Who are the last characters left to be revealed in your opinion?
CTR Crash Nitro Fueled Thread (Remaining characters edition)
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God this furshit game looks so disgusting.
I honestly can't wait to use the CNK bosses
I had the GBA version but their dialogue was all cut in half (and obviously the game looked like shit)
I never played Nitro Kart, but I plan on being a Normie.
N Brio
Koala Kong
Komodo Moe
I think there'll be 10 more
Penta Penguin (obviously)
Fake Velo (obviously)
4 Trophy Girls
Nina Cortex
Geary looks like a literal chad
also what the fuck is wrong with the site now I can't fucking post
Start praying to that one nigga that makes bretty decent Nina drawings. He's around some CTR threads.
Why would they put Nina in over Tawna? Tawna is literally appeared in the first crash game and still not in the roster.
I save every image that nigga makes love him like you wouldnt believe.
Kinda wish he had a site so I could follow him
Nina's benefit of being in multiple games doesn't really trump Tawna's legacy status and they can easily import Tawna they just don't wanna show their full deck
Yeah, but Nina is in more games than Tawna.
>no PC release
why though
That being the case, should I get it on PS4 Pro, XB1X, or Switch?
>scrollbar for a character selection screan
this immensely bothers me
Yowza. Crash ain’t lookin so hot these days
i want a skin for nina where she has eye-covering bangs
yeah but
why not both
the more the merrier
Chad portraits
Tawna is all but confirmed at this point.
Nina would be a real treat, though.
PS4 has a an exlusive track and Mario Maker will be released one week later, so CTR online will be doa on Switch.
PS4 it is, then.
>Koala Kong
>Penta Penguin
That’s about it I suppose.
It needs to be 5 characters to fill the remaining blank slots on the bottom of the screen.
Ernest and Rilla Roo would be the chaddest additions possible
Why would there be L1 and R1 icons on the header if there was only one page?
What the fuck, this isn't on PC? Literally all nostialgiafags and furries who would buy this already own a gaming pc.
the other pages filter by class
so you have a page for all characters, one ofr beginners, one for intermediate, and one for advanced.
>Implying that there will be more characters before launch
Nigga this game is already packed to the brim with love and content I doubt they would go any further. If they do however, then that will just show how much they truly love and care about the fans.
that wouldn't really look right
and one for DLC
move it up you nigger.
your too hopeful for the trophy girls
I'd cum on that huge forehead desu
isnt he only in that one scene in twinsanity?
Why did they get a bunch or retard casuals to play test this game/ review it? I haven't found a single video of a competent player.
i think you've just let your spirit be crushed so soon and so easily
So what happens when you pick Oxide for adventure mode?
Yes, he's a parody of Banjo-Kazooie NPCs
I hate to say it man but the trophy girls are most likely not making it in. I mean they changed Oxide's dialogue in the opening cinematic. And I don't really see why they would do that unless they are afraid of the PC police.
other than the fact that we've basically already seen the hands of two of them?
>grasping at straws this hard
I respect the positive outlook at the very least
Whose hands are those, then?
i don't really think it's grasping at straws to see the two different orange hands of characters at either side of that excerpt from the reveal trailer and assume that they belong to someone.
wouldn't it be weirder to see that there are obviously two characters standing just out of frame, but then think it's some kind of intentional weird red herring or that they don't exist?
>grasping at straws
How is that not a logical assumption, user? There's nothing wild about assuming that's who they belong to.
Yeah and all of them suck ass.
Tawna and her clone Twona
I'm not saying the hands aren't there. I'm saying there is obviously such little information from a picture of hands to accurately assume anything.
sure, we are speculating based off of nothing but a very short excerpt from the trailer of a pair of hands, but these sorts of things aren't really likely to be an accident.
i don't think it's unreasonable to assume that they are attached to some kind of character model, and that whoever put together the trailer and all the people who then watched and checked it for quality control were comfortable with everything that was shown in it, and it wasn't some kind of slip-up or misplaced unintentional scrapped model somehow left in the map for a cinematic shot and just floating there well within frame by accident
>I'm saying there is obviously such little information from a picture of hands to accurately assume anything.
Which is because you're a dumb shit lolololololol
Why the game has such shitty ugly art style?
Crash always had crazy wacky style.
Thic crap looks totally unpleasant
Crash dont even look crazy/funny
I could very well be wrong since CTR was one of the last Crash games I played, but I can't think of anyone else it COULD be unless they're new characters.
Just done a quick low quality sketch of what would happen if Tiny got Rok-Ko's earth powers.
Who would the other elementals belong to?
dingodile obviously the fire elemental
I'm so fucking shocked to see crunch of all people. Good shit!
>drawfags have arrived
Fucking nice, good concept user
I've never played Nitro Kart. Should I before this arrives?
Give N. Gin wind
Give N. Tropy or Brio water
It is worth a playthrough of the adventure mode at least. The drifting system is a bit different from CTR though.
I'd give N.Tropy Wa-Wa because Time+water manipulation powers could be an interesting boss fight combo.
Up to you. If you play it you will get a much larger appreciation for them because of CNK's shitty physics but endearing aesthetics and anti-grav sections
That sucks user. I at least have this picture I drew about 8 years ago where I was testing out a new design for her, and a new outfit of sorts
god what has happened to me I used to be so good...
Fake Velo
Tawna won't be in because of Snoy.
Trophy girls have been removed only in the ps4 version.
The usual: Brio, Tawna, Koala, Moe... Spyro
That character select is really lifeless compared to the PS1 version.
If the CTR bosses + Fake Crash aren't Gem Cup racers anymore, I assume those are going to be newcomer racers.
>Koala Kong
Easy to port over from the new remastered games and would be a nice incentive to take the time to complete the gem cups. Penta will probably still be unlocked via cheat codes. I'm starting to think Nina + CTTR is looking pretty unlikely for the base roster, we are already so close to launch and they've basically revealed everything about the game aside from the new Gem Cup rewards. She might end up as DLC later on, packaged with the other CTTR racers to help justify the purchase. But who knows, maybe they'll just say "to hell with it" and throw every conceivable character into the pit-stop, they've already done way more then I expected.
If its any consultation your outfit is actually rather cute and certainly way better than what I've drawn. Pic related 3 months after drawing every day and learning whatever I can
To be honest Nina is the main reason I got into drawing again its weird but one day you'll get better too.
What's the point of placing it so low if the 5 new characters will move this table up?
