Ps5 is as strong as gtx 1060 only

Games are almost the same with graphic jump even smaller than ps3 to ps4. No new technology like ray tracing, thats why they are hyping up loading times. Expect sony to hold back next gen with thier gimped console for 500$

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Consoles have been behind with no SSD's for fucking years, that's what makes it fast. A good graphics card is what makes it strong.

Speed =/= power, tard

The nature of polygons means that graphical jumps are inversely proportional to technology. I think at this point, there is honestly no need for graphical jumps. Past 1080p and 60fps, there's pretty much nothing that a naked eye can further distinguish. Pushing past that is only for spec bragging and has virtually no visible difference.

Instead technology should focus on expanding AI's, processing speed, making games internally bigger and with more depth, rather than just more graphics.

Attached: Well+it+works+like+this+every+new+console+or+pc+_dffedf293ccbe223a8cd3967454c0dad.png (549x275, 78K)

Imagine being blind.

Kinda like now microsoft did with their $500 spybot with 30% less power and 3x the size?

That's not bad. I have a 1060 in my PC and it runs every game I want on high or ultra.

Not an argument.

It does, in 1080p at least

Theres more to grqphics than the number of polygons. Shading and lighting matters alot. Until games look as good as movie cgi.

That image is wrong. It's using subdiv on a base model that doesn't need increased polygons. Most games are already heavily optimized insofar as polygon count is concerned. Texture resolution and shader accuracy are what is increasingly costly these days. That and the engines are swamped by code that's been restructured a dozen times over the last two decades a la Bethesda's Creation Engine. Source likewise is built off of the HL engine which was built off of Quake, which was ground up. Unreal was ground up in like 1996.

Go into your settings in your favorite game and turn shadows to low and boot AA, you're talking huge gains. Take of whatever method of AO it uses. Reduce texture resolution, etc. Polygons are cheap as fuck these days. A lot of the geometric detail isn't even actual 3D but normal maps.

Bethesda is an outlier because most companies either use latest inhouse built engines or latest version of third party ones like UE4. Very few people use engines that are 20 years old for modern AAA games.

also keep in mind that beyond 1080p, there's probably a very minute noticeable increase in resolution, and at the current stage most games already achieve 1080p, next gen it will easily be all games.

I honestly don't see why devs should wear themselves out to achieve minute increases in graphics quality at astronomic costs, when detailed focus on gameplay, music, sound, story, can achieve an infinitely better game at a fraction of the cost.

I'd be more hyped if they could actually deliver 60+ fps than if they improved the graphics even further. I mean we already have people at rockstar that have to model the tiniest shit on revolvers, I don't care how much better it gets if it still runs like ass.


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Xbox One X is already stronger than the GTX 1060 and it is based on a 2011 architecture

I don't disagree, but that's not how textures work. You don't need to put microscopic levels of detail into a sword, no, but a 4096^2 landscape texture is far more versatile than a 512^2 texture. Likewise you can increase the level of details within it too, since you'll most likely be using an engine with PBR workflow embedded.

Creation engine is only an outlier in Beth's poor upkeep of it, but most licensed engines are incrementally built and have loose wire hanging about every so often, or outmoded hacks, antiquated methodologies and require modernized feature integration.

That'd probably be more dependent on the PS5 having a good CPU for 60fps open world games

A fucking 1060

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Who's even going to buy a PS5 when you can just wait for the PS5+? The decision to release "powered up" consoles has completely and totally obliterated their chance of a successful console launch, only the most idiotic, impatient retards on the globe would buy a release console now.
It's pure greed, literally "make you pay for the same thing twice." Trying to compete with PCs over graphical fidelity is complete and utter insanity, it's a contest you can't win because consoles aren't modular.

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So what is the source on this?

RDR2, Uncharted 4, HZD, most likely the upcoming Death Stranding and even Days Gone looks better than anything on PC at the moment. The best looking PC titles are Far Cry 5 and Assasin's Creed.
Obviously PC would win but so far no one willing to invest into writing a game that actually uses its potential.

there is no source, just shitposting. See

>looks better than anything on PC at the moment.
Yeah it's amazing what you can squeeze out of hardware when you're willing to settle for sub-24fps framerates with ridiculous loading times out the ass.

You are obviously being butthurt and biased. All of the listed games run stable with no problems, I played them all.
Loading times are thanks to the slow 2.5" HDD and the slow bandwidth. Sony's goal is to improve this, a minute ago you were shitting on it and now you are complaining about current gen loading times? make up your mind for fucks sake

>he doesn't want actual mesh displacement instead of baked light information
what's wrong with your retard

Problem with PC is no one is willing to make games for it anymore because everyone just pirates it, and it's not worth the extra time/money/effort to optimally optimise a port for PC, when you can instead focus on building a game specifically for PS4 that will sell like crazy anyway.

Compare MGSV sales on ps4 to those of pc and you'll see what I mean.

Not the same user, you presumptuous cock-slurping faggot.
And tell me if you played on a PS4 or a PS4+, because RDR2 and HZD were both unbearable on a vanilla PS4. Sekiro had miserable, embarrassing stuttering and load times, as did DMC5 and neither of these games have this issue on PC.

If you optimize for the specific capabilities of a console than you can pull off things that are far beyond what you would expect the console to do. TLOU2 is running on a console with the equivalent of a gtx 560TI.

Attached: tlou2.jpg (3840x2160, 2.47M)

Fuck off back to Twitter, Blue Nugroho.

Christ you're asshurt

>hurf durf butthurt xD
How much is Sony paying you?

