Now that the dust has settled, was it good?
Dead Rising
yeah but only 1 and 2
Is 3 actually bad? Because it definitely doesn't look as good as 1 or 2, but it doesn't look like a bad game.
yeah but only 1
Yeah but only 4
1 is Kino
2 is Kino
OTR is Kino
3 is ok
4 is ok
1 is great but it is archaic as fuck, 2 is also great, 3 is decent, 4 is a disgrace
Yes, and the only good one.
Nah, 4 was
1 was just a zombie game with funny shit in it. 4 misses the mark pretty bad.
>archaic as fuck
How is it archaic?
Is Capcom announced they were remaking Dead Rising on the REengine what would your reaction be?
I'd be pissed they were doing yet another remake of a an old game instead of Dragon's Dogma 2.
the movement of Frank is not great, the aiming also could be better, the AI could be better, you can't do anything besides walking when you accept a call from Otis, not being able to skip the dialogues of survivor, minor stuffs, DR1 still is an excellent game but i like DR2 more because it fixed pretty much all these stuffs
I'd rather have a remake of a good game than a sequel to an overrated piece of shit meme game that only Yea Forums pretends to like
I dunno. I guess it'd be cool. I'd probably want to kill myself just trying to attempt the Infinity Mode again.
>no MT framework
Yeah, its shit. OTR is pretty ok though
It's one of my favorite videogames. The time limit and NPC permadeaths make you have to git gud. Only game that I've bothered doing NG+ too. Haven't bothered with the sequels since they're casual trash.
>3 is ok
Has the lawsuit actually been settled?
The Time Limit is truly a pleb filter
Good thing you aren't in charge at Capcom because you have terrible taste.
>the aiming also could be better
You want the aiming to be too easy. You're a pleb.
yes, it is pretty good, the part about collecting all the money was a bit annoying tho
It was ok, not as good as 1 or 2 but at least it had the decency to follow the DR formula. 4 was truly an abomination, horrible enough for 3 to be called ok it was so bad.
It was a great, unique game. Too bad it became a bad parody of itself after 2.
They should've done more with money.
At least make a giant flaming ball of cash be one of the combo weapons.
I mean all that stuff is improved, but it loses ALOT of the charm and I hate the color palette
Aiming also sucked in DR2, because anything you could aim either had wild spread or didn't have stopping power, and offhand shooting didn't work as well either.
The heavy jankiness is a core part of what made DR1 so engrossing though. You get rid of that and you just have a mediocre action game.
Looking back, DR3 wasn't all that bad
It wasn't, there is a gap between 1/2/OTR and 3 but a HUGE power gap between 3 and 4
4 was embarrassing
Perfect Dead Rising is the combat and physics of 3, A.I. of 2, and world and characters of 1
3 sucked... but then 4 was released and that made 3 not so bad
3 was very wrongheadedly constructed. I have no idea why they decided to double the time scale without adding in an option to just set it at a pace you choose.
I mean I get it. There was this weird progressive attempt to appease everyone claiming the time limit was killing the games. With more and more half-measures to deal with it. Rather than just making a trainer to stop the timer like the PC fans did... 2 hours after DR2 was released.
At least you can collect it in sandbox mode and then carry it over.
I haven't played 4, which is why we disagree I guess
Thanks for reminding me not to play it
Dead Rising 1 is incredible. 2 is pretty good, the co-op is good fun. 3 and 4 suck.
After 14 years I STILL haven't taken the time to get the real mega buster.
It's good but very flawed. The AI is awful and while part of the charm and mall setting, 90% of items are useless, especially with respawning boss weapons.
3 is good, just easier and the weapons are all nonsensical. Doesnt make driving through horses of zombies and parkouring on rooftops any less fun though
"Serviceable" isn't the same thing as "well designed." Don't go making excuses for shit gameplay just because you grew up with a madcatz controller.
I always assume the people who hate on 3 are sonygros who never played it, cause it's really not a bad game at all.
One is awesome
Two and it's tie ins are kino
OTR is awesome but not as good as two
3 and people will disagree, was actually not too bad. In fact I loved 3. Lots of zombies, the vehicle building was fun, the world was pretty decent, the graphics were perfect for what it was, and most of the core mechanics were still intact
4 can suck a 9foot piece of shit
Completely ignored this series after 3. What's the deal with 4? I heard they brought back Frank but not his VA. What else is shit about it?
