When does this game become fun again?
I have 30 hours in and it feels like a hassle having to use a horse and consnantly teleport, not to mention theres fucking nothing apart from shrines and boring sidequests

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are you playing it on switch?

Cemu, there's not a lot of games on the switch or wii u so its a waste of money

BOTW is only good for the first 20 hours unfortunately


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I wish you could change Link's voice or choose between VAs

are you going to drop the game?

Nah, i'll do get the master sword then go kill ganon or do the four divine beasts and what I mentioned before. The memories seem cool but also boring to get, guess I'll just watch it on youtube

Stop playing, the rest of the fun comes from experimenting with the mechanics, if you didn't like the first 2 hours you should have quit.

>not to mention theres fucking nothing apart from shrines and boring sidequests

Every time.

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It's not "fun"; it is merely low-grade enthralling with plenty of flavor to keep one hoodwinked. Most of us early adapters got tired of this concept some time around Morrowind and the slower of us caught on around the time Minecraft was still a game for autists rather than children. But normies still aren't familiar with the concept yet, so here you have BotW.

i'm very curious to this, I came to this game blind, so what can you do?
So far I've only managed to kill enemies by freezing then and throwing them or a giant log of wood

>guess I'll just watch it on youtube
Implying you were not doing that form that start...

>not to mention theres fucking nothing apart from shrines and boring sidequests

Environmental shrine quests
Korok puzzles
Three roaming dragons
Horses and rare steeds
A literal horse god
Kilton's roaming monster shop
Great fairies
Wildlife to hunt and photograph
Lynel battles
More towns than any previous game in the series
Pondo's lodge
Shiekah labs

Should I keep going

There were a lot of things I liked about this game but almost none of them were things I wanted from a zelda game experience and unfortunately that side of it was such a let down that I just lost the will to play at some point. It's a fun open world sandbox and I love the level of freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want but the completely and total lack of impact from any of the major elements you would expect in a zelda game like beating """"""""temples""""""""", finding upgrades and new equipment (because the game basically gives you everything from the start), earning your right to the master sword (just do a bunch of shrines bro!), and even just beating Ganon himself knowing that your entire journey is basically pointless because you can literally kill him the moment you wake from the Shrine of Resurrection sort of left me feeling hollow after it was all over.

I understand that the sense of freedom comes at the cost of all things but to play a zelda game and not feel like I went through a full hero's journey ultimately left me with more negative feelings than positive. Especially with how much of a massive time hog doing anything in the game is because it's so huge.

BotW is the type of game you have to WANT to enjoy. It's all about exploration.The journey IS the game, not the destination at the end.

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30 hours into the game and you haven’t done any of that? Are you a literal brainlet just running in circles? Stick to Sony movies.

>Environmental shrine quests
"It's like a real dungeon only we split it out into 100 tiny chunks that have no narrative or mechanical coherency and are also shit."

>Korok puzzles
"Push boulder into divot, get reward." Rewards for exploration if you already enjoy exploration they are. Fun things to do they are not.

>Three roaming dragons
"Three things floating in the air."

>Horses and rare steeds
Seriously? You didn't bother taking pictures of stupid shit in Wind Waker and you care about a slightly-more-different horse?

>Collectathon only this time it's random and doesn't end
>Collectathon only this time it's random and ends
>Collectathon only this time it's random and doesn't end
>Collectathon only this time it's random and doesn't end

Christ, you latecomers are easily amused. Why don't you play GTA San Andreas and concern yourself entirely with gang territories while you're at it. It's like you subsist entirely on the garbage that we decided was too shit to keep.

not him but I'm about 25 hours in and only done one divine beast and still have 4 hearts because I pumped my stamina wheel before anything else so no master sword there
Not everyone wants to rush the very small amount of story/major content the game offers. Knowing that I've already cleared 1/4 of the temples already is a huge fucking bummer

what this user said i've done a fair amount of shrines and also killed one divine beast, spent some time exploring stuff

Playing this game really makes me realize how much I want to play an actual zelda game instead

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Rent free

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Don’t bother
He just wants to shitpost about the game instead of actually discuss it

>waaaaaah it doesn't count


The three labyrinths
Lord of the Mountain
Lover's pond
Lost memories
Evil cursed statue
Giant horse and royal horse
Shadow forest
Hidden Gerudo shop
Trial of the sword
Snowball bowling
Boulder golfing
Gut check challenge
Mystery of the seven heroine statues

Should I keep going

>explores empty wastes of land
Don’t reproduce.

