Where did it all go so wrong?
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haha bob do something xd
MCH finally got the treatment it deserved. I always wanted a mech pet but I didn't think SE cared enough about the job.
What the fuck
Are we going to see Lamimi lusting over Arbert during the role quests? Will she keep the dwarf gear on?
It went wrong when you decided to play any DPS class except BLM.
battle voice went from giving raw magic damage to DH. nothing is stopping the buffs from changing to something else
Waifufags, lizard and cat trannies, lala shitters and the most obnoxious of them, bunnyfags.
if those wouldn't invade these threads you can easily have an actual discussion about the game.
inb4 coping trannies
They just never make major changes between expansions. Stormblood MCH didn't really work out well but they couldn't do anything other than tweaks for whatever reason.
At least BRD gets the best AF set. On female at least.
>SSS tier
Alejandro Invocado
Guerrero de Luz (Castigado)
>SS tier
Alejandro Principal
Bahamut Dourado
Guerrero de Luz (forma normal)
>S tier
Bahamut Principal
>A tier
Omega (forma definitiva)
>B tier
Bahamut vivo
Omega Hombre y Omega Mujer
Líquido Viviente (forma salvaje)
>C tier
Zenos (ojo con eco)
Alt Derecha (forma salvaje)
Soroban (poseído)
The game's code is held together with duct tape and paper clips. They can't change anything without breaking 5 things.
Bard only seems like it got shafted because it got treated very well in Stormblood. Arguably it had one of the best upgrades. I'm okay if it didnt get absolutely pimped out this time around,b ecause the other classes deservetime to shine
*laughs in SCH and WAR*
Why are you so mad?
I just want a pure gunslinger job. Not some gadgeteer nonsense.
>everyone staying lizard, cat, elezen
vieras are ugly
Well, time to switch classes. MCH is no longer a gunslinger. He is (rightfully) a machinist.
>BLM continues to be the best job in the game
I liked being one of the five MCHs in my server
This. New expansions really just feel like big content patches that just continue doing more of the same. They need to rehaul/revamp systems and combat but they don't.
Also fuck trannies you fucking faggots are the worst
The new races are trash
I'll stay Hyur
>Where did it all go so wrong?
When they changed cleric stance in stormblood
It's literally been teased since the game has started (Multiple NPCs using non-aetheric handguns like the Admiral and a lot of LL's Yellowjacket officers, entire fucking placeholder Corsair guild alongside the Marauders), but tons of other jobs either fit the thematics of the expansion better or are simply in such high demand they can't be ignored.
catering to degenerates
Not that user, but I wish we got other shit besides a shitty punchy mcnigbot.
Out of all the possibilities, we just get a humanoid mech who punches shit. It's incredibly lame.
>MCH finally got the treatment it deserved
You don't even know if it plays well or does good damage. Retards who sperg out about JA trailers are retarded.
I would honestly prefer more tools than the robot but I also kind of like the robot.
Pretty accurate
>implying Rowena can't pay her ass to save herself from WoL and Alexander
Rowena is God Tier
can they ever be stopped?
>he liked stance dancing
Yeah, no
Think we'll get more hairstyles, or at the very least, allow the hairstyles to not be locked to a facial preset? It's my biggest gripe with them and it feels rushed/lazy.
>tfw will never heal strong dom WAR gf
As someone who has mained MCH since HW and endured the pain that was SB MCH, I could give two shits about the gameplay. I'm just glad I got me a robot buddy.
that's an awfully short skirt for that sch gear
What is it exactly about this game that draws in trannies? I thought it was a meme and then actually gave the game a shot about a year ago and went through a few guilds and all of them had MULTIPLE trannies.
The expansion comes out in a month, I wouldn't expect much difference if I were you, it's a good way to end up disappointed
MSQ sucks sick and makes exploring the world for the first time a ticking chore
Cash shop bullshit out the ass. Please pay 18 dollars to play with who you want.
The expansion formula was ok in heavensward, boring in SB, and will likely be horrid for shillbringers.
Devs keep removing build options and making every job the same. At this rate 6.0 Will have 5 jobs with different animation sets.
Not him, but as someone who also has mained MCH since HW, I care about the gameplay, I was super excited when I saw the SB job action trailer and all the cool flips and animations we had, but the gameplay was garbage. I'm afraid it'll happen again.
Post your best edgy BLM glams. I need a reason to resub to this game.
Should I play dancer or red mage in the next xpac Yea Forums?
>Phoenix is just red Bahamut
>didn't show Warriors new Cleave so looks like they got nothing but some buff to others
>Selene is RIP
>Dancer looks really pretty but no clue on how it plays really
>music was kinda meh
Stormblood JA trailer was hype as fuck. This one was pretty meh.
>music was kinda meh
Don't get me wrong, I also want good gameplay, but I can't see them making the same mistake again so there's no way it can possibly be worse or on the same level as SB MCH.
>music was kinda meh
Fuck outta here nigger
SB BLM just feels like a clunky mess to me
I want to go back to HW BLM
Since GB and overheating are gone, I'm feeling really optimistic
>People calling it omega remix
It's the fucking FF3 theme
Wanna know what XIV needs?
>Stormblood JA trailer was hype as fuck. This one was pretty meh.
opinion discarded so fuckin hard
I really, truly did. It was challenging (for me), and I felt as though I always had room to improve after every run.
Obviously you can still optimize and improve your DPS like every other class, but healing is genuinely easy and boring without it.
Yeah, I don't think they're gonna fuck it up as much as SB, but I'm still cautiously optimistic.
I don't think it's edgy but get yourself a high allagan coat of casting. Nothing better.
Nah, I get that. I wasn't expecting much to begin with, especially since I thought they'd never add a bestial race of any form. I'm just kind of shocked that they forced us into presets, on such a simple thing like hairstyles, especially considering we'll have no helmets. You'd think that'd be the one area they'd focus on to make up for it. Ah well, you always think you can't sink any lower.
Maybe I'll have to hold out for 5.1 and they'll slowly unlock the hairstyles like Au Ra.
i didn't know hipsters were still a thing
>SB BLM felt clunky
>praises HW BLM
Fucking what
eScape remix
>Wanna know what XIV needs?
To remove more abilities and make every class play the same?
