Is Heather the only female protagonist done right...

Is Heather the only female protagonist done right? She's like a believable stupid teenager and the game doesn't keep reminding you that's she's a woman like games these days, I guess I would put Jill beside her

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Yes, Heather is perfect.

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I always wanted a Heather statue/figure but there's only this one from Gecco apparently and it's expensive as shit

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Why does this Heather look like she's been eating Spaghetti O's?

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Old Lara Croft is better,since you know,she become a Vidya icon.
but hey this isjsut a excuse to keep posting waifus without any discussion soo whatever...

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Lara Croft isn't really a female protagonist done right when it comes to writing though, which is what OP is implying.
She's just there for sex appeal. Heather is there because of already established plot points and her relation to the core themes of impregnation and motherhood.

>suddenly starts seeing all kinds of horrors inside a closed mall, even goes into an alternate dimension that is pitch dark
>isn't afraid, never screams and makes witty remarks
very realistic, at least your had the excuse that James was autistic in sh2

What about Henry in Silent Hill 4? What was his excuse to not be scared?

>every website I go to has the weakest Heather material
She’s also apparently the purest female character

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Alice's powerlessness in the real world is pretty evident and explains why she prefers to retreat to Wonderland where she can be powerful and self-assured.

Attached: EA shits on Alice again.webm (1152x720, 2.75M)

Not only that but the actual figures look like shit compared to what's advertised.

Attached: Gecco Heather.jpg (810x1080, 130K)

all silent hill protags are pretty autistic desu
including harry

that doesn't even look like her, what the fuck

literally nothing happens in 3, why do people say its so great

>literally nothing happens in 3

>the game doesn't keep reminding you that's she's a woman
the game's plot revolves around her being a woman

>poor taste

>Canonical pregnant teenager

>the game doesn't keep reminding you that's she's a woman
A major part of the game is the cult trying to stop her from giving birth to god and her own desire to kill the god in her womb.

You know what I meant retards

Which Silent Hill protagonist has the best fashion style?

James wasn't an autist, he was dissociative. He saw a monster and his first instinct was to beat it to death with a plank.

They all dress pretty nondescript, but if we include other characters I quite like Eileen's dress

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Such projection

>doesn't keep reminding you that's she's a woman like games these days
Can you post some examples?

God she's so fucking hot

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The only Silent Hill protag who appropriately reacted to Silent Hill was Murphy.

It's just me or she looks a little like Jill from REmake?

fox engine is better than re engine

>SH1's MC fucking dies
>you kill a god
>Alessa finally frees herself of the cult

>nothing happens

I have the Pyramid Head figure and it's pretty neat, but broke like a week after I got it just sitting on the shelf.

sh3 is shit. The only female protag done right is lara croft in tr1

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Too bad that the game sucked ass with that amusement park- like alternative dimension.

>She's just there for sex appeal
look at this retard .


No, but she's top-notch cutie