Is this what Morrowind looked like at the time, at its best?

Just out of curiosity I decided to play Morrowind on Steam, vanilla, at its highest resolution offer (1024 x 768). And it looks like this, really blurry. is this really the best it could look at the time, even on really high end PCs?

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I don't get your point. old games look bad.

You think the blurriness is the worst thing? What about the fog tha makes you can't see shit farther than 10 meters from your face?
It's a very old game user, keep in mind it was made to run in the original xbox

Im not criticizing, Im just curious

You should see the Xbox version looks worse and runs like complete ass but yes. Morrowind was never a massive visual spectacle but large open environments of that scale were not common at the time. Also you should just play with OpenMW upgrades the visuals a bit, supports modern resolutions, and fixes a fuck ton of bugs.

That's really what it looked like, and believe it or not the game was praised for it's graphics on release. It wasn't called the Crysis of it's time or anything but I do remember how many good things were said about the water graphics especially.

TES was always graphically behind and always will be. At least in Morrowind you can argue aesthetic over graphics, ignoring the character models and textures.

uhh... yes?

think back to 2001. grand theft Auto 3, final fantasy 10, silent hill 2.

you couldnt drag the viewslider all the way out or shit would LAG. oh, and you're probably playing with an SSD that has instant load times. Back in the day it took quite a while to load between transitions. It added to the suspense, in a way...

though to be fair, by 2004 or 2005 there were HD texture packs available for modders

I don't think it was the quality of the graphics but more the art style and aesthetic of the game, it was really cool and alien looking.

Check the water user.

playing this for the first time. Its pretty fun

When I played Morrowind again last year for the first time in over a decade the lack of fog was so fucking weird. Felt like a whole different game, everything seemed so small and close together.

The load times on the xbox version are the worst I've ever encountered. Even saving took like 30 seconds.

Fog makes it better desu. Without it you can see how the game forces you into corridors and stuff and makes it feel less real

Pretty sure that release can't even do 1920x1080. It's a pain in the ass. Unless you're still rocking a low-res CRT it's going to look like a bag of ass. I would heavily recommend the visual patches. Leave everything else alone. Nobody but the most delusional asshole is going to tell you to keep it as-is.

>experience it vanilla for the first time
No, you fuck off. I would never reason that a new player should deal with that shit. It's like, a 1.1 gig patch to the fucking game and makes it not look like you're staring through a fucking midget's asshole and allows you to improve the resolution. It's very stable that way anyways and stop being a fucking goober.


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They fixed this on the Xbone, still slower than PC but nowhere near as bad as back in the day. Plus the update upgrades it to the GOTY edition for free.

Bethesda have never had good looking games.
At least in that regard they remained consistent over the years.

Pmuch, but atleast there was always a healthy modding scene for this game. You should see the console version of this game, it has area loading screens up the arse too

It looks better than current games, which are grainy and visually inconsistent. Games around the turn of the millennium had a near-perfect signal to noise ratio, in that every polygon and texel served to increase the richness of the experience, and it was thrilling to imagine consistent upgrades in fidelity.
Post-6th gen titles are like playing disappointment, graphics-wise; we have grainy billboards for foliage and dense 3D grass is still conspicuously absent.

Attached: skyrm_standard_21ykhz.png (1920x1080, 3.33M)

here's steam version in 1920 x 1080. had to modify the registry

Attached: 20190524222125_1.jpg (1920x1080, 320K)

No, it isn't the best it could look at the time because you can very easily up the resolution beyond what the menus offer by simply opening a cfg file and typing your prefered resolution in.

That image looks worse than the PS3 version I picked up from a pawn shop for $1.50. Don't be fucking around right now. Trolling got old some time ago when access to information wasn't so easy. That looks like it's run with integrated graphics and honestly, I'm almost certain it is. Like the really bad kind that's meant to run on University computers or some shit.

No, you've probably just never seen it without the optional HD textures.