Funny enough, I'm the exact opposite. This game made me realize how much I don't really like standard Zelda. No other traditional Zelda game as managed to really get me "hooked". Hell out of the five games I've played, 2D and 3D alike, I've only ever BEAT Minish Cap.

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>Lord of the Mountain
>go to shiny spot without any challenge to get there
>tame a horse you can't keep
>the end

>Gut check challenge
>did you visit enough shrines?
>yes = climb a wall with no obstacles and no challenge
>no = nothing you can do bitch

Does anything in this list involve doing anything legitimately interesting?

so you're saying that 90% of the game's content is just "empty wastes of land" then? What does the game have to offer if not for the side content? 4 temples and a ganon fight? Why should you expect someone to ignore what a majority of the development went into?

Why are the defenders of this game so much more vehement and knee-jerk than the others? It's like the slightest mention of dissension is simply responded with dumb shit like this.

I don't hate the game at all. I had a lot of fun playing it, it's just something I built up for myself for a long time and basically went into it totally blind a few months ago after finally getting a switch and it totally went against my expectations and what I wanted. Growing up on zelda games built a certain expectation in me and I was excited to have another game that reached me on the same level as something like OOT or WW but it just didn't hit that mark because it's so different.

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Someone post the "minutes since Yea Forums cried about botw" image

Nothing has ever been more true sadly

What i’m saying is if you literally ignore the main quests on purpose and explore nothing for 30 hours and complain the game isn’t fun then yeah, you should probably not have offspring. It’s one of my least favorite zeldas but atleast i’m not on your intellectual level and think that every person disagreeing with me is “defending” the game.

I'm not really seeing your logic at all here
>explore nothing
Are you out of your mind? What happened to:
The three labyrinths
Lord of the Mountain
Lover's pond
Lost memories
Evil cursed statue
Giant horse and royal horse
Shadow forest
Hidden Gerudo shop
Trial of the sword
Snowball bowling
Boulder golfing
Gut check challenge
Mystery of the seven heroine statues
Environmental shrine quests
Korok puzzles
Three roaming dragons
Horses and rare steeds
A literal horse god
Kilton's roaming monster shop
Great fairies
Wildlife to hunt and photograph
Lynel battles
More towns than any previous game in the series
Pondo's lodge
Shiekah labs

There's tons of stuff to do that's not the main quests and ass far as main quests actually go there's not much to them. It's like you're trying to say that only the main quest content is "fun" and that everything else is just a slog you wallk through to get to more main quest content.


If you get to the top of mount satori and are not amazed by the sheer beauty of the place and the lord you are broken inside and no amount of games will fix that

If you grew up with zelda BOTW should be reminiscent of home. The first zelda and a link to the past are very similiar to botw. It's going back to it's roots of freedom and adventure instead of linear progression

>everyone grew up on 2d zeldas
I was 10 years old when OOT came out. I never even played ALTTP until a decade after the others. Not everyone has the same life experiences

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what do you want, op? Beat the beat and ganon and gtfo.

Never played it, but it's probably so acclaimed because nintenkiddies had never played a open world game before on their shitty, under powered systems.

I'm at 60 hours, 80 shrines and now I'm at the point where I have to look for shrines really hard to find them hidden somewhere, this shit got tedious as fuck

That's pretty much what my experience playing BotW was, and now it easily holds the spot of being my 2nd favorite Zelda game, right behind the original LoZ.

Sorry OP, BotW is one of the best games ever made.

I got you Fampai

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>nothing apart from shrines and boring sidequests

Not only is that bullshit, I love when shitters say "shrines" as if its one singular thing rather than 1/100 completely unique subterranean challenges, puzzles or assault courses.

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>posting a thread on Yea Forumsintendogaf criticizing a nintendo game
lmao retard, wtf were you expecting?

>game sucks
>play it for 30 hours

this is why your "opinion" is irrelevant

>Never played it, but

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What makes it even funnier is that they're the same people who praise OoT, which had nothing but empty grottos.

