What went wrong ?

What went wrong ?

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No updates, and what few updates it has gotten are lackluster. Only one character, one new gun, and the battlepass was lackluster. Retarded as fuck microtransaction design and prices
EA dropped its golden egg

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uh, who told you that you could ask questions?

It's also Respawn's fault because they didn't want to compromise their employees' workload despite having a golden goose on their hands.

If you see 20 million launch month playerbase, you definitely should get to work right away on pushing out as much updates as you can.

there's absolutely no way this game could compete against fortnite daily patches and updates

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Shitty flavor of the month genre that didn’t appeal to 14 year olds

No updates
Everyone I fucking knew hopped on apex legends from fortnite if they played fortnite, I even saw people who played blackout and pubg moving over to try it out. And in korea that's really saying something when people hop off of pubg.
But they never fucking updated it. It was almost a month before they updated it at ALL to fix some critical bugs, and they still left a ton in and added one gun, everyone just quit after that. I hear they haven't added anything since the battle pass like 3 months ago.

Literally fortnite like try and catch me lil bitch.

And I hate fortnite.

>fotm dying
imagine my shock

>let's make RTS
>let's make MOBA's
>let's make battle royale
>let's make team shooters
Jumping on fads and failing, when will they learn?

What's even funnier is that the lack of update is caused by EA telling them to develop smartphone version.

>We're at the point that we're criticizing games for not seeing you enough.
Kill me.

It’s funny because so many media outlets were sucking off Respawn with articles like “See, EA? When you let developers make the games they want they put out good content!” which may have actually caused the suits up top to be hands-off for once and let Respawn do their own thing.

The hilarity is that when EA finally DIDN’T milk a game dry for once, it still died. They ironically should have put all their eggs into the Apex basket instead of trying to saving the sinking S.S. Anthem.

The battle pass sucked so even though I was one of the people playing it on the daily, when I saw the battle pass, I immediately stopped.

>They didn't jew people enough
This should be a positive.
Fuck Zoomers and their "Battlepass" nonsense.

Heh, good thing I didn't jump on this wagon when all my friends did. They did nothing but talk about this for weeks, then suddenly nobody mentioned it anymore and I don't think they've played it at all for over a month now.

People didn't want a battlepass to begin with. But when they add one in and it sucks, it's worse than not having one at all.


Not only that but they still had BF5's BR coming out the month after Apex too.

General bad planning around releases all around for EA.

Why is that a good thing? You missed out on the flavor of the month best game. I feel bad for you. Even thought it was free, you'll never experience it the right way.

Too many people got bamboozled.

the game was never good and they paid streamers to generate hype.

It's fun but pretty overrated. I see the quality it just gets boring fast. And it's full to the brim with faggots, the kind that smoke too much weed, blast shitty music, and start shit with anyone they can right from champion select.

Giving my hard-earned money to a publisher who has killed a mile-long list of developers, to get a week or two of action before the game dies? Better off putting that in the savings.

>Fortnite has been around longer, has the most attention, and has more content.
>Better make a BR game to compete with it!
Its the same thing when retards were making COD or Battlefield clones and then charging the same price for said clones.

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It was all an illusion they paid a bunch of streamers to suck it off and that ran dry

just because it's a better game doesn't mean it's going to be popular

>Heh, good thing I didn't jump on this wagon

If you like BR at all, you missed out on a good burst of fun. How is that good? Games that have bugs like Apex did and don't get updates don't even deserve my playtime, free or not. But i'm still not a jaded faggot and can say the short time before all of the massive bugs became apparent was fun.

>implying they give a single fuck about anthem and just want the whole thing to just blow over already

BR is a gay fucking game mode that promotes camping, luck, and is 100% all of the time a try-hard fest where you can't even casually talk with your friends because they're listening for some camping retard around the corner with a shotgun while camping themselves

gayest fucking game mode I have ever seen in all my years of gaming you fucking pussies wouldn't last a minute in a real shooter

Articles like this and the reactions to them are just proof that video games as a whole deserve the level of "journalism" that it receives.

