You did buy a gaming headset approved by the American Cranial Society, didn't you? Gamerhead thread
You did buy a gaming headset approved by the American Cranial Society, didn't you? Gamerhead thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>dubs himself as THE "alpha male"
>plays league
The ironing.
Yo what the fuck, is that possible???
i have one but its nowhere near as pronounced as his
barbers always get confused when i get my head shaved and i usually dont get it any shorter than a 4 on the top so its not as noticable
The dreaded "gamer head"
Many such cases
Trump needs to declare an epidemic
Post physique.
I'm adjusting my headset right fucking now
hang yourself
Bones are being pushed by headset.
Didn't know this was a thing until it was already too late for me. It's over.
That's it, going back to in ears.
Coneheads was one of my favorite movies too
I definitely have that as well I can feel it. Was definitely from the xbox 360 days those headsets were so tight on your head
Do you have a single fact to back that up
>have afro so immune to gamerhead
I touched my head? I know that my body was growing in my teens? Put 2 and 2 together
Believe it or not, you have a layer of skin over your skull that isn't paper thin. Wearing headsets for long periods of time will leave it pressed down and flattened temporarily just as any part of your body gets an indentation when pressed against something like your shoe on your leg or what have you. Since no user is going to give you a proper answer I guess I might as well.
That's an edit right? Or did he get dropped on the head?
Nice math pointdexter
So we agree, then, that no actual skull deformation is occurring?
Is there a discord I can join to help push this terrible meme?
I've worn headphones for a good 20 years almost all day long every day and have no dent
These images are just shitty photoshops or people who got that dent from something else
His skull shape is just inherently fucked
Headsets don't fucking do this you mutants.
>This meme still going
This is what happens when someone touches the fabled soft spot on your head when you're a baby
its if you wear headphones for long periods of time while the skull isn't fully hardened yet. You should be good if you didn't use them a lot before 16 years old
why were their skulls so big????
Also, do you have actual knowledge of this, or are you just making things up that you think sounds reasonable?
stfu retard you have a weak skull as a baby your fucking skull is tough enough when you're an adult stop meme'ing
just making shit up, i don't know the actual cause
>Have worn headphones for over a decade because I dislike earbuds
>No dent
results inconclusive
>Yes, I do wear tight headphones for prolonged gaming sessions, why do you ask?
And you wear them on your forehead?
You're not wearing them tight enough
looks like there's another face under that
U ate your own load?
>look, his hair has been flattened
just how tight are people wearing their headphones?
are you like securing them against headbanging or something?
The skull is formed with a front half and back half, sometimes they don't fuse correctly when you're a baby and you're left with that divot or a lump
Niggers with no education here
Fucking kek
Been using headphones since I was a preteen and I got no dent.
>gaming headset
Do people really do this? Just get a nice pair of headphones and a mic ffs.
He said it indents the skin on top of the skull, not the skull itself. Clarifying just in case you're not trolling.
why are you posting the shooped version?
>tfw feel a depression on my head when I press down with my hand.
Don't scare me like this
You're a nigger tho
I just checked myself, now I'm in a full-blown panic. It even shows up on my shitty camera phone, it's much worse in the mirror. This is temporary, right? I've had them on all day even though I wasn't listening to anything.
Why do grammar fags on here only care about "its/it's"?
Nope it'll be there forever better buy some hats
>being bald
Because I see it all the fucking time. It's more frequent than people actually getting it right
The button on my hat makes a dent some times. It's temporary.
>have a completely flat section on the upper back of my head
where did this come from
Typically a sign of a phoneposter or ESL.
>not going bald
Low test
>tfw have a gamerhead
>also balding
good lord why does God hate me so much
I have that same pair of headphones and they just broke 20 minutes ago.
God could fuck you in the ass a lot harder than that. Count your blessings
what the fuck is a gammer head?
I have no idea why people prefer using only headset beside for specific games
Speakers are way more comfortable
I'm the biggest grammar fag on this board and my biggest hates are:
- then/than, this is so fucking easy I want to kill everyone who somehow gets these wrong
- space questionmark/exclamation mark (eg What ?). Fucking French faggots do this and actually think it's correct.
- prepositions, particularly on/in. Spanish speakers find this shit impossible.
- double past tense, eg "I didn't had that one". Spanish again, but Portugese speaking Brazilians seem to do it more than anyone else.
- he's/his. FUCK you you piece of shit, read a FUCKING book.