You have already seen all the game has to offer and have noticed how stretched thin it is. Abort

The thread is over. This image is all that's needed.

>never played it but
Jesus Christ, you can't make this shit up.

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It's too late; you had to be playing at launch. Sorry you weren't there to enjoy the artificial fun.

>Does anything in this list involve doing anything legitimately interesting?

There's a variety of fun things on that list, but no matter what we bring up you'd just give the good ol "muh doesn't count" excuse because you need to move those goalposts

You niggers are literally incapable of enjoying anything anymore and your interest in the series is only sustained purely by your rose-tinted nostalgia

It gets good 100 hours in.

>dude just make your own challenges lmao
fuck off, you retarded apologist

These response images are never good and only show how asshurt you are over the original image.

Nobody said anything about making your own challenges, you illiterate shitter

all those "fun things on that list," you dumbass

The game peaks early. If you've already beaten at least one divine beast, you've pretty much experienced what the game has to offer. Eventide Island is kind of neat, I think it's in the bottom right of the map.

it actually gets good 0 seconds in and gets bad 40 hours in

None of those are examples of making your own challenges, those are examples of challenges and other things the developers explicitly put into the game, you idiot

>If you've already beaten at least one divine beast, you've pretty much experienced what the game has to offer.

Anyone who legitimately believes this is either senile or just bad at exploring.

What the fuck was her problem?

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Really? You're going to tell me there's a point to "boulder golfing" and "snowball bowling" aren't goals just for the sake of doing them? You're deluded.
>Oh, but everything in games is just for the sake of doing them
In a normal game, there is an actual sense of progression, of moving forward. "Goalposts." There is NO sense or indication of that in this abomination, and the main reason why everyone with half a brain despises it, and no amount of metacritic whoring and seethposting is going to change that.

Why are you separating so many things to try and make the list longer? The lord of the mountain is still only something to ride as is the giant horse. The dragons might as well be a part of the wildlife or just literal items cause all you can do is get items from them. The one that you do 'fight' is literally just shooting an arrow 3 times. The lab and fairy fountains are just used to upgrade some of your things. And lynels are no different than the other regular mobs. You shouldve have said mini bosses instead but even then there are literally only 4 types for such a huge world. How disappointing.

Those are minigames that were also explicitly put into the game by the developers, so no, those aren't examples of "making your own challenges" either

Man you really are fucking retarded

Dude, I loved BotW, but "unique" is not a word I can abide being used to describe the shrines.

Why are you grouping so many obviously different things to try and make the list shorter? The Lord of the Mountain is still going to leave a completely different impression on the player than just finding a horse. Likewise for the dragons and normal wildlife, especially the possessed one. The labs provide completely new items and runes, whereas the fairies just upgrade your armor. Lynels are absolutely different from regular mobs.

One shrine alone is more unique than all of Ocarina's grottos combined.

I did the mistake playing it after RDR2. I stopped at the elephant dungeon, can't even remember the name.
I get why it's mindblowing for kids though. If you're 25+ and praising this game you're 100% a neckbeard / kissless virgin

The game's content is very boilerplate and the mechanics are frontloaded. The game impresses you early but doesn't change things up later. There are a handful of interesting bits like Eventide, but the overwhelming majority of the content strewn about the world is extremely repetitive, and there's so fucking much of it. If anything exploration is heavily discouraged since you will more than likely find things you've already encountered many times before, and the game is so easy to break that you don't need that one extra sword, spirit orb, or korok seed. It's not designed to be 100%, the fact that there's 900 fucking korok seeds, you need less than half of them to max out your slots (with the cost scales heavily), and the reward is a literal golden turd is proof of that.

Once you get to a divine beast (probably the elephant since that's what the game pushes you towards), you've almost certainly already encountered a fair amount of shrines, korok seeds, enemy camps, and stables. You've already done plenty of climbing, gliding, and horse riding. You've fought a couple lynels. The game doesn't introduce new enemies, mechanics, or types of content later on. There's no progression. OP said he's 30 hours in the game, that's more than enough to understand it. Saying that it will get better later on would be lying to him.

Grottos don't have minute-long loading screens.
The fact that you have to compare shrines to a handful of tiny holes in the ground that you're in for five seconds says a lot.

