Here’s a superhero property that thinks the person under the mask is as interesting as the titular hero himself...

here’s a superhero property that thinks the person under the mask is as interesting as the titular hero himself (nobody cares about peter parker, they just really, really liked tobey maguire in 2002, ‘04, and ‘07)

their beliefs are so sustained that they force you to engage in civilian-esque duties such as mundane homeless shelter errands and laboratory pipe puzzles

and to top it off, they make you play as the hero’s civilian sidekicks, the apex of the gameplay utilizing pseduo-naughty dog crouched stealth mechanics

Daily reminder that Spider-Man PS4 sucks.

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Nice opinion

Nigga, I liked this version of Peter. He had Parker Luck, but he just dealt with it. When he got evicted, instead of being "whoa is me" he was like "Fuck it, I can just crash at May's. Gotta get my archives first".

>they force you to engage in civilian-esque duties such as mundane homeless shelter errands
you often meet and talk to Aunt May, Miles and Martin Li who work at the shelter, but there is never any errands for you to do there
are you sure you aren't just a seething faggot?

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peter parker is just as important to ANY piece of spider-man related media as whoever the hero ends up being himself.
your an idiot with a shitty opinion, keep it to yourself next time

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There is that one time you visit the shelter and there's some little chores like mopping up a spot on floor and collecting some trash, yet it was entirely optional and didn't affect the story. Hell, I stumbled on it since I don't think anyone tells you about it. Wonder if they had wanted to let you do more in the shelter like tidy up and help out some of the shelter folk and cut it to avoid too much bloat on the sections.

Take off your mask. I want to see my nephew.

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Doesn’t mean someone wants to play as a civilian in a AAA superhero game

Says you.

>616 May
>Found out because he left his costume around like an idiot
>PS4 May
>"Of course I knew it was you, you fucking idiot. Your're my fucking nephew."

>You knew?

this game had the worst wall crawling in any spiderman game i have ever played

>into the spiderverse may
>essentially spidermans alfred with batcave and everything

Except no.

You haven't played many Spider-man games. As in, you've only played two, and the other was Spider-man 2.

>here’s a superhero property that thinks the person under the mask is as interesting as the titular hero himself (nobody cares about peter parker
>OP would most likely throw a hissy fit if they used Miles' Spider-Man instead of Peter

>Marvel Zombies May
>she's dead because Peter eat her

sony shills working overtime in this thread

this kid has never played the game there are no shelter missions it's all exposition cut scenes

>She's not even phased by Peter Porker or Penny appearing.

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there are no civilian missions besides sneaking ones as miles and mary jane

Well there is the "mission" of going to Li's office and rooting through his shit to confirm (to Peter) that he's Mr. Negative. But that's about it for anything beyond just visiting for some plot progression.

She did seem perturbed by Peter B's use of sweats as part of his attire.

>shill meme
Try harder, newfag.

>JJJ's podcasts
>the final one when you complete the third DLC
Much as I miss JK Simmons, they found a great guy to play the old sourpuss just as perfectly.

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>Nobody cares about Peter Parking
>Missing the point of the character entirely as being an every man thrust into a role of responsibility they're not sure they can handle, but persevere nonetheless.
>Just wants to punch stuff and quip
Fuck dude you dumb

The title music is fucking kino though.

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I still don't get why they didn't grab JK Simmons again considering he's on record as being completely okay with returning in the Avengers so I'm sure that would extend to voice acting as well. I like the new guy but Simmons is so perfect it's hard to disassociate him from the role, it's the same with Hugh Jackman being Wolverine.

I never finished the DLC because I got bored at the second one, what happens with JJJ at the end of the third one?

>and quip
that's not one of Spider-Man's abilities
that's pure Peter

why does Insomniac never sell their soundtracks
Spyro, Ratchet & Clank, Resistance, Spider-Man, all good OSTs, but they refuse to put them up anywhere
youtube quality doesn't do them justice

He has a meltdown over hearing that there's a second Spider-Man (Miles being trained by Peter)

>talk shit about MSM because it was a shit game
>get called a *insert other dev* shill
I blame american politics
The intro cutscene is just damn incredible. Pretty much beats any recent superhero film intro.

Well, it wasn't shit. There's that.

>there are no civilian missions
>goes on to list two missions starring two civilians

The only reason why I ever gave a shit about Spider-Man games is Venom. I just hope one day we get a stand alone Venom game rather than just getting the black suit as a cosmetic or minor stuff like Venom in Ultimate Spider-Man, where you can't do much other than wreck shit and kill people.

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symbiotes are already confirmed for the sequel

>nobody cares about peter parker

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Yeah, but from the looks of it, just another man-made thing, rather than an alien symbiote from outer space.

>That one lucky bastard listener who said he has a wife who dresses up in a Spider-Girl outfit for him before they start banging

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But it reacted to Norman's hand on the tank, that implies it may be alive.