>Pic related 3 months after drawing every day and learning whatever I can
What the fuck were you doing with that time user? I was doing better than that after 3 days of doing exercises from Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.
watching random videos and just doing the exercises in said videos
Im a very slow learner but hey maybe Ill checkout Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain finally.
That's not Crash. It also has a similar style to the N-Sane trilogy and Spyro Reignited, both of which I had a hard time with at first but then they quickly grew on me.
N.Tropy with Wa-Wa
I am playing the original and I can't git gud. I only barely beat the Sewer Speedway relic race.Any tips? Also how do you get the T on Papu Pyramid?
Could double as a pun on the "flow of time".
Nina is more likely than Spyro if you ask me. Spyro would be nice as this game's Penta bonus, but he isn't necessary to complete the roster compared to the missing NDs, and if he had to be in, he'd be a cheat code unlock using the original Spyro code.
Well, best of luck to you anyway user. You can do it, just don't give up.
>I am playing the original and I can't git gud.
Just keep playing until you can maintain boost 90% of the time on most maps.
>Also how do you get the T on Papu Pyramid?
You know there's a C shape turn then followed by to big ledges, at the bottom of which are two plants that eat you? Right before the first ledge you can jump onto another platform to the left of you, and at the end is the T.
two big ledges*
It takes a lot of practice, but the reward is massive
Try waiting until the meter fills up a little more before hitting the boost in a powerslide.
Thanks guys. I think my main issue is that I will initiate a drift too early in the course, or fail to snake. I will keep playing.
Did they really remove the trophy girls?
>To be honest Nina is the main reason I got into drawing again
It's nice to see other people going through this I honestly went through a drought for years, and felt like I had forgotten who I am... Being an artist was part of my identity for a long time
They haven't showed them, but they also haven't confirmed if they're missing.
Nope, you're forgetting someone.
It has shittier physics and handling than CTR but the tracks themselves were all good. It had a fun anti-grav mechanic before Mario did it, but that’s been removed from Nitro-Fueled for consistency with the CTR tracks. It’s not necessary imo but if you want to fully appreciate the work Beenox have done to make both games the best they can be then give it a shot.
I loved the bants between fat norm and cortex. He fucking burned cortex's arrogant attitude.
FAVORITE TRACKS: strawpoll.me
will you play classic or Nitro Fueled adventure? I'm going for Nitro Fueled, using what you earned along the way is too good to pass up.
Is it wrong if i feel strong sexual attraction to this picture?
Nitro-Fueled Adventure mode. Nostalgia is cool and all but I played the original to death, so it seems kind of a waste to only use stuff I’ve already used before.
I never played the original so I'm considering just the standard adventure. I don't mind playing with Crash but I really want to play with Fake Crash so I might go with Nitro. Depends on how quickly you can unlock him.
The original has low gravity tracks with upside down loops and shit, that mario kart ripped off, and this game won't have because of engine limitations.
Should I buy ordinary version or special one? Aren't all bonuses from special edition can be easily unlocked in base game?
I feel that unlocking after beating is genius though, to build this connection with this character. I wonder is we need any % for Oxide or need his second race? if it's the former we can use him on himself.
So the reserve system can stack up to 3 times during one drift and if you go over a boost you keep the stacks and if you drift again the stacks can increase even further?
He was the Purple Gem Cup award in the original which required you to beat the Battle Arena in each hub then do a marathon race against all the boss characters on their home tracks, but they changed the Gem Cup rewards in this so it’s currently a complete mystery how you’ll unlock him and whether it’ll be earlier than in the original like the boss characters.
I imagine Oxide is for any% but at 100% or higher you’ll get some rare skins for him or customisation items.
Hell yeah
Give me Nina just so I can have constant banter with her and Cortex with them constantly flubbing up how they're related
>I think.
>day one patch fix
No fun allowed boy
It's not fair bros
Years of Polar and Pura and still no pic related.
Fuck you Penta!
First dlc pack will include Spyro, Elora, Hunter, Moneybags and the bunny girl and tracks based of Spyro 2 first world hub and Dragon shores.
And the second one will have Ratchet and Clank and Jak and Daxter.
My dad works for Beenox.
oh yeah? my dads work for nintendo and they say the switch version have mario and yoshi as exclusives
I always hated how good Coco was.
Now, I don't hate the character, but fuck if I'm gonna play as her.
Silver is the best
Nice try bud, but I’m your dad’s boss nah I’m a codemonkey at Beenox and there’s zero planned DLC, like TFB we negotiated a better contract than Vicarious Visions.
he isn't even a T-Rex. he eats fucking grass.
I'm not sure why so many people are so vocally against Nina. Her synergy with Cortex as a character is so good that it feels like Nina was always there.
Oxide edition gives you easy access to some characters and some exclusive skins
>they changed Oxide's dialogue in the opening cinematic
I've been really out of the loop, what did they change?
I could've sworn both the N-sane trilogy and the Spyro remake were 1:1 on dialogue. That's beyond dumb for them to bitch out now.
Crash of the titans was pretty good
And Yoshi evades the IRS, what's your point?
It ain't gonna stop him from driving a fucking cart.
The last five racers are N.Brio (accel), Koala Kong (advanced), Komodo Moe (advanced), Baby T (beginner) and Nina (accel). No Tawna, surprisingly enough. The trophy girls are still in but with different, slightly more modest outfits. There’s a playable version of Spyro with a unique track based on Gnasty’s Loot from the first game being worked on, but everything else is finished besides bug fixes so it’s probably DLC.
>slightly more modest outfits
Pre-order canceled. I hope you will get those SJW and Resetera money for which you aimed
Still no devs have the balls to write Tawna...
After 20 years...
Does it have to be me? Do I have to make my own fucking Crash game, just to get a damn thing out of the character...
If he squats in the kart instead of sitting then his arms will be perfectly aligned with the wheel.
Not my choice bud, I think it was a poor decision myself.
Welp, I'm glad europoop law obligates Sony to refund my preorder
Ripper Roo does just fine
not how snouts work
Tawna or I don't buy
Y'know... are we suppose to just assume the Trophy Girls dye their hair and tail?
I mean with character's like Tawna and Coco, you can assume their hair color is an offshoot of the color of fur they have on their lower jaw/chest and stomach.
And speaking of tails, did they really have any?
Forgive my laziness of looking up old CTR footage, but why would they keep their tails? Do Crash and Coco or even Crunch have tails? And about Tiny?