There are way more but these are my huge ones.
Some tribes wrap banana leaves around the heads of their young to make them grow like that, its just a weird tribal thing like the lip plates or neck rings
shut up nigger
>t. zoomer who's barely been wearing a headset a year
It's literally the same thing as when people get indentations from wearing tight glasses all day for years. The fatty/skin layer will return to normal with a few months of a break.
Yes yes, user, I hate niggers, too, but that doesn't excuse the fact that you're an ESL.
headsets dont make your skull 'dent' you stupid faggots
Correct them as you see them. We can't expect God to do all the work
How does one recover from "gamer head"?
>tfw bought quality studio headphones and not some shitty gamer headset, and now I don't have a dent in my head
Have shex
At least the headset will stay in place
Wait a minute, that skull...
your right
Should of/have, they're/their, too/to.
As a Spaniard you're absolutely correct about the on/in part, it's just impossible for me.
>all these soiboi skullets
lmao get bent
League of legends made and ruined this man
It's all pointless in a casual context, as long as the meaning is clear what's the problem?
Stop being so pedantic
yo so do i ive had it for years
I am sorry very much
nah, they just had bigger brains that have since been repressed. Fuck off, Jews.
you forget the free rope that comes with that headset
Why did you post the head of a penis?
ESLs speak better than 90% of Americans here.
Have sex
unironically this, but no one can ever know.
>feel head
>not much of a change where my headset is
>planning on getting a number 2 buzz
based also i think this is all a meme
Why make bad habits? Conduct yourself with some standards, I say. Besides, it's just incredibly annoying when you can't help but notice it
just like how your hair gets pushed down with pressure so does the padding on your head. And just like hair it bounces back after a few days.
you didnt put a period at the end of your last sentence at least follow your own creed you faggot
>padding on your head
Yea Forums is amazing
99% of american teenagers confuse too and to, their and there etc. the power of mutt genes
>so does the padding on your head.
If your skull is shaped like that you are probably a jew
It is, it just ameriparasites posting their mongrel bodies
so was op dropped on his head or something as a kid or what
I never denounce anyone for missing that, because that isn't a question of not knowing the difference. I don't put periods at the end because the end of the post is its own period, you know?
Why do you fags even use headsets so much, don't you have a good sound system around and just use a mic that doesn't have cranium crushing frames?
Nice period retard
It's what happens after your country race-mixes with niggers and spics for 200 something years
reminder that racemixing is bad for both races
Underrated post
>mixing with a superior race is bad for the inferior parent's offspring
but how?
mizzy wizzy
>tfw you're not a baldie and have lots of hair
>tfw don't use super tight headsets like a retard
Enjoy your dent, penis heads
Doesnt really add up, faggotron. Nice excuse, though.
take your headset off for a bit retard
Only to superior races, inferior races benefit from it.
This isn't real is it
Please tell me it's not real
This is all literally a product of human imagination, completely inane
blacks lose all their identity but i guess if they don't like their identity they don't care
Theres nothing wrong with conducting yourself as a functioning adult. Why am I having this conversation with you?
It sure does
Oh come on, don't YOU want your kids to have deformed skull looking like fucking apes hooked on crack cocaine ?
>tfw too smart
Im a neet whos been wearing headphones for most of the day for about 10 years now and i have perfect skull geometry, would actually be kinda hot if id beat myself back into shape but fuck those whores anyway lmao.
I seriously hope none of you retards believe that you can deform bone and brain by having a soft cushion on it.
Ok I take that back, not even apes have such deformed skulls
Is it really more adult being angry over minute details that ultimately doesn't bother anyone beside your personal autism?
Like i said grammars doesn't mean shit in a casual context, as long as it's understandable
i have the same headset and have had them for a long as fuck time and my skull is just fine
>not having a perfectly shaped aryan head
Because your not inbred unlike the said specimen
>he didnt' had losted his virginty yet
>that face you make when your mother didn't fuck a somalian
Nah, fuck that. That's how you get people that doesn't know the difference between "to" and "too". Most of these mistakes aren't made because of the context, but because the author doesn't know any better. Besides which, making such low tier mistakes will always harm whatever merit your post contains
>evolution doesn't exist
>America: hold my beer
>actually manages to devolve
don't talk shit about that half a head dude he made for the best dbz pic
Do skull strengthening exercises.
Reeee!! People don’t say right thing!!!!