Ovearheating looks like it's still in, but you trigger it manually
>I really, truly did. It was challenging (for me)
Then you're bad, sorry to break it to you. "Stance dancing" nowadays is pulling in tank stance, doing your enmity combo once, and then swapping to DPS stance and never going back. If you have to do anything besides this you're doing something wrong.
Do Hrothgar mog male Miqo'te?
That isn't RAPE
Yes it is.
That shouldn't even be a question.
>hmmm should we put in a bunch more effort into this race 1% of people play?
>wahh nobody plays mch
>wahh too many people play mch
fuck off
he's talking about cleric stance dancing not tank stance dancing
>tfw no femroe gf
SCH stands for schlut
Two different people
You got
>Auto Crossbow
>Air Anchor
>and a fucking mech with a pilebunker arm
Nigger what is wrong with you
I might just give MCH a try, since I currently don't have a favorite physical rdps.
please post all the sch leaks
>music was kinda meh
>likes stormblood's job action video music
what a garbage post
Gotta leave some Edgar tools for 6.0
>Not a gun
>Not a gun
>Not a gun
>Not a gun
>Not a gun
>In a job that people play because its the gun job
A man of culture
now its a machinist instead of a gunchinist
Spotted the 'murican.
It's Machinist, not Gunner. Machinist was always meant to be about gadgets from the start you dumb fag.
All of that is more interesting than just having 15 variations of "I shot gun"
I like ghey raep. Find me on Primal as Matty Meatshield-Ultros and we could do some hot hardcore ghey ERP raep.
how many ways do you think one can shoot a bullet? were you expecting some sick acrobatics?
>fuck off
pretty sure they said in the liveletter that they're expanding MACHINIST beyond just a gun and a turret since gunbreaker is taking a lot of the "gun" niche
he is a MACHINIST not a GUNNER retard
the gun is just extra flavor, they could have used a sword but a gun is more fitting
Why do Hrothgar even exist? They look fucking awful. Viera aren't that great either. Same problem that every race has, only 1 face looks decent so get used to seeing it
What is the jewess endgame?
>Gunbreaker is taking the gun niche
It isn't even a gun, nor does it even act like one. A gunblade's firing mechanism exists solely to vibrate the blade in specific ways. These devs are genuine hacks.
Hrothgar exist because people really liked Lupin, but Yoshida didn't want to let us play Lupin for some reason
Sorry, my BLM isn't edgy, and neither is my DRK currently. That's reserved for SCH for when I play the Shadowbringers story quests.
I always thought Squall was shooting bullets when you pressed R1 in FF8. Short range blast like video game logic for shotgun.
>They look fucking awful.
fuck you
>ignoring every other post telling you that you're a fucking retard for not realizing it's a Machinist and not a Gunner
Why do I see your nigger ass in every thread I open
In both games it shoots an explosion to shred through armor, not an actual bullet.
My thoughts exactly.
I'd like the robot more if it didn't look so generic and did more than punch shit before executing an attack as he leaves.
>implying that individual point doesn't make complete sense
>if it didn't look so generic
Show me an example of what's not a "generic" robot to you
I'm going to judge your taste
That's what happens when Square half asses everything.
>i dont like the races therefore they are bad
kys tranny
No-budget chinkshit MMOs designed to squeeze you for your money have better character creators these days, even at the low end. Square needs to step the fuck up.
Gates of the Moon is one of the better tracks to come out of the entire SB expansion
At least it's better than WoW's character creation
Exactly why more effort should be put forth, maybe if they didn't half ass something for once, it could turn out in their favour.
There is no worthwhile end-game content other than raids, which get boring quickly as gear is boring. No unique items/stats/enhancements.
They keep adding more and more immersion breaking crossover items.
They are simplifying the game every expansion, but not adding new, wanted, content in.
When they rushed out 1.0 to compete with a WoW expansion.
Though, 1.0 had quite a few bad ideas that the devs wanted badly. Like a player driven economy without an auction house.
As a result of this, they killed the game, handed it over to Yoshida, who proceeded to mutilate it into a mediocre WoW-style themepark MMO.
The only reason it has the traction it does is because WoW shit the bed during the interrum.
it gets better right
We weren't talking about tank """stances""", but we can if you want. I only played stormblood for a couple months, but my parses on DRK were pretty alright if that's required to discuss it.
I'd rather SE double down on stances and make dancing worth it instead of removing them.
What if grit didn't have a damage output reduction and only had the downside of locking you out of blood weapon? This would mean you cycle between blood weapon and blood price depending on the situation.
Also bring back darkside mana drain and turning off if you run out like a shitter.
>every female race is a tranny
kys tranny obsesser
they definitely do something to male miqote
lol, no. Especially the FSH quests are some of the most unbearable shit in existence.
>Want the SB relic gear dyeable for ShB
>Need to actually start Eurreka
That was the most boring two hours of grinding of my life. And i'm only level 8.
Is Yoshi gonna change it so we can get our dyeable armor more easily? Or do I have to tough Eureka out?
>Also bring back darkside mana drain and turning off if you run out like a shitter.
removal of this was one of the main things i disliked about the transition from hw to sb desu
it was amusing being able to tell really easily just how good/shit someone was at DRK
Which rabbit ears are best?
>Nodes you can only access by learning about them through buying books with gathering currency gained by gathering from nodes that are only available during small time windows or certain weathers
>collectible gathering has an annoying fucking crafting style rotation to it, except you also have to chug GP juice to keep going
Fuck no, it gets so much worse.
What an ugly Lala
It's already been nerfed
Tough out Eureka, but there'll probably be some easy method for it come 5.0 or whenever they introduce the new Diadem-like content. The hardest part of Eureka Anemos is the initial grind, once you're at the point where all of the NMs give you rewards it's a piece of cake to get the crystals and other materials around for upgrading your relic to be dyeable.
You think so? It almost looked like something outta Alexander to me
>if we give this ugly race different wigs they'll be popular
they were never going to be popular after the novelty wore off the shit customization is just the nail in the coffin
well theres still time until Shadowbringers and I need that money so I guess i'll be slaving away at this
That's not a helmet for her, she actually has that beard so if she lost the helmet you would see a midget with a beard. That's why he never reciprocated her love because she looks like a dude.
Fuck you faggot I'll suck your dick.
After you get a bit into the 50's you can reliably level just by hitting timed nodes to get collectibles. It's not exactly thrilling but it made it more bearable for me to be able to just go out and hit a node every 30 minutes or so instead of constantly grinding out leves.
I gave 'em both a shot.
