Let's have a thread discussing lesbian and gay representation in video games. Do you think there are enough homosexual characters in video games? Who are some you know of?
Let's have a thread discussing lesbian and gay representation in video games...
Other urls found in this thread:
LGBT history
you're already off to a bad start since the characters in your image aren't canonically gay
Sidon is implied.
sodomy was more than gay shit though
how exactly?
>lesbian and gay representation in videogames
No one gives a shit. It will never not feel forced because writers can't make characters where they are gay, but that's only part of the character, they will always make it where being gay is the one and only defining character trait of that character. Get that shit out of my videogames, I'm here to cut alien heads off with my plasma sword, not listen to some one note faggot talk about how gay they are.
The average American thinks a quarter of the country is gay or lesbian, when in reality, the number is approximately 4 percent.
This is objectively false.
>wants to be a bro and help you out
>he must be all about the cock lmao
>time to write my link/sidon alpha beta omega slash fiction
Fujos need to be gassed
only if you gas yurifags too
It makes me feel better to think he is, since there is not enough true lgbt representation in video games.
fuck """true""" representation
stupid weak faggot
Let's not.
I hope you're just shitposting user
counter point
post cute vidya boys
All fags will burn in the lake of fire. You're living a life of sin and God calls homos an abomination.
Get right with Jesus anons. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
Read the bible, my retarded friend.
I wanna see if you have ammo to keep this up
why do so many animals exhibit homosexual behavior if it's unintended.
Get out of here with your semitic religion.
Riddle me this
>Mods delete good old fashioned vidya boys threads
>These kind of threads baiting people to reply with gay or "representation" shit won't be touched
I thought Arcade in New Vegas was a good example.
when it's incognito it's ok
It's like how you used to start a monster hunter thread before World's release shitted it up
Does anyone want to play video games together...?
Being a god fearing low-IQ lunatic isn't wise.
I'm not gay but vidya traps are pretty hot.
They're just flat girls so it's not gay to be attracted to them, though.
But now you have fags shitting on fags and unironic retards defending the shit on OP instead of pure well-behaved anons who want to post vidya boys.
In any case, I command you to post more boys.
G-d is Lord!
Imagine being such a low IQ faggot tranny that you delude yourself to belive this.
Big fish loves link (in not a gay way) because Link would have been his big brother/brother in law.
Link and Mipha had a thing going. Mipha was so in love with Link that she made him the water armor which by ceremony is reserved for her future mate/husband.
Sidon was a little fish boy when the great Knight Link was in his life so of course he looked up to this great hero that his sister was so in love with.
There is NO gay cannon, you fags. The only gays in the game is that cross dresser that helps Link get gerudo clothes and the dude who helps with your house.
but did you actually mean have gay sex instead of play video games?
>not opening the thread with the only FE lord gayer than two guys blowing three guys
>I'm not gay but
It's too late for you
*loads shotgun*
Unfortunately, it's this or no thread.
Enjoy it while it lasts.
Keep this degeneracy away from my vidya.
>wanting to kill all straights
You'll need a lot of ammo
I dont mind gay or lesbian shit so long as its not hamfisted, on the nose, used for brownie points and the main defining trait of the character in question.
Also reminder that the word of God doesn't say anything against gays. See
If only FE's gameplay was as good as the boys.
Name western games that do that please
Enough characters? Ofcourse! Considering gays and trannies make up less than 5% of the population. What’s with fags and trannies being obsessed with attention. Nobody gives a fuck about you.
How am I retarded?
Animals also rape, kill rival baby animals, and have sex with corpses so what's your point. Humans are not animals. Animal behavior is not a standard for human behavior. Besides, most animals that do gay stuff are ones that have been in captivity and kept in cages, their instincts and behaviors and have properly fucked with.
God is waiting for you user. He wants you to change from your wicked ways. That's why you're seeing this.
At least they enjoy life, wich is what counts
Faggots and trannies fuck off, subhuman filth.
arcade gannon.
Read nigger, read!
If they enjoyed life then they wouldn't have an above-average suicide rate. The diseases probably don't help.