Cuck Legends on suicide watch
Fortchads win again

it could have stayed popular if they just would have supported it. They basically just shipped it out to die

Not that guy but Radical Heights was unironically the best BR game I ever head due to the way the movement worked in the game.

The diving made playing battles from mid-range more like an action game than a shooter.

Not even disagreeing with you in the slightest. But it was fun

they shipped it out to get people to install origin so they can promote anthem on origin, that's literally it

respawn were working on a star wars and made a custom mode in their spare time and they said fuck it

>no updates
>and what few updates it has gotten

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>People didn't want a battlepass to begin with.
On what do you base this notion?

Two words... Battle Pass.

yeah they shipped it out to die by announcing that they have 4 seasons planned, they should've announced 50.

>took nearly 30 replies for the correct answer
BRs are the twitch zoomer genre. Your game lives as long as you keep paying the streamers.

It's a free game, you know.

Unironically the first few weeks of Apex were the only time I enjoyed BRs. Too bad it all went to shit.

it's free to play you stupid retard

>People didn't want a battlepass to begin with.
Kids were screeching for one.

The battlepass was such a YIKES that I uninstalled immediately.
The game has no future.

They got way too greedy with the battlepass. They were afraid that if they actually made decent skins for it that no one would bother buying skins from the shop for $20 a pop. So instead they just shat out recolors and fucking facepaint skins instead

aggressively hideous

>need to sell cosmetics to make money
>make every character as ugly as possible
>skins make them even uglier

You gotta try real hard to fuck up the way they did

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This loser thought he had to pay. What an absolute buffoon

Honestly haven't experienced that in an BR, whether that's fortnite or Apex.
100%. Nothing worse than getting with a shit team, or dropping in an area and getting no weapons

No one told the devs that people don't play a video game just to play the game nowadays. They want the game to be a job, and to keep their ADD in check.

>Never update the game
>Release a mediocre gun
>Keep all the over powered guns
>Never nerf godtier characters until a year later
>Even after buffing shit tier characters they're still bad

I really wanted to like that game. I loved respawns movement and shooting but man how the fuck do you just not update your game at all.

>a completely shilled product has no shelf life

wow im surprise??????

Part of the appeal of fortnite is the le whacky atmosphere and constant updates to add fun stuff. Noone will dethrone fornite until they match this.

No. That works in PUBG, but not Apex A) you'll always get outplayed B) they'll have better equipment
you can put things in your favor by playing smart and working well with your team... but ya, luck plays a role
>try-hard fest
YES! fucking damnit, these losers will not let you enjoy the game. they're relentless.

>best selling game of all time

Also, AAA-companies still keep pushing for power and graphics memes despite zoomers really not caring as much as millenials did, They are content with games that have pleasant art direction and run on their toaster laptops and mobilephones.

No cute girls no buy

The Digimon effect

boom bust development cycle.

Fortnite has no content though.

>let's make MOBA's
Dawngate would've made them fucking bank like no tomorrow if they saved that shit instead of whatever projects they had at the time.

Why do we need all these words to say "Electronic Arts"?

>games as a service
>no service, just game
It was doomed from the start.

gaming as a service training gamers to expect a constant stream of content and their adhd pulling them away when they don't get it
for better or worse, multiplayer games can't come out and that be it anymore

It's much easier than that.

This game was living based on an artificial influx from paid streamers. 1 month later, the streamers dropped the game to move onto another paid promotion, and their mindless fanbase went with them.

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Lack of meaningful content. The other things people are whining about are distant seconds (or lies, especially in Yea Forums's case). It's absolutely the lack of content.

It launched with just one mode (trios) and one relatively small map. Doesn't matter who you compare that to, be they just BRs, free-to-plays, or shooters in general. That's extremely inferior. Not only have they failed to add the solos, duos, and map additions/ changes people are asking for, there isn't even a timetable to introduce any of that to my knowledge.

