Time to check the pri-
Time to check the pri-
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Look out there's a snip-
What the fuck is a snipngles?
Dont worry. The sniper is mine...
*hears you uncloak*
I remember when I could buy 3 keys with 7 ref... How times have changed
I remember that too. How much is it now?
47 refs
I still remember when it was 2.33 ref for a key
A very subtle samefag...
Do normal crates that need normal, plain-jane keys even exist anymore?
We need refsinks other than shitty craft hats.
so you're saying i can spend 2$ on a key and get a shit ton of ref to craft into a ton of hats?
sounds like a fucking steal
>thought this post was trolling
>look up
>it's real
>people still don't understand why keys, a thing that can only be created by paying valve $2.50 aren't worth 2 refined metal, a thing that is generated for free over time via weapon drops, anymore
Have buds still got any value?
The only way to break this inflation is to make it so that you can craft keys from metal.
Valve will never do that though.
Link me to the post that's claiming it doesn't make sense.
Last time i checked it was around 32-35 ref
What the actual fuck
>ref hasn't been able to craft new cosmetics in 5 YEARS
>man why is ref so worthless now???
Link me to the post that's claiming it doesn't make sense.
>tfw last time I checked it was 2.33
How did it all go so wrong?
They could at least give us a key when you lvl up in casual/comp
One was infinite and the other worth money
No, go do it yourself
A key for every 150 levels would be nice.
>market is completely destroyed and a firestorm spreads throughout the tf2 trading forums
>Crates may not be opened in your country
>Still forced to get crates
Dutch or Belgian?
>wow fucking hacker everyone report him
Do you think the law is good or bad? I think they are trying to pass anti microtrans laws in some states
you can still trade so if you want I'd gladly open crates for you just trade me crate and a key for my own key that way you have some collateral on hand to make sure I don't run off with your key
Nigga you fuckin dumb he can just run off with your key after you uncrate some shit that isn't worth it
>key breaks every time I use it to open a lock
You should really stop letting the heavy open all the crates.
Back in the day, it used to be 2.33 ref
What happened?
>cloaked spy in the area
>fire at head-level along the wall
I don't know how but i feel it's getting worse and worse for video games
Instead of making proper therapies for people that buys without question, they're just trying to say instead "BUY FROM US, NOT FROM FOREIGN COUNTRIES"
It wouldn't surprise me if they decided one day to ban any game that wasn't make in ["(europe)"]
oh it applies to tf2 too?
it's a good thing either way retard, I haven't opened a crate in years
you do realize you're the gullible idiot actually wasting money to get the hats and weapons to be thrown in the economy right?
if you want to gamble, just play the lottery instead
think about it, there are like what, 5 items that actually reach the 1000 yuro mark, which you're just as likely to get as winning the lottery, which is millions of yuros
>Someone on a server unboxes 20 or so crates
>they get fucking nothing on almost all of them, but then unboxed an unusual
>person still lost money because the unusual's worth less than $12 on the steam market
*jaw drops*
*eyes pop out of head*
*tongue rolls out*
*picks up jaw*
*fixes eyes*
*rolls up tongue*
*buries face in ass*
Well at that point your new mission is to try and jew someone into buying it
Even if the crate's content was shit, i miss the feeling of opening maximum 2 crates per week to see the content inside and then either keep the trash or sell it a bit lower than what mentions on trade servers while having fun
Also my dad played lottery, most of the time it was shit since we spent around 21 € and get around 5-20 back, and with my garbage luck, i'm not risking losing money by doing this meme
>sell it a bit lower than what mentions on trade servers
nigga sell higher than those jews
>5 people on trade server just dicking around
>Scam some kid and got a key for 4 naughty crates
>Don't understand trade value so I use the key immediately
>Unusual Grenadier's Softcap
>Kid leaves the server
It was like the third crate I ever opened too
I couldn't even sell my unusual its a 1/1
I'll just keep it around I guess
how much are the bots wanting vs actual price cause backpack has some okay bots
>sell trash strangest and hats for slightly higher than market value
>most people check the market and tell me to fuck off
>I get the one kid who doesn't know anything about the market
>mfw actually sold a stout shako for 7 ref in 2014
No one will buy it
Trust me, i've seen retards complain about scam because i wanted to sell something that was 1 ref higher than normal
>been playing since 2007
>never had an unusual
>don't even have any killstreak shit
I ended up getting a cheap killstreak upgrade cause I used the gun so often and honestly it probably isn't worth it
don't actively participate in what thinks your items are worth and then wonder why keys are almost worth 50 refs now
>Be me, a retarded underage faggot
>Unbox a rather fesive tree with burning flames effect
>Immediately sell it for 8 refs
I regret everything
maybe its made of cheap plastic
thats bullshit, why not just block the capability of buying keys?