Do any of the animal characters have tails? The only one I can think of is Dingodile and that's for the obvious emphasis to show he's part croc.
Get rid of fucking Kong. 2 female characters is abysmal.
They have wild hair colors for the same reason Crash and Coco do. Also the same reason Ripper Roo is blue.
Also I think the doctors just like giving female Bandicoots tails because they think it's hotter
he's a handling character that swerves all over when driving to his track. the irony is unreal.
anything without penta or fake velo that we pretty much know are in is probably not going to be true
Wait bud, what about Penta Penguin? He's not playable anymore?
fuckin ell
not how you type on Yea Forums resettranny
I wouldn't call Crash and Coco's hair colors "wild", but you got me with Ripper Roo.
>because they think it's hotter
I'm no furry (I just enjoy the characters) but, sell me on the idea and thought process of the doctors believing that keeping the tail during the process of anthropomorphic-tizing female bandicoots with the idea of them being "eye candy" would be more "hotter".
He will be.
The tails aren't even Bandicoot tails, let's just start there.
Honestly, if the cheat code still existed and Penta was still overpowered as fuck (but then of course wasn't usable online or in storymode) I would be okay with that.
Then why the fuck are they even there for!?
What were they thinking!?
crystal challenge are dickshit
can't wait to play them again!
Wait, if trophy girls are in, then why didn't the show up in the result celebration screen for the adventure mode races?
Or did they not in the original too, and i'm remembering incorrectly?
Well okay then.
did anyone like them at all?
>the irony is unreal.
And yet at the same time, very fitting.
I unironically did.
Only for the fact that they were something different and unlocking a character after all that trouble felt good.
Battle mode against my sister and buddy was also pretty fun.
>add all the CTR characters except penta
>add all the CNK characters and tracks too just out of goodness of their hearts
>hurr wtf there's barely any content why the fuck don't we have brio, tawna, nina and rilla roo even though they've never ever been in CTR or CNK
Everyone moaning about those characters is beyond retarded and make the rest of us normal people look bad.
I just want the monkey girl to appear in ANYTHING again.
well, it was rewarding, but so is finishing your weekly groom (blemishes, beard, everything) doesn't mean it's fun to do? Or did you find the mode itself fun? I think it's far too basic and we need some fluff. Maybe have an opponent grabbing them too, and shooting them forces to drop a few?
Maybe in a new game. This is a fucking remake. Why has everybody forgotten this? This isn't a new game.
Why'd they have to soi-ify Crash's portrait
Not someone who has been complaining about lack of characters, but
Why was N.Brio never in the kart games? If you had asked me prior to the remake announcement if Brio was in the original CTR, I would've said "Yes" (probably due to my piss poor memory) but mostly due to the fact that since he was in the first two Crash games (and fucking Crash Bash) I would've assumed he was always a mainline character.
What happened? Was he ever considered during the game's initial development?
I wouldn't miss them. Shit is maddening.
Because the emphasis on Crash screaming "WOAH" is in even higher demand now than it was in decades past.
>Was he ever considered during the game's initial development?
Yes. There is a reason he was cut but I don't remember.
Honestly, a lot of shit in the Crash games were maddening.
I wonder if a soi keeps it up long enough that flies, or better yet, botflies (no, not what the name implies, sadly) lie eggs inside their mouth?
I wonder if CNK characters will have to be unlocked with 50 consecutive boosts like in the original game?
law of threefold.
Apparently they’re bought with coins you get from playing adventure mode.
They're unlocked with Wumpa Coins apparently.
don't you get them by doing stuff?
Wumpa Coins? They just said you collect them while playing the game.
I hope they don't become a microtransaction….
IF the TGs are cut, but Tawna is in, what would you say if her skins where based on the TGs? OR if the TG ARE in, which we once again don't know as we don't know what build we have been seeing, would you want them to be separate characters with different types or one character that just changes skin?
He's definitely in this time, without a doubt. He has banners of himself all over the place, it would be insulting not to put him in
It's both.
They'll be an in-game currency you can get while simply playing the game, or get a bunch of them by paying, like DMCV.
Just like DMCV, nobody but total brainlets will actually pay for them because unlocking shit will be extremely easy, especially if you're any good at the game.
Unless they plan on being scummy enough as to not tell us about MTX before the game's release, they would've told us by now. E3 would be the absolute worst place to announce such a thing, unless they have something SUPER amazing to even out the blow.
Aside from Crunch that's a bunch of literal who's I don't want mudding up my roster and races. Like who the fuck is that golden golem in the bottom middle?
well, activision has redeemed itself as of late.... but they got that evil EA DNA don't they?
Instant buy scenario
>Nina is in
>Still rocking the schoogirl getup
>No cop-out slacks/void under skirt
>Just pure white pantsu
Be the hero we need crash devs
I think either the Activision blog or the boxart said something about in-game purchases being available.
They're in, but optional.
Technically we have microtransactions already, you can get Oxide, Zem, Zam and Crunch instantly getting the Deluxe Edition of the game, if not you have to earn it, im pretty sure they will add shortcuts for those who wants to get the characters but aren't good enough to get them.
>All of the characters have fucking mouth open basedgrins
The original portraits were fucking fine. They didn't need to change shit.
>muh 60 fps
Why is nuCoco so cute, bros?
>no soul
>dumb cyclop designs
>Sega died with a reason
because she isn't real.
you can't be smart and use social media at the same time.
isn't Yea Forums a form of social media
Is weird how some characters have a space between the eyes like Tails, Rogue, Blaze or Big but then other characters like Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Amy or Vector do have that weird uni-eye thing going on, on some characters like Silver the space is so small that it almost looks like the eyes are separated.
> Yea Forums
> social
bullshit aside, i think it must include IRL contacts, no aliases or anonymous. Else steam would be one.
Why does having their mouth open change anything?
I could understand preferring the original portraits for the sake "preferred art style" or just overall nostalgia. (I like the old ones better as well)
But that's clearly not the main issue for you.
I'm asking genuinely here, has the "soi meme" really affected the way you guys view shit when there's clearly no intended relation?
I mean it looks stupid, sure. But the characters have always looked fucking stupid from the get-go.
for me it's just banter.
In-game purchases doesn't mean MTX, though.
