>this is totally ok for Japan, but having a gay romance is way too much
It's fucking bizarre, honestly
This is totally ok for Japan, but having a gay romance is way too much
Other urls found in this thread:
fucking a teacher is every teenagers fetish. gays are a minority and do not need to be pandered to.
source:local gay
shut up, faggot
>based japs not pandering to faggots
faggotry is not normal and should not be celebrated or embraced.
a heterosexual relationship between a 17 year old and a 25 year old is completely normal and good as it means healthy reproduction
Gays are comedy material in Japan.
Because a woman being attracted to a young verile man is natural and results in the propagation of the species. Where as a man being attracted to another man is abnormal and produces the spread of communicable diseases that plague the population. Deal with it faggot.
It's odd but still acceptable, Faggots are wrong and disgusting
Persona is for degenerates, it makes sense that they only cater to degeneracy.
Wow OP, racist much?
Japan will continue to allow you fuck cakes and lolis while you faggots seethe.
This but unironically.
Had so many hot and young teachers in highschool.
that's because gays are fucking faggots
B team
Fatlus B team is trash
wow, OP.
Fucking kys
now this is podracing
Sounds like you lacked love and instead looked for it in sucking dicks to prove your parents wrong
Two nukes weren't enough
Like the same gender is fucking bizarre
This board dislikes gays more then actual pedophile loli tier stuff. You lot need MAJOR help.
seethe more homo
Don't shitpost with Wario you niggerwoman
How was it being sexually abused as a child and it leading to your sexual preference?
>gay romance
kill yourself faggot.
t. gay guy
Get aids.
Based Nippon.
It's always one or the other.
White people are fine with gays but hate pedoshit.
Browns are fine with child rape and have loli marriage, but hate gays.
You jokeing desu? By now you have to know there not going to pander to the gays what's the problem?
OP is a real fag, and not the good kind
this board is full of fags and pedos.and a good number of people are both. if you believe any differently you are retarded. Yea Forums has always loli/shota fags as well as actual fags.
I wish I could've dated a hot teacher back in highschool
Japan is not and will not ever be white.
They're insects.
gays are acceptable, not pedos.
i want takemi to give me a medical examination
I would have settled for a hot teacher just to distract me from schoolwork but no, all my teachers were old and/or ugly.
loli and shota arent pedo. theyre drawings.
Fuck off pedo
Go away tourists. Lolis are an artform and you're philistines. No one will ever love your tumblr nosed abominations either.
>gays are acceptable
In the Sony threads, maybe.
god i hate gay people
Why does everyone, like Atlus, pretend Persona 2 never happened?
Go out and make your own gay game. Nobody owes you anything.
wait is actually date or just friend outing? You wouldn't lie to me just to get me me to buy it right?
>homo shit
but Protag is straight, so there is no reason for homo shit.
This. I totally wanted to fuck my middle school teacher. He was pretty young and hot.
Heres an article about how sexually abused children end up being faggots.
They still represent kids.
Only when it's between females
they don't
they make cheap references to it all the time
but nupersona sells boatloads so they don't give a fuck about your old games beyond that
gays = pedos = bi's = garbage
it's all the same
Persona 6 is all but confirmed to have homo romance now that Catherine of all Atlus games had it.
What are you talking about? Persona started at 3, same as Fallout.
keep the vaginal jew and scatalogical homo jews away from video games
Being gay is not okay.
It's a date. Whether it's romantic or not who knows, but they're at notDisneyland where you take the girls on dates and Justine's naive comment about someone living in the castle confirms that it's like Liz's dates from P3 FES where you show them the world.
The twins probably won't get too mushy on you, but Lavenza is gonna be 1000% doki doki since she was already in love Joker without this additional stuff.
little redundant
they're drawings. they have no age.
>lol look /pol/ I'm homo but so redpilled!
We won't spare you on the day of the rope.
Have sex
Oh no, a girl barely 5 or 6 years older than him wants to date him?
What a society breaking taboo!
Want to know what Persona 5 needed to be great?