No, I meant what I said. I'm a good boy. What games are you interested in?
>important part of his character
>never actually brought up or mentioned, just made somewhat apparent at most
I like how literally all these threads never have actual gay characters and just people fagging up non faggy characters, come on now.
>most animals that do gay stuff are ones that have been in captivity and kept in cages, their instincts and behaviors and have properly fucked with.
Factually incorrect.
and yes, humans are animals. we're the same thing lmao, we used to do all that shit, some degens still do
Do gays have good taste in vidya?
Zelda is shit, but it doesn't seem like anyone is actually playing it, just that Link is a faggy twink that would fit in one of those gachas that no one plays but everyone posts characters from.
theres no afterlife lol
Daily reminder
>Dark Pit is the opposite of Pit
>Pit is canonically straight
>Therefore dark pit is ______
It's the female fantasy. Pretty boys lusting for cock. Canonicity be damned
Leviticus 18:22 ESV You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.
Romans 1:24-28 24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-who is forever praised. Amen. 26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. 28Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.
Leviticus 20:13 ESV If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.
1 Corinthians 6:9 9Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men
Now you know why nobody cares about that representation shit but everybody wants some cute boys in vidya
oh okay. well i would like to play something cooperative and light. maybe that upcoming dragon quest builders 2? something like that.
And faggots still want to end themselves and go to the void. They definitely do not enjoy life.
Mega straight and also a chad
y-yeah, female haha
Jude 1:7 ESV Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.
All Old Testament Jewish shit
stop quoting some jewish book, no one cares
go eat stale bread and wine christcuck
>have an entire bit about Pit having naughty thoughts about Palutena
>then introduce pit's opposite
How often does Dark Pit have naughty thoughts about cocks violating him?
The only gays I've ever played video games with were furfags in TF2
I've never seen a good reason to sexualize video game characters outside of physical attractiveness.
I don't know, rate me.
Last games played:
>dark souls 2 (pvp)
>enter the gungeon
>fallout: new vegas
>hollow knight
>hotline miami 2
the void was pretty comfy desu
before we were born we were all dead and that wasn't so bad
Why are christians so evil?
Quiet you.
This is god tier besides DS2.
Fuck ds2
play any other soulsborne game please
this thread is here because there's no DMC thread, right?
ShouId I create a containment thread for all the viral fujos?
I think you have a misconception about what gay people is
>doesn't seem like anyone is playing it
>zelda, the most critically acclaimed series of all time
>ocarina of time is featured in almost every single top 10 list
Oh, that's multiplayer? I played the first one up to whatever was after the poison place and it got a bit repetitive so I dropped it. Multiplayer would probably make it more fun and fresh.
Do you honestly think containment threads work?
I like Sera from Dragon Age 3 because she's ugly on the outside just like homosexuals are ugly on the inside. This symmetry pleases me.
I'm gay and I don't give a fuck. I know heteros are the far majority and the average person is so. Movies, TV, and now even games are trying to push this 25% to 50% of the population bullshit and it's nonsense.
Yeah, sexual immorality as in trying to rape women and sexless angels, not by buttfucking another man
yeah the second one has online, and local, coop. also i think it just has more content all-around too. seems like it would be good to play with a friend.
or a cute boy
>manly = gay
god damnit you retarded faggots.
Now that I think about it, is there anything in the New Testament that bars against homosexuality?
Am I allowed if bowser is as far as I go
I'm not a furry i swear he's just such a cute dad
Why is that a thing?
I mean, why does the word "represented" instead of "wanted" or "needed" or something?
It's not like actual gays want a representative so they get a vote at some sonic-mario Senate.
And if I am a sad sick fuck I don't want more sad sick fucks in my videogames, I want more diapered dragons or something, but that's not a "representation" thing, because those do not exist, sadly.
What the fuck?
Absolutely nothing by Jesus, but Paul went off the deep end a few times.
he comes...