That's not MTX, that's a deluxe bonus. That has been a thing in games long before MTX even became a thing. MTX is that you pay a small amount extra AFTER the game is already bought. That's like saying it's MTX when you pay extra to get the deluxe version of a speaker set for your TV. It's not the same. Get 5 cables extra with the deluxe pack or buy 5 cables extra AFTER you've already payed for the base product and realize you need more cables.
There's a high chance that there'll be lootboxes in the game.
Not him but there really isn't a chance at all. Boxes are too big of a controversy for Activision to attempt putting into an E-10+ game.
you know they're illegal and phased out, yes? or atleast the paid ones are, free ones wouldn't be gambling.
Is it safe to assume the fact you choose to include your tabs in your screenshot is in tune with the old Yea Forums meme of doing just that, but you took the extra mile of making it more believable by spreading them out via "open in new tab" links as if they were being genuinely looked at?
Not really.
Only in Belgium.
Loot boxes, no. Had it been last year or a year before that, yes, no doubt there would've been. Especially since Crash is so heavily based around boxes. Today however, no. With all the shit that has been going down lately, it would be beyond foolish to put Loot boxes in this game. Activision may be scummy and stupid but they are not EA. MTX, yes, sadly there is a risk of them being in but given how early for example the DMC dev told us about MTX in DMC5, you think Beenox would've made that announcement already in some way. Like I said, unless they literally (hate that word) wait until release day and let the players find out themselves or if they shoot themselves in the foot and announce it at E3, there will be no MTX in this game.
>activision has redeemed itself as of late
Redeem is pushing it. But I'll give them this; all though Activision themselves suck at making games, they occasionally publish great games. Sekiro being a perfect example. They could've put in MTX in that game for you to purchase spirit orbs(?) with real money but they didn't.
you can assume whatever you want.
>Like I said, unless they literally (hate that word) wait until release day and let the players find out themselves
This is what they'll do. They can have lootboxes and minimise their losses from people who are against lootboxes.
yeah, but publishing takes no skill or effort does it? it's about raw capital management.
I got a theory that they see CoD as a ''stable income'' cashcow - so they can safely stay at their current wealth and have disposable income, while Crash and Spyro are their passion projects.
Netherlands, Germany, UK , Poland Russia and Italy too afaik? also, why are lootboxes disappearing if they're still legal in the USA? Fear of more backlash?
Personally I see no problem with gambling, it teaches children how life works in a controlled enviroment. I fucking loathe micro's though.
Where is N.Tropy and Penta?
>Netherlands, Germany, UK , Poland Russia and Italy too afaik?
Lol, no. I have no idea where you got this information.
Tropy is on there. Penta will be in the game no doubt.
Because I live near the first 3 and I got a national news sender? or was it france, Germany uk?
Is there source for this?
I live in the UK. We don't have any lootbox laws here.
well, I am sure about France and Netherlands. 100%. got any idea how come the darn cancerboxes got less popular?
I need to know if Penta will have NTSC or PAL stats
Probably NTSC. Online kind of ruins the need for a god mode. Still though the PAL stats makes oxide ghosts a joke
Why would there be a source dumbass
Thanks America.
>playing a childrens game for scantly clad 3d models of furry characters.
Well I cringed.
lmao what a troop of disgusting freaks
enjoy your shit sonygros
>yeah, but publishing takes no skill or effort does it? it's about raw capital management.
I know. That's why it's chocking EA can't even handle that basic shit while an almost equally shitty company like Activision can.
They would have a media shitstorm on their hands if that were to happen. NO ONE would buy their games ever again, nor would anyone trust Activision again. It's too big of a gamble (zing) in this climate. The game would sell initially but sales would plumit later on making them actually LOSE money as they can't now resell the game on PC as PC people will just pirate it to not support them. Not to mention the bill against lootboxes in games aimed at kids.
Shitty soulless Nitro Kart characters ruined this game
No buy
christ you people are trying way too fucking hard
>Complaining about more content
I did that as a 12 year old, and i will do it as a 31 year old man.
Stay triggered men would choose cartoon bandicoot girls over you r feminazi ass!
what should Brio's victory platform be? I'm hoping for him juggling beakers with a big smile. Loss would him hanging his head over a yellow puddle and broken glass? (green+red so)
Reminder if Yea Forums's personality had to match a character…. Insecure, Toxic and Petty, but highly competent.
Why is this gone?
it's kinda dum, why can't we get grey/green lines and a scifi gizmo?
>Yea Forums
>highly competent
Shaking beakers like he's mxing drinks. After all he became a bartender after the first game
Feel like...
And he said his dick was "DEES BEEG" youtube.com
"I was going to destroy the Earth and turn it into a parking lot but then I came across a website called 4channel. There was a board of people dubbed Yea Forums, and I realized they were exactly like me, like US, my brethren, so I decided not to destroy it. However, when I was browsing, there were several topics coming from a site of influence called "Twitter", an abundance of them. They made me sick. Such low lifeforms, with such an unintelligent mindset. But there was more! There were also Reddit and Resetera. Seeing the sheer stupidity and lack of logic made me throw up in my exhaust pipes. Being filled with rage, I decided Yea Forums would have to be sacrificed for the betterment of the galaxy and so I made all of Earth my slaves and turned it to a parking lot. Reddit, resetera and Twitter had to clean the lavatories after the Blognogs while Yea Forums just had to deal with Balgols, screeching about their parking tickets."
Kill yourself!
>Playstation underground comes out.
>Sony wont stop talking about CTR unique and groundbreaking adventure mode.
They completely ignore or forget that Diddy Kong Racing came out 2 years and the comment section rails them on it.
Sony really has been stealing from Ninte for all these years.
Who gives a fucking shit when not even Nintendo gives a fuck about it
Bosses still have all the same music
Get rid of "highly competent" and you got it
No they don't... We've already heard Oxide's rendition in his character trailer.
It's completely remixed for him.
Each boss has that track, but it uses the sounds and instruments from the home track's music.
That would be good but are we sure the music in Oxide's trailer is his boss theme?
Kong is a literal who.
I agree with you, but having played the GBA games I know who N.Trance (the pink egg guy) is, so he and Crunch I'm totally cool with.
I want to fuck Coco.
Bosses you are going to race against in the main game.
I know that top tier drumming anywhere, that's the boss theme playing at the end of Oxide's trailer youtube.com
furry shit aside, she's likely underage.
Thanks for sharing
Give me one reason why I wouldn't want to.
Well I don't know user, since the ones the furrys keep going on bout "fucking" is Tawna or the Trophy Girls.