What even is the hat and unsual?
where the fuck do you get that idea?
there aren't even belgian games with lootboxes so I don't even know how you came up with tat statement
Billions of hats.
Many of them shit.
Limitation of playerbase.
Saturation of strange items and Unusual items. Refined can't get you Strange or Unusual items, thus its value started to become multiplicatively less as everyone could have at least 1 Unusual they wanted and a bevy of Strange weaponry, stat track bullshit, etc. etc. etc.
It's gotten to the point where you actually need backpack expanders just to trade between Keys and Refined.
>goes up to 2.66 ref
>start bitching that the good old days are long gone
6-7 bucks
>ref hasn't been able to craft new cosmetics in 5 YEARS
Excuse me?
>sold mine for 40 keys
so you can still use them as currency
He's retarded.
Currency can act on a closed system. See: Bitcoin
They could just do an event that you can spend ref on for cool stuff
That way ref gets used AND ref value increases
A Refined sink would be pretty nice.
And that's a good thing.
>Use 400,000 refined to build a minigun for the next update
>takes 3 hours
>waah waah why keys so expensive???
>90% of all tf2 items are worth peanuts in return
stop complaining, the only people that care about this shit are people that only care about making a profit in the first place
I'm glad I can get strange cosmetics and weapons for practically nothing now
>b-but muh gaudy unusuals
I knew buds were going to crash one day and I'm glad to see it. Fuck evrey asshole who put stock in buds as the end all be all of tf2 trading
>non-existant market might crumble
I did 500$ from jewing in tf2
used all of it for gayming
didn't play half of the games i bought
What the fuck happened to the TF2 economy while I was gone?
Which idea/statement?
All i'm saying is that i feel that europe will slowly wants you to spend money only in european products and no other continent (You know, game companies like ubisoft...)
Remember when Deblock said that playing video games is now an addiction? What about alcohol? Even tobbaco's prices are going up and medias are still promoting beer (a cheaper way to fuck your body up) which results in car accidents or crimes most of the times it happens and yet, people somehow blame smokers or video game players being the worst of society
Yeah, that's the kind of bullshit that makes me believe Belgium is pretty bad at making decisions
They should block the capacity of valve giving crates
It's just there, ready to be open but in vain
Nope. Just got one for 2 keys a while back. Felt good to finally own a pair after wanting them for so long. I wonder how much a Bill's is now.
Refined can't acquire the only things worth anything anymore. There's so much Refined in the system that anyone can get a basic bitch hat. But Unusuals and Stranges are locked behind Keys. As such, a resource that there is a ton of that can be garnered in infinite supply versus a resource that requires real money, the flow is simple.
Are crates worthless if you don't want to open them?
You should be able to turn them into scrap.
just admit you're addicted to lootboxes and make up excuses already
in reality, america is actually the stuff you're saying
trump's office is proposing a 25% tax on non-american consoles
>get sick air deflect
>get accused of hacking
Why cant the Pyro win?
if you have ever spent money on tf2 beyond buying the game itself you are AIDS
>he bought tf2
Based Belgians protecting simpletons
Imagine actually being a gambling addict for fucking loot crates
>mann vs. machine comes out
>have some money from bitcoin and say fuck it
>buy two keys
>one of them is an unusual villain's veil with what would later be called a mid-tier effect
>immediately sell it for $350
>funds my vidya purchases for the next year
>same hat with similar effect eventually settles into $50 range
>probably lower now
And that's the story of how I turned $5 into $350.