Literally no different than SOUL non arguments
I've done Zombie Genocider and 5-Day Survivor but never 7-Day Survivor
1 is a challenge to beat on a blind first run. I'd wager most people didn't beat 1 on a first play through.
2 is a challenge to 100 percent on a blind first run. I'd wager most people who 100%d the game didn't on their first run
3 is piss easy and the game holds your hand such that even if you aren't trying but aren't blitzing to the end you'll have completed 90% of the game minus random collectibles
It takes like 3-4 hours to do
What, you can just hit the bank and use the keys you've found.
I'd like to know exactly how many people were fucked over by the Tape it or Die Survivors.
>all those fags who used the mini chainsaws
>all those fags who used the katana
>all those fags who used fucking guns
>all those fags who used the machete
>all those fags who wasted time unlocking gay shit
Bowling ball is the TRUE and REAL patrician's choice.
>the mini chainsaws
What the fuck were they thinking with those? why the FUCK did they make them so strong? rips bosses into shit.
I used them my entire first run
>90% of items are useless
I'd argue the least portion of items in Dead Rising 1 are useless.
Say cooking oil. That weapon's no use, and zombies slipping on cooking oil doesn't really make a good tactical move ever. But it's fun, and setting up a picture of that could be a waste of time; but it's an encouraged waste of time.
same, i farmed the soldiers in the market so i could hit 50 before overtime with those things
>OTR worse than 2
>When it brings back based Frank and improves on 2's faults
I will never forgive the PC port and general performance issues though.
I don't care that it was a launch title, those are supposed to be the most polished games IMO, even if they never end up looking the best.
combo weapons kind of ruined what the first game had going for it
Anyone else feel bad for some of the psychopaths? I felt bad for Ted (Tiger tard).
Not that guy but I've played both within close proximity and I don't really see what is so much better about OTR
I've played it and OTR to death and I still miss those fuckers.
Don't forget 3's larger/non tightly designed map, weak sidequests, and player choice on upgrades completely kill replay value from fresh saves.
It's less cryptic in OTR but I still have no idea how you're supposed to figure that shit out in 2 without a guide.
FUCK those green goblin suicide bombers and FUCK WEEEELLLLLLL!
dead rising 1 is something special
>difficulty is just right
>one giant bloody puzzle with a somewhat unique photography side
>bosses and npcs all have interesting characters without much screen time
>graphics still look decent to this day
>replayablility is super high
Honestly I hthink the games biggest sins are the vehicles being pushed so hard, and guns being fucking everywhere. The vehicles probably more so because they're so fucking overpowered, and there's so much fucking shit on the roads that you have to take the long est most retarded detours, so much so that main missions that want you in a car fuck you into this long fucking road trip, that and motorcycles not fitting through gaps they should
I remember playing 2 with a friend back in the good ol days of xbox 360, we would go around mucking about and batoning black zombies. Was 10/10 comfy, I only wish there was an unlimited time chill mode where you can just walk around with your friend doing whatever without worrying about story, survivors, etc and actually explore around. Would totally buy DR2 if that was the case and use it as a drink and chill game.
>pic not related
>why the FUCK did they make them so strong
Because if the strongest weapon was unlocked at the end of the 72 hour game; everyone would bitch.
theres and sandbox mode in off the record that does exactly that
Yes, the first one is a masterpiece and all the others suck. OTR is pretty good, the best of the sequels, but still vastly inferior
Here we go.
>Difficulty is piss easy. On launch it wouldn't be a stretch to say you could beat the game using only your feet, it was that brain dead. They patched in higher difficulty settings later but Hard is the only balanced one. Blackest Friday is seriously cheap on a new level 1 playthrough, making health packs near useless, enemies doing a ton of damage, and weapons breaking incredibly fast.
>Despite running on Dead Rising 3's engine, it looks worse and is far buggier.
>Perks are far less interesting this time around compared to 3. I think it looks worse than similar games released in the same year like Yakuza 6 or even Homefront 2.
>Damn near zero side content at launch unless you consider collecting random notes and audio logs as "Side content". They added a few side quests in later and Capcom Heroes which is based around trials and collectables, but its still nowhere near as much as the previous games.