The bio suit in USM was also alive in a sense, but that didn't give it true sentience, just like how it reacted to Peter when Eddie was wearing it.

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it could very easily be from space and Osborn gathered it up and experimented with it

Will the Prowler be as cool in Sony's Spider-Man 2 as he was in Spider-Verse?

Insomniac is not limited to any specific comic, they are given freedom to form any story they want
this is Insomniac's universe
don't expect things to be 1 to 1 with other origins

But that was after Peter had worn it and how he had traces of it within him, which is what allowed him to become Carnage (or least something like Carnage) and ultimately allow Eddie to evolve the suit and gain its full power. The thing in the tank with Harry in the post-credits scene reacts very much the same way as the alien symbiote does. There's certainly a chance it's been modified by Osborn tech, but it's pretty fair to suggest it'll be the original kind of Symbiote and not the anti-cancer suit or whatever the synthetic version is meant to be.

I could see it being something like the symbiote arrived on earth years ago, went dormant, and got revived by Osborn scientists messing with it, which would allow them to blend elements of both 616 Venom and Ultimate Venom.

All depends on which version they go with.

So how was the Spider-geddon crossover? Did Super Spock do anything to really fuck with things, or was his involvement largely harmless?

>So how was the Spider-geddon crossover?
It was shit, they killed Noir and UK.

Pretty sure everybody unanimously agrees the Spider-Verse version, despite having his story condensed into what must be twenty minutes of screen-time max, is the vastly superior version of the character when it comes to the relationship with Miles. Aaron loved Miles, and was probably the only person who wouldn't have laid a finger on besides his brother. The original comic version was completely unlikable and only served to make Miles' run even shittier.

Granted, Insomniac already gave Miles his Uncle Ben moment with his father's death in the PS4 game, so they probably won't be killing off the Prowler.

Oh they'll be back in no time. Nobody fucking stays dead in the comics ever.

>The inheritors want to suck out our spider juice, we better stop them.
>Here's this plan to stop them.
>A Spider-Man dies, probably your favorite one.
Repeat for every issue.

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It's always the most popular Spider-Men that die. They almost guaranteed absolutely check who's the most popular and snip them out.

Did Spock actually fix PS4 Ock? Or was that just total bs?

I will forever be mad Leopardon lost at all when he would one-shot enemies all the time and once the suit was stolen during production all canon footage of him is of him never getting hit once.

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OP was a fag, but this is such blatant bait, that maybe he just really wanted a Spider-man thread.

Anyway, this game was great. Whats your favorite 2d Spidey game? I'd say Lethal Foes is the best, but I gotta admit, I'm very biased towards the Genesis version of TAS. I have no idea how many hours I spent playing that as a kid.

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Read Vault of Spiders, it has a pretty good chapter dedicated to THE EMISSARY OF HELL.

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Only 2D ones I ever played were that Tiger Electronics game where you web some asshats in windows and a little bit of Maximum Carnage.

It's wonderful.

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2002 Spider Man is still the best super hero movie of all time, don't @ me

>using gay ass twitter memes
Kill yourself.


>Nobody likes Peter
What a fucking retard

spidey ps4 is like the 4th best spiderman game

Spider-Verse flew well past 2 in quality, my dude.

They could do Hobie

Yeah, nailed it. All the MJ stuff was so fucking bad. NO ONE bought the game to be forced into dumb non-superpower scenarios.

The game way way overhyped. It was basically a generic open-world Ubishit game with a world traversal gimmick and push-any-button-to-win combat a la Arkham.

Everyone jerked off about the webslinigng but there was no quick-zip or quick-transferring between planes, which is super basic shit that has been in all the past games.

Presentation was gorgeous but once you took the 30 minutes to master the webslinging and combat there was no reason to finish the game.

There is literally a quick zip, there are multiple.

I feel they could have played up how depressing the situation actually was a bit more. I know they did it a bit, but id like pete to be a bit more shook.

They should have called this game "Marvel's Mister Negative" since he was the main fucking character

>whoa is me

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>I've only ever watched the movies

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>New play through
>Playing game without the costume the game hopes you're using
>Everyone says Spidey is scratched up and hurt
>Comic book costume looks completely fine with no rips or anything
It confused me.

nice bait

I don't know. I think I'm going to die on the Spider-Man 2 hill.

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>but there was no quick-zip or quick-transferring between planes
Did you play the game blindfolded and deaf?

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>The elephant noises were a last minute edition

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such a good theme

Agreed. Game would of been far better with miles and Mary Jane excluded

Just platinum'd the game there. How is the DLC?


Peter Parker stuff can potentially be interesting if used carefully and sparsely as contrast to the Spider-Man stuff
I don't know what the heck they were thinking with playable Mary Jane though

>whoa is me