It's not the same

I'm not 13 anymore. It won't replicate the experience of being a kid with minimal responsibilities, who can play video games for hours.

Unless Blizzard can give me a time machine, it's just empty bullshit.

Attached: WoW_Classic_Main-1280x720.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

that's rough buddy

i'm taking a few days vacation and plan to completely no life it, so i'm gonna have a great time

It's not the same but saying its empty bullshit is just wrong. You still group up with people during leveling a lot, you still have fun with the pvp, there's still great benefit to getting geared and whatnot.

Personally not for me, especially because I do not want to support Blizzard, but it's not wrong to admit that there's at least something to it for those that really want to play.

>i'm taking a few days vacation and plan to completely no life it
enjoy getting to level 45 and having to go back to work

That's fine. I'll still get a decent head start. It's not like all of the content will be released at the start anyway, so there's not much to race towards.

Considering how many stress tests they're doing and how many people are engaging in World PvP its definitely better than phasing and retail right now.

stay on retail.


Classic is a product for a slice of people who played WoW in the early days.

It is true that nothing can bring back the CRT monitors and the friends on ventrillo... but there are many things that changed in WoW for the worse.

Classic is for the people who have, for the past decade, looked at the patch list and shook their heads in disgust. Classic is a return to form in the literal sense of the word.

Attached: 1430973595602.jpg (720x509, 100K)

>you now realize there are more 13yos now than in 2004 that want to play vanilla wow

It's an actual RPG

I miss actual RPGs

if you still have enough free time to play wow as much as you did 10 years ago you should
re evaluate how your life is going

>full price
LOL nope.

Attached: f32.png (525x809, 664K)

Why does your amount of free time matter?

Classic is fun throughout the entire experience, not just endgame.

You don't need to play it with the intent to "finish it" just to enjoy it.

Even the big naysayers who love retail have been streaming and trying it out and loving it. At this point retail might as well be dead beyond transmog and mounts.

On the contrary, how much free time you have as an adult is a decision you make, one you can only make IF you're an adult.

>It won't replicate the experience of being a kid with minimal responsibilities, who can play video games for hours.
the average player of WoW classic was a 28 year old.
kill yourself, zoomer.

The average age of a player now is 28, which means the average age of the player, assuming everyone kept playing afterwards, was 13. Which makes sense, I had just turned 14 when Vanilla launched and I'm 28 going on 29 at the end of the year now.

Most of my friends were 14 at the time as well as were a large majority of people who were playing it. Female players tend to be older than the male players on average throughout the course and the average playtime of WoW these days is 20-22 hours a week.

What does the average age of a player have to do with his own age? Are you fucking retarded?

>The average age of a player now is 28, which means the average age of the player, assuming everyone kept playing afterwards, was 13.
no you dumbfuck. When WoW classic was ACTUALLY WoW, the average age was 28.

I'm 24, work full time, even 60 hour weeks, have my own apartment to myself, and live alone, and I still game for 6-8 hours every day i have off. Mind you i have no friends or a gf.