>Maniacs though patched are still weak as fuck and nowhere near as good as previous psychopaths.
>Less combo weapons and vehicles than the previous games.
>Despite the heavy focus on exosuits in the marketing, they're fucking useless since you can only use them for two minutes, barely appear in the map outside of boss fights, and you cant use any of your weapons.
>Vehicles seem to be set on a time limit compared to damage based that the previous games had for some reason.
>Willamette just isn't very interesting outside of the mall setting, sometimes it just feels unfinished.
>Story fucking sucked, a bunch of set up and no good payoff. Characters were atrocious.
>Ending to the game is locked behind a paywall.
Oh no, some of the psychopaths in the franchise were tragic.
He's Frank in name only. He looks, talks, and acts completely differently.
In 1, and nowhere after. Maybe making psychopaths for quippy kill oneliners and out of South Park jokes weren't a good idea to invoke empathy.
Is it worth it? And how easy would it be to do?
Like can we just buy the game on Steam right now and jump into sandbox?
pretty sure you can play sandbox right off the bat. somebody else will know better than me and fill in the blanks
I'd advise you play though story first so you can get the exclusive combo cards and some levels in. With co-op it should be quick and easy.
I loved everything about DR1 and 2, and how they weren't just "kill zombies" games.
>all weapons break eventually, so you have to constantly find new ones
>healing items take up inventory space, so you have to make decisions on what to carry
>escorting scared survivors
>trying to find the story before time runs out
>psychopaths are all memorable
>placements of survivors, bosses, and plot encourages multiple playthroughs
I will always hate 4 for turning Dead Rising into the thing that it never was: Another zombie killing game.
It almost sounds like they made it bad on purpose. Like reading footnotes of what people hate and making a game out of it.
DR3 had it’s moments
I remember unlocking the Mini Chainsaws in it and then realizing they had new unique animations based on Adam’s from DR1. That was neat.
If the leaks about the soft-reboot are true, 4 is going to be wiped from canon.
Yeah,I started on sandbox mode and ignored the story mode for like a week.
One of the best games on the xbox360. It's a case study on making a frustrating, mechanically shallow game still hugely enjoyable, replayable and rewarding. It's a diamond in the rough, but none of the sequels are better (though Fortune City > Williamette Mall).
3 has some good elements (grindhouse aesthetic and Nick's controls) and some fucking terrible elements, like the safe room locker containing every weapon you've ever touched before. The time management is the second-most fun in the series in nightmare mode, but the massive overworld means the setting is less charming than Fortune City or Williamette Mall. It also shifted the focus away from timed escort missions to Zombie Dynasty Warriors.
>tfw bad at DR1
Should I just fail the story and practice a free run?
It was rushed out and the leads were all new to the franchise.
Yes, pretty much everyone has to use the free NG+ at least once.
Thats the way to get to the true ending basically. By the time you reach level 50 in Dead Rising the story kind of becomes a cake walk, minus the optional gunstore owner boss. Less so for trying to rescue every single survivor in the game.
>tfw played 3 first so you have a soft spot for it
2 was better than 1 tho
hmmmmmmmmm I'll definitely have to look into it
>the movement of Frank is not great
Frank's movement is really quick and his animations (especially attack ones) are snappy. If you play them back to back you'll find Chuck insufferably slow. Chuck has the more reliable melee moveset but that's all he has going for him.
Thank you, any tips for surviving in the mall and fighting psychopaths?
I can't believe that they let Canucks touch this series.
>what are we DOING here?
Mannequin Torso.
That is all.
Grab the books that boost it.
Dead Rising 1 is unironically one of my favorite games ever. The design was rad and using pretty typical modern objects for defense was rad and really made it feel like improvising and planning were important parts of staying alive, with you needing to plan your time and work with what ever you have available around you in case shit goes south. The amount of detail in the mall and how much you could interact with the environment was fucking rad too. Limit was also fun and made the micromanaging and planning more intense. The time limit was a pleb filter.
2 is good but it started adding the more wacky stupid weapons I was never a fan of, like the combo stuff. Never liked and the design feels less focused. The new map is bigger but feels less interesting. I'd rather have all the good stuff condensed together than apart for a game like this.