>You should see the Xbox version looks worse and runs like complete ass
Whoa whoa whoa there son, Toddo wants to know what the fuck you think you're talking about

Attached: Todd says Xbox is best.jpg (1472x901, 323K)

>looks worse than the PS3 version
As someone who still plays the PS3 version from time to time, you are very wrong. The better resolution alone makes it way better. PS3 Skyrim is one ugly piece of shit.

vanilla actually looks surprisingly good in modern resolution

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Todd was lying even back then

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I genuinely have never played a console game with as many bugs and issues as Morrowind on xbox. Quite impressive in a way.

>I garuantee

seems legit

I think the only time I ever had a game actually crash on a console was playing Oblivion. Just completely froze and I had to turn off the 360.

It can't be that bad. I went and looked at vanilla Oblivion and that actually looks worse. I don't have Skyrim installed right now (no desire to do so) but that for sure looks worse than the PS3 release, which is just complete trash. They have to be using some deceptive filters on consoles for it to look so, so much better than that. Show me another image.

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It was both. The animations and character models were panned as they should be, but reviews actually talked about how good the graphics were. I used to have old reviews bookmarked because I'm a nostalgiafag but they've been deleted unfortunately.

It didn't look too bad on a CRT and there were already mods for visages, armours, weapons and fanmade bug fixes like 2 years after it's release.

>break myself on Morrowind for Xbox
>in every game since I obsessively close doors behind me, don't drop items on the ground, and dispose of every possible item that might bloat a save file

My Berne vampire Bosmer with a Hlaalu Stronghold full of proudly displayed loot literally became unplayable on Xbox due to save file corruption. RIP Glorfindel

I managed to complete it before I got a real PC with what I think (remembering back) was the last release of the ATI Rage series. Fucking glorious by comparison but I still have some affection for the xbox version.

If you beat the main quest on xbox, you get a serious badge of honor I tell you.


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dumb question but did anyone have 1920 x 1080 back then? because vanilla still looks pretty damn good

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Sony Wega 1080p CRT

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I used to play it with all the autosave options turned off because it took so fucking long, that combined with the dense fog everywhere, absurdly dark lighting and no health bars made it almost like a survival horror.

The best I could get on crt back then was 1280x1024 on a 4:3 19".

I had a frankensteined emachine PC and I really don't remember what resolution I ran it on. I used to get those "family PCs" that actually had good boards and processors and dropped more ram and a good GPU into them. Last time I did that was with a core 2 that was fucked to all hell with a gtx 260 that barely fit and a 500w power supply that had extra crap running all over the place. I realized how unbelievably absurd it was and gutted it for the useful components and started doing the whole motherboard/GPU thing myself.

I wish I had an image of my power supply cords just pissing around the box and the airflow being seriously fucked. Surprisingly, it ran Crysis Warhead and other crap pretty damn well.

I got so talented at making shit do what it wasn't supposed to that it made me way better at streamlining when I started using competent parts. God I wish I had that image. The internals and fans were so goddamn funny. I had things hog-tied to the ceiling of the tower just to get decent airflow.

I was very stubborn and just loved making things do what they weren't meant to.

Don't forget animations

>liked Arena more than DF
But why? Arena is the only mainline TES I've never played. Am I missing out?

It's charming, I got it for free and I could see myself having completed it back in the day. I'm turning 30 but I got into PC gaming only during the Playstation 2 era.

Tell me more. I like DF's sandboxy gameplay a bit more than the handcrafted stuff in Morrowind+. What's it play like?

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I don't even remember it looking that good. But it doesnt matter what games look like user. Dont be a fag

anyone else think morrowind actually has cooler lighting effects than modern games? some of the lighting, especially in the telvanni areas or strongholds, just looks so dramatic.

>Early afternoon
>Walking around this area
>Netch sound effects here and there, YOU N'WAH in the distance
>Pleasing music just walking around

Morrowind may be dated as all fuck, but damn if it didn't make me happy that there wasn't fast travel.

Morrowind looked fucking amazing when it was new and yes that's what amazing looked like.

Dungeon crawler I guess, sorta like ultima underworld. Daggerfall is bigger but for the most part arena is pretty similiar. There's both hand-crafted and randomized areas also.