I haven't played in a few months
how is EU nowadays? did the data center split kill it like everyone claimed it would or is it fine?
I'm sorry that you have brain damage.
BLMbros, which relic weapon is objectively the best?
Nothing wrong with me
Why does your lion look like someone busted a load on his face?
I'm pretty sure there's still the returner campaign running until SBR launches, just log in and check.
ya did good
Eureka without the glow
It is a good time to start playing DRK?
Nobody likes male miqo'tes and male miqo'tes are always crying about hrothgars on the OF.
Ugh alright. I guess I should just try to hop in and find a train? I'm not sure many people do Eureka anymore.
All relic weapons are marks of being a shitter.
>everyone with different opinions than me has brain damage
I'm sorry that you have brain damage.
2nd one. Always go with animas.
I tried, it didn't work
Who gonna be MCH for ShB here?
>still can't get the non-glow last steps as replicas
The fuck man
The stardust rod.
So did that leak wind up being true?
You didn't even post the best one.
Not really edgy but I like going with this glam for my BLM
Been MCH since HW, and don't post that faggot art, you faggot.
Fists of Wind new meta?
That sounds so much like FFVIII.
when am i supposed to start getting into the crafting jobs
leveling character jobs turned out to be comfy
but i heard crafting jobs is a nightmare and often not work the trouble
It really isn't and I hate wow. WoW characters look cartoony so it works, FF14 characters all look like korean dolls. Except Korean MMOS have great looking characters
None of the above
When we gonna get a modern city area like this?
fuck off to /vg/
Either the classes that got major changes will suck, or the classes that stayed mostly the same will suck. There is no other option. True or false?
the giant fireball will always be best
>and plays as a lalafel too
Get your GC rank up and do turn-ins every day. Then pick one crafter and do the Ixali beast tribe quests. Then the moogle quests. It's the slow method, but it doesn't make you want to blow your fucking brains out. Though once you get into the 60s you'll have to do leves for any real progress if you don't want to go broke.
Not inherently true whatsoever.
Eye of Sauron rod will always be #1 in my heart.
you have to level up all the crafters
Whenever you want to, user. And no, crafting can be fun, especially if you get bored of battle jobs. They also have some of the best job quest stories.
Maybe. I like the stance dancing of the current TK rotation though. I'd hope that'll still be part of whatever new rotation we end up with.
wow that fucking sucks, all of the other boss themes are GOAT
what the fuck were they thinking with this one? I really hope it's an atmospheric piece and not a boss theme
Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?
I don't like ShB Machinist. I want to go back to SB Machinist.
The stance dancing isn't that interesting considering it's just into wind to claw back your stacks and earth only comes out when you unfortunately have to use earth's reply to avoid dropping.
>doing roulettes
>any player with God/Goddess of the Hand/Land title is absolute dogshit brain dead paste eating retard
>without fail
I chose it because I wanted gadgets and stuff, the gun was secondary at best.
Is this the new shitposting? because the tank shitposting didn't take off?
Said no one, ever.
Primal with Super Eurobeat song when?
>farm lvl61 dungeon to get tank chainmail miniskirt
>actual skirt part doesn't dye with the rest
To supplant Hydaelyn and Zodiark.
This will be the Age of Rowena.
Is there anywhere where I can view all the armors they added to the game since 4.0?
I literally never had to do ARR/HW/SB relic grind because of this one. You just can't go wrong with this one.
Of course you're just switching to wind for a second then back to fire, but it's better than going fire to GL3 then switching to wind just before a SP/DM for the 4th stack then staying in wind.
I'm at the Lakshmi fight in stormbloods story, how much longer until i'm Shadowbringers ready? And why are people so bad at this fight?
>want to play
>dont want to farm roulettes for gear to progress the story
not only am i sick of the same fucking raids/msq but i also hate playing level syncd
I fucking dig it
how much of the soundtrack is out for ShB yet? Specifically I really really want to hear the FF3 theme from the trailer
Which one?
if eureka try vanagard anemos or pyros rod
the only good mog weapons are the books
lmao is soken finished?
Finished writing his magnum opus? Yes.
If you go with a full group I think they can carry you through while ignoring the requirement.
Technically machinist has always used guns after edgar.
That being said gunner has never been a real job, "gunner" in X-2 is just ranger but with guns.
There's never been a proper ff gun job.
Yup, welcome to the realization that the game is shit and rolls along from sunk cost.
>Can bank Fouls now with charge system
Can it get any better?
You urchins have been saying this shit since 2.0 launched, crying about any small change saying every class will play more and more the same with every expansion but they've only gotten more diverse and interesting. it's time to give up your dying meme
>We're leaving behind the Japanese flair music
That was Stormblood's best asset OST-wise and probably what makes it the best of XIV's music so far. I really hope Soken doesn't overdo it with the vocals in SdB. The only track(s) so far that have really stood out were the tracks in the trailer as far as I'm concerned.
Daily reminder
do you like...
Well, it's too bad it was years and years ago and now all he's got is fumes left for Shadowbringers.
making hrothgar a manlet
buy 3x ilvl 380 crafted weapons 300k each and you get full ilvl 390 set
>Where did it all go so wrong?
casual time-killer GW2 style content being pushed for development instead of actual character and world progressing content like dungeons, raids or making the open world more interesting to grind
nobody in this thread can deny it because everyone knows I'm right
Flamethrower, too. I think it looks great, and without the gauss barrel I can use the revolver of the wanderer forever.
like 60 hours my dude
>That being said gunner has never been a real job
You're a long way's away friend.
Here user. Have a less shitty, but more gay roe pic
*Cough* S-save me, bros... there's still time...*cough* *wheeze* Stop Yoshi-P...
fug well I guess that's not too long for an MMO.
ur wrong
>want to level up DRK and MNK for MYSTERY NIGGAS
>remember that "leveling" consists of roulettes, palace or command missions until 60 upon which you just spam dungeons to 70
wow the one face and hairstyle that looks decent that all 5 of the people that are gonna play the race are going to use nice too bad the rest of the body is fucking trash
why does this game have latency on literally everything
it feels weird to play, it's unresponsive
Hey guess what FFXI/V/? We at ResetERA's FC Cenozoic from Ultros are still grave dancing TotalBiscuit's grave and calling him Hitler!
