
Literally Nobody:

Yea Forums: Your favourite game is shit! Your waifu is shit! X company is shitty! X series was never good! Fucking casuals! Fun is a buzzword! X store is shit! *other toxic things*

Lets have a positive thread and talk about things we can all enjoy, starting with tetris. I got to play the original gameboy tetris on a real gameboy recently. I felt like I was holding a piece of history.

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Twitterfag: this shit thread

I'd be up for it if you hadn't started this thread with a shitty normalfag meme

I fucking loved playing through Yume 2kki years ago. There was something about its' genuinely vast scale that made me so entranced, like everywhere, no matter what, had some secret that I didn't find yet (and in some cases, I legitimately didn't).

I wonder what's up with it as of late. Is 2kki still active?

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I understand what you're trying to say but because you chose to present it that way I'm not going to contribute.

>reddit spacing
That's gonna be a big YIKES from me.

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the message is the same

so why does it matter how I said it?

/shit thread

If you don't like my thread you dont really have to comment in it....

Fuck off with your nigger memes, you 14-year-old idiot.

>doing the Nobody: meme on Yea Forums

lets get back on track..

Anyone play katana zero? really cool game. Only problems is that its too easy and too short.

>reddit memes
You gotta go back faggot

If it’s the same why’d you add that pointless shit in the beginning then?

>Twitterfag meme
>reddit spacing
>obvious bait post

must be a Yea Forums thread.

start this thread again tomorrow using only the last paragraph
this thread is doomed since people will see your gay normie meme and come here simply to shit all over everything

>yfw this fucking twitter meme is starting to get used ironically a lot here so eventually people will start using it unironically

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I just thought it would be funny. Just cause you dont like a joke doesnt mean you have to disregard the rest of the post.

Let's say I have something I need to tell you.
Would you rather I:
A) Tell you normally; or
B) Tell you while ripping a big fart in your face?

Attached: if you read this filename your height is now under 5'2.gif (345x237, 1.86M)

Kill yourself for making this thread and speaking the way you do.

please god no
I'd rather another ten years of wojak over that shit becoming standard here

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Depends on whether you're a cute girl or not.

taking a deliberate action to anger someone isnt what I was doing. I just said it the way I thought would be funny. The better comparison would be to tell someone normally vs telling a shitty joke and then telling them. Yeah i guess telling the shitty joke isnt that great, but it wasnt what was important, now was it?

So you would rather take a big fart in your face. Understood.

What the fuck is this horrid unfunny meme I keep seeing newfags post

Sorry but that's not how the world works. Learn to frame your shit properly or no one's gonna care about your message.

>lets get back on track..

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About an hour ago I saw another thread with this exact same formatting and a frog in the OP, willing to bet it was the same dumb nigger.

I keep warning you faggots to ice out people who do this shit but you never listen. Fucking outrage culture.

You know Yea Forums is dead when they unironically use memes from other places.

If Yea Forums was capable of such a thing then we wouldn't be in the shitheap we are today.

Just reply with "lurk moar" you dumbfuck

Unfortunately we're at a point where most of the userbase will just cry about their secret club meme.

Then let them seethe. Every time you spoonfeed a newfag, you're part of the cancer.


how do i delete threads?

Lemme guess
>Final fantasy 7/Zelda OOT
>You never played a third party NES game
>You use fun to describe Zelda/FF7
>You actually defend a store bringing the cancer of exclusive games that was not found previously on PC
>You just came to Yea Forums

Dude you’re on Yea Forums. Of course I want you to tell me while farting in my face.

is this what zoomers consider trolling these days? intentionally using facebook/YT comment section memes?

Twitterfags BEGONE

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>reddit spacing
Listen, kid, I think you'd be more comfortable over at THAT place

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>Yea Forums: Your favourite game is shit! Your waifu is shit! X company is shitty! X series was never good! Fucking casuals! Fun is a buzzword! X store is shit! *other toxic things*
... And your point is?