>not being able to follow a conversation
this is partly why I stopped using headsets, they also were giving me headaches
Making one good cosplay does not make up for looking like the missing link for the rest of your life
why would i read a book if i'm not interested in them
>Yea Forums leaks into Yea Forums
absolute fucking brainlet
never should of come here
its just your hair being pressed down
tyler1's skull is deformed in more than one way, not caused by headphones lol.
>all these anons buttmad that you want people to actually write properly
That should rather be the standard, shouldn't it?
What do you even mean, retard? He's going on and on about following grammar, but makes an obvious mistake. He's probably samefagging to cover it up.
who the fuck draws on some ancient human skull with a sharpie
Someone who is more intelligent than you
That wasn't me, though. I was the one that responded with
>- double past tense, eg "I didn't had that one". Spanish again, but Portugese speaking Brazilians seem to do it more than anyone else.
i fucking hate this i almost started making a compilation of it when i saw it
Based. Keep promoting quality discussion.
Spanish speaker here. Problem is that in Spanish "in" or "on" use the same article in casual speech ("en"). So in our heads or is it "on our heads"? it's the same shit.
i'm not saying i don't believe most scientist shit
but how you gonna say dinosaurs are these big badass reptiles one week and then the next week they're fucking birds who honk
I don't have a head set
I just have the same computer speakers I've had for the last 13 years
eddy pls go
In = contained by. In a house, in a panic, in a book.
On = above or attached to a face. On a roof, on a wall, on a page.
look man i'm not saying anything just look into it
>could just put up a sign that says what skull it is
>semi-sober diversity hire ""scientist": nahh watch this
Can confirm, I was an ESL student and I skyrocketed to the top of my class in English within three years.
Are we going to sit here and pretend that either of us knows what the fuck is proper form in archaeology?
>could put just stick a piece of paper below it saying what kind of skull it is
>could tape some paper to it describing the skull
>a fucking post-it note with description
Lemme just bust out this permanent marker instead
yes, proper for of archeology is scribbling shit on it with a marker
For further feedback: In spanish it's correct to use double past tense, and double negative for that matter. Surprised that didnt make it on the list. Thing is that in spanish we only have 5 tenses (past, present, future, co-post, post-past) and the entire sentence are structured on that tene. As for double negatives it's not wrong, but you can also use a single negative too.
brehs what guard should i use to shave my head, thinking about 1 or 2
Don't crips use blue?
Oh I figured it out. Bloods wear red because blood is red and Crips wear blue because they're cripples.
i'm more of a muay tai guy but eddie makes me wanna get into bjj
I'm drunk and not too big on a̶m̶e̶r̶i̶w̶a̶l̶l̶m̶a̶r̶t̶ ghetto culture
do they still exist?
had sex idiot
This is so true
Ask muttoids on /pol/, I don't know.
they are fake, you mong
IIRC they do but on a less centralized level. So like multiple gangs can call themselves bloods but it really only matters in prison.
>I don't put periods at the end because the end of the post is its own period
So you get to just change the rules when it's convenient to you. Sounds lame, kill yourself.
it's crazy that gangs haven't died off like other criminal organisations
I've heard stories of gang members in jail selling drugs and phones since there is a huge markup. They then send the money out to gang members after taking their cut and they get cheaper drugs while locked up. They aren't all completely retarded plus it's a lot harder to police since it is, like I said, decentralized.
Yeah, I do. Also, don't be facetious and tell me that you can't see the difference in what I'm complaining about, compared to my willful omission of a post ending period. I already told you why I think that's reasonable. If you don't agree, go fuck yourself
makes sense i know over here in britain the prisons are nowhere near as crazy as american
We have a level system and if you fuck up while in prison you can get your level raised and might get sent to another state. This contributes to separate gangs being allies since if you get moved you can find some support all over. It also adds tension with other convicts who aren't allied which feeds into the cycle of escalation.
Also we pay our correctional officers shit salaries so the level of effort put in isn't high.
some weirdo cultures did weirdo things to kids forming skulls
Lol prisons in UK and rest of the Europe is almost as bad. Because those places are infested with muslims, and they convert fellow prisoners into their cult, if you don't join then they kill you. European prisons are breeding grounds for domestic terrorists.
5x the population but less than 2x the percentage of prisoners isn't that bad. There's roughly 5x the raw number of people in the US so there's still more in prison in the US. That's assuming I believe the probably biased source you posted.
what a idiot
why use headphones when you can use superior earbuds
Why would you wear big bulky headphones they hurt my ears i always use in-ear earphones. Is it cause youre multiplayer and need the attached mic? Just use a free standing muc
fuck off sick nerd
Start early.