I'm sorry, my child. You're needed elsewhere.
east coast bros ww@
thats not saying much
you're an absolute retard, the art style doesnt change the fact that you have 2 whole things you can change in the wow character creation and xiv might have retarded hair locked to face type but wow has eye color facial markings and beards locked to face type
You didn't actually expect Yoshi's team to do quality work did you?
good fucking riddance
too bad wildfire isn't going too
that's because you're a retard my man
its ok
so you want some chuuni double pistol anime shit right
I do, so I hope shitters don't play DNC and ranged in general stay hard to find like HW
There's nothing wrong with gatekeeping
dumb male viera poster
just enjoy the game
stormblood's endgame has some great fights and story moments
make sure to do all the 8man and 24man raids too
>Except Korean MMOS have great looking characters
You guys know you could make guass barrel invisible right?
No Dumb ass Gauss Barrel, I got to get the pvp pistol before they remove it from the game.
He was Blufever the whole time.
Shadowbringers? More like Casualsbringer
Look forward to Garlemald as a dungeon
wait how does MNK get MYSTERY NIGGAS
do you mean NIN?
I just really like her hairstyle
Yeah we sure seem to be getting an influx of WoW players huh.
>hordes of tumblrtrannies and legbeards flocking to your niche job so they can cosplay their pandershit
Wouldn't you be mad? I don't play MCH myself but I can understand the feel.
it's not internet related and I play in EU on EU servers
everything is unresponsive, interacting with objects have a delay, telegraphs have a delay, damage after pressing a button have a delay
the japanese meme music got so fucking old so fucking fast, thank god we're getting some nice guitar bits in the soundtrack it's really refreshing
Do we know what the last area/zone is for ShB?
Flourishing Fan Dance probably allows you to use a Fan Dance skill without using a feather. In the JA Trailer you see them use two Fan skills back-to-back, only consuming one Feather.
I really hope it proccs off of itself, INFINITE FAN DANCE
people been calling shadow bringers "mystery niggas", i think it's a bloodborne thing
You have to have at least 100 hour playtime on MCH to play ShB MCH.
oh right, I thought you meant jobs getting clone-like abilities
fair enough
based, fuck bandwagoners. apply the same thing to drk and nin.
waiting unto the 5.0 update to even start grinding MCH myself.
I'm going to buy a job boost for MCH on the first day of ShB and there is NOTHING
you can do to stop me
>That slightly beige not even tanned went outside once or twice skin tone
You guys must live in basements and think everyone is ghost white lmao
Plenty of people actually do it still, though if you're in EU the night/early-morning hours you might struggle to find something. Nerfs to Eureka over time have made it pretty palatable.
seethe more faggots I'll play what I want
> i think it's a bloodborne thing
If you don't have both the HW and SB relic for MCH you are not allowed to play SHB MCH ever until you do so.
It had things like summoner being reworked to be more summoner like and something about WHM getting better aoe potential
>Using logs
What a loser. I bet you use third party tools too.
R-type has had custom forces for ships for quite a while though, why doesn't ff14?
t. gray parse mch I kick
its a key and peele video originally isn't it? or at least some kind of black comedy man
fuck off retard
I wasn't the one who posted all of my logs
I haven't even done the job unlocking quest. Not planning to anytime soon either, BIO BLASTER and robots are cool but SCH leveling waits for noone
hey man wasn't me using it.
>make a live letter where literally everything you announce is shit getting removed/pruned
>be met with thunderous applause
I really don't see how people are excited for this expansion
Was removing protect and other fluff bad? Not really, but it's not something you should be EXCITED for either
Sorry forgot to filter for MCH
but it doesn't matter
Stardust Rod Ultima
>I like being burdened with a perma buff that the game entirely balance around always having up just for the sake of having something to click
>speedrun autism
Youd have to pay me to do 10s, got my 97th and never doing it again
This video is older than both of you.
Cringe, also fuck totalbiscuit
Stardust rod or bust for relics
Baldur Rod or Shantotto's Sta or non-relics
alright i thought a funny black man video was a key and peele skit, sue me
Eh, Stardust rod yes. But Ultima doesn't look that good.
The fuck did he do to get compared to Hitler?
>because retards who don't use Protect exist, SE balances game around not having Protect in the first place
Now I'm not saying Square will suddenly start making things harder, but at least the potential is there. Same thing with tanks having built in defence - if you don't have to balance around shitters not using CDs properly outside of tank stance, you can just make things hit harder.
I dunno about excited but im glad its gone since it was basically a non-mechanic.
I like this, but maybe not as much as stormblood's. Is the regular battle theme out yet?
I went from level 25 to level 50 today in miner. Only took about 30 leves, it's really not that bad.
have sex
Which is funner, blm or rdm?
It is autism, I'm done speedrunning
But even when not speedrunning I parse well
The question I have is if all old raid content will have -10% damage dealt to compensate for no Protect these days, or that we'll just get an innate +10% def/mdef.
He dared not condemn a movement that criticized a woman sleeping with journalists for positive coverage.
Protect was never anything other than a nuisance prepull and at most a single GCD waste if someone dies in a fight.
>if he doesn't like half assed garbage he must be a male viera poster
Don't you have a sound team to kill yoshida? fuck off
BLM if you're good at the game, RDM if you're not
Anyone else fall asleep when they rewatch the job trailer and it gets to WAR?
PvP protect is perfection
>fell cleave fell cleave fell cleave
No because thats when that one song kicks in
whats your gender?
>Entire thread full of concern trolling
Damn did Blizz hire CTR?
Based retard.
Seconding this!
I want to know JUST how hard I'm being fucked!
pvp protect is just benison
Thats the only saving grace from that moment
i dont know what that is because im not a faggot
not a word
>will never get into a comfy party focused on clearing content because everybody asks for your logs
speedrunning autism was a mistake
Bring back Joel
cool golds user-kun. now show the fight and category
how do you know that
How stupid am I if I start playing this game today?
Yeah, it's an interesting thought. Personally I think it'll just stay the same - I have to assume Square didn't design them with Protect needing to be used, so we'll just have to deal with not having it anymore.
>still can't afford Abroader Otter
>i dont know what that is
yes you do.
drumpflet incels gonna seethe
not at all. better to start now than later. Why do people keep asking this fucking question?
Free trial up to level 35. Free Heavensward expansion with base game. Free Heavensward/Stormblood expansion with purchase of Shadowbringers, but they don't unlock until Shadowbringers launches.