Coco's a fun character, but I'm not seeing any indicators that would initiate "lust' in comparison to the others I mentioned.
And again she's probably underage.
>she's likely underage
that's the best part
is she above or below 15 years of age?
>no Baby T
The FUCK, user?
>Coco's a fun character, but I'm not seeing any indicators that would initiate "lust' in comparison to the others I mentioned.
I don't fucking know, but she clearly isn't as developed as the Tawna/Trophy Girls, so clearly on the young side.
she looks ripe for breeding to me, user
Well, I guess I'm inept then as I see no such indicators.
>Coco's a fun character, but I'm not seeing any indicators that would initiate "lust' in comparison to the others I mentioned.
lmao is this nigga serious
As shit as this game is, the music is pretty fucking nice youtube.com
He's 100% serious
Probably one of the same faggots that defends removing Tawna or the Trophy Girls but leaves Coco alone as the single most sexually exploited character in the entire franchise for 20 years strong.
I would but I don't want the thread to get nuked
cute and funny bandicoot
What is it with English VA nowadays and laughing? His laugh feels so fake and lifeless. I'm not expecting a Mark Hamill Joker, but for Pete's sake put some energy into it, use your diaphragm. Cartoon/Western game VA nowadays often feels so low-energy compared to before.
Ah shit, you caught me red handed.
>the single most sexually exploited character in the entire franchise for 20 years strong
She has a tight bandicoot cunny with unspoiled hymen and she's a qt.
I dunno, I just wait over and over again for a good line from the no talent hack that voices him
Even this random fuck on twitter was a better Oxide
I don't even want\ to fuck Coco.
I just think she's cute as fuck and want to kiss and hug her.
>the single most sexually exploited character in the entire franchise for 20 years strong
She is though. On tbib, she has over 1500 images, Tawna is in the mid 500s. On sankaku Tawna has 119 while Coco has 420. On e621 Coco has over 1000 images while Tawna has less than half as much. So yeah.
>that wink
Huh. Guess it's starting to make more sense.
Assuming the remake just doesn't have some guy with a hard on for Coco making these animations.
Did she do this kinda thing in the older games? (since it's evident I don't remember either way)
Don't know if you've noticed but Oxide is supposed to be this anemix, lifeless fuck. The VA does a perfect job for him.
I want her to mating press me with a strap-on.
Oh apologies, I was reading your post as if you meant it was the games doing that.
But of course she's gonna have the most wank art, Tawna was axed after the first fucking game, and Coco's repeated inclusions made her the more popular character in the long term. (not to mention she became playable as well)
I agree. While not spot on, it's definitely very good. The new Oxide lacks the throatiness of the old one. It sound too clean and not slimy and gurgly enough.
Yo these characters are ugly as fuck, why did they add them?
>Oh apologies, I was reading your post as if you meant it was the games doing that.
It is the games doing that.
Nobody fucking cares until you bring adult Bandicoots in for some stupid reason, then it becomes some major fucking controversy.
Has anyone else noticed these portraits of Little Norm:
are different?
Something seems off... I'm thinking we have more characters yet to be revealed.
I don't want Tawna so that I will have something to fap to. I can already fap to Coco. I want more Tawna so I can fap to Coco AND Tawna
they strongly hinted on one of the streams that they have big things to reveal at E3, so it'll probably be the full lineup then
Same but with nina
>I was reading your post as if you meant it was the games doing that.
Have you seen Evil Coco by any chance?
We need
>Komodo Moe
>Koala Kong
minimum, because they're the remaining OG crash characters who didn't get in
other than that you could add the baby t rex, obj_motherfucker or HOOH
God I hope they go with dork trying to be edgy instead of brat
I really dont want Nina's re-entrance to the series ruined like that.
>holding up the amount of fingers she likes in her bandicooter.
>Oxide is supposed to be this anemix, lifeless fuck.
No, he isn't. If that was the case the original wouldn't have so much energy to his voice, and the new one wouldn't be so lively in his animations.
>The VA does a perfect job for him.
No, he doesn't. Any actor knows that laughter is a big part of a villain and the laughter has to reflect who the villain is. Is he crazy like the Joker? Evil like Skeletor? Power hungry like Robotnick? A laugh often characterizes the villain and it's the laugh many villains are remembered by. Both Mark Hamill and the lady who voiced Ursula knew this and spent a great deal of time perfecting the characters laughter and nailed it.
Laughter always have a certain energy to it. If you laugh without energy, you sound ironic or fake. Even if the villain is supposed to be lifeless the laugh has to have energy to reflect that. A lifeless villain wouldn't laugh with his mouth open but do a "Hmmhmmhmm" or a very low pitched Ha, Hi or He-laugh because that's how you laugh when you don't have energy to do a full belly laugh. The way Oxide is animated and the way his laughter sounds are contradictory to each other as the animations suggest much more energy than the voice delivers.
Take Negaduck and Robotnick, both have the same actor but Negaduck is MUCH more lively and active than Robotnick and thus Robotnick laughs very low-pitched and slowly, often with his mouth closed compared to Negaduck who almost screams with laughter at times.
I'm not even a furry but i want to blast my cum up to Coco's ovaries and play some PSO in coop with her afterwards.
I just want her to rape me and turn me into her fucktoy.
Only now i realized that her mouth area isn't pink anymore
What, you mean how she's underage?
I haven't actually, good grief, which game was this?
I hope she just doesn't speak, like in Twinsanity
but her other mouth area is
Twinsanity but her cutscene was cut
I didnt mind her stoicness in Twinsanity but its hard to have a mute character in a kart racer especially one that has such vibrant personalities
>Coco rapes the fuck out of user
>It's all coming to a head, time for the big finale
>She whispers in your ear gotta blast
God I fucking love coco
Tits are too big.
Tawna is a shitty character man
I'm scared about the amount of people who are going to be good at this game. I have no idea how people could beat those time trials.
Just right actually
Are the physical and digital editions sharing a release date?
post coco lewds
Still no informations on the cross platform online ? Please don't tell me they'll not change their mind, or the game will be dead in 2 months
Can't do.
There's an assmad trannie jannie on the loose, stalking these threads, if you post something, even if it's spoilered you're getting banned.
You're kidding. What happened to our spoilered freedom? What about links?
I wonder if Penta will end up being the unlock for beating Oxide's ghosts this time. Seems fitting for his status as a secret character.
