I don't get it, why is HL2 rated so high? It feels like its story is just there as an excuse to shoot things with subpar shooting mechanics, its like a discount Doom
I don't get it, why is HL2 rated so high...
DOOM is garbage, can't even aim up or jump
HL2 feels like it wants to be Doom but without the cool hell stuff and a tacked on semi alright plot
you should kill yourself you bad taste piece of garbage
Playing a bullet sponge version of doom sounds like bad taste to me
how about not being a 40 year old boomer on Yea Forums and hurry up 6 feet under
HL2 was a great step forward in gaming. The game's physics is still one of the best itoday, imagine in 2004.
I remember playing the Ravenholm demo and being blown away by amount of freedom the game gave you. That's also one the reasons why Garry's mod got so popular.
Lingering hype. People wanted it to be good so much that they believed that it was, despite it being shit.
play MMod
I don't get why you bother to make such a weak bait, you pathetic fuckup, go beg for attention somewhere else.
Its not a boomer opinion to think a game having poor gunplay and a bad story makes it bad
Yeah but none of that matters right now, everyone hypes it like crazy as if it holds up extremely well. It was good for its time technically, but it still feel sluggish and bullet spongey as hell
No bait here friend, I genuinely don't get why HL2 is so overhyped. Its not awful, but it certainly hasn't held up as well as people make it out
If you were old enough to play it when it dropped, you would know you little faggot. HL2 was revolutionary. The e3 video. The gravity gun to move the camera to face gman, the face animations, the pachinko machine, the watermelon, the mattress, the water shader. It was all unbelievable at the time. All these moments will be lost in time. Time to die.
Yeah but I am talking about now though, not back then lmao
play MMod.
HL2 was the last FPS with soul. Search your heart, you know it to be true.
I still don't get it, even by fixing the gunplay, its still basically just a bullet spongey shooter with some weird physics puzzles and bizarre pacing
It just cannot be said, that title belongs to Halo Reach old buddy old pal
Define bulletspongey
As in the enemies take bullets like a sponge
It's true that enemies are bullet sponges if you're not using the combine rifle, revolver or shotgun, but there's 10 years worth of mods to fix that.
I am talking the base game friendo
Lower the difficulty? It also dumbs enemy AI down, sounds perfect for you
Halo is a huge joke and might as well be a COD game in terms of story.
Yeah but the AI being stupid sounds boring, its just shooting an NPC that doesn't react or flinch when being hit by bullets is also boring
I mean, the newer Halo games suck ass but the old ones are *siiiiip* pretty good :^)
use the gravity gun to shoot shit into cunts, jesus christ cunt the whole reason why the game was so well received is because of the physics system that was revolutionary at the time.
>literally kill metro cops with starting pistol in 1-2 shots to the head, 3-4 for soldiers
But I mean, its still hyped like crazy now though is my point. It feels like its overhyped like mad, the story isn't that good and its gunplay is hardly anything to get super excited about. I get the physics engine was a huge deal back then, but Havok isn't that exciting to me anymore
Its the fact that they don't react to bullets that I think makes it feel so spongey, they just kinda ignore them and keep shooting without really reacting. It feels off, very robotic
Killing cyborg soldiers with toilets and exploding barrels will never get old
> The OTA are literal cyborgs immune to pain
It still looks really strange regardless of being cyborgs that are immune to pain
Kind of makes sense that Combine Soldiers are a bit bulletspongey considering they're covered in kevlar from head to toe and are basically cyborgs
but unironically?
I mean, that doesn't change the fact that it feels weird to just shoot them and have them act as if you aren't shooting them
Doom isn't garbage, but I don't care too much for Doom. Nobody pretends Doom is anything that it isn't though, Half Life 2 it feels like people do, I just don't think it holds up as well as people make it out
Well mate, if you had any social interaction with old people you would know a lot of dumb cunts always hype old shit "back in my day it was better" even though it was objectively worse in almost every way.
Also compare it to doom3 if you want a more fare example
>runs well on most computers at the time
>amazing physics
>unique puzzles
>32 player games
>good modding support with SDK kit
>was a sequel to the most popular game and modding community at the time.
>run like absolute shit because of the lighting on most machines
>barely any physics
>small areas
>4 player multiplayer
None of this shit matters anymore because all games have advanced since then, a lot of people cant stand not saving ADS and random quality of life changes.
I am glad I am not the only one who thinks that people just overhype for the sake of it being revolutionary when it was released atleast, I dunno. Its not a bad game, but it has a lot of clunky mechanics and quirks by today's standards, I just don't think everyone should pretend like its still 2004 and that this is still the pinnacle of what every game should be
Half-Life 2 aged like milk. The physics gimmick was amazing for its day but now its nothing special. I tried it recently, got to the beach before the prison and couldn't take it anymore. Shit guns, shit settings and shit map design. Breen is still an interesting character though.
Just hurry, he's right behind me!
Oh shit.
Both are trash
Doom 3 also aged really fucking badly graphics-wise compared to Half-Life 2.
Also, I think OP is suffering from the Seinfeld is unfunny effect.
>Story is about the enslavement of earth by a Multiversal Empire with unknown intentions. "The Story is Subpar!"
Your the kind of person who likes recycled COD storylines...
How was it shit exactly? The only valid complaints are that the Violence has been toned down, and some features/weapons were stripped. Everything else was an improvement on HL1...
Transhuman and Synth Forces are supposed to be hard to kill. Even then headshots (on Transhumans) and the right kind of weapons kill with relative ease... (So you do not like a challenge? You just want a Call of Duty powerfantasy?)
> Maps have different themes, and have plenty of suprise supplies, ambushes, and eastereggs.
Also there are several types of combat you can experaince... I have no idea why you hate it. It is a million times better than most modern fps map design of walking straight and easily gunning down hordes of enemies crappily moving from cover to cover...
As an old boomer. That video when they showed g-mans facial animations and the physics demo with the barrels and mattress and shit was truly one of the most jaw dropping moments I've ever had with gaming. It made your imagination explode with possibilities. You just had to see it at that time to realize the impact. With that said, Half-Life 2 was good when it was released. Today it's just a lukewarm museum for old tech.
The game simply got old. It's good concepts and ideas (except for gravity gun) were recycled and improved in another game. CoDs have better pacing.
Besides, it has the most boring unskippable cutscenes ever. Because immersion.
Because of various technology things they implemented, not for the game being actually good.
Everything it did was copied onwards and improved, so today it's just an okay shooter
Back then it was genuinely groundbreaking
Games do not age
>Discount Doom
The concept of the story isn't the problem, its the execution. It felt like its story was just kind of there for the sake of being there rather than having any kind of importance. Also, its fine to have tough enemies, but not when they feel sluggish to fight rather than engaging and interesting. They basically just duck into cover, come out on occasion,and then hide again. If anything, they feel like CoD enemies with more health than usual at times.
Games do not age, correct, but standards evolve as gimmicks stop being exciting