>Only opening a crate per week
>aDdIcTeD! AdDiCtEd!
I could even open a crate per month or year, it's easy
Only people that have a wallet for their brains gets addicted, i'm just here to have fun a bit with my only unboxing and trade with others instead of just binding lenny faces every meatshots for fun
Is TF2 trading hard to get back into these days?
I feel like I read this exact post at least 3 times before
I've posted this story exactly three times over six months
99% of my backpack is uniques and i honestly couldn't be happier with the current state of affairs
pretty nice to be able to go on huge crafting sprees for peanuts too
then get some new greentexts already
One good thing about the current prices is that you can buy every weapon for like the price of a key and have some left over for a few hats
And then you can sell the dozen hats for more than $2 total.
>2$ on a key
Nigga you can spend 1.80 on a key
>wah my $6000 burning tc is gonna be worth less now!
Anyway, the market is 99.9% controlled by the kikery on and, it's fucking disgusting.
The only ones who would suffer from a metal to key craft being introduced would be those jews and their army of bots.
All based. Kuroko is a qt
Good post.
lmao. Can you tell me to bust out some pushups? I been slacking
I didn't believe you but I used the tool on marketplace and to get every item which isn't a reskin of an already existing item costs only 1.36
Valve made it so you need a smartphone to trade
You don't "need" it you just have to wait like two weeks
>people can infinitely mint their own currency and have no incentive to remove it from circulation
>it hyperinflates
who could have seen this coming?!
I like your BLBLBL's. Subtle yet powerful execution.
I'm fine with that because I like cheap hats
What the fuck happened to the value of buds? These things aren't even worth $10 these days.
not much demand now that the game isn't as popular
>tfw 5,000 plus hours of my life wasted on this game
In otherwords goodbye to stockmarket simulator then
um cringe. that gross thing has the body of a teen boy, "she" has no ass to even bury your face in.
>file name
Yes, images have filenames on 4channel.
You sound underage
there isn't really a need for "designated" currency items anymore now that you can put up as much stuff as you want in a single trade
also people eventually realized just how many of the things there are in circulation
>mfw I NEVER opened a single crate in tf2 or CSGO
Did buy the medic emote though that shit was cash money
And thats incredibly sexy stop being gay user
Glad I tapped out really early, fuck this garbage economy system. I bought some unusual with flames from a dude that wanted a few basic items that cost literally nothing and got a few hundred bucks out of it. That was enough for me.
>wanna start playing TF2
>buy one key
>buy every weapon in the game on
thanks cadfog
based as fuck
And that's still with like 30 ref left over
>Ran out of arguments
Thanks for your imput
Was actually really interesting that key prices were lowering considerably just because some guy on said they were to see if people would follow along. Don't remember if he got booted off the site or not but I remember there was some moderation done and prices bloated back to normal within a couple days.
Begone f2p scum
He didn't cause much of a dent if any going by the graph prices have stayed on average with 1.77 being the lowest and 1.83 being the highest daily average but still mostly 1.8 has been the stable value since feb
If anything you both might need to spend some time away from this godforsaken place
>I am attracted to teen boys but YOURE the homo
fuck off fag
This was a year or two ago
tf2 is dead
are you the "my balls your face" guy?
Girls with flat chests are superior since you're closer to their heart when you hug them!
What's the price of buds now? Last time I was playing unusuals were something to die for, can a single key really get you multiple hats now?
>price of buds now
2.5 keys
>can a single key really get you multiple hats now?
Most hats are under 2 ref
Holy shit, what the fuck happened? Really though, is it because the keys are rare that they're worth that much, or because ref is garbage since you can buy them from the store? I haven't been playing for a while, and after your favorite servers close down, the incentive just drops
>Buying virtual keys in an 11 year old game
You do the math.
You're a wonderful person user and I thank you for the morning kek
>How did it all go so wrong?
2.33...that's the exchange rate I remember as well.
We probably did the right thing and jumped ship at the right time.