Sony is done next Gen
Not even on life support, just done

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Microsoft and Nintendo are too incompetent snoy Will be suscefull again

>No new technology like ray tracing, thats why they are hyping up loading times
you say this as if shorter loading times was a bad thing

Too complex. Let's focus in riveting stories and cinematic sequences instead.

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Thats just demo. Full game will dowgraded like every naughty dog game. Also those games priorities are on graphics and presentation. Giving the game bad ai, game desing, interactivity and gameplay

What's wrong with a 1060? It's perfectly fine for me at least.

wait till you see all those Xbox Studios games

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>Expect sony to hold back next gen
How are they holding back next gen? They've skyrocketed. Same with Microsoft doing that with online gaming.
The only one holding back "nex gen" has been Nintendo and no one gives a flying fuck if they are.
As a consumer and a gamer I give 2 fucks about the games coming out and the content they offer not their fucking graphics.
The only one that gives two fucks about graphics are leftists because they can't get past the tutorial stage of any game. So fuck off.
>hyping loading times
There's a reason why catridge/HDD/SDD are superior to disc but physical is still better than digital.
I always expect a give-take scenario. Haven't bothered watching the PS5 presentation because no matter what Sony does Microsoft fucks up and Nintendo is doing its own shit.

>wait till you see all those Xbox Studios games
You mean like how Microsoft has basically killed Halo, KI, Banjo Kazooie, and anything they acquire because they don't give two flying fucks about the software they just care about the $$$? The same $$$ they aren't seeing because they are too fucking short sighted to give up their golden opportunity not once but twice? The only one in the way out is Microsoft based on never being 1st.

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Microsoft and Nintendo are going to be ripping that Sony anus a new one.

>Microsoft and Nintendo are going to be ripping that Sony anus a new one.
Sony can do it better themselves simply by moving their HQ to Cali then supporting censorship.
Nothing Microsoft or Nintendo can do now can top that. Even with that they can't beat Sony.
Sony has handicapped themselves hard to try and make it a level playing field but it never will be.
While Nintendo does their own thing with "kiddie" games which I prefer. Microsoft on the other hand is fucking lost and doesn't even know what it is trying to sell outside "we better than Sony" and offer nothing after that statement.

>It's this delusional, leeching Xnigger again

>I don't care how much better it gets if it still runs like ass.
The general public does though. The entire reason why they target 30 with the best graphics is because that's what the general public wants and likes. As long as the game isn't dropping frames/screen tearing constantly they don't care, Insomniac even mentioned there was no notable difference from review scores or people when they switched from 60 to 30 and it took them way less work because they didn't have to optimize everything.

must be great being this retarded

>consolefags unironically think this

I can't wait for next gen to be Sony's last.

>basically killed Halo, KI
Halo was alive until 343, and may be revived with Infinite
Killer Instinct was well received and is likely getting a sequel

Phil may prove himself from E3 onward that Xbox is in better hands

Hilarious if true, that'd make only 23% faster than ps4pro cuz it's using rx 470

Xbox lost its identity with the Mattrick fiasco of trying to be a media platform
Phil may make it about awesome, unique, quirky games again like from the very beginning

Halo never died, the only time it almost died was from 2009-2010, Halo 3 is what mainly kept it alive until Halo 4.

We're getting Halo Infinite and Killer Instinct 2. We may even get Banjo or Conker.

>Sony gymping the industry
>not the like 80% of pc players who are using even worse hardware than a 1060
Come on user, graphics have stalled anyway and what should be improved is load times and fps


>I can't wait for next gen to be Sony's last.
Just like last gen and the gen before?
What does that do for me as a consumer? You know being a brand loyalty sellout? I'll tell you, absolutely nothing.
While subjective Xbox isn't really doing anything stellar with the IPs they have acquired and the only thing that's noteworthy is how the employees just straight up leave and make their own new studio instead.
>Xbox lost its identity with the Mattrick fiasco of trying to be a media platform
Well it tried to be a Sony system that wasn't small. With it's "I'm making Microsoft waste money making Sony not have 3rd party exclusives" Surprised no one stopped that idea the moment it was blurted. I mean sure they probably tried the whole "we do what nintendon't" but SEGA wasn't trying to imitate Nintendo.

>Said the seething Xcuck for the 193rd time over ten years

>We're getting Halo Infinite and Killer Instinct 2.
Seeing how KI turned out I ain't getting my hopes up.
>We may even get Banjo or Conker.
I ain't waiting for them either. Been 14 years since the last conker game and 19 for banjo.

you keep talking about the present when everyone is focused on the future that is just two weeks away from beginning

>everyone is focused on the future
An unrealistic one at that.
If you want me to practice escapism at least make it appealing.

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good, graphicfags deserve the rope anyways

I'm not even brand loyal like you are, Sony is the worst of the big three.

>being Snoy tranny

>not liking the Killer Instinct reboot
Kill yourself

>VRR becomes standard in TVs to the point where consoles can rely on it
>console games start targeting 24-27 FPS to squeeze more out of their rendering budget
>"It's ok, the general public doesn't mind it"

>Shilling Filler Shitstink
>Projecting your gender disorder

Fuck off back to /r/XboxOne.

>'m not even brand loyal like you are
Really what brand I'm a loyal too?

You're mad because you'll never get it.

Snoy, bitch boy.

>pls sony make better console so we can justify our 2500$ computer.

ps4 is still selling. why dont they just wait 2 more years?

>never get it
>Literally F2P on Steam

C'mon retard.

>Snoy tranny acting like he has a powerful PC again

>Implying Filler Shitstink needs a monster rig