What's the most fun you've had on online multiplayer?

What's the most fun you've had on online multiplayer?

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Managing a Blood Bowl 2 league

prolly this.

it was like counterstrike but good.

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MW3 and Black Ops 2 with my xbox live friends

Probably something in Quake Live. Competitive games have such highs and lows. Lost the passion for competing though. Now I just dick around.

Phantasy star online and Halo 2. Might throw rainbow six 3 black arrow in there too

2008 gmod rp griefing. Had so many friends and so many good servers to toe the line on. Back when servers were ran by people who wanted to play the game their own way and not solely to make money from donations. Anyone who didnt play gmod in its golden age missed out.

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Battlefield 2 being a chopper gunner on Kubra Dam. Or being a jetwhore and watching the tears in chat.

CS:S Zombie Escape maps were kino.

Playing MonHun, Resident Evil Outbreak, MGO and Pangya with the same group of people online.

Lineage 2.

bad company 2
alliance of valiant arms
black ops 2
UT goty
CS:S prison break servers

How's it compare to CS:GO, do you know?

The first time I played Battleblock Theater was amazing.
CSGO pubs have given me great experiences and real life friends too, never getting tired of them.

Probably Team Fortress 2. I used to be a really good Spy. I could annihilate entire teams.

In WoW TBC I had a full merciless warrior. I kept selling it on character selling forums, then after a week I'd get the character back from Blizzard
I made £4,100 before getting permabanned from paypal and WoW.
Just made a new account lmao

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Spent a year or 2 playing L4D VS with a squad of 7 other people back when it came out. Just constant shittalking each other, all the time, it was amazing. Moved to L4D2 when it came out and had about as much fun, then the group kinda fell apart.
I fucking miss it man. I want L4D3 so bad but I know the experience isn't really gonna come back.

MGO that came out with MGS3 subsistence. MGO with 4 was pretty great, too.
TF2 party van server back in like 2010 or something.
L4D2 with a dedicated group.

CS:S custom zm and zombie escape maps.

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smurfing in chivalry
css jailbreak
e2 contraptions in garrys mod
early mw3 infection

camelot, star wars galaxies and gmod
really sucks that they all got FUCKED

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doom invasion/survival, especially armageddon 2v63

Playing Saints Row 1 with friends in Protect the Pimp mode and laughing our asses off at bodies ragdoll from the pimp slap.

StarCraft brood war ums maps
Gmod RP during the glory days when it was easy to grief
Mount&musket + Napoleonic wars linebattles

CS:S gungame or CS:S zombie escape. God they had some really fucking great maps.