That's an alien
America never received the full Persona 2, at least we didn't back when it mattered. Eternal Punishment was the second half of Persona 2. Almost all of the story/plot made no sense.
>it's not gay if it's an alien
Why do you play Japanese game gay user?
They hate gay.
Play superior western games, The west love gay.
Gays and pedos need to die in the same fire.
Then we clearly need an alien bf in Persona 6, or something non-human like Morgana.
>They hate gay.
Nah, they make plenty of gay stuff.
Also, Atlus planned to have gay in P5, but the B team got salty and sperged out.
Japan does in fact make gay shit.
sorry to inform you.
>"extramarital sex and same-sex relationships are immoral and wrong"
gay people should get gassed
>They hate gay
So many fujos play Persona that motherfucking Goro Akechi is the most popular character.
Fuck gays
>Atlus planned to have gay in P5
[citation needed]
>but the B team got salty and sperged out.
B-ased Team best team.
While I would never in my life use it, more options is always a good thing, especially in a game like Persona where the whole purpose is around building relationships.
The devs shouldn't be forced to add such an option but there would be no negative if they decided to make one.
>fuck adults
this bothers me, they are young adults for fuck sake.
Youd be suprised how many gays hate fags.
fuck off discord tranny
As another homo, this
back to your roleplay board you dumb nigger
unironically this
This is actually really common combination among actual incels.
roof yourself
Well, yeah.
Just because you're gay doesn't mean you have to be a fag about it.
P3P was their attempt to gain traction with the fujo crowd.
I don't think it sold all too well though.
Phantom Thieves confirmed incels. Or alternatively Incels confirmed for Phantom Thieves.
>I'm going to make a post about how being against gays is wrong and people will agree with me
>gets shit on by the majority of the board
Just fucking leave we dont want you here lol
The terms are also mutually exclusive.
Fujo schlick-bait is not reality.
Send those faggots here and we will gladly behead them.
Funnily enough faggots are a small percentage of the population, it stands to reason that they'd also be a small but attention whoring population here as well.
Religion is for retards.
those fujoshi love "good looking men love each other" shit
They are hetero as fuck
Threads like this remind me to always support the "leftists", even when they're censoring things that I want uncensored.
At least leftists don't have fantasies about killing me for something that has literally no effect on their lives.
theres nothing wrong with fucking teachers
make your own faggot game, faggot
It never ceases to amaze me how far the extent of their mental illness and delusion goes.
When you have no personality outside of your sexuality, it tends to be a pretty big part of your day-to-day life.
I don't hate faggots but you guys can act like cunts and whine too much about representation.
this is why you should kill fags. they will burn down the world just they can keep fucking other mens assholes
have you tried not being a faggot?
Of course white people needed to get rid of religion to come out of the closet in droves as homosexuals and zoophiles and trannies etc.
>Because a woman being attracted to a young verile man is natural and results in the propagation of the species.
you have the sexes mixed up here
hang yourself faggot
You brain should be demolished with a sledgehammer to be honest
t. /poI/SIS
Quiet tranny
Post like this make me wonder why faggots like you even come here
>Doesn't affect their lives
>But hey, let's shove it down their throat.
>Oh, and it is a huge vector for diseases. To the point that many of them obtain and spread diseases as a fetish because they're extremely self-destructive.
>At least leftists don't have fantasies about killing me for something that has literally no effect on their lives
Hahahahahahaha, yeah, they sure don't.
Bend over faggot, I'm going to rape you so hard you'll turn straight.
>At least leftists don't have fantasies about killing me for something that has literally no effect on their lives.
You're not a white male then?
Memes aside, identity politics is whats ruining the modern world and this idea of having to be on a side no matter what is, even if you don't even agree with the policies or like the people representing you is whats putting everyone in this never ending safe spaces/echo chambers/ Be it left or right.
Stop caring about what random people on the internet think. Stop eating news media slop that's only meant to serve your bias that everyone that isn't you is awful. Stop justifying shitty beliefs because "other people have shitty beliefs".
