Red Dead Redemption 2

I will beat the fucking stupidity out of you if you think this game isn't great. Plain and simple.

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I forgot that game even came out

It is, refreshed my love for vidya. I can't wait for the pc version because 4k + 144hz gsync hdr but also free aim with a mouse. Fucking hated lock on and even with free aim tweaks controller shootan is just bad man

Plain and simple. The sidequests are boring and waste too much time/patience. Combat and movement use the same garbage GTA mechanics. AI companions? Not in a Rockstar game.

It's good. Not great.

The game would be amazing if it wasnt built around lock on shooting.

genuinely impressive as fuck but terrible to play

ive never spent so long trying to adjust control schemes for it to STILL not feel good, everything else is really cool. game itself is dogshit fucking garbage

It was an 8.5/10 solid but RDRO has made it a 6/10 retroactively.
>Adding content that should have been in singleplayer to trash-ass multiplayer and then never updating singleplayer to include it at all

Also, locking off an entire quarter or so of the map from Arthur and preventing Arthur files from 100% is pants on head retarded.

I bet you forget to wipe your own ass too after shits

This game is retarted for sooo many fuckin reasons.
Accept that OP.

RDO has only gotten better. There's over 100 hr of single player content. Online doesn't damage the game.

>animations for everything take forever because muh realisim
>GTA minus the fun, not even good bants, just constantly riding a horse places
>absolutely awful consistency in character development. Aruthur and friends more than happy to execute trainfuls of people, rob whole towns etc etc, yet arthurs buddies will chastise him for not helping some dickhead on the side of the road change his wagon wheel

RDR1 was ok, because it was a nice change from GTA. The western setting is not enough to carry a whole franchise. You play RDR1 you've played RDR2, except2 was worse. I have 2 a solid 6 hours before I returned it.

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I don't care about your shit grindy online, marketer. I want to play singleplayer. Give me one good reason content should be excluded from singleplayer, you can't. RDR2 will stay uninstalled until they fix it.

Sadly they will never add the new weapons in single player because Rockstar and Take Two are jews. The only hope so far is PC version where we can actually put them in single player ourselves.

i still play it regularly just to ride around and take in the scenery. because its like an old west simulator and i wish i lived in the old west

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It's truly fucking fantastic.
Immersive as fuck and u still can't believe how fucking nice they're is to do.
You guys should really try turning off the minimap and HUD. Makes it even better for certain things.

Also, howdy.

They fixed the weight system in the newest patch boahs now you can maintain perfect weight or get fat easily I only went underweight after guarma in this playthrough and got sickly Arthur back to perfect with a handful of big game meat

Yeah but when is it coming out on PC?

Show me the full patch notes

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Just stuff his face with 30 meat and he'll be a fatass after you sleep if you don't believe me. Last time I played it at launch I had to feed him a buffet every day to not be a skeleton

I would literally just hold X when riding in a group and the game would fucking steer the horse and control the speed for you. Fucking shitty ass movie game.

No shit they did that on purpose and in RDR1

Do you understand how horses work dumbass? It's not like you're driving a car in GTA, the horse is supposed to have its own ai

>playing RDO
>chillin in the bar, eat almonds for 10 minutes straight for laughs
>die in drunken fistfight
>respawn fat as fuck
>character is stuck fat forever

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The thing that messes up the shooting the most is that the camera starts wobbling around when you're getting shot at. I know why they did it, but it's a pain in the neck,

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riding the horse in 1 was a lot more fun. much faster and more fun to control

>implying i have the hud on when i can just press a button for it to pop up when needed Unironically the best mechanic rockstar added.

its so shit and forgettable

my nigga

It’s literally riding a horse and watching a cut scene/listening to dialogue: The video game. most boring piece of shit I’ve ever played. The fights are boring. Story was boring. The whole game was boring. Don’t even get me started on the online.

>another boring ass movie game with no skill testing

Do you have ADD by chance? Genuine question.

It is good. The lack of freedom in each mission is the worst flaw in it.

The gameplay is genuinely not good, extremely disappointed in Rockstar for not only making zero improvements since GTA4, but actually making the gameplay worse in each subsequent GTA/RD iteration.

But I liked the story.

Meh. BOTW is better because it doesn't lock content behind progression or force you to listen to 15 minutes of horseback exposition every time you want to see something new

I don’t know user, but what part of riding a horse and talking to people for half of your playtime is fun? The fights last a couple minutes and the only reason they last that long is because they send waves of enemies at you. Combat is dogpiss easy. It gets boring. I don’t play shoot em up westerns for the story. I play em to blow people’s heads of with sawed-offs.