You just had shitty headphones.
why do grammar fags care about anything on an user msg board? i only care on formal settings
Ive tried many. After about 30 mins my outer ears hurt cause they press them flat against my head
Friendly reminder having a bit of hair to pad your headset, or wearing a hat can stop this.
>he doesn't use KSC75s for the most based sound quality for the price with no head pressure whatsoever
>on Yea Forums
Euromongrels back at it again with the 60IQ posts.
>bought the same headset t1 uses because I wasn't sure what to get also I'm a fanboy
>it's fucking great
u didnt had sex
Sex is overrated.
Yes, I used to have one. It was pretty significant because I have always had fairly thick skin on my head on top of it being fairly large as a whole. When my headset broke I chose to use earbuds instead, my head went back to normal after a couple weeks.
>All these retards coming at the lack of period
NTA but I've never known anyone who gives a shit about grammar to care about the very last period in a series of text. Usually you replace hitting the period key with hitting enter, especially in IRC. Besides, if you can't tell the sentence ends there, you've actually got a negative IQ.
>Bones are being pushed by headset
That's not how it fucking works unless he has some condition where the skull bone is still soft for some reason, or he had a heavy headset on him as a toddler.
That's pretty funny considering you're falling below 98IQ average.
I didn't know Sean Connery is a gamer.
BR here, what would be the correct phrasing for your pic?
>bet you retards didn't even attempt(...)
Hey user
should of/would of instead of should've/would've
Why the fuck would your skull get deformed by something that weighs half a kilogram tops, you're not made out of fucking jelly.
because they're ultra-brainlets. people who are actually smart don't care about petty shit. It's always a retarded facebook mom you see presuming to correct someone with "it's 'to you and *I*'" which is wrong of course, and they will put with it something "excuse me but i just really care about ..." it's just people who learned a more few rules than people they see as cretins and they love to lord it over them making them top-cretin
I'd like to see some nuance to those statistics. First generation immigrants vs second+ generation is my main concern.
I know second generation muslim immigrants are a plague in France, while their fathers were mostly pretty chill.
Even the Chinese knew thousands of years ago that the body is malleable when they wrapped women's feet around themselves to create the illusion of tiny sexy feet (which made them totally unable to do most things that require proper support from your legs).
If you bend or push a part of your body for long enough, it will stay that way. Stress to the body is permanent.
Sadly before you try, the human dick is made from spongy and soft tissue which is very resistant to this sort of manipulation because of the inherent softness. But the second you start putting pressure on bone, like a headset on a skull, it stays forever.
No one is falling for it
>then/than, this is so fucking easy I want to kill everyone who somehow gets these wrong
>immune to gamer dent because my hair's not ludicrously short
Feels good man
>long hair
Fuck off tranny.
Fairly certain this is genetic. I've never had a smooth dome and I will probably eventually have to go bald due to hair loss.
What does ludicrously short even mean. Mean should have short hair. Either you are a tranny or someone who doesn't see sunlight very often.
"to do the"
That's literally it, you subhuman HUEzilian
>What does ludicrously short even mean.
Near balding/buzzcut.
These are the only images of people with the dent, would you not consider this ludicrously short? Retard.
Your headset is too tight... loosen it up a bit.also shifting where the top padding is resting helps.
Could probably kill you barehanded you slim fat retard
seething baldie
the TRUE gamer sign
>or ESL.
It's really not
sounds like some broscience desu
you never seen people who likely never wore a headset in their live with uneven skulls?
>Fucking French faggots do this and actually think it's correct.
Not even a frog but it is for them, I for one applaud the french for not cucking themselves out of their language.
criminally underrated post
>Not even a frog but it is for them
Not in English, which is what we're currently using to communicate.
Im using these back of the neck where they mostly rest on my ears and as a result they are slightly flaring outwards
>- space questionmark/exclamation mark (eg What ?). Fucking French faggots do this and actually think it's correct.
You fucking nigger, IT'S CORRECT !
any midgt can get ripped easy
>t. midget myself
follow your own rules m8
Yes it is, I have dents behind my ears from 30 years of wearing eyeglasses
This only happens because you're a 56% muttmerican.
>king tut
fucking american niggers always talking like niggers shortening words, its tutankamon, not TUT