So yep, everyone downloaded it, played it as long as they were able to enjoy it, and then dipped out. Apex has the core of a great game, but they starved it in its infancy.

>installing Origin

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b-but muh crunch and knee-jerk updates!!

I remember it had bugs that were so bad that they had to call in Nvidia and AMD people to fix their games and even after they "fixed" it people were still crashing, this was like months after release.
Shit was retarded

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I had to fucking leave that game forever posthaste as soon as I ran into 3 aimbotters/speedhackers in a row
China is a fucking cancer on the world

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>Not installing a launcher to play a free game because Yea Forums told you to not like a publisher.

Your life is fucking sad.

Woke bullshit and poor support will kill even a freeware game. One more for the "Get Woke, Go Broke" pile that tedious shills claim doesn't exist.

Good sheep

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>Posts an image completely validating my baseless accusation.

Thanks for the chuckle.


The game is very well made, but it's just the devs absolute piss poor release of content along with the amount they're charging for skins just to make things even worse. They shouldn't have released the game with a significant update good to go 1 - 2 months after (I'm talking multiple guns and legends).

I would have also loved a night version of the map.

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Style is a huge factor, many people are tired of fps games with the same dull color palette. Sure, Apex is slightly brighter than the classic browns and grays but not by much. Style plays a bigger part than people realize, it's why Horizon and Red Dead did worse than Breath of the Wild. Aside from style? Over-saturated market, "hero" shooter holdups like keeping skins silhouetted, and no updates to the map. Though I think the biggest reason is how complex it is. NOBODY wants to go into a BR game looking for not only guns but guns that are so drastically unique that it gets confusing, on top of that the mod system isn't welcome in a BR and just slows down the chance of getting useful loot.

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as trash as fortnite has become if you can't compete with the speed they release new content and match their monetization model then you are not going to stay in the market
or alternatively studios need to stop trying to make BR games, this feels like a throwback when everyone was trying to make WoW clones because it was successful and saturating the MMO market to high fucking heaven

Lootboxes, a dying monetization system with MANY people against them, and the fact that Fortnite now has sunk-cost fallacy attached to it for many people.

RDR2 almost sold 10 million more copies than BotW though of course that's not worrying about budget

I can't wait for the meme to die. BRs are so fucking boring.

I'm talking lasting impression on the industry overall. Breath of the Wild is STILL talked about today, Horizon hasn't been seen on this board for a year or so and Red Dead has a thread every couple of days MAYBE, which is terrible for a game that came out last year and was meant to be goty/botw killer.



Red Dead sold quite well and it's single player experience was excellent, but it's apparent Rockstar had so grand plans for the flopped online mode that investors consider it a disappointment.

>>GET BROKE rather then GO BROKE
One job. One fucking job and you fuck it up.

what the fuck are you talking about retard?
nintendo faggots will post about Botw, nothing will ever change that. red dead was a mediocre game with very little content relative to the shear amount of time you had to play that trash. the color scheme had nothing to do with it.

please, dont become a game critic, your ideas arent fresh and introspective. theyre forced and retarded

ye bro i 2 am a big brane gamer like u

If only we have Pilots instead of those shit

I realized that after I sent it. Sorry, user


By the way this game is so Jewish with its mtx it's funny. I had like 120 hours and I didn't get enough crafting materials to make one good skin.

Get woke go broke.

literally flavor of the month hype-shit, also no titans

homie you the one trying to blame a games success or failure on color palette. pseudo intellectual bullshit.
neck yourself

How many millions did they waste to pay off streamers to play their game?

They should've used the money make the game better and streamers would play it for free.

this is the problem of marketing in general
not just limited to video games

honestly the best BR out there right now but that isn't saying much.
movement mechanics are fucking fantastic and gunplay feels great, everything else is just eh.
also all the characters feel really fucking uncanny. i don't just mean Bangalore and Lifeline being ugly, i mean every character supposed to be fulfilling an archetype but feeling completely unnatural.
i don't know how you can fuck up "mad scientist meets edgelord" but Caustic feels off.