I'm not against trans people or gays or infidels, I'm really not, I just can't tolerate them being visible or making themselves heard in public, but they're totally fine as long as they keep to their private quarters. This does not detract the slightest from my unconditional support of democracy, human rights, and freedom of expression.
>still can't fuck your classmate's sister
>Sae route still not confirmed for Persona 5 Royal
How was it being sexually abused as a child? Did it take a few years before your brain had to believe it enjoyed it to carry on or did it happen immediately after the first time?
>still can't fuck your classmate's sister
Ann has a sister?
Wrong. The Japs are honorary Aryans.
>Game is a cake-shop
>People still want the out of stock cake.
>When you have no personality outside of your sexuality
What's up with pigskins that they need to identify based on wanting to stick their dick in another dude's shit or wanting to fuck animals and stuffed toys and dudes in animal suits.
whoa really?
Rape is what made them faggots in the first place, youd only be feeding the fire
>fucking a teacher is every teenagers fetish
Not mine. My teacher was actually hot and had a giant ass but goddamn was she not my type. Younger women are better. Hell in that game she's the worse looking and meh personality only second to the reporter bitch. You guys have SHIT taste. ALL OF YOU FAGS HAVE SHIT TASTE! SHIT!
> Stop eating news media
I don't need to do that, I get it served to me in threads like this against my will anyway.
>Stop justifying shitty beliefs because "other people have shitty beliefs".
I'm not justifying shitty beliefs, just saying that I'll pick the much lesser evil every single time and don't pretend that the greater evil will randomly accept me.
>supporting people who want to bring over people who will actually kill you instead of just fantasizing about it
You sure showed them
but they already let you have a gay romance if you wanted. just play persona 2 lol.
>way too much
No. They just didnt want to put faggy gay romance in their game.
I'm honestly confused if I'm more of a leftie or rightie.
I think people whine too much about Trump
I actually think Trump is the perfect president for America because he's literally the perfect sterotype for America.
I hate faggots
I think most white people are racist scumbags with a power Trip and they're ignorant as fuck
Transsexuals have a mental disease.
I might be gay
>just saying that I'll pick the much lesser evil every single time and don't pretend that the greater evil will randomly accept me.
I'm saying don't pick any evil user.
Based Lich
I think it's actually not supposed to be ok.
It's a really fucked up relationship even without the age difference and power dynamic.
>"don't worry bro it's totally just a fantasy we're on your side haha"
>something that has literally no effect on their lives.
The gay community has directly been linked to the spread of diseases, so yes your faggotry does effect our lives.
Democracy means that if I don't choose, a choice will be made for me
And it sure as fuck won't be a good choice
Gay is not okay
I too remember the last time the Republican party gassed all the gays and jews
This is actually a really good point. Jun is homosexual representation yet Fags aren't playing the game.
I wonder if the game has a skill barrier too high for fags to play. Are faggots literally too casual for Persona?
This is basically Atlus' mindset. Persona is a series that sells hundreds of thousands of copies, sometimes millions, and they want to please as big part of their audience as they can.
Not to mention that in Japan media with different kinds of focuses is very segragated. If a game had both straight and gay romances in it, people only looking for straight stuff would go "What the fuck, why are devs putting in this stuff that doesn't interest me at all?!"
This is also the reason that Persona games don't have option for female protags. Both male and female protag players would have this nagging feeling that their side was getting shafted in favour of the other, or at the very least, that devs were spending time developing content that didn't interest them at all.
Only a third worlder isis sympathizer would be against gays. Civilized white people have advanced far enough that we can stick our dicks in dude's shit and fuck animals.
>spread of diseases
Only people that fuck other gays are affected by this. So like don't fuck other gays or people that fuck em?
>4 cakes
>5 high school students
Holy shit that's actually a lot of cakes.
Based Japan
Only because we live in a two party system where people are constantly at the very same mindset you have of limiting Democracy to a very few amount of elites and their club.
It's a vicious cycle where this same exact cynicism only causes the duel parties to stronghold the nation.
