Talk to girl in MMO

>Talk to girl in MMO
>Fall in love with her


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Other urls found in this thread:

>get a gf
>have sex
>find out women are boring and annoying and you only like them for their warm holes between their legs
>get disgusted and only fap to 2D

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>Pretend to be girl in MMO
>Get free stuff


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>"""girl""" in MMO
So you're gay?

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That wasn’t a girl bro. It was me playing a female avatar. The true game is lonely virgins feelings.

They're always fat anyway.


>When you're so starved of love and affection that you fall in love with any girl that acts remotely nice to you
I'm glad my cringy teenage years are over

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Girls in mmos are fujos that play as fuckboy toons

>talk to boy pretending to be a girl in MMO
>fall in love anyway because they're convincing in their acting

>conflicted because you'll never know for sure

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>be me
>just wanna play video games
>play mostly wow, league, and warframe
>every time i get on voicechat i instantly get spammed with guys hitting on me
>have to resort to just not getting on vc and using gender neutral names in games to avoid harassment

holy fuck you virgins are pathetic

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nice try, guy, but real girls love attention.
In the off-chance that you're not lying, that would only mean that you're either the autistic silent type, or a vengeful & shallow landwhale

Hope things are going well with your gf.

>but real girls love attention
this is how i know you're an incel. it gets really annoying when you're just minding your business and some guy starts trying to get in your pants.

yeah actually we got to spend all weekend together so that was nice

everybody hates whiteknight orbiters, but you can guarantee even they would stop if they saw the real you

actually no it happens irl too. Hell, just this weekend i was in the hotel with my gf going up the elevator to our room when some random fuckboys tried to get us to come to their stag party.

However men do not do it as often irl as they do it online because they often lack the confidence. Being anonymous online without having to make eye contact lets them cheat.

How do I do this? Just be good at ERP or something?

Glad it worked out for you two.

just act like you would want a girl to act towards you if you were trying to get with them. be flirty, be charming. if anyone is dumb enough to fall for it they deserve it

thank you

What if they ask for pictures or voice? That's usually a prerequisite before they start buying you shit

Nice larping

>talk to female character in game
>eventually find out its a tranny
>he slowly converts me
>sends me videos what not of himself doing things
>can no longer go back to being interested in girls
>planning to spend the summer with him to get more physical

You faggots have ruined every fucking guild i've joined in MMO's. There's only been like 3 guys i've ever met that didn't whiteknight for every fucking roastie that joined. One was some 40+ year old guy and the other two were both black dudes that would always roast any faggot that tried whiteknighting. Those 2 eventually got kicked for being "toxic to the atmosphere of the guild".

They do.

They say they don't, but they do.

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i have no reason to larp
maybe straight girls but being attracted to men is a mental ilness wouldn't you agree?

I can garment she's ugly as shit, smells and is fucked up in the head.

>Talk to girl in MMO
>Grow to hate her guts


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Being attracted to anyone on this gay earth is a mental illness

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that sounds nice bro i hope you two stay happy together

>get a gf
Stop lying, /pol/cel.