And you what follows after it...

>No new content
>No hitreg fixes
>No netcode fixes
>No sound fixes
>Each patch introduces more gamebreaking bugs

I bet people would actually buy a lot more skins if the characters weren't so disgusting. I don't know what the shit they were thinking. Literally another Lawbreakers.

on the topic of BRs what makes Fortnite so fucking strong?

Aesthetics and flow of the gameplay. Gameplay loop is much more appealing to large masses than something like PUBG that tries to be somewhat realistic.

WoW syndrome.
Nothing can "kill" Fortnite at this point except for Epic themselves. It will probably live strongly for a few more years and see a gradual decline as the players get bored of battle royale in general. But those players have too much of an investment in Fortnite to just abandon it for a similar game, that's not really going to happen on a significant scale.

is he autistic?

Devs refused to touch chink shitters killed this game.

>Breath of the Wild is STILL talked about today
Yeah,Link trapthreads aren't actual discussions


the map is actually quite small, obviously this pushes people together and creates more fights but unlike in Pubg I didnt feel like I was in a really expansive place, and there being only named little areas makes you feel like you're just running from named area on the map to named area on the map. I still got pretty good at the game, 10+ kills a game etc but it got old fast.


RDR 2 is overrated, why? Just look at rdr 1, after it came out everybody talking about it 24/7 and the zombie story dlc makes it even better, now after 2 month of rdr 2 launch, nobody is talking about it anymore.

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Not enough dances/emotes. The reason why people always get pulled back to Fortnite is the massive amount of "culture". It's fun to idle and look at all the dance moves.

Too many brown characters :P

There's no game studio that can compete with Epic atm. There are 700 people working on just Fortnite. One fucking game. Respawn has 300 employees total and multiple games in production.

Wasn't this supposed to "kill Fortnite and Epic leading to based Gaben's total victory"?

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EA deserves to bear most of the brunt since they had full power to invest more money and manpower towards it.

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imagine if they made a mode where you just respawned immediately, and perhaps made the map smaller. man that would be fun. oh wait a minute..

fix bugs no updates

No new guns, no new map, bad battlepass, not many new legends.

True my felow german friend :3

awful communication, no updates, same thing with pubg

100% luck
100% survival
100% idiots thinking just because there are guns that you need to fire them at the first person you see

300% proof you can win without fighting.

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>play apex
>find myself wishing it was more basic or "pure" like PUBG
>dont even like PUBG


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>What good ideas it had were already stolen by Fortnite
>Can't update as fast due to the engine being more experimental
>Season pass has you buying skins that are just the characters with shitstains on them
>Only 3 Teams with no other options
>Bullet trajectory is fucked, leading to getting killed in bullshit deaths

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>Get streamers to advertise your flash in the pan game
>See huge influx of children who wanna play ith their streamer virtual friends
>Streamers get bored and go back to playing what gives them more fun/viewers/cash
Everything is so damn ephemeral these days, I fucking hate consumer culture.


>desperate Valve drones fall head over heels for Ape Legends
>see it as their chance to destroy Epic and save muh Gabe
>start shilling the shitty game all over
>make up cringeworthy fanfiction about how it is/is going to destroy Fortnite/Epic
>try to convince TFfags to play it so they can get Titanfall 3
>slowly but surely the game declines
>they get more desperate
>nothing works as the game keeps declining
>game is dead a month after release
>mfw Valve drones spent hours of their lives playing a boring as fuck game to save their friend corporation and it was all in vain
>mfw it only got TF3 canned

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Radical Heights was, sadly, genius in some areas. The fact that the game promoted mobility with the fact that your payout at the end of the game was based on how much money you found by smashing shit meant that camping won you the game, yes, but moving fast and exploring and doing minigames made you more money to buy cosmetics.