Pretty based actually. You wont be caught up before the expansion, but you're joining during the renaissance.
Lalafell dancers.
Dragoonchads STILL don't have to share gear with any other jobs
>locket out of dancer job because my character is male and I dont want to look like a faggot
At least I got the gunbreaker job
Not really; if you're a NEET you can catch up for the expansion
If you work/school you probably won't make it unless it's all you do at night
I didn't expect WAR to get massive overhauls or shiny new abilities - Square seems to like where they are now. It's a shame we didn't get to actually see what that final ability did, but I have to assume it's just Feller Cleave.
Shame if you liked 4.2 WAR though, since current WAR is pretty boring. I'll still play it as my braindead tank but I'll likely be playing a lot more PLD, GNB and DRK now.
Why would you be stupid? It's a fun final fantasy themed mmo
How do you do that?
Oops i meant to say i want to fuck lalafell dancers.
Guess what fag. DNC is going to ruin the individual parsing community.
From now on you're always going to be competing with other players who have DNCs permanently boosting them with massive 30% stat increases.
Only way it wont happen is if they calculate how much DNC contributed to you and deducted it at the end (wtf?), or just forbid parses with DNC entirely.
lol faggot
going to pick this game up for the first time
what is a good class if i liked these in wow:
all dk specs
all shaman specs
all warrior specs
combat/outlaw rogue
Back to the shed with your new BF WAR.
I think a whole month of msq he could catch up on easily
You trade the HQ 380 weapons into a Rhalgr's NPC (the far north one by the scrip vendors) for some tokens that you can then use to buy upgraded 390 crafted gear.
>WAR ability preview
>It's just 14 fell cleaves and a helicopter
>but they don't unlock until Shadowbringers launches.
Well fuck. Oh well, I just got into HW content so I can't complain too much. Just wanted to give SAM a try, but I guess It's not so bad since I might have to wait until I get to Stormblood to unlock it anyway.
Im going in deep. I joked about Hrothgar but now I wanna play it. Im gonna be a Hrothgar Dancer.
>NIN has to share with the other striking shitters now too
Is Paladin the closest you can get to FFT sword powers?
You can seriously get a full 390 set for 900k gil? There is no way that is accurat.
even if youre gonna purchase a leveling/story skip its worth it to try the gameplay before you join in completely clueless. dont be afraid of the 2.5s gcd if youre a wowfugee though, the ogcds make the combat pretty hysterical
Because there's often this feeling that you've missed out on years of content and the current playerbase will be all bitter veterans who want nothing to do with you I guess, I know WoW is like this.
I'll NEET for a bit after I settle in to my new place, thanks for the help.
I dunno I just feel like I should've probably started a long time ago and I keep putting it off, but the game doesn't seem to be dying.
And will probably get a healthy boost to their DPS since Disembowel doesn't benefit BRD anymore and Heavy Thrust is gone
>severely reduced animation-locks on jumps
>new Final Chorus jump
>Mirage Dive apparently has different conditions for activation
>Nastrond doesn't seem to care if you're below 30s on the timer for maximum time allotted now
>new Doom Spike -> Sonic Thrust -> spear-slash AoE combo
>new spear-slash ability following from Fang & Claw/Wheeling Thrust
>new artifact looks like some edgy abomination that merged Tactics Ogre/Valerian Dragoon armor and possessed Estinien's appearance
False flag if talking about PF.
If you're talking about statics, you WANT people to ask for your logs. It's not hard to parse blue-purple in this game, which is what most statics are looking for AT MOST. As someone who's hopped through a dozen statics throughout o1s-o12s to find the two right ones for me, and they're both really chill and I've made good friends in both.
the ones that don't ask for logs always are consistently shit and take 20 hours to prog basic mechanics like larboard/starboard on o11s.
There are too many retards in this game. While parsing high DOES NOT make you a good player, it seems that parsing consistently grey always makes you consistently shit from what I've seen. It's just the fact that no classes rotations are that difficult to learn in this game. I mean, it has the 2.3-2.5 GCD for fucks sake (yes, ogcd's and all that, but let's be honest here)
If you've mained a class, leveled it up from 1-70, log in EVERY DAY to play that class, have put in 400+ hours into it, and still struggle with having your opener and rotation down, you probably won't pick up on mechanics that quickly and will be the trap of the static taking 15+ hours to prog singular mechanics.
You can start whenever the FUCK you want, the game isn't going anywhere for as long as Yoshi-P is alive
This 'catching up' mentality is so retarded, I bet you plan to buy level 60 skip too
This is one of the MMOs that respects your own pace the most currently
important question
does any dps class in XIV have a chain lighting ability
>permanently boosting them with massive 30% stat increases
dancer is strong but it's not "30% state increases permanently" strong. It is 30% for 15 seconds once every 2 minutes.
Honestly, extremely. But not as much as those still playing.
Lay off the materia, Dancer
you'll probably like every job
pugilists gameplay speed ramps up the quickest out of any job so i usually recommend that to newcomers, but since you're familiar with tanking, either gladiator or marauder will level you quickest
you can level every single job in the game on one character so if you suddenly change your mind you aren't losing much time, plus any job lower than your highest one will get an exp boost
No but it has an AOE thunder and this
It's still gonna add up to a ridiculous amount of pDPS padding.
Has anyone compiled all we know about DNC yet?
Adding onto this, there are a lot of statics that will not ask for logs and are focused on just having fun and clearing at whatever pace. You will have to deal with doing the same fight for 3-4 months in a row though.
I've been in both types of statics. They're both available if you're trying to go for an ultra casual static. Use the FFXIV static recruitment discord.
yes. the game is not fun and the people that play it are erpers, trannies, and lost-time fallacy retards. the only good thing about the game is that some of the jobs are fun to play
i like the idea of pugilist but being a monk is kind of boring, right? it's way too weeby with magic shit i just want to punch hard
if its more jojo and less airbender ill take it
>"Now you won't have to worry about managing TP."
>"We believe that Machinist's overheat mechanic was too complex."
>"We're entirely doing away with enmity management."
Half of me is worried that Shadowbringers is going to be complete and utter fucking shit, while the other half of me is wondering how the fuck they're going to pull this off without completely shitting the bed. They pretty much came out and directly said "We've adjusted Bard to be more casual" and yet people still seem excited for this expansion. What the fuck.