She's like 14 isn't she? That's a nice size for early teenagers
> 30 FPS
> Censorship
Dead on arrival, nobody would buy this
Uh where did you grow up where 14 year olds were flat as a board?
I don't like when artists take too many liberties and make a character look nothing like their official models. She's got small teen tiddies, not a fucking C cup
Which N is best N?
N.Gin, no question
I do Net Admin work for a local school district and let me tell you it's really uncomfortable how young and how much young girls are budding. It's not to the point of making anime look like an accurate prediction of the future but I don't remember puberty being nearly as aggressive when I was their age, at least not until 8th grade
I mean I would fuck a young teenager any day of the week given the chance, but my point still stands.. I don't like when artists draw characters with inaccurate proportions. If you want a titty monster then just draw Tawna, Coco has small titties.
If I had to choose:
Gin > Tropy = Brio > Trance > Nina > Cortex > Oxide
What if there's more than 30 characters and they just put a scrollbar on the character select screen like they already do when you're playing with 2+ players?
I mean it's definitely hopeful that the hands are there, it points to them being in and I see your point.
But at the same time they released footage of the adventure mode where they're entierly absent, so there's evidence around about the same calibre of a couple of hands floating just within frame that they're not in.
Like maybe at one point they were in development and then they got cut for various reasons but they didn't remove them from this footage because it's not enough of a confirming shot you can't see who it is and they're not super noticeable and so they used this footage, cause maybe they clipped the footage and it did previously show them and they figured they did a well enough job and wanted to use it.
I just think it's very much in the air and regardless I'm a little saddened they wont be there during the trophy sequences to kind of add a bit of world building in that they made it seem like a televised event rather than just some races happening somewhere that no one is watching.
I like the optimism and the hands being there does lead to a possible conclusion that they're in but it's just not confirmatory enough IMO.
My original the character N. Igger
I mean I'm fond of on-model stuff as well there's not nearly enough on-model porn in general, but that sentiment applies to all fanart but I wouldn't consider an upgrade by a cup size to be egregious when compared to how off-model things have gotten. Hell, I'm happy that that artist kept Coco's original outfit instead of using the crop-top she's had since CNK.
Played it twice at mcm expo and damn it is fun. I got spammed by too many orbs though on my first race and came 2nd despite being miles ahead on the first 2 laps.
easier than diddy kong racings silver coin challenges thats for sure
Actually she has fucked once. Me after a long night of drinking together
Does polar/dingodile have a skin that gives them their brainwashing device from Nitro Kart?
I'm telling the truth. It was very pure
you sure that wasn't evil coco?
No it was definitely normal coco. We were drinking red wine and watching bad movies. Things started heating up towards the end of the film
Giant tits Liz really does it for me.
Is Coco what you call your hand?
Crash is pure and virginal.
Crash is not vaginal
Coco is what I call my favorite little bandicoot!
They removed the part where Oxide threatens to make everyone their "slaves"
>they remove the pelvic thrusts
Is it really *THAT* big a deal, holy shit
Crash is too stupid to know what sex is. The closest he's been to sex is the hug he got from Tawna at the end of Crash 1.
He was repulsed by Padasena's advances.
More like they tweaked it
I hate how badly paced the new dance is, it's too fast and takes no pauses and has no build up
They didn't remove it, however they changed the word "slaves" into "minions".
Crash is a sexual tyrannosaur. Pasadena was just too weird for him.
I don't get it.
Will his old dance and trophy girls somehow bump this game to M rating?
If they were okay for children 20 years ago, why are they removed now?
Same. Casual Big Norm is based.
Penta was supposed to have God Stats in the NTSC version too, but he was incredibly rushed because our version released earlier. He didn’t even have proper voice clips, thus Penguin Yay 1!
>Else steam would be one
Valve seem to be trying to dip into Discord's market with the updated steam chat and dedicated app.
At first I thought they always had Brio stain glass in Cortex Castle but it turns out I remembered wrong entirely
We turned into clown world is what happened.
why does Oxide follow the ''N'' theme? he isn't even on the same team or fucking ecosphere.
What's the story mode like? How does it compare to the campaigns of Diddy Kong Racing or Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing Transformed?
you buffoon you absolute moron
Original concept was another mad scientist character, who went through numerous revisions until they just decided "make him a space alien" resulting in our favorite Gasmoxidian.
How many Crash VAs are fucking dead?
>If they were okay for children 20 years ago, why are they removed now?
Changing standards. It happens in other Countries as well.
The JoJo anime had to censor certain bits from the manga.
N is universal, just like kart racing.
Gin > Cortex > Trance > Tropy > Oxide > Brio > Nina
More like scared, and that's normal when you're confronted by an inbred sexual harasser.
I used to think ''Tiny'' meant ''really large'' when I first saw that word outside Crash.... Share humiliating shit too pls?
check this guys, lost at Pinstripe and Evil Twins.
It's got a token-collection challenge similar to DKR but with the letters C T and R.
It's also got a Relic Race mode where the time mechanic is based on the Relic challenges from Warped.
The battle arenas get used for an item grabbing challenge.
Collecting all of the corresponding tokens of a particular color unlocks a cup challenge which is necessary for 100% completion.
It also has a normal Time Trial mode that's separate from adventure.
The hub world exists as a place to explore and practice your driving skills but nothing more, there isn't' anything special to find or required to advance, just pure racing.
Haven't played Transformed so I can't compare to its adventure mode.
Funnily it doesn't even matter, this days kids are more fucked up than we were thanks to how easily accessible the internet is for them. We had to hope mom wasn't on the phone, load a single web page in 3 minutes and play shitty cartoon network flash games.
Does he want to do the gay or what is this?
This, parenting takes effort and most people got no time for that noise, so they let the tablet babyshit. Next day the principal calls you and asks why little Betsy mentions ''reverse cowgirl position''
Judging by the non scanned picture and the use of children's colouring pens i'm assuming this is the same person who drew the gender bent ripper roo? And i'm guessing you're the same nigga who posts it?
I've said it before, but you stick out like a sore thumb my dude
The hands...
For fuck sake it;s just spectator NPC for Slide Coliseum
reminder Bandicoots got these nasty pouches. that's where Crash keeps his Bazook and Tiny his Trident.
They probably got removed later on or it's something else.
it could just be that they're not completely finished or something
I doubt it. The game is probably finished now. They are focusing on marketing/bugs/finishing touches.
