Switch just lost ANOTHER exclusive
Reminder the upcoming Marvel game is also timed.
Switch just lost ANOTHER exclusive
Reminder the upcoming Marvel game is also timed.
It literally doesn't fucking matter. The more people who make art of Kanna the better, and if Zero 2 gets onto PC then we'll see even more of her.
>Zero is coming to PC
>Zero 2 PC could happen
It's never an exclusive tho
>switch exclusive
you know it was on the 3ds too you fucking retard
also protip for the newfags: Get EVERY single power up if you want the best ending there are some that you gotta backtrack for hidden in the earlier areas iirc
post more watermelon tits
>Reminder the upcoming Marvel game is also timed.
Is there a source for this? I thought Nintendo was publishing it.
Ha ha, console wars!
Only because you asked nicely.
It's a really good game and I'm glad that more people will be able to play it. Zero 2 is just as good, if not better.
Everything, and I mean everything, has become some sort of "us vs them" debate, whether we like it or not. It's beyond tiresome and into fucking tedious. People no longer want to understand each other, they want to fight because where's the satisfaction in a simple, easy conclusion of "hey that's cool, let's be cool together"
>Blaster Master coming to PC
Thank fuck, I was worried I'd have to wait for emulation to play it
I mean, Zero 1 is just an expanded BM1 with an anime plot on top. It's not hard to expand on that idea by actually making a wholly new design with the same core mechanics, though without skipping cutscenes the plot does get a bit overbearing. Inti Creates are great 2D game devs, but way too indulgent in wordy plot for otherwise quick and concise action games.
They just need a separate publisher for the multiplat release, that's how timed exclusives work.
Fuck off with console faggotry and post Kanna.
Hi, I have an entire folder full of her, but I also crave discussion.
I think you may be fighting a lost cause in that case
the more the merrier
But it still is exclusive on the switch. It's a console and it's only on the Switch console-wise so it IS exclusive.
Aww. Either way I'm just glad the games will reach a wider audience because they're really good, and that's all that matters to me.
I'll never truly understand how people here can enjoy console war nonsense after so long, especially in an age where the console makers themselves don't even really take shots at each other anymore.
Same. I hope Inti brings over BMZ2 as well.
Is it good?
And the gold medal for the Mental Gymnastics goes to...
It's Blaster Master with more anime and an Inti Creates level of quality design. And definitely more polished than the original NES game it pays so much direct homage to, but not exactly remarkable on its own besides its polish. If you don't like Blaster Master to begin with it might be difficult to get into.
For now. Not long until the 4K 60fps PS4 version.
>4k 60fps
Don't you mean PS5?
>It's a console and it's only on the Switch console-wise
even that isn't true.
Switch owner here.
Why, exactly, am I supposed to give a shit if a game goes multiplat?
2D indie games have no problem hitting that.
...all the Xbox and Sony fanboys who've been doing the exact same thing for three console generations?
Because like all outrage cultures, the majority (or a vocal minority) of Yea Forums wants you to be mad over arbitrary things, start conflict and destroy all rational thought and discussion because people essentially look for reasons to hate each other.
I'm just glad more people get to play the games.
shit game thats only rememberd for tits wow what a loss
Might as well ask here since it's a switch thread. I've been considering getting a switch for easy portability due to boring night shift "work", how is it for that kind of usage? How long does the battery last? Can I charge it without the gimmick dock station like with a cable? Top 10 timesink switch games? I need good games otherwise I'm gonna go off tue deep end and buy one of those overpriced gaymen laptops
How long is this game?
I played Blaster Master Zero on 3DS and I was bummed that the sequel was Switch only.
Battery life depends on the game. Eshop stuff on average lasts longer than say, Mario Odyssey or BOTW for instance.
wasn't it on 3ds
I see. What about charging? Must I use the docking station every time?
>Port machine
move along people
I really hope they fix that full screen horizontal scroll shimmering that happens in TV mode. It looks really, really bad on both versions.
No, any USB-C cable attached to an AC adapter or computer will work. The system comes with an AC adapter that tapers off into a USB-C plug, and charging it via the dock is basically just plugging that USB-C into the dock and then dumping the Switch into it.
Nice, good to know. What games should I get aside from the usual Botw and Odissey? Preferably long games, even RPGs are fine
>Third party games being exclusive
Octopath Traveler would serve you well as an RPG along with Final Fantasy 9, if you can stomach it being a port of the iOS/Android/PC port. Otherwise some good ones in my experience are Marble It Up, Katamari Damacy, Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition (this one will eat up hundreds and hundreds of hours if you like Warriors games/musous and haven't played any prior version of it), Dragon: Marked for Death, Dark Souls, Ikaruga, Splatoon 2 (if you plan on playing online; there's a free year of Nintendo Switch Online currently going if you have Twitch Prime), Fast RMX if you like F-Zero, Okami HD. If you get the free year of Online you get pretty much anything good out of the NES library through their freebie games, and a battle-royale version of Tetris.
Thanks for the exhaustive list, will screencap for future use.
>Octopath Traveler would serve you well as an RPG
no it wouldn't. it's really bad.
You're really bad.
Cool now where the FUCK is Gunvolt 2?
There is no such thing as third party exclusives any more unless it's made by Atlus.
Afternoon boyos
Sonyfags think everybody is as pathetic as them, like how male feminists assume all men are constantly holding back urges to rape just because they are sexually disfunctional.
Port over Dragon Marked for Death
you just couldn't resist, could you
>this is the game where that Mokujin looking bitch comes from
good riddance.
Don't get botw, it's awful
Xenoblade 2 is a pretty good long rpg if you can stomach the awful core crystal system
Octopath traveler is alright but it really didn't live up to the hype.
Bayo 1+2 isn't very long but they are incredibly replayable games.
I knew it was bad, but didn't quite think about how bad it was until I read this in its entirety.
Couldn't resist shitting on sonyfags or on male feminists
Man who cares a good game gets to be enjoyed by more people.
Good. More Kanna is always good.
>Can I charge it without the dock
>How long does the battery last
Depends on the game. Really depends. Anywhere from an hour and a half to three hours.
>Top 10 timesink switch games
Smash, Xenoblade 2, Zelda, binding of Isaac, uhhh most JRPG's on the thing
This character still getting lewd art.
>Switch just lost ANOTHER exclusive
At this point, I'm legit down to strictly Bayonetta 2 as the only Switch game I have any modicum of interest in (yeah, I know, it's on the WiiU too, but I'm not an idiot, I didn't buy one of those either). At this point, I'm assuredly not getting one. I'll play Bayo 2/3 on someone else's after they get bored with it.
I mean thats okay I guess.
More plant tiddy for everyone.
>marvel is timed
Fuckin ace, can't wait to buy it on pc
still buying it on switch tho
Switch owner
I dont give a fuck what console a game comes out on
I just get it wherever I can find it cheapest, and that happens to be on the switch thanks to the used market in my area.
>Plant Penetrator might actually draw Kanna.
Hah hah wouldn't that be funny ?
You really wish it don't be like that
but it do
The marvel game is being funded by Nintendo, it's a bayonetta 2 situation. It isn't leaving the switch.