I'd suggest not rushing through the content just to feel caught up. This game has a roulette system for all old content so as long as you unlock it you'll generally be experiencing them more in the future. HW was the high point so far and Stormblood was a bit disappointing in the lore department, but were about to high the highest point of the game so far. Even if you missed out, you'll still occasionally be doing all the old raids (except Coils, optionally), dungeons, trials, etc frequently.
la creatura eorzeana......
They'll just split it into with and without DNC like they did with 20% Balance.
vets here like playing with newbies, I know I get a little excited when I queue up for leveling roulette as a tank and get a full party of sprouts in a low-level dungeon. it's fun
monk is primarily punches and kicks, and some street fighter / DBZ style effects
you're probably thinking of ninja, they have a lot of magic skills
It's more like 700k total depending on your server. Just find the cheapest weapon on your MB and buy 3 of them. On Coeurl it's usually the 380 NIN weapon. Make sure it's HQ
It's also the most fun job in the game.
I'm surprised that there isn't one yet. I think Red Mage would be a good fit, since his lightning move basically looks like a chain.
The worst part is WAR will probably still do top-dick DPS out of the tanks even if they aren't fun to look at or play.
He's exaggerating, but each HQ weapon you turn in gets you 27 tokens so if you buy 6 you can actually get an entire set of 390.
I want to wait and see how the game plays before making judgments about enmity and AoE/TP management, but the current overheat system was just shit. It wasn't even a complexity issues - it just wasn't fun to have to wait on server ticks to properly time it with Wildire. There's no way it's a bad thing that was changed.
you might be looking for something like this?
BLM doesn't have chain lighting
they have some chakra stuff but its overshadowed by most of the combos. also the sfx are very satisfying for the purpose you want
>SCH having most of its DPS capabilities gutted
>Gets more of its power transferred into the fairy
>Double Shiel critlo most likely changing now that guaranteed deployed critlo exists
>WHM turns into a straight up healbot, meaning Yoshi P and the dev team still don't understand what's really wrong with it
>AST gets literally everything it wanted and needed, still maintains plenty of party buffs, and gets lots of flashy new moves and instant heals
Who else /gauranteedraidspot/ here? Good luck competing for that last spot, WHM/SCH friends.
oh sorry for some reason it's not fast-forwarding to the point I want you to see
go to 6:13 in that video and look at the spell the red mage is casting
Why would I pay to skip content I want to experience? That seems counter-intuitive.
I heard about that system, my concern is that there will be a lot to learn as old content doesn't become irrelevant like in most nu-MMOs. Hopefully it won't be overwhelming.
That's good to hear!
is she gonna be in ShB bros
How retarded am I if I intend to main samurai?
Did anybody just hear a tiny squeak? It sounds like it just came from where the AST used to be.
Here you go
I definitely got better over time
I quit during Sigma
I PF'd Alpha post-echo
I don't care anymore, as long as it's fun
>people still seem excited for this expansion
Because the shit you quoted was either horrible (overheat) or really wasn't anything other than a formality that the game won't really be worse without (TP and enmity).
DRK Bros, how do we feel about (possibly) still only having now a literal single combo? Cause I hate it, and have a hard time imagining that all the new tools are going to make up for pressing 1 2 3 with no variation. Also looks like we may be losing Dark Passenger.
you're at least almost as retarded as i am since i main samurai
When did you ever worry about TP aside from mindless aoe spam?
Guaranteed until the massive 5.1 SCH buff at least.
Recovering from death, and MNK/SAM actually were TP negative due to their SkS and needed to press Invigorate during an ideal rotation.
But it seems like it'll most majorly affect Dungeons, which makes me hope they amp up the difficulty a bit.
>Now you won't have to worry about managing TP
Fuck TP and fuck you for thinking it added anything at all to the game.
>y concern is that there will be a lot to learn
Yes and no. XIV is rather good at introducing you to new game mechanics without overwhelming you at once. On the flip side of that, playing it as they made these changes to gameplay in real time was a slog.
It took over two years for them to standardize enemy attack icons (gaze, stack, spread, etc).
People are also generally willing to help you learn the new mechanics ad they're introduced, as long as you're willing to learn. There's an in-game notification when you have a first-timer in your instance, as well as an icon next to your name.
NieR raid
Whats new with shadowbringers? New tabl class yet?
You only had a literal single combo anyways. Optimally you have a warrior pulling but if you have a paladin and you're pulling, you used it literally once. Maybe two or three times in aggro reset fights like o4s and that one aggro reset when m/f splits in o12s.
Only thing wrong with SAM is its AoE is retarded but hopefully ShB fixes that. Otherwise its fun and big hits
Why people even care about the one combo thing, DRK with a single combo had more to manage than WAR/PLD with two combos
>doing old level 50 FSH stuff to kill time
>My retainer just beings back one I hadn't caught yet like it's no big deal
I hope they change machinist from using guns to measures to spite you
>Recovering from death
Managing TP hasn't been a thing since heavensward where you could actually run out of TP and you needed to actually plan out your invigorates and goads. Dying in stormblood is literally just press invigorate. If you die more than once, consider suicide.
Complexity stemming from an awful, unoptimized system isn't really worth defending.
Also TP management was literally only relevant in dungeons. You absolutely did not run out of TP in trials and savage raids unless you were permanently boosted with every Skill Speed buff in the game.
Honestly, at 1.0, at ARR, at HW, and so on.
The game could have been the next XI but it chose to meander down the path of mediocrity by following in WoW's footsteps. I still can't believe I wasted thousands of hours playing it, hoping it would get better. Fan service can only carry a game so far.
Assuming you didn't play HW right? I don't count enmity combos for obvious reasons.
It's not as overwhelming as you think
If you're keen you'll notice trends in mechanics and attacks and whatnot, it is an MMO after all, so palette swapped enemies tend to use mostly similar attacks
The raids and extreme trials of course require knowledge, but there's lots of guides and by the time you get to doing them you'll know when you're ready to try them
Just be open to learning and whatever you do, don't assume your way of DPSing/healing/whatever is the best until you brush up on rotations
Sometimes random people you meet give you rotation pointers, and more often than not you'll meet absolute retards who you just have to instinctively know they're a waste of space in every aspect
I've had that happen to me several times.
