>new cod will have controversial campaign
lemme guess you play as a straight white male lololololol
ok but seriously though, what do you think it’ll be anons? my guess is it’s just another shoot crowd of people gimmick.
>new cod will have controversial campaign
lemme guess you play as a straight white male lololololol
ok but seriously though, what do you think it’ll be anons? my guess is it’s just another shoot crowd of people gimmick.
Other urls found in this thread:
the final boss is having sex
Ebil drumpf starts ww4 or some shit.
>yfw modern warfare is being a cop and you have to stop a school shooter
>It's a "No Russian" kind of mission and you ARE the shooter
>Call of Duty: Modern WarFour
>my guess is it’s just another shoot crowd of people gimmick.
It will not just shoot the crowd, but probably shoot a specific type of crowd, like protesters or something like that
>slo mo
>you're wounded
>child soldier is going for gun to kill you
>pull trigger
>capt price's son picks you up
>"you did what you had to do"
>"it was you or him"
>"c'mon let's get you patched up
This is not a fucking joke
>it's a mission that takes place in Las Vegas
>you're told you've set up camp for a few days now
>it's about a deal on guns
>you check the mirror in your hotel room
>you're Paddock
I believe it will be good and controversial.
>>new cod will have controversial campaign
American Civil War 2 with you playing as the liberal freedom fighters and both Trump and Richard Spencer are the main antagonists.
shooting children in the face because they are walking bombs
Possibly USA civil war with good leftards against literally-hitler evil cheetomen with Drumpftard dictator included.
In the off chance they might do a play on the current geopolitical situations in Crimea and Syria, even involve China in some way.
Either way it won't be good because it'll be built for consoles, have a cash-shop, and most importantly nobody asked for it.
>No russian was super controversial and gave us a lot of attention
>do it again I dont care how
An extension of No Russian, but instead of some Russian Ultranationalists, it's a fringe socialist anarchist group in the US after the nation's infrastructure went to shit during MW2/MW3. A false flag of US troops attacking their own citizens gets spread around and a "civil war" breaks out with several nations joining "The People" and others backing up the US Army. Your CIA character goes undercover in this Antifa-like group, to maintain his cover, he has to knock over helpless innocent trash cans and throw milkshakes at people who are engaging in wrongthink.
milkshake granade when?
the controversy is that they'll turn out to be the good guys
Does he grow attached to his new buddies and rethink his life values? Tropes y'know.
>final objective is to bomb a s*ylent factory
how i hope it will be controversial :
>isis campaign, crazy missions in syria
how it will probably be controversial :
>some sjw bs that takes place in usa in not so distance future with a civil war, boooring
How will it be controversial? There was already a CoD where you played as a private military contractor that would "fix" conflicts it secretely created and ended up taking over the world before you go rogue and shut it down.
Unless they specifically make you play as a terrorist for half the campaign, I don't see how it will be controversial.
Infinity War was too good.
Better be this
I doubt they'd do an entire campaign but I could see something like No Russian from MW2 again.
Controversial for people that think cod campaigns are good
So some kid will get shot or something
So I guess MW's story legacy is now just how edgy of a scene they can come up with?
Judging by the name, is it a sequel or a reboot?
You'll play a mission as the army taking out an american militia with a heavy "muh tanks and drones"-vibe.
MW was already pretty "edgy", have people seriously forgotten the campaign mission of just walking around the airport and gunning down civilians?
You pathetic ass 90's babies are STILL talking about call of fucking duty in 2019? Hahaha when the fuck are you shitheads going to move on from this retarded shit? Fucking sad kiddos, real fucking sad.
CoD was always controversial. It's what made it good.
All out war with China
Truth is...the game was rigged from the start
Being controversial for the sake of shock value doesn't make it good it just makes you a slut
this is a zoomer board, faggot. get out
Not him, but it wasn't just shock value. BO1 took every single 60 year old boomer conspiracy from the GodLikeProductions forums and made it into a 5 hour campaign.
I hope some middle east shit, back then it was in every games but now i kinda miss it.
Apparently CoD #'s are down and they need controversy to get back in the spotlight
Would be more balsy than MGSV kek
Nothing was controversial about CoD games until MW2
I am the only user waiting for this game? like, i kinda miss the good COD days, it weren't some deep games but it sure were some fun ones.
dude don't joke about that milkshake stuff
it's literally terrorism against the right wing who have done nothing wrong
Seriously, user. Poor taste. They're attacking us and you're joking about it on Yea Forums.
The delusions of right wing pkuks
I buy cod every year irregardless. It lasts me a lot longer than most 60 dollar games. Im hoping this one is decent, because 2020 cod seems like its gonna be bad.
Mw3 tried to have a controversial scene by killing a child in a big smokey explosion and everyone forgot about it since it was just a bomb and the her model despawning. What if it's just as forgettable as that?
Yes everyone has realized cod is shit
I do not remember this.
There was also the eiffle tower falling over. I remember this scene being hyped up prior to the release.
The original CODs had an air of presenting war without glory. Fights were often a slog, everyone was miserable, you were constantly surrounded by allies just as frail as you and quite a number of times you had to retreat - there was no way in hell you could supersoldier your way through alone.
Even in COD1's SAS missions where you are a more elite solo/small team, shit is constantly fucking up for you, and Price dies unceremoniously on the boat. COD1, COD2, COD4 all had numerous scenes where you were fucked. Either it was a Pyrrhic victory in a last stand before the cavalry arrives, or you futilely walking through a nuclear fallout before dying after a minute.
The very game mechanics are designed that way too, as enemy accuracy instantly goes up to 100% and is programmed to kill you in about three seconds if your whole body is exposed and not partially/mostly concealed behind cover. You can't run and gun at all in most cases.
MW2 was the only one that bordered on "controversial" with No Russian, but that was a not-unrealistic event. False flags and terrorist attacks on civilians is common and utterly despicable fringe elements of inciting conflict. Another example of the consequences of war not being a fun fucking time.
Then Treyarch comes into the picture after COD4 with WaW and Blops, their games are gung-ho special agent NUMBERS MASON shit and you were often alone or with a small squad of elite badasses who plow through everything.
The MW3 "little girl in front of an explosion" was a joke in comparison to the actual original IW games. It makes sense when the original IW team bailed early on in development, with Treyarch and Neversoft making the rest of it.