What went wrong ?

What went wrong ?

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No updates, and what few updates it has gotten are lackluster. Only one character, one new gun, and the battlepass was lackluster. Retarded as fuck microtransaction design and prices
EA dropped its golden egg

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uh, who told you that you could ask questions?

It's also Respawn's fault because they didn't want to compromise their employees' workload despite having a golden goose on their hands.

If you see 20 million launch month playerbase, you definitely should get to work right away on pushing out as much updates as you can.

there's absolutely no way this game could compete against fortnite daily patches and updates

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Shitty flavor of the month genre that didn’t appeal to 14 year olds

No updates
Everyone I fucking knew hopped on apex legends from fortnite if they played fortnite, I even saw people who played blackout and pubg moving over to try it out. And in korea that's really saying something when people hop off of pubg.
But they never fucking updated it. It was almost a month before they updated it at ALL to fix some critical bugs, and they still left a ton in and added one gun, everyone just quit after that. I hear they haven't added anything since the battle pass like 3 months ago.

Literally fortnite like try and catch me lil bitch.

And I hate fortnite.

>fotm dying
imagine my shock

>let's make RTS
>let's make MOBA's
>let's make battle royale
>let's make team shooters
Jumping on fads and failing, when will they learn?