>You absolutely did not run out of TP in trials and savage raids unless you were permanently boosted with every Skill Speed buff in the game
Ask me how I know you started in SB
>check my fflogs out of curiosity
>purple on raids
>blue/green on dungeons
what does this mean
Take the MINpill
I'm fine with it as long as we get oGCDs to weave in.
when are we getting the version in the trailer
LMFAO Classic WoW is gonna crush this TRASH SHIT game, asmongold is too strong in his following
You're a decent player. Keep it up.
im doing BTN and MIN at the same time
>"sch will be replaced by ast"
>"sch will be replaced by ast"
youre expecting too much from yoshi to nerf a class beloved by most of the healing fanbase properly
Because the discussion stems from how it works in SB you inbred fuckstain. Read the reply chain before stroking yourself off over whether you started before or after the emptiest expansion so far.
Thanks for the advice, I'm not usually too big on raiding, more of a PvPer but I think the PvE looks more interesting in this game so I wanna give it a go atleast.
start using AoE you stupid fucking retard
Wow! Look at all the viewers he has, all those people not playing the game. Fucking idiot.
>FFXIV A Realm reborn launches with monk as one of the original jobs.
>7 years later
>Monk is finally perfected with the launch of Shadowbringers expansion.
Are you ready, MNK bros?
Powerslash will have a different effect or an upgrade whatever that means PLD is getting one too
feels like we are going back to ARR pld levels of unga bunga
FF14 fanbase is full of WoWfugees happy it becoming like WoW
its in beta you RETARD classic will have tons more than ffxiv
Yeah that's a good point, we somehow still have a good bit of things going on. Not sure if I'd say that SB DRK is just straight up has more to manage than SB PLD though but I don't have enough playtime on PLD. I think I may just have played too much DRK at this point. Or maybe I just like dancing around my keyboard a lot.
But the single target moves do more damage.
>Jobs I main look great now
>The fucking music
>Yoko Taro raid
I'm really happy with this right now
Trying too hard user
are war fags always like this?
I liked HW Dark Knight. It was challenging to do dark arts and manage mp right, but felt fun and good when you did.
>FF14 fanbase is full of WoWfugees
this is actually true and they're trash at mechanics, they're only good at one thing because they removed all mechanic dps check fights after kill jaiden
Hey guys, red mage was basically my pet job in every final fantasy you could play it in, even on ffxi.
How is it in this game?
Yes. If they even sniff a nerf they will also lose their shit completely so watch for that as we get more info.
???? its literally not out yet, it will have more players
>140x3 potency on every hit, or 140x6 if your tank isn't a chimp
>Combo which averages out to 200 potency on every hit
Be honest, user. You were home schooled, weren't you?
>My raids are harder than yours!
You probably can't clear mythic raids in WoW, user. WoW is shit but cmon man
>the raid will be a retcon that makes nier's and xiv's world canon the same
can't contain the hype lads
Fun, revolves around using dualcast well, looks like it's changing up a bit in 5.0
It's not really a healer in this game but you've got emergency panic spot heals and you can pick people up off the floor.
Yeah HW DRK was everything I wanted out of the job, and I liked when it felt like there were consequences to messing up. Definitely the most fun I've had in this game. I feel like having just one other DPS combo even if we don't use it too often isn't too much to ask for.
PVP exists in this game but it's not great; wouldn't recommend unless they overhaul it again
PvE is of course what's great and not nearly as difficult/intimidating as you'd think
Why are SCH/WAR/SMNs the biggest crybabies in the game? They pull this shit every patch.
Easiest job in the game by far but all the shitters that flock to it still fuck it up so it has a bad rep. They have the lowest damage of them casters but their utility makes them good for doing new fights. One everyone if familiar with a fight people would prefer to take a BLM or SMN.
He's not wrong though. The two meta tanks will be the two highest DPS tanks.
i think that user was fucking with you
>seeing kiddos argue about what babby game is harder
Wildstar. Now there was an mmo with challenge.
*sips bevo'rage*
>more of a PvPer
Then go back to assfaggots
Playing mmo for pvp is the lowest thing you can do
>PVP exists in this game but it's not great
Yeah I was kinda hinting that I know that already. I'll probably give it a go too, but it'll be fun to play PvE more for once too I think.
Do we even know if enmity combos are still there? In the trailer, the dark knight just uses soul eater combo twice while weaving oGCDs in.
>nothing but threads of fags crying about WAR and trying to force le cuck shed maymay
>It's the war players that are babies
yeah sure
well from the trailer alone we have MP, blood and the fray gauge to manage so I'm happy
Sounds like you're good at solo fights but also an absolute chimp who doesn't AoE during trash packs
Flashy and fun, its kit is very tight and well designed. Everything feels cohesive and part of a larger whole.
It is easy as fuck however, and you'll get bored of it within a week if you aren't braindead.
And not wrong, raid shield and war cry? why would you pick anything else
I played HW DRK and I LITERALLY cannot remember how dark arts functioned in HW
Can someone remind me? I've probably pressed it about one hundred thousand times this expansion to the point where I can't really think of it as anything other than "that button you press in between every fucking gcd"
Hey man, why hate? Ragnarok Online, Guild Wars and WoW had very fun PvP for example. Not like I don't do other stuff.
>You probably can't clear mythic
WoW players will never clear Ucob
WAR mains still cry about being less than ideal for one patch years ago.
because yoshi delivers
they said in the nico nico chat that rage of halone will be "different' the usual vague bullshit
Late HW and on was a downward spiral.
>It is easy as fuck however, and you'll get bored of it within a week if you aren't braindead.
I don't understand how people think this
A clean and coherent job without too much bloat or boneitis-inducing mashing is more enjoyable to me long term than the "hard" ones
Make sure you're looking at damage and not speed.
because that's how you get shit done speak up or get left behind
>two combos
A split combo isn't two combos.
For WAR it's some kind of delusion thinking that the few months back in 2.0 they had where WAR was dogshit justifies being OP for nearly 6 years after. SCH are similar, people didn't understand the game much yet and thought SCH was shit during very early prog but then people quickly realized just how fucking OP they are and always have been ever since. The "worst" SCH ever was, was in 4.0 when they increased MP costs on Adlo and Succor by too much which was a completely wrong approach on trying to nerf the job as the broken tools were and are still there, they just had to actually be mana attentive, til SE reduced the costs again. Miasma 2 situation was a big whatever honestly, it only really matters in 4mans and they could've just as easily unfucked Bane instead but that would've buffed SMN too and good AoE damage on a DPS is a nono in HW/SB. As for SMN, no idea, don't see them bitch much. And yoshi caves to SCH/WAR tears every time so clearly it works.
