Spams you out with two projectiles that both have absurdly large hitboxes

>Spams you out with two projectiles that both have absurdly large hitboxes.
>Kills you at 60% with a bullshit projectile TRUE combo, that he can still make it back to the stage with.
>Fast as fuck up-air that does 22% damage and kills at 70%.
>Down-air has 7 hitboxes that all spike, even if you trade hits.
>Has a FUCKING REFLECTOR on top of all that shit, that can even flip you around.

This is the cancer ruining Smash. Who fucking thought that Mii SwordFighter was a good idea?

Attached: 1547157961774.png (768x768, 338K)

Kill yourself.

kill yourself

>This nigga salty against Mii SwordFighter

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Are you really so bad that you're having troubles against the fucking MII SWORDFIGHTER?

>Being SO bad at the game that a fucking mii is giving you trouble

shut UP

wow can't even beat a mii

1. git gud
2. kill yourself
3. ??????
4. Profit

>fire emblem dabbed on smashniggers so hard that the very sight of a sword gives them PTSD

r8 me

Attached: D6rG0N7VUAAfkZ2.jpg (1280x720, 125K)





>Gets fucking mopped by MII SWORDFIGHTER

Attached: 1556647676337.jpg (847x579, 79K)


Does anyone like to use the standard 1111 miis they get from WoL?

I like to think that in this game full of princessses, chosen ones, and superpowered animals, there's just these three guys that got good enough to get into smash just by training hard.

Mii Sword fighter is fucking aids to play against and everyone defending this character has obviously never played against one

Thers already multiple "normal people" in smash besides the miis. Like wii fit and Little mac.