Those "tiny holes in the ground" comprised the bulk of OoT's optional overworld content, so they're entirely comparable. Shrines are the equivalent of grottos in past games, they're just infinitely better and contain some actual content.

You are so disingenuous, goddamn. I like how you have to say "optional overworld content" instead of "optional content" because you know the latter would be pure bullshit. OoT's overworld is obviously infinitely smaller than BotW's. You're comparing a game that is not reliant on its overworld to deliver content (OoT) with a game that is (BotW). OoT has a really solid main quest with a strong line-up of dungeons, and is constantly introducing new key items. What side content it has is mostly handled via side quests, rather than a ton of copypasted content slapped onto the overworld like BotW.

But even what you said isn't even true, because poes, heart pieces, magic beans, etc add up to more than the grottos. And grottos actually have more variety in their rewards than shrines do, which is pretty sad. Tiny holes in the ground that were basically item dispensers had more variety in their rewards than one of BotW's defining features.

You're basically comparing games with two entirely different goals several console generations apart in an attempt to make bad content look good. You have to compare shrines to throwaway tiny holes in the ground in an N64 game. If you deleted grottos from OoT, it would not change much. At most you'd have to relocate a couple things. If you deleted shrines from BotW, you'd lose a huge chunk of the game's content and incentive to explore. BotW can't lean on its main quest, OoT can easily.

Lmao what impression it leaves doesn't change the fact that the lord is just another horse. Likewise with the dragons. Might as well separate every single npc as different things by your logic cause they'll leave different impressions on different people. The labs are pretty much just shops for shiekah armor or weapons and fountain for the runes. Lynels are very much similar to regular mobs just with more health and stronger hits. But you can flurry rush them all the same. Theyre not like the talus where you mainly have to climb on top or the sand mini where you have to get it out of the sand to attack.

>i'm so bored wtf am i supposed to do in this open world full of adventures and enemies

maybe you just aren't a gamer user

When do this kind of threads become fun, again?

Thristy like the Gerudo Desert

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One of my favourite things about BotW was how much of an asshole Link is.


It's good game! You're just gay.

i have about 90+ hours so far. Just maxed out the mastersword and only have done 2 divine beasts.
playing on master mode too

game is alright. souls games are better imo

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>he's actually listing side quests
Holy shit.

Shitters on Yea Forums refuse to give Nintendo the praise they're due.

Thank fuck this shithole remains irrelevant.

If you don't know what your doing routing is a pain, knowing where you want to go before a playthrough is key to having a good time

>84h playtime
>negative review
everytime lmao

I love the game but:
>Get Lynel Sword
>It fucking breaks in 5 minutes
>Master Sword's durability is equal to a limp dick

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>guess I'll just watch it on youtube

The fucking state of kids on this board.

The best is Hyrule Castle. That's the most fun I had in the game. Sneaking, fighting , parrying, dodging enemies while there are weapons everywhere to pick up is fucking great. Also, the Master Sword gets a boost there so it's stronger and more durable.

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If you're not enjoying being sidetracked constantly by what you see while paragliding/climbing/traveling, then you're probably gonna put it down. Exploration is pretty much all you have in this game.

Are side quests not "things to do"?

Should've played on Master Mode.
>Go to enemy camp
>literally get slaughtered in a few hits or by stray arrow
>have to actually prep and plan ahead to survive and kill everything

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So you find it boring and u have 30 hours on it?

Still crying about BotW

Normal is way too easy and Master mode isn't even hard so much as it is just bullshit. I wish they made a middle ground or make it so shit doesn't break if it is going to take 10x more hits to kill.

Most Zelda games don't even last 30 hours.

>When does this game become fun again?
the moment you leave the shrine of resurrection.

>feels like a hassle having to use a horse and consnantly teleport
Why? And you don't need to use them.
At 30h, I'd not even SEEN a horse yet!

it was good all the 220h I put into it, honestly.

Not OP, but the first 30 or so hours I spent mapping out the Gerudo Valley -area's mountains, with starting gear. Didn't even visit Kakariko before afterwards.
I started my first Beast quest line at 80 hour mark.

>Playing this game really makes me realize how much I want to play an actual zelda game instead

BotW is one of the most Zelda games ever made zoomer boi. It has all the hallmarks of modern Zelda married with the design philosophy of the original and put through a fresh spin.

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