If a grown-ass adult told me she was fucking a high schooler, I would lose all respect for her even ignoring the legal and ethical implications.
Nigga P2 had basic JRPG gameplay, that's too much for 80% of the modern Persona fanbase.
Remember when Q came out and they were confused out of their minds?
Vert is not a cake though.
If you bring a third party better than the less bad one of the two, I'll vote for it.
Until then, least evil is greatest good.
Imagine being such pathetic cucks and Uncle Toms you'd let /pol/ losers walk all over you. Thank god you guys are faggots so your blood line ends with you.
>caring more about what people say instead of what they do
Meanwhile Muslims will say they'll behead you and do it as well.
>Remember when Q came out and they were confused out of their minds?
Can't say I do, though I'm not a good example because I went in knowing I was going to World of STR the game and was rewarded for my autism by the game punishing MAGFAGS
And you'll murder gays as soon as you get a chance.
>why aren't separate and distinct cultures aligning to the exact 180 break-neck cultural reversals that we Americans experienced in the last decade and are still experiencing the backlash to today
I'm all for a Nietzschean "uproot from tradition and create your own ethical system from what works in the here and now" but you have to be flat-out sheltered brain dead to not understand why other cultures still taboo the gays. 5000 years of Stigma doesn't just disappear in a decade because you stopped seeing it.
Democracy only works when the following are true:
>Local government.
>Involved, intelligent voter base.
>Leadership and voter base are invested in the continuation of their civilization.
Once any of those is false, it will swiftly devolve into promising people free shit at the expense of those who actually enable the civilization to continue. And those people who don't understand that there is no such thing as a free lunch voting in those who promise free shit.
It always ends in massive death tolls.
>left left left
>right right right
I despise american politics and your inability to form nuanced opinions
>she wasn't my type
Who gives a fuck? You're not gonna shack up with her, you're gonna fuck her a couple times and guarantee and A
Look guys its a radical centrist
It's pretty fucking obvious you haven't played the game. Almost every single battle in IS can be won just by rushing with the start button, no skill required. P2 is much easier than 3, 4 or 5, it's just boring as fuck to playthrough. Stop pretending not to be a casual when you haven't played the game either.
Slay a Gay
>Being a neutralcuck
Get fucked, Son of Man.
It ok if Japan does it because they actually have /cuteboys/
The homos they keep sticking in western games are basically the male equivalent of this
I have more respect for far lefties and righties then I do you cuck centrists, pick a side and kill the other. Is it really that hard?
>Nigga P2 had basic JRPG gameplay,
Oh so just like p3-p5
Wake me up when the right stops being retarded about gays
Until then, I'm voting left or center
>It's fucking based, honestly
Fixed. Any video game that lets you date your fucking teacher is rad by default.
this. Gay "culture" is ruining gays.
I'm with ya man.
Because Persona 2 doesn't have "romance" it's literally one dialogue choice that changes a single line of dialogue
No you fucking moron, I'm not even from America. The "left" and "right" aren't like what you have at all, I was astonished when my american relatives came over and they were shitting on relatively neutral opinions.
How did it even end up like that?
>complains about everything being polarized
>only responds to the most polarized opinions
And Kaneko still shipped it
Japanese cakes are literally, *literally*, only good for one thing.
t. mega faggot
Jesus christ just pick a side, fruitcake.
Same. I hate it even more how they fucking try to put politics in everything. Fucking puppets.
they don't know persona had 3 games before persona 3 and zoomers are too scared to play old games because it doesn't hold their hands enough and they can't deal with the clunkiness. shame since jun is one of the best faggots in vidya.
how new are you?
I like how faggots try to make gay positive threads that turn into faggot bashing hate threads. Justice is always served.
Fuck that shit. I was on my prime then and had better choices all while putting up with no one. Fuck fucking a feminist I have standards.
So what you're telling me is that auto-battling is too hard for homosexuals to do?
Damn, user. You're a savage. I was just being a bit mean but fuck, you're bringing out the big guns here.