>PS4 gathering dust after finishing Red Dead 2 months back
>Decide to go to FUCKING GAMESTOP and get some exclusives bloodborne, uncharted, etc
>Bring game home and pop it in PS4 ready to play
>Have to update for the next 6 fucking hours
What the fuck is the point of buying physical copies if you're gunna have to be spend hours downloading bullshit anyway? Don't people play consoles for the convenience factor? I'd probably waste less time just downloading a CPY .exe and crack.
PS4 gathering dust after finishing Red Dead 2 months back
if only there were a giant button that let you play right now
I wanna finna play online ya simp
>start without update button
drooling retard
but you just said you bought exclusives like uncharted and bloodborne. those are single player games. you dont even know what you are shitposting about or what?
Don't talk like a nigger, nigger. That's not cool.
>bitching about updates to play an online game
drool more retard
Not limited to that simp I bought Last of Us and I hear the online is hella based
put system in rest mode to download faster
play online tomorrow
no other choice
Cancel and Delete! Nothing good comes from updating the disk install of RDR2. The patch removes the gold bar exploit!!!
>Wanna play online
>Without having the proper files
Are you retarded?
This is unironically one of my biggest complaints this generation. I get that installing the game onto the system increases performance and improves graphics, but it's such a pain in the ass. I usually just let it run all night and play it the next day.
>want to fixing to
YOu can play without the updates. Just load the updates while you play.
great thread OP
>hurr you can just continue without update
Reminder to the fags itt that without the update bloodborne still has the two minute long loading screens
Yeah it's annoying
Even less of a reason to play that annoying game.
>What the fuck is the point of buying physical copies if you're gunna have to be spend hours downloading bullshit anyway?
To sate the utter mouthbreathers that need to be able to put their fingers on a "collection." There's no other point. Buying physical is for niggers and white trash.
But how else will I flex to Yea Forumsirgins about my collection????
it's the old hunters content
why are you complaining
don't update bloodborne. It is harder on version 1.0 because no summons and some bosses are harder.
Also the aesthetic for Isz dungeons is 9/10 compared to verison 1.18 where its just technocolor green jizz.
it doesn't take 9 hours to install from a disc
you can also start the game before it's fully installed
this is an update file, the old hunters expansion specifically, and he has shit internet
>9 hours
Bitch, you can't complain until you've experienced Australian download speeds. That shit would take me about 20-25 hours.
>9 hours to download 42 GB
I'm sorry you live in the third world user. That shit takes me at most 10 minutes.
You are downloading games at this point.
Bloodborne doesn't have a 43 gig update.
Nah that's why you use a console instead of a PC, you can just plug and play games without all that installation shit
please do not reply to the bait above this post
>defending 40+ GB updates
Like a true consolecuck.
6 hours for a mere 40 GB?
Are you living in some ultracucked USA state with horrible internet or sony throttles download speed themselves?
I'm Russian and when i downloaded GTAV from Steam it took me 1 and half hours. And i live in a rural part of Russia, a complete shithole, small town.
And gtav's size on pc is almost 90 GBs.
>Don't people play consoles for the convenience factor?
Consoles haven't had that for ages now. They are just shitty PCs with even more drawbacks ironically. From not even being able to go online at all without updating the firmware to getting updates that brings major problems and games crashing due to poor QA, extremely poor controller battery life and loud as shit fans, they've got it all.
Blame digital distribution you brainlet, digital distribution is what allows the developers to release their game like that.
One of the reasons they do that is to try to get people to switch to digital, happened years ago on PC
>buy a "physical copy"
>nothing but a steam code, even if it has a disc it requires steam so it isn't a physical copy
>dumb fucks switch to paying for digital instead of switching to piracy and demanding actual physical copies
The industry hates physical copies, and is trying as hard as possible to get rid of them.
That said, if it is installing everything from disc which it isn't in your case, then I don't see the problem. All my DRM free physical copies for PC install from the disc, the important part is having a physical copy with the entire game on the physical media and that doesn't use Steam or any other console wannabe platform.
Get faster internet you absolute poorfag. Kill yourself.
That's a big update