Only females have pouches dude
still marsupial, and that was my point. So go fuck yourself.
Male mammals have nipples, so that's not how that works. Go fuck yourself too.
>male mammals have nipples therefor male bandicoots must also have pouches
an abstract kind of retarded
I'll slow down for you, every fetus starts out female, but the gender, one of only 2, causes development into male or female at a further stage. that's why male marsupials have pouches and male mammals got nipples.
>Fake Crash
He's the Ugly Fucker bandicoot, he trumps everyone in the sex department
>Tropy's huge diapason
>that's why male marsupials have pouches
Except they don't you drooling retard
>ad hominem but no argument
I accept your concession.
Ripper Roo is far less sexy.
my argument is that you're entirely wrong, or can you not read?
that's not an argument, I explained biology to you and this is what you come with, stop being such an Oxide and take your loss.
The wasted slots crew
Game would unironically be better if none of them were in. They actively harm the game.
Agreed. That art style is atrocious. Not buying.
It's ''Unreal Disney Style''
the superior Lumberyard, that allows for better graphics and better performance, is too new. engine training takes alot of time.
>posts good laugh
>posts Aku who never sounded like Mako wasn't just forcing it every fucking time
Get some taste, kid.
either nega crash or the evil twins (i want them)
komodo moe
penta penguin
baby T
mario switch exclusive
Moe never spoke, how should Beenox go about not fucking him up? he's obviously the dominant one of the bros
It's probably part of the ending. The player's character beats Oxide and the trophy girls present them with a trophy for saving the earth.
Anger and a commanding presence.
would Tiny's VA suffice? Reminder the VA of Oxide in the Original (RIP) took a few side roles too.
I'd think so. That guy also does Uka Uka so anger is his strong point.
I do think old Oxide's VA did a better job than the new one. the new one sounds like Oxide is straining his voice. unnatural.
>the new one sounds like Oxide is straining his voice
Well Quinton Flynn is always hired to do one fucking voice so if you ask him to do something different its going to sound strange. At least he does a better job than what he did in Nitro Kart.
Nina is possibly one of the most woefully misrepresented characters in the series. Ironic how Twinsanity was considered her breakout game, but the entirety of her character was reduced to a quick description in the game manual: "Scary little girl with a soft spot for animals", who could easily help or hinder Crash depending on circumstances. Tag Team Racing kind of played on the latter, making her a dorky tryhard but that was only further exacerbated in the Titans games, which had her go full-on villain.
And since we know that went, it's no surprise she doesn't have as many fans. I still think she could work but the important thing is never forget what makes the character at its core. Hell, look at what they did to N. Gin, for fuck's sake...
Is there actually any confirmation that there will be more characters than these 25?
CNK Oxide would've worked with some adjustments: make him Oxide's teen cousin trying to prove himself and Oxide endorsing it as he is recovering from his hilarious and tragic unicycle accident. Would explain the small head and enthusiasm. How about we name him…. Nitric Oxide? :^)
Parents are too lazy to take care of their kids nowadays, so that's why the government and companies censor shit all the time. It wouldn't be like this if parents actually gave a shit instead of letting other people do things for them. The more sterile media becomes, the lazier parents will become and the more spoiled kids will become.
I lived in the fucking hood and came out a relatively normal person despite that thanks to my family, so pains me to see how much lazier the world has gotten. This isn't a normal censorship problem, it's a social problem on the global scale.
No, except for the fact that Penta is missing from this roster but was shown in the opening cutscene (and is in the original as a cheat code)
>I lived in the fucking hood and came out a relatively normal person despite that thanks to my family.
A good seed landing in bad ground works
A bad seed landing in good ground works
A bad seed landing in bad ground is dangerous
Do you think this ''lazy parenting'' legit raised more criminals than ours?
>Ripper Roo is far less sexy.
I'm disagree
Is Pasadena getting in?
They even kept in the line flub from Cortex calling her his "daughter-er, niece!"
The highest priority additions are N. Brio, Tawna, Nina, Penta and Kanga Kong
Big Velo was hinted at in the livestream and Penta is at least acknowledged. No real confirmation but substantial evidence
I hope so, i want to see SJW's react to a FEMALE sex offender. what do they do? justify it? freak out?
What if Coco accidentally uploaded her kart full with her secret folder?
God ninafags are the worst. How about Moe? his model is already in unreal?
Is that the pre-console mix? What the FUCK is up with the distortion on the xylophone? Someone must’ve popped an eardrum in the studio.
>Be Crash voice actor
We don't want your gay lizard.
Why isn't Penta in there?
Not him, but Nina is fine.
Though I'd much rather have Moe than Koala Kong. CTRNF already has too many Speed characters as it stands.
those shit post naughtydog characters should not be there
Besides his debut game and the remake Moe has only appeared in one other game (Crash Bash). Granted that diminish the fact that he deserves a chance in but he's still rather unpopular and probably would be even more unpopular if he wasn't a legacy character.
Though I like him just as much Nina (even if its just from the production bible only)
Reminder that Coco belong to Tawna and you can't have her.
Oh I ain't saying that, I know our generation has a fuckton of shitty people due to abusive parents. I'm just that the current generation is full of lazy people who don't know how to take care of their own kids. Though I do know that a ton of adults nowadays have a high amount of depression and thanks to the Boomers carelessness, don't really know how to act like adults. Millennials are they way they are because Baby Boomers ran the world into the ground, and now the Zoomers of today are just there, practically being a bunch of socially inept tiny people who barely act like actual children.
But yeah, I'm maining Ripper Roo.
Would you a Ripper Roo??
want a funfact about Roo?
if someone is that manic IRL, they die in two weeks due heart exhaustion. sauce: Psychiatrist
CNK Oxide already has a different name, it's 'Nitrous' instead of 'Nitros'.
He must have a pretty strong heart, very admirable.
same character
I doubtg that's how it works. the rarest cell in your body is the pacemaker cell, you'd never guess what it does...
anyhow! a manic brain demands the highest stress level, so a strong heart would just allow him to be more active before running out of oxygen. He still would have a lifespan of 2 weeks unless you shove Benzos, Lithium or Haloperidol in him. Maybe all 3.
CNK is so terrible to play. NF having all the CNK tracks with actual mechanics might as well be a new game.
that jump sound... just why… my head man.
i just want to play as a lab assistant
Something's keeping that not-dog alive.