3 is another step backwards, but its still and alright time. Same stuff as 2 just bumped up a bit.
4 is fucking garbage that took 80 steps back and magnifies every problem by 20. No time limit and stupid dumb crazy weapons out the ass and trying too hard to be funny. Shit map and barley any actual interaction with the environment.
1=Kino flawed master piece.
2=sloppier and losing its tone, but still fun
3=same thing, a little worse
4=what a shit load of fuck.
i dont know about you but im trying to score some upskirts of jessie
It was a perfect storm of an inexperienced team, misguided project leads who didn't understand the franchise appeal and a rushed schedule. Rumour has it the game was finished in less than a year.
Pizza and orange juice are your friends. If you kill the clown and take his saws you're set to take on anyone. Don't get shot though. You should probably be near level cap if you want to beat overtime mode. Final boss is a completely unarmed fight and being max level will help you there. MEMORIZE THE UNARMED COMBOS.
>tfw bought DR1, 2, and 3 twice on console and PC
>tfw would buy them again on Switch to play them on the go
Please Capcom just make another already. I love this fucking series.
Meant to include text. The worst part is that it wasn't likely that the game was made bad on purpose. Look up Naru Omori's concept art for Dead Rising 4, because it paints a highly different picture than what the final product offers, especially with cocooned special infected. It's very likely that Dead Rising 4 was the product of focus-testing and starting from scratch mid development.
The worst part is that DR4 has some interesting ideas. By the end there's basically a smart talking zombie you fight against, and they really missed an opportunity to have some Return of the Living Dead smart zombies like so
From my experience, OJ is your best friend in terms of healing items. There's a parking lot near the park area which has a motorcycle and a car, which can be used to grind for cheap kills. Look for magazines, as they can increase certain item durability.
Also in Al Fresca Plaza I believe, in the fountain there's an SMG that has 100 bullets. You can only hold one at a time but it always respawns, its better than pistols.
Also for the Carlito Boss fight on the second day, grab a hockey stick, hide behind a wall, and position yourself just right that you can aim right and shoot him with hockey pucks. The sniper rifle he uses is a genuine bitch on early playthroughs.
I'm really torn on combo weapons. Their components strain inventory slots, which is cool, but they're so overtuned that they sort of invalidate every non-combo weapon. I really like the mundane ones like the car battery + rake, or shotgun + pitchfork, but the game also had some surreal cartoony shit that should never have made it into the game.
I think combo weapons would've been better executed if they were Chuck's method of PP farming rather than his only viable option for zombie killing. Some of them, like Dynameat, are already really effective at that role.
They nerfed normal weapons to make you use them is the issue I've got.
Paradise Plaza has a submachine gun, a katana, 3 mannequin torsoes in the warehouse, infinite orange juice and infinite skateboards. Stock up every time you come back to it. Abuse the fuck out of skateboards when moving between scoops.
Don't be too upset if you miss cases on the second day on your first few playthroughs. Day 2's schedule is incredibly tight at some points.
2x4s, lead pipes, mannequin torsos and submachine gun headshots can all kill a zombie in one hit once you have a couple attack ups. They're really reliable improvised weapons, and they're good to give to survivors. The common hunting knife is better in Frank's hands than all of them, though. Keep an eye out for knife zombies, because that knife can stunlock zombies and kills even cop zombies in 2 swipes. You can spot knife zombies from a mile away because they're always wearing a yellow jacket. The game only has about 30 zombie models.
Once you get good, you can reliably clear all scoops from a fresh save file. It's really fun practicing to get there.
Required listening:
I love how everyone other than Jessie is so fucking ugly. It adds a lot of charm to the game.
Frank is way more likeable than he should be. He has a nasally voice, a weird hunchback, a fucked up walk cycle, gets no respect from anyone but isn’t notably lippy in response. His only notable characteristics are that he says some slightly goofy shit and he’s always taking the initiative. I can’t put my finger on why he’s so memorable.
I case Zero and West still 360 only?
I loved that detail too, everyone had that milktoast trailer trash white people ugliness to them, really captured the feel of being in a midwest middle of nowhere town.
You can play them on Xbox One, but other than that, Xbox exclusive pieces of content, for no good reason.
Exclusivity deal with Microsoft and Capcom thought laziness looked better then saying one remaster would be better then the other two versions.