Of course, this didn't stop idiots from camping only to end the game with a 100 dollar payout, but who cares? It's amazing that other BR games haven't even tried to incentivise movement and exploration as much as Radical Heights did in its meta sense.

lol Anthem is so bad that it dragged down another game



One map, one new character, gun, no events/tasks/quests or whatever. That and the fact that the skill ceiling changed after a couple weeks. I'm trash and I hate getting destroyed constantly by 5k+ kill Wraiths every match, there's gotta be something else for the trash to average players. I got the legendary loot tick from the battle pass a couple nights ago and haven't felt the want to start the game up again.

the god awful battlepass was the nail in the coffin for sure
I was seriously considering forking over money for whatever the battle pass would be because I was going hard on this game for a few weeks, but holy shit I have never seen such a convoluted clusterfuck of garbage in my life
can't believe these mongoloids were charging $18 for a single fucking gun skin

Interesting theory, Chang.

I honestly feel like adding the enemy stats when killed was a mistake. Getting outskilled is normally whatever, but playing on day 2 after release and getting killed 3 games in a row by people with 1k+ kills after making it to the top 3 got really frustrating.

Anyone got the screencaps of the Pcbro cringe posts? Someone should make a collage, I could do it if someone provides the posts.

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>epic shilling

Most people probably just searched Apex, you moron.

here I just got a great cringe post

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>already SHAKING
Alright user, you convinced me to do it either way, but I don't have time right now so you'll have to look forward to it in the next few days rather than today. Sorry.

You're right, but it doesn't change too much especially considering the baseline for "apex" before the game was a volume of 4-6, and now it's 8-10 on that scale. 10-13 if you include Apex Legends. I would use the search volume for the topic like I could do with FN, but google is retarded.

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I haven't had any cheaters in like a month or two.

Battle shit Royale is dying.

Arena shooters are rising.

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>Wasn't this supposed to "kill Fortnite and Epic leading to based Gaben's total victory"?
>>desperate Valve drones fall head over heels for Ape Legends
>Anyone got the screencaps of the Pcbro cringe posts? Someone should make a collage, I could do it if someone provides the posts.
How is EA game with a separate launcher related to Steam, imbeciles?

Fortnite was smart about pumping out updates, that's the only way to retain attention with these zoomers

I have played for decent amount of hours and there are problems which respawn just doesn't want to fix.
>no solo mode
>no duo mode
>same map, forget new map they didn't even move things here and there to diversify it
>only one character with shit ult
>too many shit guns and they have high drop rate
>they don't even bother buffing any of them like mozambique
>there is still random CTD crashes on both AMD and Nvidia sides

Apex really affected him.

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Go woke, go broke

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They refused to go into crunch time to get more content out. Fucking lazy assholes.

Ask the Valve drones.

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EA was attached to it. It was shot in the foot at the starting line. It never had a chance to start with.

>underdog story
>when Steam has had uncontested market dominance for a decade
>when Steam has thousands of dollars worth of licenses tied to it preventing people from dropping it
>this delusion
>all those PeeCucks who spent years on this board telling console users they were faggots with emotional attachment to their 400$ purchase
The best thing about this whole debacle is that peefats won't ever be able to show their faces on console war threads ever again after this pathetic showing.

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Pretty much this
You know your game is beyond retarded when it's better to create smurf accounts instead of buying the fucking battlepass. The game punishes you for being faithful and playing too much, while wants you to spend 18 bucks for a p2020 skin in a shop that updates every 9 fucking days
They had it. They had a solid alternative to fortnite and they blew it

Crunch time works.
Respawn fell into the meme made by games journalists that crunch is somehow bad.

Agree. I can imagine being emotionally tied to your console, but to shitty game store.

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Remember when MOBA's were the most popular video game genre?

Remember that DC MOBA?
How about that Lord of the Rings MOBA?

Once every major and minor developer latches onto a trend it loses what made it special in the first place. One person can only play/watch/read/subscribe to so many things. Companies can't expect everyone to play all of the games in a genre all the time. Eventually the cream rises to the top. People pick what they like and stick with it. There is a reason WoW, League, and Counterstrike are still around and Wildstar and Brink are not.