The actual moves seem to be (PLD still has Rage of Halone) but they'll do something else
use it for soul eater and regain mp with delirium combo
The walking sim MSQ
>Additional Potency for Soul Eater
>Additional Potency for Carve and Spit
>No additional potency for Delirium
>Additional Magic Mitigation on Dark Mind
>Additional parry chance for Dark Dance
The intro sounds like the beginning of 8s battle theme.
What is concern trolling? I only see that term in XIV threads
Human and Roe males are the only way to go. We'll see how Lionfags turn out. Are they going to be 80s bros or furfuckers
>You'll get bored within a week
NIN main here, RDM is still my second most played job just because it plays like butter, it's fun as fuck
>if you aren't braindead
Ah my apologies, didn't pay enough attention to the Paladin part. I basically skipped right to the dark knight part.
DD was evasion, not extra parry
Reminder to all beastnigger races, Eorzea is rightful Elezen clay
i think its like if an ffxiv player went into a wow thread and said something to the effect of
>guys, i played the classic beta and its not looking good, everythings fucked. the game is going to suck and be dead in 6 months
basically pretending to be a concerned member of a community when you aren't, purely to stir up shit
i was a wow player from wotlk to mop and quite honestly some fights from ffxiv are better than wow's and vice-versa. its not a simple x>y answer
in case youre gonna try to argue that the current wow raids are harder than the previous ones: the wow threads on Yea Forums tell the very opposite
>Rightful elezen clay
You get coerthas. Now fuck off.
>Charge system
>What the devs intended: Well, players aren't hitting their general CDs asap when they're off CD, so let's just let them stack so they're not losing DPS
>What will actually happen: Every DPS waiting for max stacks on their skills to then burn all of them when CDs/group-buffs line up
Imagine actually being able to appreciate the art and visual effects of the game because you're not staring at meters or hotbars. Some people cannot imagine this.
Yeah you're right, man it's been too long. Almost forgot accuracy used to be a thing.
You're not wrong, and it's a slippery slope. Happened to a similar game if i recall...
>implying giraffekin aren't beastniggers
lmao @ u
Classic WoW isn't going to crush anything.
It's just FotM nostalgia bait. Once people start to realize that old isn't actually good, it'll die very quickly.
>retard who can't read
Pretending to be a concerned member of a community when you're really just falseflagging to shitpost.
>tfw you can't into theorycrafting
I don't play retail, but I imagine the hardest content in both of these games would be around the same difficulty. It's a very small percentage of people who clear mythic etc.
For dashes at least it means you can save them to cheese knockbacks.
depends on the what the CD is, if it's a longer one, then yes, it's absolutely worth it to keep it stacked for a buff, but otherwise it's not going to make a huge difference
I shouldn't have been that harsh, it's really just a personal thing.
I enjoyed it throughout most of 4.0/4.1, but if I'm going to be grinding the same exact dungeon/trial/raid over and over, I'd like to play something that I can see noticeable improvement on.
lol more like power and potential E
You're not wrong, but chances are you're still going to use them the exact same way as before: you use one on cooldown to make sure you don't cap your charges but try and line them up with your burst window and unload them all there as well.
The biggest change will be for utility skills like gap-closers, which is nice since you won't have to sacrifice uptime for rotational cohesion like MNK had to.
Depends on the fight, but you're probably better off using your shit unless a mechanic within 5s allows it to save a gcd.
The only interesting thing about gun is their suicide button
>You'll get bored in a week if you aren't braindead
>I didn't get bored of it
Come on user. I'm sure you can figure out what was being implied if you try.
>leveling roulette only gives 5 genesis
what the fuck
I wish. That other user was right, you'll just end up burning through all of them at once or on cd for more dps.
Do you not understand how the charge system works?
don't run leveling for tomes. its worth too much exp to not use it for that
>Doing leveling roulette at max level
Objectively ultimates are harder than mythic
you don't have to listen to me so dont' start sperging out at me. just look at clear rates.
they pretty much are. i played some fights that are straight up brutally unforgiving when it comes to doing dps while mechanics are happening. ulduar and alexander's first tier are the first ones that come to mind
What's wrong with optimization?
Isn't Mythic+ just the same as the last difficulty except health values are tweaked?
Show me a hyur that actually looks like this in game.
Why do I get the feeling Surecast got the axe because of how useful it is, instead of balancing it by increasing its recast from its ridiculously low 30s?
>1 hour long
what the fuck is this retard talking about that a 10 minute video turns into an hour long video
>mfw trying to do no lights yogg for weeks and weeks
it broke me
Even worse is that he knows everything about those jobs but obviously can't say it in that video so he must be pretending to be out of the know or some shit.
Yes idiot I see it, you're missing my point
Me but Mimiron hard
gc seals bro
not him but ultimates are autistic stuff that only the people that want to sperg about being The Best™ do. if youre confident on yourself and not an eceleb youre probably not interested in that stuff
He's the king of rambling monlogues that never get to the fucking point.
If it's gone it's basically because they got tired of deciding if a boss ability should ignore it or not and will just opt for never being able to avoid a pushback. Would explain why Tempered Will is gone from PLD as well and leaves the question if Holmgang will change.
I unironically got filtered by alex's first tier. I contributed to the statistic that's making the game what it is now.
I am sorry.
Not him but I wish movement skills weren't a part of my rotation. I'd rather save them for moment.
Pretending to be retarded when he's already been outed as one of Yoshida's lapdogs and has 100% been to the Media Tour so he knows what all of the abilities do at least in their showstage point.
Why did Mr happy make an hour long job break down video when he can't even talk about most of the information he knows because of nda
Remember to flood his comments section with the clip about his being a lapdog
he shows in this video that he dosent even know the difference between flare and fire 4. id rather him not talk about jobs he clearly knows nothing about in an "analysis" video. i learned 100 times more here in 5 minutes than in that hour of slop.
most people from the raiding scene acknowledged that the last two fights were way beyond what you expect from human beings to do. if you wanna feel better check how the world first reacted when they cleared 4s; it hit them hard as well
around 14:10. look at the people alive
The nerve of that nigger
I miss when CC/movement skills had no potency on them in early 2.0. Then they fucked it all up instead of making fights actually incorporate said CC/movement.
The problem with this is his viewers think that he was in the right and leaks are bad