But Ike is canonically pretty fucking gay
>that picture
he's coming now
It just works well for me
Also, i'm thinking about starting with sekiro, is it good or is it just a meme?
be sincere user
Yes. Phrasing the question in the form of asking for opinions is fine but when the question is along the lines of "Is there enough X representation in games", the answer is always yes 99.9% of the time because there is no metric to determine the amount of enclusivity required to objectively satisfy said question, leading to a pound of flesh scenario unless you follow the rule that the answer is yes so long as it has any representation at all.
its better than the rest so i would play it last. it will ruin the others.
Let's keep things on the straight and narrow user. I just got done with a three day vacation. Did they make it so buildings show a bit more properly? I didn't care for all buildings being roofless and being unable to build second floors. I did see it's got a hang glider thing and that looked neat. If you'd like I might pick it up if you want to play together.
The New Testament is in the Old concealed, the Old is in the New revealed. Same God, same standards.
This is from the new testament if that helps you, "But cowards, those who refuse to believe, who do evil things, who kill, who sin sexually, who do evil magic, who worship idols, and who tell lies—all these will have a place in the lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
Revelation 21:8 NCV
I care. If i can save one user from wickedness so they can enter the Kingdom of Heaven, it's worth it.
What makes you think Christians are evil?
I honestly don't know. I just finished Bloodborne which I didn't like, I plan to get into Sekiro eventually. I actually went further back and went to From's first game, King's Field, first. It's super fun, very cute with how old it is.
I've heard great things about Sekiro though. But if I'm honest, I'll probably just replay DS1 for the 50th time haha. I'll end up being a shitter and disliking it, like Bloodborne.
you're delusional
>gays want a representative
That's exactly what people imply.
It doesn't have to be true, it just opens an easy path "but having representative is only fair, you bigot".
dislike sekiro for being a shitter, that is
even getting a blowie joey from your qtpie wife is a sexual sin, my friend
He is outgoing, a "dashing" swashbuckler prince charming type. There is no homosexually, explicit or implicit, in his actions. He's more of a Zorro / Inigo Montoya type.
Romans 1
Ephesians 5:5 ESV For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.
1 Thessalonians 4:3 ESV Ford this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality;
Surely you know that the people who do wrong will not inherit God’s kingdom. Do not be fooled. Those who sin sexually, worship idols, take part in adultery, those who are male prostitutes, or men who have sexual relations with other men, those who steal, are greedy, get drunk, lie about others, or rob—these people will not inherit God’s kingdom. In the past, some of you were like that, but you were washed clean. You were made holy, and you were made right with God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 NCV
fallout 2
aww. and hmm im not sure. i havent actually looked too far into it because i usually like to be blind going into games. i think i heard they removed weapon durability though? other than that and coop i dont know much.
and im not actually sure if i want to get it/play together though. the truth is im actually painfuly shy and videogames with multiplayer give me a lot of anxiety. that wasnt always the case and i miss the days where i could play with randoms and have fun.
Very gay
Not so gay, but depends how you play
Ultra gay
Not so gay but I can see the gay appeal to it
looks like dream theater album art
Remember to serve the ancient gods of your ancestors and not a dead kike on a stick that was forced upon them by a retarded semitophile Franchman white man!
DS2 actually has the best PVP in the series.
why did you summon the one who shall not be named
You guys *did* marry Shane, right?
Well, don't fret too much. You could treat me like an AI companion if you wish!
I did, until I installed a mod to marry the wizard while using korean portraits
shane is still best boy though
even if he is a manlet
God is dead. And so is the Devil. He is not coming.
gachas are shit but bless them for giving us so many cute boys
you're pretty nice, user. do you have any other coop games you're interested in? i played mercenary kings solo and that was pretty fun but would probably have been better in coop.
That only makes him cuter
SidonxLink is canon.
I generally don't really buy multiplayer games because I don't really have anyone to play them with. While I can't think of any off the top of my head, I've held off on buying some because I know that playing them alone wouldn't be very fun.