Penguinyay1, Nina, N. Brio, Tawna and Big Velo. Screen cap this post
Imagine if Sony fans started to shit up the board for months on end spamming autistic "HE'S IN" threads all day.
Well that and jumping on TNT in real life would definitely kill you too. If you're manic enough for that you wouldn't last long at all
Evolvoray… hm.
It's highly carcinogenic stem cell stuff, innit? Poor thing.
I was autistic enough to calculate the destructive power of a Nitro crate, and let's just say you could destroy an average supermarket with -ONE-. Nitro is easy to make but extremely hard to handle without, you know, doing a Roo.
The anti-grav physics really screwed with gameplay, but some of the track designs were fun.
Funny how Mario Kart pretty much ripped it off note for note and noone says anything about it.
We don't want your horrific abomination.
Makes me wonder why cortex hasn't made a machine to throw Nitros at crash. He would definitely win doing that
Whose the artist
>Naughty dog got rid of tawna and replaced her with coco because they thought people would sexualise tawna but not coco
>coco ends up way more sexualised
>no trophy girls
probably because MK8 did it way better
Why not? Your parents were fine with how you turned out.
The laws of vidya state gravity is buffed and explosives are greatly nerfed. Crash Bash had a nitropult, makes me wonder how they could apply enough force to launch it with dying… also in Bash, Oxide accidently loses his cargo of a few of the things. wish I could tell him… I wonder how many work hours he put in to pay for those.
Needs Crunch as Barret
>Why don't you just shoot him?
>We live in an era where Activision is giving fans what they want
>WoW Classic
Feels extremely weird
when can we get obj_motherfucker trophy guys
I agree, less options is always better.
At least is not EA.
We do get Bane Crunch.
I could rant about how CNK plays for hours. The worst offense though was whenever your boost ran out it felt like you were hitting a brick wall. It certainly didn't help that boosts lasted a fraction of a second either.
Oh and jumping off bumps actually felt slower, like it launched you vertical instead of forward. Also did I mention how fucking stingy CNK was with wumpas too? It shouldn't take four god damn crates to get juiced up.
CNK excelled in its presentation. Wonderful music, tracks, and characters but it was all for nothing because it played like garbage. This is why NF is going to be so amazing. We are getting the CNK we should have had from the very beginning.
>Coco as Harley
Well i hope Crash enjoys the incest.
>Brio and Kong were playable in Bash
>Tawna was playable in Boom Bang
>Moe has never been playable in anything
Maybe some day.
Fresh new Trophy girls fanart. Only 1 day old.
what makes you think he wouldn't?
never played cnk
im getting like 13 new tracks
hell yeah!
>only 1 day old
>states 23/5 on the image
>it's 25/5
FurAffinity says it was posted "a day ago"
Might've finished the drawing on 23rd, but posted on 24th.
TIMEZONES! you fucking baboons, both of you.
Get fucked Dinobro, this game is too "cool" for someone like you
Real Velo looks fucking smug
Why does Pura have a ruins and not chinese wall as home track?
why was he there anyway? did these subhumans want to eat his balls? (YES, THEY DO THAT)
>Monkey girl
>G I R L
WHAT the monkey is a girl?!
nah, sources state as ''him''
Why do you keep posting these? they are not good
>Yes, I created a short figure 8 track that was all ice. It crossed over itself and was so fun! I was reusing the snow level assets and I had it about 98% done. It took me about a day to do. Showed it to Jason and Evan, but we didn't have time to debug it. It was very fun.
God I really hope Beenox adds the deleted figure 8 ice track from CTR.
Figure 8 racing is fucking ludicrous. How perfect would it be to have a track like that?
they beat some ingame tracks imo. especially Blizzard Bluff with it's generic winter wonderland theme.
She's a girl to me.
They're pretty generic sounding themeselves.
I'd rather listen to mancell's weakest tracks over them.
>i did that as a 12 year old
No you didnt, stop posting cringe
Talking about music. Why was CNK soundtrack so based?
Come on Beenox.
Give us the girls we desire.
His name is Josh Mancell.
Are you dumb or what?
I believe you, but does he hate women and have a neckbeard by any chance?
I'm not holding out hope for the trophy girls but considering just how retarded Sony's censorship policies have gotten and how other devs have started releasing non-censored versions of games on other platforms, and how Sony has forced the CTR team to limit all pre-release footage to the PS4 version, it wouldn't surprise me if they were only removed for the Sony version of the game.
>playing ctr at london mcm
This orb spam is bullshit, you hit by so many of them its hard to play free on first place, at times you have two at once both ready to hit you
>limit all pre-release footage to the PS4 version
What's the deal with this? Advertisement agreement? How does Activision benefit from this? I've had to tell a few people (normies that don't obsessively follow this game like I do) that a Switch version even exists, because they assumed it was only PS4 because of all the trailers. This better not bite CTR in the ass down the road.
Crash would never...
You don't know what your talking about. The point is that the laugh goes well with the character and the energy he gives off and is rather iconic to boot. Aku is an over-dramatic Japanese inspired character so a laughter that sounds over-the-top, almost to the point of force fits him perfectly. Just like Shakespeare inspired, snobby villains laugh very over-dramatically. No one laughs like that and that's what makes it iconic.
>What's the deal with this? Advertisement agreement?
>How does Activision benefit from this?
Sony gave them money.
At least they didn't buy one year timed exclusivity this time.
>30 fps
is what i would say for a shitty game like TSR. Nitro Fueled is kino
>Funny how Mario Kart pretty much ripped it off note for note and noone says anything about it.
Because MK executed it propely.
But it has nothing to do with "being the better game" or anything, simply MK integrated the anti grav system in it's gameplay better by spending more time refining it durinv development but most importantly because the pacing, and controls of MK as a series lends itself better to it.
It's much harder to integrate anti grav into CTR without fucking up it's tight controls and the way the races generally go pacing wise.
You CAN do it, but they were wise NOT to do it for this remake.
Maybe if this sells well we could explore this idea in the next title and slowly try to integrate it without destroying the core gameplay that makes this IP good (wich is exactly what happened before, last time someone tried).
Dilate harder.
Of fucking course. I couldn't get all the platinum relics. I left 10. But I was 14 at that time.
t. /vp/
you think he got robbed? the hog in Crash 1 would disagree
>wojakposter is stupid
who could've guessed
whats that thing in her back?
Could have been disk space. Naughty Dog was notorious for pushing the playstation to its absolute limits in terms of performance and how much shit they could fit into the game.