else? I started a mission to complete with a random player and there were textures missing out the ass, I couldn’t see my weapon, and my partner was invisible. Then he went and prayed at a shrine and now my screen just went black and I can’t move. I can still hear that asshole running around killing enemies and collecting Amrita but I’m stuck here.

>Didn't get a code

this is bullshit

Looks exactly the same and plays the same as nioh, apart from Yokai shift. Boring. I got the plat on the first one as well.

Maybe it’s black people playing the game. You guys are ridiculous.

They’re in denial

Here's your Oni, bro.

Attached: nioh 2 female oni.jpg (3264x1836, 1.99M)

Then they looked awfully pale on their webcam.
At least chinks are streaming it and actually play the game without "hey sup dude " every 30 sec.

Well that’s weird... I’ve never heard of white people cosplaying as black characters. Wonder why..

because wypipo are racist?

My problem with it is that I never find it fun or exciting to find new gear and customize my character with this system. Its like every time you find a bunch of new gear you have to go through all that shit and the bonuses are never really great.

Takes 100% of the fun involved in customization for me.

I'd rather they had like 30 or 40 pieces of loot in the game but every change is meaningful.

lend me your power

Rollin, [email protected]

I bought Nioh with DLC twice and didn't receive a code.

I only played the Nioh 1 beta test.
Lock-on seemed out of place and I was wondering if I can play through the game without lock-on?

Asking out of curiosity. Have you guys been online for the last month?

I have been. An earlier user said they didn’t give codes to vets because they know you will buy the game anyway which is actually pretty convincing and fucked up. A lot of people that haven’t touched it since the first beta got codes and aren’t even using them.


just beat this boss
hug either of his side and attack its arm. I used high stance + heavy attack, just 1 hit at the time (trying to combo the boss usually ended up in me getting hit by the boss). Without its arm, it cannot go into yokai shift mode.


I have played nioh alpha and it's two subsequent betas, platinumed the game and have all DLC beaten (haven't completed way of the wise or way of the Nioh). I've been online 2 times during the past month and played single player game for about an hour each time. Prior to that my PS4 collected dust for about 3 months or so. And I don't have PS+.
And I got the code.

lmfao I never played the first and I got a code, anyone want it?

[email protected]

Throw me that bitch and I’ll never not love you user, [email protected]

If you didn’t give it to other user, or gave a second I’d take it. [email protected]

The water boss was great in nioh. So many deaths just before they even got to the boss

Goddammit I keep missing the fucking links!
I'm just gonna post my throwaway email from when I used to sell junk on CL. If anyone wants to help a bored user out on this long weekend. I offer this meme as a prize
[email protected]

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Is ninjutsu still baby mode?

>ps4 only

Hoo boy, is this another Dark Souls 3 shitfest? I know my 2080 ti will brute force it into 60 FPS but fuck this is obvious it's not optimized


So how do you remove the red horns debuff when fighting the first boss?