How many times do you think Joker repayed him in sexual favors
The number is actually higher than 50%.
do you have any evidence to back this up?
well we could change that, maybe. you should check out mercenary kings though.
do you want me to just give you my switch friend code? or do you also want something like a discord name too so we can stay in touch?
hello Axel
If you'd like, sure! I hardly have anything on Switch and I think my roommate took it with him on a trip he was taking anyway. How is Mercenary Kings? I like Metal Slug so I was rather interested in it but skipped it because of the lack of friends and I recall hearing it was incredibly grindy, would you say that's true?
>if a christian gets a blowjob from their wife they're committing an offense to God
Only the people who decided to cut their dicks en mass could've made this seem smart.
i really liked it. its one of those games where you can pretty much just beat it with the starting pistol if you're good enough so the grind isnt an issue unless you wanna make literally every gun. (theres even an in-game achievement for beating the hardest missions with only the starting pistol actually)
i dont know what its like in coop, obviously, but its clearly made for it since some missions have you going from corner to corner of huge maps doing various objectives. having an extra person would be way faster since you could split up.
the friend code is SW-5285-1791-5512 and my discord thing is BitNevada#0157 feel free to add me on both
It's completely gay to be attracted to vidya traps. You are not straight at all.
Fags deserve to burn
a handy guide
This chart feels biased towards the trap's dick. Even at 50%, 'fixated', really?
pictures for 75 and 100 should be switched desu
t. would fap to 100 but not 75
the penis is literally what makest he trap though
yeah maybe so. i do think 100 is hotter at least. 50 and 100 are the best.
>tfw already fapped to 50 and 75
Fug. It's too late for me.
75 is good if it's humiliation focused
>quoting the New Testament
Reminder that the new testament was created by "the church" for the sole purpose of removing worship from God and instead worshipping the image of Jesus.
If you read your shot you'd know worshipping false Gods is a sin.
Also you probably think sins are death sentences and they send you to "hell" where the "devil" is.
All bullshit pushed by the Church to scare peasants into giving up their money and possessions for the Church.
Because they're ignorant of God.
i tend to only like that if its female-on-male
Depends on what you like avout him.
His nature?
His aura?
his big muzzle with his big hot tongue? His slightly dominant kissing?
his claws that caress you in just the right way?
fags are disgusting and need to stay away from games.
Get out.
based and holypilled.
Link and Sidon should end up together.
Any wholesome, canon relationships that aren't just playersexual stuff?
Christ all mighty, I can't wait for this planet to be wiped clean.
>Why isn't my depraved sexual fetish in all my games?
I wish I saved more gay cat or Astolfo pics.
They aren't exactly relevant because they're traps and thus not gay, but close enough.
Traps are fucking disgusting
No, they're cute and wholesome.
Source on 100?
>those replies
Way to flame the autists with a simple comment. Brilliant.
I think is funny and kinda sad at the same time that the best representation of gay people has been in south park:the fractured but whole, but I guess in the future we will see more (if only they stopped to overrepresent lesbians...)
>so depraved that it’s common in many animal species with advanced social behaviour
Strictly speaking one shouldn't think of Hell as a literal, tangible, lake of Hell fire that God personally banishes naughty people down to suffer for all eternity. This is an ignorant, comical, cartoonish, heathen, concept of Hell derived from the non-canon fan fiction of Dantes Inferno- where a selfish man petty man writes a self insert about how all the people he likes are cool and how all the popes he hates are being tortured forever.
Hell and Heaven is a state of the soul and the ability to linger on eternal as a complex, mature, and fully spiritually literate individual. It's important to develop a relationship with the divine, with God, so that you can know something greater than the some of your parts. It's Nirvana or Enlightenment and Hell is wallowing in a fickle cyclical cycle of chaos and evil.
These themes and notions are universal in all spiritual narratives and that's far from coincidence- there are many paths to God.
From a historical context you need to remember the people of the past were crude, frustrated, ignorant, and working with the best they had. The Bible has also been translated and our current rendition is much to be desired- Enoch after all was deemed worthy enough to ascend to heaven without dying, but then his additions weren't good enough for the Bible. What is important here is sentiment, intention, and the Bible promotes a narrative of: forgiveness, rehabilitation, but in this specific case the lessons of temperance, humility, and reserved inhibition.... You can't be letting your base instincts run your life. Man's prerogative should ideally be higher than the demands dictated by his cock.
even if God is keeping the shit stabbers out of heaven so they can burn in hell for all eternity, he's letting the cute lipstick lesbians in though?
