Let's say a new Jojo game comes out within the next months, wich characters would you like to see as playable?

Let's say a new Jojo game comes out within the next months, wich characters would you like to see as playable?
would you like the game to be a one vs one style fight like in ASB or would you like the arena Styled combat of Eyes of heaven?
Will we even get a new game in the next year?

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An actual good game like HFTF

I haven't played any of them except for Heritage so I'd be down for any sort of Jojo game at this point to be honest, as long as I can be my nigga Joseph.


"This is just a poorly disguised JoJo thread. Go back to Yea Forums."


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I'd like to see a dev actually take a crack at a playable Risotto Nero. The next JoJo game isn't even gonna be a fighting game though so I don't know what to think.

Yea Forums is full of unironic faggots so how about no and OP specifically mentioned video games. What kind of dumbass is anti-JoJo anyway?

By unironic I mean they're actually homosexuals and there are fujoshits and actual white knights of fujoshits nesting on Yea Forums as well. The last place for JoJo threads should be Yea Forums.

arcsys jojo fighter

I want it to play as much as Heritage for the Future as possible
>all 8 JoJos and their JoBros
>Pillar Men
>all the Stardust Crusaders
>The Duwang Gang except for yukako, instead a Reimi Shin Hisako function
>Bucciarati's Gang along with Abacchio
>All 8 villains (Jobin for part 8)
>The Green Dolphin Street Gang including and especially Foo Fighters
>Both Diegos
>Vanilla Ice
>Akira Otoishi
Yeah that's pretty much it

All Star Battle is what the series needs in concept, but holy fuck it is one of the worst games ever how did they make such a piece of shit.

FF, Doppio not just Diovalo, Risotto, Abbacchio, and Ghiaccio

>would you like the game to be a one vs one style fight like in ASB or would you like the arena Styled combat of Eyes of heaven?
Neither. I want a Jojo board game with an attached dungeon crawler like in Danganronpa V3 for maximum fanservice and zero need to cut or remove characters, styles, or content.

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ASB but faster, hate "arena" ones.

>Neither. I want a Jojo board game with an attached dungeon crawler like in Danganronpa V3 for maximum fanservice and zero need to cut or remove characters, styles, or content.
oh god no

Just a fighting game would be all I need. I'd like it to not have nobody's like N'Doul and Mariah just because they were in HftF, and I would also like for more JJL characters, Jobin would be the one I want most, but I imagine they'd be hesitant to put him in a game when the full extent of Speed King's power hasn't been shown yet, but even putting him aside, just having Yasuho or one of the Rock Humans in addition to Josuke and Joshuu would be nice.

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do you think a character select screen like in BT3 would work?
like you choose Polnareff right?, but you can pick if you want the regular one, the Black polnareff with the new sword or the wheelchair one they made posible for a cripple to fight with a horse there's no way they can't make polnareff fight in a wheelchair

That sounds perfect
If we're doing dungeon crawlers I'd prefer it to be like MUA, since that one puts more focus on the fighting without that many "rpg elements"

Focus on only the biggest characters and focus on making an actual good game
None of this 300 literal whos shit, only the main protagonists and antagonists.

Yea Forums is literally the worst board at discussing anything. Worse than Yea Forums.

Actually, I think as far as media goes, from best to worst, its

Yea Forums=/m/>Yea Forums>Yea Forums.

3D like ASB or 2D like HFTF
The bigger question is, who's going to have the license?

fuck me that's a good question
Who would be the best to make a modern 3d fighting game?
As much as i would like a 2d game sadly i dont think any studio will risk their chance with that kind of game

I meant more in 2D plane but it is a shame that that sort of 2D's rare.
Best bet is really another bamco-published dev unless sega gets back into the swing of things or if KT's fine

Remove Rohan from the Roster

But put him in a Gallery mode where he outlines events that took place in the Jojoverse
And also have him give little character profiles of all the characters like he’s turned them into books

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Although a 3D game would be best dealt with by Bamco, a more combo, footsie and projectile based fighter would have to be 2D, ArcSys could very easily land the artstyle but I'm concerned about the gameplay, which capcom would nail but I care about the visuals a lot when it comes to source material stuff, so I'm divided.
The only and worst case scenario would be NRS even SNK would very easily step up to the table.

im afraid im not familiar with their games how bad could it be?

HFTF-ASB like. I didn't like EOH but HFTF-ASB felt aligned with fighting.
Roster would probably be like
Part 1:
-Dio Brando
Part 2
-Possible inclusion of Lisa Lisa(?)
Part 3
Joseph (old)
Vanilla Ice
Hol Horse
(honestly not sure who others, someone else can help me on this since part 3 is the most controversial part for characters)
Part 4
Possible inclusion of Jotaro (part 4)?
Rohan Kishibe
Yoshikage Kira
Kosaku Kawajiri
Akira (probably)
Part 5
Possible inclusion of Doppio
Possible inclusion of Risotto
Part 6
Weather Report
Part 7
Diego Brando
Diego Brando (Alternate Universe)
Funny Valentine
Possible inclusion of Ringo
Part 8
Josuke 8
Yoshikage Kira (possibly) 8

Imagine Tekken but 2D, no sidesteps, same clunky jumping and shitty animations, only huge pro is that they'd make some real daddy Jotaros and Dios

It doesn't really matter because there's zero chance NRS of all companies would be asked to make a JoJo game. Even entertaining the idea of it is absurd, they wouldn't be interested and neither would Bamco.

But Bamco has all the anime IP's, and it's not like Harada just said fuck it and put Noctis and Neegan in the game

I know Bamco has the IP, but why on Earth would Bamco go ask NRS if they wanted to make a JoJo game?

Add stronheim for part 2, maybe hot pants for 7
Maybe jotaro could just have alternate clothes options for the different parts