Alright, thanks. I guess it's going on the list.

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It came out in 2003.
You realize that was after MGS2, Kingdom Hearts, and other vastly better looking games

honestly, it still looks pretty good. i can still walk around vivec and be awed

The game is free, mine is on GoG but I believe it's abandonware and you can check it out basically on any abandonware website. 8 million kilometers of terrain! Woah. Just hope you won't be disappointed since you already played the superior Daggerfall.

other games didn't even have seamless animated models yet, it was on par visually especially for its scale

Should be free on Bethesda's site somewhere.

Probably, but if Daggerfall is any indication, it's probably better to get a pre-patched fan version somewhere.

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Pretty sure I played everything at 1024x768 for the sweet 85Hz. My CRT couldn't do 85Hz at 1280x1024 so I never used it, I had my priorities. Pretty sure 1280x1024 was the standard until 1440x900/1680x1050 came along. Very rarely I'd see somebody take a screenshot at 1600x1200, but it was really rare.

Any game pre-Doom 3 and Escape From Butcher Bay didn't matter really. Hell I was extremely impressed by KOTOR just because the grass moved when you walked through it and the metallic armor had a nice looking reflection.

It has more atmospheric lighting. Next time you play it, pay very close attention to the color of the lighting. It's one big mood lighter. It's something that's rather hard to do in a modern video game, but not impossible. Thing is? People don't even try these days. Morrowind did mood lighting, which was really big in the late nineties, and the devs were into it.

Hell, look at films...even romantic comedies back then. You'll notice a LOT more lights in places where they don't seem to belong. Lights set the mood in the 80's and 90's and even the 70's.

It's a philosophy that artists used to follow in the past. Now it's all about "realism" and what's happening in the "current world." Even though we clearly want escapism, they want to drag us back into THEIR LIVES. Not just our real lives, but theirs.

People have become so arrogant, pathetic and self-involved that they don't want to give people an enjoyable, escapist experience. They want to remind you have how miserable THEIR life is, or what issue THEY are having in THEIR life.

This planet needs an alien invasion, a fucking nuke, or a time reverberation. I don't give a shit. Just anything to stop the insanity. I'll trade one for another even.

>And it looks like this, really blurry. is this really the best it could look at the time, even on really high end PCs?
Nah, the really high end PCs with GeForce 3/4 would run it with anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering through the drivers, which reduces blurriness of textures viewed at sharp angles drastically. 1024x768 definitely wasn't the highest resolution it offered either. Morrowind itself supports any resolution out of the box and always has - it will offer any 4:3 resolution supported by your monitor with no upper limit from the launcher's dropdown, and for other aspect ratios you could set it manually in the registry. Laptop users would use that trick to run it at their widescreen resolutions, although they lost some vertical FOV by doing so. Those with the highest end gaming setups in 2002 would have typically played at 1600x1200, which was one of the options the launcher would provide without needing to touch the registry. Pic related is how your shot would have looked "at its best" on release.

It got a hell of a lot of praise for its graphics back then. I think a big part of it was people were just impressed at such a fully realized 3D world of its size, especially with all the clutter, architecture, and all the character equipment showing on the player and NPCs. The biggest "wow" factor was the pixel shaded water and the sky/weather effects. The textures themselves were of varying quality and the player and NPC animations were pretty terrible by any standard. But then you forgot all about that when you saw the gorgeous night sky during clear whether when both moons happened to be full, or just visiting some of the cities for the first time. Your first ashstorm in Ald'ruhn can be so fucking dramatic, at least until you learn it barely does anything gameplay-wise (as far as I know it just makes things move faster/slower when moving with or against the wind, instead of actually carrying blight diseases like some NPCs claimed it did)

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On the 90s internet, we weren't typo obsessed fags

And things like auto-spellcheckers weren't as readily available.

It is legit, Todd wasn't great at spelling back then. You can still find it in the usenet archives.

>not creating hard copies, and downloading the site, and offloading all of that onto physical storage and a copy in the cloud
you fucking casual