>if only they stopped to overrepresent lesbians
It's a woman's world, they always get everything first.
Don't reply to subhumans, they will only go away if they get bored.
Mods won't do their job, so it's self-moderation time.
the name is right there
Yoru no Kao wa Enkou Shounen - Aki-chan no Hitori Shigotohen
tfw no wholesome femboy bf to be gay and happy with.
0% gay
I don't believe you
Based and actual Christian-pilled.
I want to force small cute boys into being gangbang whores.
that doesn't make you gay that makes you a faggot
So? Its hot.
So, do you actually pick male or female?
Holy shit im blind, still, thank you kind user
lipstick is zoy based
why are there so many faggots on this board?
/thread even if it doesn't answer OP's question
wrong, most trannies are agp "lesbians"
>Yea Forums complaining about sjws when a boyposting thread devolves into literal sjw politics and sadblogs being discussed EVERY SINGLE TIME
i'm never believing you fucks when you say you hate tumblr when you literally are tumblr
I too watch lesbian bonobo smut.
better than having rectal cancer, really
There is a problem with gay characters in videogames. Also in television and film, but not quite as bad.
People will often claim to have absolutely no problem whatsoever with gay people. They say this to make sure that they cannot be called a homophobe or be criticised in any way when they make their next point.
Then they basically say they don't want gay characters in their games.
Then the excuses come out.
>it's not important
So why does it bother you?
>I don't care about any of the relationships in my games, I just want games!
A little autistic, but okay. I can agree with that, games should be games. However, if a story-driven game like an RPG has a gay character in it, why does that irk you?
>it's just pandering to the LGBT crowd
This isn't fair. You can always just call it pandering and keep gay characters out of fiction forever that way. You can't tell me you don't have a problem with homosexuals if you want to pretend they don't exist.
>I'm okay with gay characters as long as it never gets mentioned
Well then you're not REALLY okay with gay characters, are you?
>the gay characters are always written really badly!
That's the secret, user. All videogame characters are written badly.
If your cocky male teammate jokes about having slept with 5 women the night before, you wouldn't think twice. If your cocky male teammate jokes about having slept with 5 men the night before, you're irked by that. Why?
>wanting to dominate lesser males and force them to service you sexually
what's your problem cake-boy?
Tumblr is for niggers
Gays suck. And not in any of the good ways.
sure, you got us. what we MEAN to say is "we have no problem with homosexuality as long as you keep that gay-ass shit away from us". no one wants to think about it, much less bother trying to "eliminate" it, if that were even possible. but boy do the rest of decent society not want to see it.
your sexuality is the equivalent of country music
I guess you'll just have to post even more /pol/ memes and keep calling everyone who disagrees with you a tranny. That'll get everyone in line pretty quick, I'm sure.
/pol/shit counts its the same buzzwords being thrown left and right and crying about your race being trampled on or what ever delusion everyone's fallen into
i want my threads plain and simple:
not animal sex
not christianity
not 3d politics
not /pol/
not felix the gay cat
Sounds like you want a less retarded website. I have no suggestions.
>not felix the gay cat
Surely you'll be willing to compromise
no because you faggots post the same thinking meme image and no fanart because none of you know how to search pixiv or twitter
>city punished with eternal fire
>rain put the fire out
Where's the fire, bruh?
I'm insulted
>not felix the gay cat
Over the line
mods hate you as much as you hate mods
You actually used an "?" this time. I'm proud of you.
>faggots and yurifaggots can only post a bunch of retarded ships because vidya industry as a whole doesn't care about them or their "representation"
You described "shippers" as a whole.
The first Kirk/Spock gay fan fiction was written in the 70's I believe
Twinks are mostly gaybait for women anyway
Baras are for the gay gays
>tfw fake gay
Though honestly, I'm not even really gay because I prefer traps